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Spindle bug - Carvalhoia areacae ,(Miridae : Hemiptera)

Distribution : Serious pest in Kerala, Karnataka and parts of Tamil Nadu
Host plants: pineapple, arecanut, sapota etc.

Egg: Eggs are laid singly between the leaflets of the spindle. The eggs hatch in
9 days.
Nymph: There are five nymphal stages and it is completed in 15-24
days. The light violet brown nymphs have greenish yellow border.

Adult: Adult bugs are brightly color red and black.

Damage symptoms:
Spindle bug - generally noticed in nursery seedlings and
plantation planted young seedlings.
Adults and nymphs of spindle bug live in the innermost two to three leaf axils.

Suck sap from the spindle of leaves .

Necrotic lesions which later on turn into dry brown patches.

In severe infestation the spindle fails, to open.

Natural enemies of Spindle bug:

Predators : Kingcrow, Ground beetles, Wasp, Spider

Management :
Maintain proper drainage in the plantation area.
Digging and forking of the soil before and after the monsoon will help
in eliminating the various developmental stages of the bug.

 Uproot the heavily infested palm and burn it.

Conserve predators such as wasps, green lacewings, earwigs, ground

beetles, rove beetles, spiders, coccinellids, etc .

 Place one or two phorate sachets (0.2g a.i) in the axils of the new leaves
when infestation is very high.

Spray the spindles with lindane 20 EC 2 ml / 1 or carbaryl 50% wP 2.5 g/l. 

3. Root grub , Leucopholis burmeisteri (Melolonthidae : Coleoptera)

Distribution: throughout the coastal areas of karnataka and kerala.

Alternative hosts: arecanut, palmyra palm etc.


Egg: These beetles lay eggs in soil mostly up to 10 cm depth. Eggs hatch
out in about three weeks .

Larva: The grub period with three instars is completed within 7 to 8 months.

Pupa: The pupation is in soil in cocoons of mud. This period lasts about
one month.

Adult: The adult beetle is chestnut brown in color.

Life cycle:

Damage symptoms:

They are voracious feeders on roots. Adult beetles emerge during May-June
few days after receipt of pre-monsoon showers, between 6.30 to 7.30 PM.
The early instar grubs feed on the roots of grasses and other humus. The
second and third instar grubs of these beetles feed on tender and mature
roots of the palm.

In severe cases, the bole of the palm is also eaten up. They feed on roots
of intercrops like banana, cocoa, tapioca, yams etc.

In oilpalm seedlings, the feeding on roots results in dropping and drying of

Palms with few years of infestation show a sickly appearance, with

yellowing of leaves, tapering of stem, and reduction in yield.

Natural enemies of Root grub:

Parasitoids: Scoliids wasp .
Predators: False vampire bats, Garden lizards,Wild boar.
Management :
Fill the seedling bags with the soil free from root grub infestation.

Exposure of grubs by ploughing or digging the soil during pre and post

Collection and destruction of beetles during their emergence from the soil
in the 
evening hours.

 Install light traps @ 1 trap/acre and operate between 6 pm and 10 pm.

Conserve entomopathogenic nematodes such as Heterorhabditis spp.

And Steinernema spp.

Drench the manure pit with carbaryl 0.1 % solution once in

three months.
IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in Oil Palm :
Cultural Methods :

Remove dead palm trunks and empty bunch heaps from the field and
maintain good field sanitation.

Collect and destroy all the various bio stages of the rhinoceros beetle from
the manure pits.

Set up light trap following the first rains in summer and monsoon period
to attract the rhinoceros beetle and red palm weevil.

Keep the mud pots containing toddy, acetic acid, oil palm petioles and yeast
to attract and kill the adult red palm weevil.

Avoid cuts and injuries on oil palm.

Soak castor cake at 1 kg in 5 litres of water in small mud pots
and keep them in the oil palm garden to attract and kill the
adults of rhinoceros beetle.

Biological Methods :
Release exotic predator reduvid bug, Platymeris laevicollis at
6 bugs per palm at regular intervals to reduce the population of
rhinoceros beetle.

Apply entomopathogenic fungus Metarrhiziwn anisopliae @

5 x 10 spores 3 / m at the breeding site of the rhinocerous

Release Oryctes baculovirus inoculated beetles in the oil

palm plantation to minimize the pest incidence.
Chemical Methods :
Place 3-4 naphthalene balls in the youngest spear axils at weekly intervals
to deter the rhinoceros beetle.

Fill the crown and top most three-leaf axils with a mixture of carbaryl 10
D and fine sand (1:2 by volume) once in 3 months.

Drench the manure pit with carbaryl 0.1 % solution once in three
Follow root feeding of monocrotophos at 10ml + 10 ml water for 3 times at
3 weeks interval of time to control red palm weevil.

Place 1 -2 phorate sachets (0.2g ai) in the axils of the new leaves to
minimize the infestation of spindle bug. 
Thank you

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