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Assignment No:


Submitted To:

Sidra Bashir

Submitted By:

Mahmood Ali

Roll No.


Course :

Assessment in Sci. Edu.

Course Code:



Ans: 1

What is Science Communication?

Science Communication is an umbrella term for anything related to sharing science with others.
The traditional methods for communicating science have included the classic PowerPoint
lectures or student poster sessions, but less conventional strategies for engaging diverse
audiences have recently taken the spotlight. Today we are seeing great examples including
videos, stories, images, and citizen science projects, but these methods all require training and
classes to improve.

In a General Ed curriculum, students must take writing classes, which does not build the specific
skills needed for effective Science Communication. As a result, many science faculty want to see
Science Communication courses as requirement for majors. They believe having communication
being taught throughout the department might help those who teach Science Communication. As
a result, instead of being able to dedicate time to teaching science, they must focus on science
communication skills which they are not really trained to teach.

The importance of science communication

Communicating about science, online and ‘out there’ in world, and in doing so lifting the
visibility of the science community is vital. Arguably now, more than ever. However, most of the
time we tend to limit our conversations to other scientists, academics, and corporates. Yet it’s
bridging the gap between the ‘science world’ and the general, non-scientist public that’s crucial.

The role of social media

Social media is a powerful tool. Most of us will use different social media platforms on a daily
basis, both professionally and personally, and we can leverage these platforms to talk more about
science. For example, we can write blog posts, or post about our experiments by sharing pictures
and explaining them in layman’s terms. By “layman’s terms”, I mean non-scientific language
that’s accessible to a wider audience. That’s how we can enable non-scientists to understand
more about our research and work.

For example, doing an immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a simple task for a life scientist, but
explaining the principle behind it is important for non-scientists. Answering the “why” and
“how” in simple terms is one of the best ways to spread awareness of what we’re doing in the lab
to lots of different people.

We need to talk about money

Apart from the practicalities of what we do, and why it’s important, science communication also
helps spread awareness about how scientists use funding, and what happens to taxpayers’ money
in the ‘world of science’.

When I post about experiments, I tend to discuss the budget involved in doing a single
experiment. I can then use this to inform discussions around why scientists need more money. To
continue the example above, doing an IHC involves use of antibodies and they are quite
expensive. Therefore, it’s important to explain why we need to use antibodies, and how much
expense a single experiment or process can incur.

Your personal profile matters

Getting involved in science communication is also important for boosting your career as a
scientist, or science student. It’s important to not only build your presence on various social
platforms, but also in the real world.

I would highly encourage everyone to make the effort to regularly attend conferences, seminars,
and workshops. Here, you can collaborate and engage with other scientists, professors,
corporates, and science communicators. This will not only give you more confidence in your
ability to communicate, but will help you build great networking skills. This practice will
definitely open up a lot of career opportunities too.
Communicating with vendors

Lastly, I want to talk about the importance of having discussions with vendors at conferences, or
the vendors who visit your lab. Recently, I was struggling with an experiment when a vendor
sales executive showed up. We had a lengthy discussion about the protocol that I was using, and
I figured out that I was adding something that my cells didn’t like. In my next set of experiments,
I omitted that particular reagent and voila, my cells were more than happy.

When you talk to the vendors about facing difficulties in your experiments, not only does this
give them the opportunity to help you if they can, but they might also be able to connect you to
other experts.

Evidence based practices

Similar to how evidence-based medicine gained a foothold in medical communication decades
ago, researchers Eric Jensen and Alexander Gerber have argued that science communication
would benefit from evidence-based prescriptions since the field faces related challenges. In
particular, they argued that the lack of collaboration between researchers and practitioners is a
problem: "Ironically, the challenges begin with communication about science communication

Imagining science's publics

Many criticisms of the public understanding of science movement have emphasized that this
thing they were calling the public was somewhat of an (unhelpful) black box. Approaches to the
public changed with the move away from the public understanding of science. Science
communication researchers and practitioners now often showcase their desire to listen to non-
scientists as well as acknowledging an awareness of the fluid and complex nature of (post/late)
modern social identities.

Birth of public science

While scientific study began to emerge as a popular discourse following the Renaissance and
the Enlightenment, science was not widely funded or exposed to the public until the nineteenth
century. Most science prior to this was funded by individuals under private patronage and was
studied in exclusive groups, like the Royal Society. Public science emerged due to a
gradual social change, resulting from the rise of the middle class in the nineteenth century. As
scientific inventions, like the conveyor belt and the steam locomotive entered and enhanced the
lifestyle of people in the nineteenth century, scientific inventions began to be widely funded
by universities and other public institutions in an effort to increase scientific research

Social media science communication

By using Twitter, scientists and science communicators can discuss scientific topics with many
types of audiences with various points of view. Studies published in 2012 by Gunther
Eysenbach shed light on how Twitter not only communicates science to the public but also
affects advances in the science community.

Alison Burt, editor in chief of Elsevier Connect, wrote a 2014 news article titled "How to use
social media for science" that reported on a panel about social media at that
year's AAAS meeting, in which panelists Maggie Koerth-Baker, Kim Cobb, and Danielle N.
Lee noted some potential benefits and drawbacks to scientists of sharing their research on
Twitter. Koerth-Baker, for example, commented on the importance of keeping public and private
personas on social media separate in order to maintain professionalism online

Teaching Science Communication

Addressing a class is different than addressing a general audience. When creating a class to teach
Science Communication, having course objectives always helps. Somecourse objectives include:

 Ensure students learn the fundamentals of science messaging and how creating a
narrative can advance science communication.
 Educate how to communicate scientific knowledge to broad audiences including
community members, youth, and policy makers.
 Try connecting the current literature regarding the science of science communication
with emerging environmental health issues.
 Be an example, by producing your own effective science communication,
specifically video and photo projects.
 Provide, reflect on, and incorporate constructive feedback.
Ans: 2

Science Lessons

The teaching of science offers students a view into an overall understanding of how and why
things work the way they do. With science, we are able to explain the reasons behind the
functioning of systems from transportation to the human body. This section features science
lessons created by real teachers working in schools across the United States. The lessons range
from elementary through high school and are organized by grade. As more teachers share their
lessons, the section will continue to grow. If you would like to share a lesson plan for inclusion
on teacher.

Practical work in science lessons

It is really important that science teachers are sceptical about the benefits of practical work. For
too long I assumed that practical work in science is good, without necessarily thinking about
what learning took place as a result. This isn’t to say that practical work is not important – it is,
and sits at the very heart of what science is about as it links the physical world to scientific
ideas. Without practical work, science is just a collection of abstract ideas without a clear
explanatory purpose.

However, this doesn’t mean that the substantive ideas (facts) of science are best learnt through
whole-call experimentation. A demonstration may deliver a much clearer understanding of a
scientific concept. Similarly, an enquiry-based approach may not be the best forum to teach the
scientific knowledge needed to understand a particular concept, but it could be a great
opportunity to motivate students or to encourage them to ask questions.

A framework to think about practical work

A useful framework to think about practical work in science is based on the ideas of Woolnough
and Allsop (1985). They considered practical work to have one of three purposes. Click on the
links below to see more information about each practical purpose.

 Illustrative e.g. teacher demonstrations or whole class practicals

 Practical exercises (to develop skills and techniques)
 Investigations and
 Inquiry
Why this approach is important

Science is a practical subject. Although practical activities can help students to learn, careful
planning is required to make sure that they are effective. Some practical activities may provide
opportunities for students to practise standard procedures, but do not require or promote much
thinking about scientific concepts or understanding of the nature of science, for example. This
unit will help you to make sure that your students use practical activities as an opportunity to
think about scientific ideas and processes, as well as learning practical skills.

The emphasis in this unit is on making sure that the practical work that you do is purposeful and
supports learning about science and about how scientists work. It is important to plan practical
work carefully so that it does not increase the time taken on a topic without increasing the

What kind of practical work?

Effective practical work is practical work that leads to more effective learning. It is both ‘hands
on’ and ‘minds on’. There are several broad types of practical work, each with its own benefits
and planning issues:

 demonstration

 structured practical

 ‘rotating’ practical or ‘circus’ practical

 investigation
 problem solving.

With the exception of demonstrations, all the types of practical work involve students working in
pairs or groups. Investigations and problem solving practicals give students the opportunity for
independent, creative work, while structured practicals are good for becoming familiar with and
practising standard techniques. Circus practicals can help reduce the need for equipment. You
can find more about each type of practical work in Resource.

Kind of practical work

The choice of what kind of practical work to use depends on the purpose of the activity as well
as on time and resource constraints. ‘Purpose’ or ‘what students should learn’ refers to the
conceptual science knowledge or laboratory procedures. It also refers to investigative skills,
presentation and communication skills, and group working skills: all skills need to be taught and

It is useful to spend time teaching students a set of routines for carrying out group practical
activities. This will enable students to spend relatively more time on the key purpose of the
activity as they will know what is expected of them in a practical activity. An effective group
practical lesson depends on effective planning before the lesson; you need to select the best type
of activity and also think about timing, organisation and what you will do during the practical

Suggested practices

 Establish a positive classroom environment

 Make the classroom a pleasant, friendly place
 Accept individual differences
 Learning activities should be cooperative and supportive
 Create a non-threatening learning environment
 Organize physical space; eliminate situations that my be dangerous or disruptive
 Establish classroom rules and procedures and consistently reinforce them
 Begin lessons by giving clear instructions
 State desired quality of work
 Have students paraphrase directions
 Ensure that everyone is paying attention
 Ensure that all distractions have been removed
 Describe expectations, activities and evaluation procedures
 Start with a highly motivating activity
 Build lesson upon prior student knowledge

Ans: 3

The affective domain (from the Latin affectus, meaning "feelings") includes a host of constructs,
such as attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions, interests, and motivation.

Research in the affective domain is limited by

 confusing definitions of affective constructs

 underdeveloped assessment practices, including scale construction

 affective variables being "add-ons" to investigations of cognitive learning

While the affective dimensions of science learning have long been recognized as important, they
have received much less attention by researchers than have the cognitive dimensions. Reasons
for this imbalance include the "archetypal image of science itself," where reason is separated
from feeling, and the "long-standing cognitive tradition" of science education research. A
contemporary view is that the "affective dimension is not just a simple catalyst, but a necessary
condition for learning to occur". Attitude and motivation are indeed the most critically important
constructs of the affective domain in science education.
Teaching Strategies: Affective Domain

Affective refers to those actions that result from and are influenced by emotions.
Consequently, the affective domain relates to emotions, attitudes, appreciations, and values. It
is highly personal to learning, demonstrated by behaviors indicating attitudes of interest,
attention, concern, and responsibility.

According to the National Guidelines for Educating EMS (Emergency Medical Service)
Instructors, the following words describe the affective domain: defend, appreciate, value,
model, tolerate, respect. In the mathematics classroom, the affective domain is concerned with
students’ perception of mathematics, their feelings toward solving problems, and their attitudes
about school and education in general. Personal development, self-management, and the ability
to focus are key areas. Apart from cognitive outcomes, teachers stress attitude as the most
common affective outcome.

The Affective Domain in the Classroom

As science faculty, we naturally emphasize the cognitive domain in our teaching. After all,
students think and learn with their brains (we hope!). Yet the affective domain can significantly
enhance, inhibit or even prevent student learning. The affective domain includes factors such as
student motivation, attitudes, perceptions and values. Teachers can increase their effectiveness
by considering the affective domain in planning courses, delivering lectures and activities, and
assessing student learning.

Resources for learning more about the affective domain

 A framework for applying the affective domain in science education, including a summary
of some research on the topic and relevant questions to consider.

 Literature review of affective domain books and journal articles, including teaching
methods, measuring affective outcomes, and examples in the geosciences.

 Learn how to recognize and overcome affective challenges for teaching controversial
topics including teaching evolution and teaching environmental issues.
 Read anecdotal stories from faculty about affective domain dilemmas and real-life
challenges in the classroom. Solutions to the dilemmas have been submitted by other

The Affective Domain and Learning

The affective domain affects learning, regardless of the subject or the method. Read the
following examples showing how the affective domain comes into play with regard to learning.
First are some examples of how the affective domain can have a positive impact on learning.
This is followed by examples of how the affective domain can negatively impact learning. As
you are reading, keep in mind the learning you will be creating and how you can incorporate the
affective domain to positively impact your learning.


 A teacher praises a young learner on the picture she is drawing. The child feels good
about herself and is encouraged to challenge new areas.
 A trainer uses a think-aloud protocol in explaining how to add animation to PowerPoint
presentations. The trainee(s) recognizes the value of using this type mental checklist and
decides to use this in the future.
 An online interactive time line of women's history
 A video driven expose of Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Statton


 A piano teacher slams her fist down on the piano and asks their pupil why they are so
dense and talent-less. The pupil goes away feeling worthless and begins thinking of ways
to get out of the next lesson.
 A lecturer in an introductory philosophy class spends the first half of class reading from
the assigned text without looking up. Half of the students are talking among themselves
or text messaging on the mobile phones. The few learners who were interested in the
topic begin to feel that registering for the class was a mistake.
 Create a blog entry describing a learning experiences you have had, using the examples
above to think about how the instructor implemented the affective domain and how it
affected your learning.

Ans: 4

Why Is Assessment Important?

Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to

the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and
standards of the lessons are being met.

Assessment is an integral part

Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals

of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement,
advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding.
Assessment inspire us to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what we think we
are teaching?" "Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning?" "Is
there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?"

Today's students need to know not only the basic reading and arithmetic skills, but
also skills that will allow them to face a world that is continually changing. They must
be able to think critically, to analyze, and to make inferences. Changes in the skills
base and knowledge our students need require new learning goals; these new learning
goals change the relationship between assessment and instruction. Teachers need to
take an active role in making decisions about the purpose of assessment and the
content that is being assessed.
The Effects of Assessment

Student Learning

Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students learn. When students are
able to see how they are doing in a class, they are able to determine whether or not they
understand course material. Assessment can also help motivate students. If students know they
are doing poorly, they may begin to work harder.


Just as assessment helps students, assessment helps teachers. Frequent assessment allows
teachers to see if their teaching has been effective. Assessment also allows teachers to ensure
students learn what they need to know in order to meet the course's learning objectives.

Frequency and Feedback

Assessment is designed so that students understand their progress towards course goals and
modify their behavior in order to meet those goals. In order to do that, assessment should be
ongoing. In other words, classes that use one or two exams a term are not using assessment as
effectively as it could be used. In order for students to gain a true representation of their
understanding, frequent assessment is critical, and it should be accompanied with feedback.

Assessment is really only as good as the feedback that accompanies it. Feedback is the teacher's
response to student work. In order to make assessment as effective as possible, teachers should
provide their feedback as well as a letter grade. It is important that students understand why a
particular question was incorrect or why their essay did not meet requirements.

Purpose of assessment

Assessment drives instruction

A pre-test or needs assessment informs instructors what students know and do not know at the
outset, setting the direction of a course. If done well, the information garnered will highlight the
gap between existing knowledge and a desired outcome. Accomplished instructors find out what
students already know, and use the prior knowledge as a stepping off place to develop new
understanding. The same is true for data obtained through assessment done during
instruction. By checking in with students throughout instruction, outstanding instructors
constantly revise and refine their teaching to meet the diverse needs of students.

Assessment drives learning

What and how students learn depends to a major extent on how they think they will be
assessed. Assessment practices must send the right signals to students about what to study, how
to study, and the relative time to spend on concepts and skills in a course. Accomplished faculty
communicate clearly what students need to know and be able to do, both through a clearly
articulated syllabus, and by choosing assessments carefully in order to direct student energies.
High expectations for learning result in students who rise to the occasion.

Assessment informs students of their progress

Effective assessment provides students with a sense of what they know and don’t know about a
subject. If done well, the feedback provided to students will indicate to them how to improve
their performance. Assessments must clearly match the content, the nature of thinking, and the
skills taught in a class. Through feedback from instructors, students become aware of their
strengths and challenges with respect to course learning outcomes. Assessment done well should
not be a surprise to students.

Assessment informs teaching practice

Reflection on student accomplishments offers instructors insights on the effectiveness of their
teaching strategies. By systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence we can
determine how well student learning matches our outcomes / expectations for a lesson, unit or
course. The knowledge from feedback indicates to the instructor how to improve instruction,
where to strengthen teaching, and what areas are well understood and therefore may be cut back
in future courses.

Role of grading in assessment

Grades should be a reflection of what a student has learned as defined in the student learning
outcomes. They should be based on direct evidence of student learning as measured on tests,
papers, projects, and presentations, etc. Grades often fail to tell us clearly about “large learning”
such as critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, communication skills (oral, written and
listening), social skills, and emotional management skills.

When student learning outcomes are not met

Accomplished faculty focus on the data coming out of the assessments they complete before,
during and at the end of a course, and determine the degree to which student learning outcomes
are or are not met. If students are off course early on, a redirecting, reteaching of a topic, referral
to student learning centers, or review sessions by the instructor may remediate the
problem. Through careful analysis it is possible to determine the challenges and weaknesses of
instruction in order to support student learning better. Some topics or concepts are notoriously
difficult, and there may be a better approach to use. Perhaps a model, simulation, experiment,
example or illustration will clarify the concept for students. Perhaps spending a bit more time, or
going over a topic in another way will make a difference. If the problem is noticed late in the
course, an instructor may plan to make any instructional changes for the next time the course is
taught, but it is helpful to make a note of the changes needed at the time so that the realization is
not lost.

Ans: 5

a) Educational assessment

Educational assessment or educational evaluation is the systematic process of documenting and

using empirical data on the knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs and
improve student learning. Assessment data can be obtained from directly examining student
work to assess the achievement of learning outcomes or can be based on data from which one
can make inferences about learning. Assessment is often used interchangeably with test, but not
limited to tests. Assessment can focus on the individual learner, the learning community (class,
workshop, or other organized group of learners), a course, an academic program, the institution,
or the educational system as a whole (also known as granularity). The word 'assessment' came
into use in an educational context after the Second World War.

Performance-Based Assessment: Reviewing the Basics

Performance-based assessments share the key characteristic of accurately measuring one or more
specific course standards. They are also complex, authentic, process/product-oriented, open-
ended, and time-bound.

What is a performance-based assessment?

The definition of performance-based assessments varies greatly depending on author, disciple,

publication, and intended audience (Palm, 2008). In general, a performance-based assessment
measures students' ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study.
Typically, the task challenges students to use their higher-order thinking skills to create a product
or complete a process (Chun, 2010). Tasks can range from a simple constructed response (e.g.,
short answer) to a complex design proposal of a sustainable neighborhood. Arguably, the most
genuine assessments require students to complete a task that closely mirrors the responsibilities
of a professional, e.g., artist, engineer, laboratory technician, financial analyst, or consumer

What are the essential components of a performance-based assessment?

Although performance-based assessments vary, the majority of them share key characteristics.
First and foremost, the assessment accurately measures one or more specific course standards.
Additionally, it is:

 Complex
 Authentic
 Process/product-oriented
 Open-ended
 Time-bound

Normally, students are presented with an open-ended question that may produce several different
correct answers (Chun, 2010; McTighe, 2015). In the higher-level tasks, there is a sense of
urgency for the product to be developed or the process to be determined, as in most real-world

Objective and subjective

Assessment (either summative or formative) is often categorized as either objective or

subjective. Objective assessment is a form of questioning which has a single correct answer.
Subjective assessment is a form of questioning which may have more than one correct answer
(or more than one way of expressing the correct answer). There are various types of objective
and subjective questions. Objective question types include true/false answers, multiple choice,
multiple-response and matching questions. Subjective questions include extended-response
questions and essays. Objective assessment is well suited to the increasingly popular
computerized or online assessment format.

Some have argued that the distinction between objective and subjective assessments is neither
useful nor accurate because, in reality, there is no such thing as "objective" assessment. In fact,
all assessments are created with inherent biases built into decisions about relevant subject matter
and content, as well as cultural (class, ethnic, and gender) biases

b) Assessment and evaluation of student achievement

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Information
gathered through assessment and evaluations helps teachers to identify students’ difficulties as
well as to detect weaknesses in programs. Assessment and evaluations are important tools for
adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students’ needs and for determining the
overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. Assessment is the process of
gathering information from a variety of sources (including assignments, projects, and a midterm)
that accurately reflect how well students are achieving the curriculum expectations. As part of
assessment, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their effort towards

Please note that the breakdown of the final mark of any course will be as follows: 70% of the
grade is based on evaluations conducted throughout the course, with special consideration being
given to more recent and more consistent evidence of achievement, and 30% of the grade is
based on a final evaluation, in a form suitable to the course content. See below for a full mark
breakdown. In order to ensure that assessment and evaluation are valid and reliable, and that they
lead to the improvement of student learning, teachers must use assessment and evaluation
strategies which:

 address both what students learn and how well they learn;
 are based both on the categories of knowledge and skills and on the achievement chart
descriptions given in Ministry
 are varied in nature, administered over a period of time, and designed to provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;
 are appropriate for the learning activities used, the purposes of instruction, and the needs
and experiences of the students;
 are fair and transparent to all students;
 ensure that each student is given clear directions for improvement;
 promote students’ ability to assess their own learning and to set specific goals;
 are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the course and at
other appropriate points throughout the course.

Why is it better to include time in class for student evaluations?

By setting aside 20 minutes during class for students to complete course evaluations, just like the
custom when evaluations were done with pencil and paper, instructors are not only increasing the
overall student response rates, but they are also increasing the likelihood that students have time
to think through their responses. As a result, students will have the opportunity to produce less
rushed, more thoughtful feedback, especially if this strategy is combined with the other
recommended strategies below. Using class time thus may be a way for instructors to
differentiate the type of serious, considered input appropriate for course evaluations from
common brief and off-the-cuff input on social media, customer feedback, and other online
forums. Finally, setting aside class time communicates to students the importance of evaluations
in the teaching mission of the university.
Types of assessment tasks

Assessment tasks can take many forms

Some of the more common assessment tasks are exams, tests and essays; however there is a wide
variety of other types, both formal and informal. Examples of assessment types are listed below.
Each School/Faculty may have specific types of assessment and you should check your
School/Faculty handbook for details.


Essays help you to learn academic writing skills, including formulating an argument; presenting
evidence; integrating material from sources; and referencing appropriately. You will synthesize
and evaluate theoretical ideas and concepts and develop your research skills. Additionally, you
will learn academic and discipline specific writing conventions while building on your drafting,
editing and revising skills. The essay is a flexible tool that can be used for a wide range of
theoretical and analytical discussions.

Group work

Group work emphasises collaborative learning, problem-solving and critical evaluation, and is a
valuable preparation for the workplace. You can make use of complementary skills, deepen your
understanding through interaction and discussion, and deal with a range of perspectives thereby
enhancing your critical thinking skills. You can develop team skills and learn to work with a
range of people.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations help you master oral communication and persuasive skills. You learn how to
organise arguments using supporting evidence, select relevant material and engage critically with
ideas while developing your understanding and confidence. Not only do they promote ideas
sharing in the classroom they also allow you to receive immediate feedback from your lecturer
and peers.
Field Work

Field Work provides an opportunity for on-site work on a project in a context related to your
discipline. Field work provides an authentic context to link with your classroom learning.


Portfolios enable you to represent your learning in a range of ways and to take responsibility for
your learning progress. In a portfolio, you select the items of work that you wish to include to
represent the learning that has occurred in a particular paper. You are usually asked to
demonstrate how the items you have selected connect with paper learning outcomes. Portfolios
promote reflection, self-evaluation, and ongoing personal engagement as well as demonstrating
practical and creative abilities. Additionally, they provide a valuable source of information
regarding your abilities for prospective employers.

Written preparation exercises

Written preparation exercises encourage reading and teach academic reading and writing skills.
They promote active, focused and critical reading of materials and enhance writing development,
paper skills and competencies development. You and your teacher get regular feedback on
learning progress. By promoting active participation, they provide your teacher with an effective
way of evaluating your participation.

Darling-Hammond, L. & Adamson, F. (2013). Developing assessments of deeper learning: The

costs and benefits of using tests that help students learn.

Einsiedel, Edna (2005). "Editorial: Of Publics and Science". Public Understanding of

Science. 16 (1): 5–6. doi:10.1177/0963662506071289. S2CID 143626350.

Gregory, Jane; Miller, Steve (1998). Science in Public: Communication, Culture, and Credibility.
New York: Plenum Trade. ISBN 0306458608. OCLC 38478554.

Hilgartner, Stephen (1990). "The Dominant View of Popularization: Conceptual Problems,

Political Uses". Social Studies of Science. 20 (3): 519–
539. doi:10.1177/030631290020003006. S2CID 144068473.

Krulwich, Robert (Fall 2008). "Tell me a story" (PDF). Engineering and Science (Caltech
Magazine). 71 (3): 10–16.

Nisbet, Matthew (2018). "Ambassadors for Science: Harnessing the Power of Opinion-Leaders
across Communities". Skeptical Inquirer. 42 (2): 30–31. Retrieved 1 June 2018.
Palm, T. (2008). "Performance assessment and authentic assessment: A conceptual analysis of
the literature." Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation, 13(4).

Selk, Avi. "Please stop annoying this NASA scientist with your ridiculous Planet X doomsday
theories". The Washington Post. Retrieved 18 December 2017.

Walsh, Lynda (2015). "The Double-Edged Sword of Popularization". Science

Communication. 37 (5): 658–669. doi:10.1177/1075547015581928. S2CID 144140159.

Miller, Lulu (29 July 2008)."Tell Me a Story." (Includes podcast). Accessed May
Chun, M. (2010, March). "Taking teaching to (performance) task: Linking pedagogical and
assessment practices." Change: The Magazine of Higher Education.
Grushkin, Daniel (5 August 2010). "Try acting like a scientist" The Scientist Magazine.
Accessed May 2012 (archive accessed Jan 2022).
McTighe, J. (2015, April). "What is a performance task?"

Cortassa, Carina (May 2016). "In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit
always return?: the eternal recurrence of the public deficit". Public Understanding of
Science. 25 (4): 447- 459.

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