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Human resources (HR) are the set of workers, as well as any natural person who are within

(or directly linked) to an organization, sector or economy.

Human resources are the set of workers, employees, who own an organization, a certain

sector, as well as an economy as a whole. Any natural person who has a link to an

organization, sector or economy, is considered a human resource.

In turn, within business administration, the concept refers to the management that the

company carries out with its workers. From hiring to firing, it's the job of the human resources

Human Resources

The Main Reasons Why Human Resources Is Important

Human Resources is one of the most critical functions in any business, and it’s more than

just about hiring people. The HR department has many responsibilities that impact company

culture, employee morale, performance management, payroll, benefits administration, and

much more. It takes time to become an expert on all aspects of Human Resources because so

many different areas need attention. This blog post will help you understand the main reasons

for having a strong human resources department. Let’s get to the list.

Gather Data for Strategic Decisions

The human resources department is uniquely positioned to have access to vast amounts of

data that will help the company make strategic decisions. Some examples include employee

turnover rates, department and job title, eligibility for benefits among different

departments/geographical locations, succession planning needs throughout the organization,

and others. With proper HR metrics, the company can plan for the future while finding its

success. The HR department data can also help with financial planning by providing insights

on employee compensation and benefits costs.

This data helps paint a clear picture for upper management to make informed decisions that

will benefit the company in the long run. Such is vital for a growing company with many

employees since there is much to do and monitor.

Ensure Compliance with Labor Laws

It’s not enough to comply with labor laws; you must exceed them. That’s where the human

resources department comes in. They are responsible for ensuring that all policies and

procedures related to employee management are up-to-date and compliant with any applicable

labor laws. This includes hiring practices, compensation, benefits, leaves of absence, and

termination procedures.

If your company is ever audited by the government or sued by an employee, the human

resources department will be one of the first ones in line to defend their actions. They are

responsible for putting together the facts and protecting them against claims that might affect

company morale or expose it to unnecessary risk.

Cultivate Employee Satisfaction and Morale

A strong human resources department can create an environment of trust among

employees, managers, executives, and other departments within the organization. This way,

everyone knows what’s expected of them in their roles (and how they’re doing) and how they

fit into the bigger picture.

One of a human resources department’s most important roles is to ensure that employees

feel valued and know what is expected of them in their role and how they fit within the

organization. A strong HR team can instill trust among employees, giving them ownership

over company initiatives instead of feeling like just another cog in the machine.

Acts As Strategic Partner

The human resources department is not just another arm of the business. They are part of

upper management and should be treated with a seat at the table during all strategic planning
meetings. The HR team knows what’s going on in their respective departments, so they’ll

have fresh ideas to add value to any conversation around the table.

The HR department can also help with sales initiatives by providing insight on

compensation costs for different customer segments and the effects of specific products or

services that might be beneficial to employees. A strong human resources team will provide a

clear perspective and offer suggestions based on their expertise in employee management

which ultimately benefits the bottom line.

Analyzing Benefits and Costs

The human resources department can also play a role in analyzing the benefits and costs of

different programs. For example, they might look at how much it would cost to offer

employees a new benefit or whether a current program is worth continuing. They can also

identify areas where the company could save money by changing its benefits plans.

This information is crucial because payroll and benefits costs can make up a significant

percentage of company spending. A strong human resources department has the data to help

executives identify ways to cut down on these expenses without sacrificing quality or service

to customers by offering employees more flexible work hours instead of increasing their


Efficiently Hiring New Employees

One of the biggest human resources tasks is finding and hiring new employees. This

includes filling open positions and making sure that each employee hired is a good fit within

the existing company culture. A strong HR team will take time during hiring to get to know

candidates to fully assess their personality, values, skillset, and how they will fit into the

A human resources department skilled at recruiting and hiring will be able to find new

talent quickly, which can help a company grow. They’ll also be more equipped to handle the

high turnover rates of certain employees (such as Sales or Customer Success) by building an

efficient recruitment process that doesn’t require extensive training for managers on how to

interview and assess candidates.

Training And Development

A strong human resources team will also implement a development plan for current

employees. This includes offering any training, workshops, or seminars that would help

improve performance and advancement within the company. They’ll also look at what

employees are already doing well and then develop creative ways to help them continue


A human resources team that is skilled in training will increase employee satisfaction by

empowering all workers regardless of their title within the organization. They’ll also make

sure they’re nurturing new hires so they can turn into top performers who will stay long-term.

Safety And Risk Management

The human resources department can also play a safety and risk management role. They

will assess current processes to determine if any changes need to be made and follow ways to

ensure there are no health hazards in the workplace so that employees are doing their jobs as

safely as possible while still getting the tasks done on time.

This is vital because company culture starts at the top with leadership, who must

demonstrate safe behavior in everything they do. A company’s human resources department

will make sure that all employees are aware of safety protocols and their role within the

organization if someone does get injured on the job or experiences a personal tragedy, such as
the loss of a family member. A strong HR team can also help identify signs of potential

harassment or bullying in the workplace before it becomes a more significant issue.


In the management of human resources, I understood that for a company the personnel is

very important, since with them a company is better elaborated in this subject the functions

that the human resources area handles are applied, these functions are important to be able to

reach the objective of the company since we talk about the personnel of the whole company.

Human Resources is responsible for finding and knowing the staff of an entire organization

its functions performed by the area are: planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection of


Staff are trained on the activities that are done in a company and all areas of the company.

In case the human resources department in an organization is to be able to complete the

staff with more experience to be able to reach the objectives and goals of the company, this is

done by having a better staff that perform activities that are granted in each department.

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