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Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

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Research Paper

Evaluation of engine combustion and exhaust emissions characteristics using T

diesel/butanol blended fuel
I.M. Yusri , Rizalman Mamat, M.K. Akasyah, M.F. Jamlos, A.F. Yusop

Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Malaysia


• Butanol-diesel blends by 5%, 10% and 15% of butanol-to-diesel fuels.

• Increase of butanol in diesel fuels, resulted in a decreasing trend of combustion parameters.
• WPS was applied to investigate the engine cycle-to-cycle variations.
• Butanol addition reduced NOx, CO, and HC but produced increasing trend of CO 2.


Keywords: Depletion of non-renewable fuel sources accompanied with never-ending engine exhaust emissions pollution
Diesel engine from internal combustion lead to renewed interests in alternative energy resources. Alcohol fuel had emerged as
Butanol/diesel one of the viable candidates as a fuel substitute to reduce the use of fossil fuels in diesel engine. The aim of the
Combustion experimental investigation is to study the effects of engine fuel properties characteristics towards engine com-
Wavelet power spectrum
bustion and exhaust emissions characteristics. In this experimental study, the diesel engine was tested at bu-
Exhaust emissions
tanol/diesel percentage volume ratios of 5:95 (DBu5), 10:90 (DBu10) and 15:85 (DBu15) of butanol-to-diesel,
respectively. Combustion analysis results showed that butanol/diesel blends have a lower in-cylinder pressure,
rate of pressure rise and rate of heat release. Moreover, the mass fraction burned analysis shows longer ignition
delay and burn duration. Apart from that, the wavelet power spectrum analysis suggested that DBu15 possesses
high engine cyclic variations. The engine exhaust emissions show generally a reduction of nitrogen oxides,
carbon monoxides and unburned hydrocarbon.

1. Introduction various agencies need to encourage and execute national energy po-
licies in an effort to reduce dependency on conventional fuels [12]. In
In the fast-moving world of today, the consumption of non-renew- diesel engines, oxygenated fuels are capable of reducing engine exhaust
able energy products plays an important role in the nation’s economic emissions for soot, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxides (CO),
progress. This scenario has led every corner of the earth to face the twin carbon dioxides (CO2) and unburned hydrocarbon (HC) as well as im-
challenges of adverse effects on environmental systems and energy prove combustion characteristics [13]. Recent developments in the field
degradation, mainly resulting from the burning of non-renewable en- of alternative fuels have led to a renewed interest for butanol as one of
ergy [1,2]. The issue of this energy crisis has received considerable the promising alcohols for diesel fuel substitutions.
critical attention by the automotive researchers since combustion of There are four types of butanol isomers and each of the butanol
conventional fuels is a major contributor towards higher levels of ex- isomer have different chemical structures. Generally, n-butanol, sec-
haust emissions and energy demands [3–6]. Hence the recent devel- butanol and iso-butanol is manufactured by the fermentation process
opment in alternative energy have heightened the need for clean al- commonly from starch [14]. In comparison with methanol and ethanol,
ternative fuels such as alcohol, biodiesel and vegetable oil [7–9]. butanol has higher calorific value and cetane number, hence this fuel
The use of renewable energy is inevitable in order to attain the in- properties make the butanol the desirable fuel additive in the diesel
creasing energy demand across all transportation, industrial and agri- engine. Apart from that, butanol also has better miscibility with diesel
culture sectors [10,11]. In order to support this, governments and fuel compared to either methanol or ethanol. On top of that, the

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (I.M. Yusri), (R. Mamat).
Received 23 October 2018; Received in revised form 28 January 2019; Accepted 8 February 2019
Available online 10 February 2019
1359-4311/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

Nomenclature n-butanol primary butyl alcohol

NO nitric oxide
°CA degree of crank angle NOx nitrogen oxide
aTDC after top dead centre NO2 nitrogen dioxide
CO carbon monoxides N2O nitrous oxide
CO2 carbon dioxides N2O2 dinitrogen dioxide
CWT continuous wavelet spectrum N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide
D100 diesel N2O4 dinitrogen tetroxide
DBu5 5% butanol + 95 gasoline N2O5 dinitrogen pentoxide
DBu10 10% butanol + 90% gasoline Pmax maximum engine in-cylinder pressure
DBu15 15% butanol + 85% gasoline rpm revolutions per minute
GWS global wavelet spectrum ROHR rate of heat release
HC unburned hydrocarbon ROPR rate of pressure rise
LHV lower heating value WPS wavelet power spectrum
MFB mass fraction burned

viscosity of butanol is much higher than methanol and ethanol, there- power spectrum analysis. Systematic investigation of the combustion
fore it can improve the lubricating capability in the diesel engine [15]. stability of diesel/butanol blends is essential to understand the cycle-to-
In the literature, the relative importance of butanol operating in the cycle variation in the engine. Therefore, the impact of fuel properties of
diesel engine has been subjected to considerable discussion. With re- the diesel/butanol blended fuel on the combustion stability through
gards to its stability as a secondary additive, butanol mixture with wavelet power spectrum methodology is the novelty of the study. Apart
diesel fuel provide better miscibility at all system temperatures al- from the wavelet power spectrum analysis, the other combustion
though it resulted in a little bit of drawback in terms of cetane value characteristics also include the in-cylinder pressure, pressure-volume,
and viscosity of the diesel/butanol blends [16]. Apart from that, bu- rate of heat release, rate of pressure rise, and mass fraction burned
tanol is also a good co-solvent fuel additive for waste oil biodiesel, and analysis. A low ratio of butanol/diesel blended from the primary bu-
vegetable oil. However, the concern is perhaps the operating limit of tanol family (n-butanol) was used in the fuel blends in volumes of 5%,
the blended fuel at different temperatures; higher or lower than the 10% and 15% in diesel fuel at an engine speed of 2500 rpm with load of
environment temperature [17–19]. 15 N m.
Şahin and Aksu [20] is one of many research groups that had ap-
plied the use of n-butanol in diesel engines. They had investigated the
use of n-butanol diesel mixture of 2%, 4% and 6% on a four-cylinder, 2. Research methodology
four-stroke turbocharged common rail injection diesel engine. In their
experimental study, it was noted that the addition of n-butanol in diesel 2.1. Fuel preparation
engines produced no significant difference in terms of peak in-cylinder
pressure and heat release rates at all tested engine speed loads. A study The fuel was prepared with diesel (D100) as a baseline fuel and n-
conducted by Jamrozik et al. [21] is among the latest studies that in- butanol-diesel blended fuels of 5%, 10% and 15%, with n-butanol in
vestigated the effects of diesel-butanol blends towards engine com- diesel fuel referred to as DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, respectively. The n-
bustion and exhaust emissions characteristics. A single cylinder, four- butanol with purity of 99.5% was purchased from the Merck distributor
stroke compression ignition engine was utilized to investigate the in- in Malaysia. Apart from that, fuel properties of the blended fuels were
fluence of diesel-butanol blends of 15%, 30%, 45%, 55% and 70% of n- further measured according to the ASTM standards. The calorific value
butanol at engine speed of 1500 rpm and full load conditions. The re- (ASTM D240), density (ASTM D4052), viscosity (ASTM D445) and ce-
sults suggest that improvement for engine combustion characteristics tane number (ASTM D613) of the blended fuels was measured using
for indicated thermal efficiency, indicated mean effective pressure, and oxygen bomb calorimeter, digital constant temperature kinematic
lower coefficient of variation of indicated mean effective pressure of n- viscosity bath, portable density meter, and shatox SX-300 cetane
butanol/diesel blends were up to 55% with respect to diesel fuel. number, respectively. Furthermore, each test was conducted in tripli-
However, 70% n-butanol in diesel fuel shows no fixed favourable blend cates, and the average values were taken in the analysis to ensure ac-
as it indicated a reduction of indicated thermal efficiency, indicated curate results. Table 1 lists the main properties of n-butanol, D100,
mean effective pressure, and higher coefficient of variations of in- DBu5, DBu10, and DBu15 fuels. All the fuel properties measurements
dicated mean effective pressure. The effect of the n-butanol/diesel were done in the chemical lab in Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
blend also resulted in the decrease of CO2 emissions and higher NOx.
Gürgen et al. [22] have modelled engine combustion cyclic varia-
bility of diesel/butanol blends in a single-cylinder, four-stroke air- Table 1
cooled compression ignition engine using an artificial intelligence Physical and chemical properties of diesel and n-butanol.
method. From their developed model, the engine combustion cyclic Property Unit Diesel n-butanol DBu5 DBu10 DBu15
variability showed an increasing value by an average of 1.5% to 3%
Molecular formula – C14H30 C4H10O – – –
with an increase in the n-butanol blending ratio from butanol/diesel
Molecular weight g 198.4 74.12 – – –
blend of 3% to 15% butanol in diesel fuel. Heat of evaporation kJ/kg 250 585 – – –
In particular, this study intends to investigate the influence of bu- Research octane number – 17 96 20 22.9 24.1
tanol/diesel blended fuel properties to engine combustion and exhaust Cetane number – 51 25 49.4 48.6 47.3
Lower heating value kg/m3 42.5 33.1 41.8 41.6 41.3
emissions characteristics. From all the articles reviewed in the in-
Viscosity (at 25 °C) mPa·s 2.419 2.593 2.428 2.4364 2.445
troduction part, as far as the author is concerned, it is believed that the Density kg/m3 847 812.6 845.3 843.6 841.8
effects of fuel properties on engine stability have yet to be explored in Carbon content % 85 64.8 – – –
great detail exclusively on effects of diesel/butanol fuel properties Hydrogen content % 15 13.6 – – –
characteristics towards engine combustion stability through wavelet Oxygen content % 0 21.6 – – –

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

2.2. Experimental setup Table 2

Description of engine parameters and their corresponding
The tested fuels were then used in the four-cylinder, four-stroke values.
turbocharged Isuzu diesel engine. The experimental schematic diagram Engine parameters Value
consists of an engine dynamometer, fuel flow rate, fuel tanks, cooling
water tank for the engine and dynamometer, exhaust gas analyzer, and Model Isuzu 4JJ1
Bore (mm) 95.4
intake air flow meter as shown in Fig. 1, which indicates the schematic
Stroke (mm) 104.9
diagram of the experimental setup. Basically, the engine has a com- Displacement (L) 2.999 L
pression ratio of 17.5 with engine displacement of 2.999 L. The engine Number of cylinders 4 in-line
specifications are given in Table 2. The engine was coupled with an Compression ratio 17.5
Fuel system Common rail
eddy current dynamometer model ECB-200F from Dynalec Controls
with a capacity to hold the engine below 150 kW. The engine speed and
load were controlled with a throttle position controller. A Kistler 6041A
of HC)2] = Square root[(1.50)2 + (1.30)2 + (1.21)2 + (0.89)2
water-cooled type ThermoComp transducer with a capability to mea-
+ (0.03) + (1.59) + (2.57)2 + (1.91)2 + (1.50)2] = 4.61%.
2 2
sure in-cylinder pressure in the range of 0–250 bars and a sensitivity of
20 pC/bar were used and the in-cylinder pressure data were collected
2.4. Wavelet transform analysis
for 1000 consecutive engine cycles. The crank angle signal was ac-
quired with a Kistler 2613B1 crank angle encoder, and the pressure and
Analysis of wavelet transform is a common method to measure the
crank angle information was recorded using a DEWE combustion ana-
variation in a time series of non-stationary data. With this analysis, the
lyzed data acquisition system. The exhaust gas analyzer determined the
combustion variability can be decomposed into frequency and time
exhaust constituents such as NOx, CO, CO2 and HC. The accuracy of the
series. A wavelet can be expressed as a function, which has a zero mean
exhaust gas concentration has been described in Table A1.
and finite energy. A continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for a wavelet
function (t ) can be expressed as Eq. (1) [24].
2.3. Uncertainty analysis
1 t b
CWT (a , b) = x (t ) , a, b R, a 0
|a| a (1)
The uncertainty analysis of measured blended fuel properties and
engine exhaust emissions are adopted based on Yusoff et al. [23]. The where (t ) and (t ) is the mother wavelet and its conjugate, x (t ) is
overall calculated uncertainty was determined using the following the continuous signal, and a and b represent scaling and translating
Equation: A sample calculation of the uncertainty is provided in the parameters.
Appendix A. The average value was used to calculate the overall un- In order to examine the cycle-to-cycle variations, characteristics of
certainty. The formula of overall uncertainty = Square root [(un- the butanol in a diesel blended fuel GWS (global wavelet spectrum) and
certainty of cetane number)2 + (uncertainty of LHV)2 + (Un- WPS (wavelet power spectrum) are used. The modulus square of CWT
certainty of viscosity)2 + (uncertainty of density)2 + (Uncertainty of signifies the signal energy magnitude at a scale ‘a ’ at location of ‘n ’.
NOx)2 + (Uncertainty of CO)2 + (Uncertainty of CO2)2 + (Uncertainty WPS is normalized by dividing with ‘ 2 ’ therefore, the power to the

Fuel tank

Engine water cooler

Dyno cooling tower
150 kW

Air intake

Fuel flow meter

Engine Engine room

Gas analyser

Dyno control Fuel data

Combustion Temperature
analyser analyser
Data acquisition system Control room
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

white noise is attained [25]. Henceforth, the data is normalised using maximum pressure value as well as cyclic variation investigation
Eq. (2) as follows: through wavelet power spectrum analysis. Engine combustion char-
acteristics for diesel and butanol/diesel blends were compared at a
|CWTn (a)| 2
WPSn = medium engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load. Fig. 2(a) show the
2 (2)
in-cylinder pressure profiles and (b) pressure-volume profiles. All the
GWS is described as time average and denoted as ‘WS ’. Peak location used fuels were between 9.2 °CA to 11.2 °CA after top dead centre
in GWS is the highest periodicities at the particular given time series. (aTDC). D100 fuel indicated a maximum peak of in-cylinder pressure
Therefore, the formula is as Eq. (3). profiles with 41 bar at 12 °CA aTDC, while DBu5 unveiled a lower
maximum pressure of 40.9 bar followed by DBu10 and DBu15, which is
1 40.2 and 40.1, respectively, at 11.2 °CA, 10.8 aTDC for a particular
GWS = WS = |CWT (a)|2
N n=1 (3) engine speed operating condition. The pressure-volume diagram shows
two engine cycles that signify the first and second strokes where the
engine fuel was compacted, combusted and expanded. Following the
3. Results and discussions first and second stroke, third and fourth engine cycles, denoted as the
transferred gas throughout the exhaust valve, and the engine cylinder
3.1. Effects of engine combustion characteristics block will be filled with fresh air again. The engine work output was
based on the engine power and pumping loop. From Fig. 8(b), D100 has
The engine combustion pressure profile is directly influenced based a larger power loop area than DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, therefore more
on their fuel properties characteristics and its premixed combustion engine work was needed to overcome the frictional and pumping losses
phase. This condition is controlled by the spray characteristics and ig- of the engine. Even though all the blended fuels yield lower power
nition delay period which can determined based on mass fraction output compared to D100 fuels, lower ratios of butanol/diesel blends
burned analysis. The engine combustion behaviour was determined by are capable of recovering almost similar positive engine power com-
means of in-cylinder pressure, pressure-volume, rate of heat release, pared to D100 fuels, especially for DBu5. Accessing higher ratio of
rate of pressure rise, mass fraction burned, start and end of combustion,

(a) 45
40 D100 41
DBu5 39
In-cylinder pressure (bar)

DBu10 Zoom in 37
30 area at 35
DBu15 peak -20 0 20 40




-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Crank angle (°CA)

(b) 45
40 43
Zoom in D100
In-cylinder pressure (bar)

35 area at 39 DBu5
peak 37 DBu10
pressure 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 DBu15

power loop

10 pumping loop

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Volume (cm³)
Fig. 2. (a) In-cylinder pressure profiles for butanol/diesel blends and (b) in-cylinder pressure-volume diagram profiles for butanol/diesel blends.

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

butanol in diesel resulted in a reduction of lower calorific value as produce an ignition delay of 8.4 °CA, followed by DBu5 (10 °CA),
shown in Table 1, consequently producing lower engine power output. DBu10 (11.6 °CA) and DBu15 (13.4 °CA). The observed rise in ignition
Fig. 3 presents the rate of pressure rise (ROPR) at 2500 rpm with delay could be attributed to high heat of vaporization that takes longer
15 N m load for the tested fuels. These results were obtained from the to vaporize which leads to prolonged ignition delay. Additionally, the
first derivation based on engine in-cylinder pressure associated with the reduction of cetane number from 49.4, 48.6 and 47.3 for DBu5, DBu10
operation of the engine. High values of ROPR mainly reflects a large and DBu15 as seen in Table 1, which is owing to the increment of oc-
possible amount of fuel combusted in premixed combustion stage. The tane number of butanol reflects the longer ignition delay.
focus of this analysis is at the peak of ROPR. It can be observed that The experimental evidence on the burn duration is shown in Fig. 7. In
each tested fuel has different values of peak ROPR. Changes in butanol the literature, the term “burn duration” tends to be used in reference to
content in diesel fuel resulted in lower peaks of ROPR. In this study, it combustion duration from 10% to 90% with respect to degree of crank
was seen that the maximum peak of ROPR was by D100, followed by angle. It is also defined as flame propagation duration. The burn duration
DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15 and the observed data indicates 1.06 bar/°CA, obtained for D100, DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15 were 37.6 °CA, 38 °CA,
1.01 bar/°CA, 0.98 bar/°CA and 0.97 bar/°CA, respectively. Generally, 38.5 °CA and 43.6 °CA, respectively. A greater amount of fuel is necessary
the blended fuels produced lower maximum value of ROPR. This to maintain the same engine load, resulting in longer burning duration.
finding suggests that the lower cetane number (Table 1) of butanol Fig. 8 compares the experimental data on the distribution of the
results in reduction of maximum value of ROPR with respect to increase maximum engine in-cylinder pressure (Pmax) of butanol/diesel blends
of butanol percentage in diesel fuels. and D100 fuels at 2500 rpm with 15 N m load for an average of 1000
Fig. 4 shows the rate of heat release (ROHR) profiles for the different consecutive cycles. The Pmax decreases with more butanol in the diesel
types of tested fuels at engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load. The blended fuels. The result indicates that addition in butanol ratio reflects
ROHR behaviour relies on the physicochemical properties, instantaneous the lower cetane number as mentioned in Table 1. For engine stability
in-cylinder pressure and cylinder volume travelled by the piston in the analysis operated with the blended fuels, the engine Pmax cycle-to-cycle
engine block. It is apparent that ROHR for all the tested fuels featured distribution for 1000 consecutive cycles was investigated using wavelet
inconsistencies between one and another type of tested fuel. These irre- transform analysis. Through WPS and GWS, the frequency of cyclic
gularities are due to the uncontrollable parameters during the combustion variation can be analysed based on the time series and frequency. The
phenomenon. However, by focusing on the peak value of ROHR for the engine cycle-to-cycle distribution have significant effects on the engine
different blends through the zoomed-in graph, it is clear that the max- performance and exhaust emissions characteristics.
imum ROHR is 0.972 kJ/°CA, 0.971 kJ/°CA, 0.905 kJ/°CA, and 0.88 kJ/ Fig. 9 demonstrates that the horizontal axis in the WPS denotes the
°CA for D100, DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, respectively. An interesting fact engine combustion cycles, while vertical WPS represents the periodi-
in this data is that the ROHR peaks decrease as the butanol fraction in cities of the data series. Horizontal GWS signifies the power while the
diesel fuels increase. These differences in maximum value of ROHR can be vertical indicates the period. Maximum value in the plot of GWS shows
explained based on Fig. 13. Shorter combustion duration of CA10–90% for the prevalent periodicities for that particular fuel. The red and blue
butanol/diesel blends produce lower accumulation of the fuel. Thus, colours through all the WPS signify the lowest and highest energies of
premixed combustion heat release is higher for D100, which is subjected the energy signal, respectively. The area under the U-shaped curve is
to higher ROHR compared to all of the blended fuels. denoted as the cone of influence. Significance level by 5% resulted in a
Fig. 5 demonstrates the mass fraction burned (MFB) against engine 95% confidence level, which suggests that 5% of the wavelet power
crank angle analysis at engine speed of 2500 rpm for the tested fuels over would be higher than this level.
1000 engine consecutive cycles. The conversion of energy during the in- It is apparent from the measured length of 1000 engine cycles of the
itial start of combustion to the end of the combustion can be explained Pmax time series that this study has been subjected to limit the periodicities
based on mass fraction burned analysis. The MFB for each of the tested to less than 256-cycle. Fig. 9(a) reveals the wavelet analysis of the Pmax
fuels is normalized with a percentage scale from 0 to 100%. Changes in the time series for D100 fuels at engine speed of 2500 rpm. From the WPS, it
MFB phases can be used to present the tested fuel ignition delay and burn was observed that there was only a slightly strong intensity of variance
duration. The MFB percentage values for all the tested fuels indicated a during the cycle ranging between 380–410 and 593–615 at engine cycle of
similar trend, but there was a slight observable difference that is further 15–30 and 28–39 period, respectively. The occurrence of strong periodi-
discussed in the following figures. The start of ignition is set at −20 city at particular notified engine cycle and period indicates the higher
°before top dead centre. From the zoom-in area based on the graph, ig-
nition delay lasted at −11.6 °CA, −10 °CA, −8.4 °CA and −6.6 °CA, for 1.2
D100, DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, respectively. It was also observed that the 1.1
mass fraction burned value for the blends with high concentration of bu- Zoom in
tanol completed the combustion later than the rest of the tested fuels by area of 0.9
37 °CA, 30.1 °CA, 28 °CA and 26 °CA, for DBu15, DBu10m DBu5 and D100, 0.6 highest 0.8
ROPR 0 10 20 30 40
respectively. It is understood that this ignition delay and combustion 0.4
completion is highly dependent on the heat of vaporization and cetane
ROPR (bar/°CA)

number effect of the butanol fuels.
Fig. 6 presents the differences in engine ignition delay duration
from 0% to 10% extracted from the MFB (Fig. 11) between D100 and -0.2
blended diesel fuels with alcohols. According to Awad et al. [26], -0.4
combustion duration from 0% to 10% is indicated as the ignition delay. -0.6 DBu15
It can be defined as the time from the start of fuel injection to the initial
development of combustion process. In this process, the mixing of fuel
and air are playing major roles in the early premixing process indicated -1
by the ignition delay process. Ignition delay values were expressed in -1.2
degree of crank angle, which defined the distance between the start of -1.4
injection to the initial development of the combustion phenomenon. -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The association between diesel and butanol fuels is interesting because Crank angle (°CA)
as the butanol volume ratio increases, the longer period of ignition
delay take place for the blended fuels. It is calculated that D100 fuels Fig. 3. Rate of pressure rise (ROPR) profiles for butanol/diesel blends.

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

1 D100 DBu15
0.9 DBu5 zoom in
0.8 DBu10 area at DBu10

Fuel type
highest 0.85
0.7 DBu15
ROHR 0.8
0.6 10 15 20 25 30 D100

0.5 DBu5
D100 DBu15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0.1 Crank angle (°CA)
-0.1 Fig. 7. Combustion duration of CA10–90% for butanol/diesel blends.
-0.3 blends. An increase in high intensity of periodic band can be observed
-0.4 at multiple periodic cycles especially at 9–60, 32–62 and 125–233 at
-0.5 engine cycles of 185–300, 40–195 and 0–235, respectively.
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 9(c) indicates the wavelet analysis of the Pmax time series for
Crank angle (°CA)
blended fuel of DBu10 at engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load for
Fig. 4. Rate of heat release (ROHR) profiles for butanol/diesel blends. 1000 consecutive cycles. The cycle-to-cycle variation started to exhibit
higher frequency intermittent fluctuations as a result of occurrence of
strong periodicity using DBu10. Accordingly, it is obvious that a high in-
100 tensity in engine cycle around 300–550, 510–800, 620–970 and 725–980
D100 at period cycles of 64–128, 8–32, 64–128 and 128–256, respectively.
90 DBu5 Fig. 9(d) illustrates the wavelet analysis of the Pmax time series for
Zoom in area DBu10 blended fuel of DBu15 at engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load for
Mass fraction burned (%)

at 90% MFB DBu15

1000 consecutive cycles. The WPS of DBu15 shows a high intensity con-
70 92 tinuous engine cycle-to-cycle variation of 0–800 ranging from 32 to 128
91 periodic cycles. Further evaluation of GWS showed that the single most
60 90 striking observation to emerge from the data comparison is that the
89 spectral power increases as the butanol blending ratio increases in the
50 88 diesel fuels. The blended fuel of DBu15 has been found to have the highest
23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 spectral power, resulting in a more fluctuated engine combustion opera-
tion. The findings from these studies suggest that butanol can influence the
30 12 blended fuel due to its higher viscosity (Table 1) compared to diesel.
20 Zoom in area 10
3.2. Effects of engine emissions characteristics
at 90% MFB
10 8
-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 Nitrogen oxide (NOx) that consists of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen
0 dioxide (NO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), dinitrogen dioxide (N2O2), dini-
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 trogen trioxide (N2O3), dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and dinitrogen
Crank angle (°CA) pentoxide (N2O5) were produced during the combustion process of fuel
and air in the engine combustion chamber [27–29]. A number of au-
Fig. 5. Mass fraction burned profiles for butanol/diesel blends. thors have reported the formation of nitrogen oxide phenomenon
[30,31]. The formation mechanism of NOx can be explained based on
the Zeldovich mechanism. According to the Zeldovich mechanism, the
production of NOx is associated with three factors which is a tem-
perature higher than 1700 K, oxygen content and the attainable time to
Fuel type

form NO before the temperature drop under 1900 K [32]. This me-
chanism can be described based on Eqs. (4)–(6).
N2 + O NO (4)
D100 DBu15
N+ O2 NO + O (5)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
N+ OH NO + H (6)
Crank angle (°CA)
Fig. 10 depicts the NOx engine exhaust emissions at engine speed of
Fig. 6. Ignition delay of CA0–10% for butanol/diesel blends.
2500 rpm with 15 N m load for all the tested fuels. The NOx exhaust
emissions decreased as the butanol content in the blended fuel in-
engine cyclic variability. Meanwhile, the weak periodicity demonstrates a creases. Based on the calculation, NOx is reduced by 14.3%, 26% and
lower engine cyclic variability. Other than the particularly mentioned 34.7% for DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, respectively, compared with D100
intensities, the rest only recorded lower cyclic variabilities. fuels. The decrease is primarily due to the lowering effect of engine
Fig. 9(b) shows the wavelet analysis of the Pmax time series for exhaust temperature that is caused by the higher heat of evaporation
blended fuel of DBu5 at engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load for characteristics possessed by the increase in volume of butanol in diesel
1000 consecutive cycles. From the figure, it is clearly visible that the blends. These results match those observed in earlier studies by Yilmaz
engine cycle-to-cycle variation of the Pmax started to arise at multiple [33], which showed lower NOx engine exhaust emissions characteristics
time series and period with the addition of 5% of butanol in diesel when the diesel fuel was associated with alcohol additives. In addition,

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

(a) 65
60 Pmax=41 Bar D100

Pmax (Bar)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Engine cycle
(b) 65
60 Pmax=40.9 Bar DBu5
Pmax (Bar)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Engine cycle

(c) 65
60 Pmax=40.2 Bar DBu10
Pmax (Bar)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Engine cycle

(d) 65
60 Pmax=40.1 Bar DBu15
Pmax (Bar)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Engine cycle
Fig. 8. Plot of Pmax for different tested fuels (a) D100, (b) DBu5, (c) DBu10, and (d) DBu15 at under 100 cycles.

an investigation by Miers [34] concluded that 20% of butanol additives consequently improved the combustion efficiency and thus produce more
in the diesel engine will not result in higher NOx engine exhaust complete combustion. The findings of the current study are consistent with
emissions, however at 40% of butanol additive content in diesel engine those of Yao et al. and Rakopoulos et al. [35,36] who observed that CO
will increase the amount of NOx exhaust emissions. exhaust emissions reduced significantly with respect to the butanol ad-
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important component of pollutant in the ditive in the diesel engine. These factors was explained by the author due
climate system and plays a key factor because of its severe health effects at to the relatively leaning effect which reduces CO exhaust emissions.
high concentrations. The formation of CO in the diesel engine is based on Carbon dioxides (CO2) is increasingly recognized as a serious, world-
incomplete combustion between fuel and air. Fig. 11 indicates the CO wide cause of climatic change [37]. The production of CO2 occurs natu-
engine exhaust emissions produced using D100 and the diesel/butanol rally in the atmosphere and is also a usual by-product of the combustion
blends at engine speed of 2500 rpm with 15 N m load. From the bar chart [38]. This type of emissions signify a complete combustion [23]. However,
below, a significant reduction of CO engine exhaust emissions was ob- there is a very high need to control this engine exhaust emissions as it
served for all types of blended fuels. A gradual decrease was seen in the contributed to the major effects of global warming and it should be con-
concentration of CO in the diesel engine by 11.8%, 23.6% and 30.9% for trolled at the acceptable limit. Fig. 12 shows the influence of butanol on
DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15 with respect to D100 fuels. Based on the cal- CO2 engine exhaust emissions at engine speed of 2500 rpm. It was ob-
culated percentage, the reduction of CO engine exhaust emissions is higher served that D100 produced higher CO2 compared to all the blended fuels.
corresponding with the increasing butanol ratio in the diesel fuels. The However, as the butanol ratio in the blended fuel increases, increment in
most likely cause of lower CO engine exhaust emissions is the combustion the production of CO2 is observed. At engine speeds of 2500 rpm, it was
reaction between the fuels and air with the presence of butanol. The recorded that the butanol/diesel blends generated lower CO2 by 62.5%,
oxygen-rich butanol based on the molecular weight of butanol, 43.7%% and 23.4% DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15, respectively, with respect

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

(a) 8


Period (cycle)



256 0 10 20 30
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Engine cycle Power
Low High

(b) 8

Period (cycle)




256 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Engine cycle Power
Low High

(c) 8

Period (cycle)




256 0 20 40 60 80
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Engine cycle Power
Low High

(d) 8

Period (cycle)




256 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Engine cycle Power
Low High
Fig. 9. WPS and GWS of the Pmax time series for (a) D100, (b) DBu5, (c) DBu10, and (d) DBu15.

to D100 fuels. The evidence shows that there is an increasing trend of operating at a leaner air-fuel mixture, which consequently causes the
butanol/diesel fuel in production of CO2 engine exhaust emissions. The oxidation reaction process to occur rapidly and therefore complete com-
cause behind the rising of CO2 engine exhaust emission is the engine bustion can occur between the fuel and air mixture. This finding is in

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

250 100
200 80

NOx (ppm)

100 40
50 20
0 0
D100 DBu5 DBu10 DBu15 D100 DBu5 DBu10 DBu15
Fuel type Fuel Type
Fig. 10. NOx exhaust emissions characteristics for diesel/butanol blends. Fig. 13. HC exhaust emissions characteristics for diesel/butanol blends.

0.12 exhaust emissions also could be increased with the engine operating at too
lean air-fuel mixture condition, thus resulting in slow combustion of flame
0.1 propagation during and after the ignition of fuel and air [41]. Fig. 13
indicates the comparison of HC engine exhaust emissions for diesel and
0.08 butanol/diesel blended fuels at engine speed of 2500 rpm. The HC engine
exhaust emissions produced by the blended fuel are much lesser than that
CO (Vol%)

of D100 fuels at engine speeds of 2500 rpm. It was also noticed that HC
engine exhaust emissions decreased with higher butanol percentage. The
lower HC engine exhaust emissions operated with butanol/diesel blends
0.04 can be explained by the fuel properties characteristics of the butanol itself.
It was found that the butanol addition in the combustion chamber re-
0.02 flected the improvement in HC oxidation owing to the higher oxygen
content in the butanol as can be seen in Table 1. The percentage of re-
0 duction recorded were 7.5%, 16.1% and 30.1% for DBu5, DBu10 and
D100 DBu5 DBu10 DBu15 DBu15, respectively compared to D100 fuels. Iannuzzi and Valentino [42]
Fuel type presented similar results by adding butanol in diesel fuels. From their
results, lower HC was measured owing to the high thermal efficiency
Fig. 11. CO exhaust emissions characteristics for diesel/butanol blends.
shown by the diesel/butanol blends.

7 4. Summary and conclusions

The use of conventional petroleum-based fuels is a major environ-
mental problem, and the main cause of depletion of non-renewable
energy. Application of alcohol fuel as a fuel substitution for diesel fuel is
CO2 (Vol.%)

important to enhance the contribution of energy derived from agri-

cultural-based biofuels in energy sectors related to internal combustion
3 engines. Butanol seems to be one of the leading alcohol candidates for
dual fuel mode with diesel fuels, as it can possibly improve the engine
2 combustion and exhaust emissions characteristics. This study presents
the experimental evaluations of the diesel engine operated with bu-
1 tanol/diesel fuel blends in terms of its engine combustion and exhaust
emissions characteristics. The present study makes several noteworthy
0 contributions to the following conclusions:
D100 DBu5 DBu10 DBu15
Fuel type a. Addition of butanol to diesel fuel have a lower engine in-cylinder
pressure, rate of pressure rise, and rate of heat release. However, the
Fig. 12. CO2 exhaust emissions characteristics for diesel/butanol blends.
addition of butanol in the diesel fuel possesses an almost identical
combustion characteristics as the calculated percentage difference
agreement with the findings of Jeevahan et al. [39] which showed that an only showed a slight decrease of trend with the addition of butanol.
increasing trend of CO2 emissions with butanol content can be attributed b. Based on the analysis of mass fraction burned, the ignition delay and
to the butanol being an oxygenated additive that turns CO into CO2 ex- combustion duration were longer compared to D100 fuels.
haust emissions. c. Analysis of wavelet power spectrum from the time series of Pmax value
The CO and CO2 engine exhaust emissions are mainly due to the in- for 1000 consecutive cycles revealed that DBu5, DBu10 and DBu15
complete combustion between air and fuel mixture combusted in the produced higher engine cyclic variations with increasing blending ra-
combustion chamber. On the other hand, engine exhaust emissions of tios. Furthermore, the highest global wavelet spectrum was achieved
unburned hydrocarbon (HC) is an outcome of incomplete combustion of by the blended fuel DBu15 compared to other tested fuels.
fuel in the engine combustion chamber [40]. The total of HC engine

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

d. Addition in percentage of butanol to 15% with diesel fuel led to the roughness during the engine operation as the reading shows an increase
decline of engine exhaust emissions of NOx (by 34.7%), CO (by in high intensity continuous engine cycle-to-cycle variations based on
30.9%) and HC (30.1%), however it was found that CO2 showed an wavelet power spectrum analysis. This research will serve as a base for
increasing trend by the highest value of 62.5%. future studies, especially for the author to possibly reduce the engine
cycle-to-cycle variations through the mixing with biodiesel.
Together, the experiments performed in this study demonstrated
that the main advantage of using butanol as a fuel substitute to the Acknowledgement
diesel fuel is the significant reduction of engine exhaust emissions
mainly for NOx, CO and HC. The reduction of engine exhaust emissions Appreciation and acknowledgment are due to the Ministry of Higher
is clearly one of the solutions to reduce the engine exhaust emissions in Education (KPT) for providing the author with the scholarship under My
the diesel engine. Nevertheless, it must be mentioned that based on the Brain 15 schemes and financial support under University Malaysia Pahang
analysis of cyclic variations through the wavelet power spectrum ana- Grand RDU 1403156. Sincere thanks to Mr. Muhd Hafietz Bin Yusoff for
lysis, the addition of butanol to diesel fuel may exhibit a little bit of bountiful assistance in terms of technical support during the engine testing.

Appendix A

See Table A1.

Table A1
Sample calculations of the uncertainty.
Samples Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Min Max Accuracy Average Uncertainty Uncertainty
(Min + Max/2) (+) (−)
Min Max

Research octane number

DBu5 20.0 20.1 19.9 19.9 20.1 19.7 20.3 20.0 1.6 −1.6
DBu10 23.0 23.0 22.7 22.7 23.0 22.5 23.2 22.9 1.4 −1.4
DBu15 24.2 24.2 23.9 23.9 24.2 23.7 24.4 24.1 1.5 −1.5
Average of uncertainty 1.5 −1.5

Cetane number
DBu5 49.6 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.6 48.8 50.1 49.4 1.3 −1.3
DBu10 48.7 48.5 48.6 48.5 48.7 48.0 49.2 48.6 1.2 −1.2
DBu15 47.3 47.1 47.5 47.1 47.5 46.6 48.0 47.3 1.4 −1.4
Average of uncertainty 1.3 −1.3

Lower heating value

DBu5 41.6 42.0 41.8 41.6 42.0 41.3 42.3 41.8 1.2 −1.2
DBu10 41.4 41.8 41.6 41.4 41.8 41.1 42.1 41.6 1.2 −1.2
DBu15 41.4 41.4 41.1 41.1 41.4 40.8 41.7 41.3 1.2 −1.2
Average of uncertainty 1.2 −1.2

DBu5 2.438 2.432 2.414 2.414 2.438 2.404 2.448 2.426 0.894 −0.894
DBu10 2.450 2.431 2.427 2.427 2.450 2.417 2.460 2.439 0.880 −0.880
DBu15 2.442 2.459 2.435 2.435 2.459 2.425 2.469 2.447 0.894 −0.894
Average of uncertainty 0.9 −0.9

DBu5 845.4 845.4 845.2 845.2 845.4 845.1 845.5 845.3 0.03 −0.03
DBu10 843.7 843.6 843.5 843.5 843.7 843.4 843.8 843.6 0.03 −0.03
DBu15 841.7 841.9 841.8 841.7 841.9 841.6 842.0 841.8 0.03 −0.03
Average of uncertainty 0.03 −0.03

DBu5 169 167 167 167 169 166 170 168 1.2 −1.2
DBu10 146 148 144 144 148 143 149 146 2.0 −2.0
DBu15 129 128 127 127 129 126 130 128 1.6 −1.6
Average of uncertainty 1.6 −1.6

DBu5 0.098 0.096 0.097 0.096 0.098 0.095 0.099 0.097 2.219 −2.219
DBu10 0.083 0.084 0.085 0.083 0.085 0.082 0.086 0.084 2.578 −2.578
DBu15 0.075 0.077 0.076 0.075 0.077 0.074 0.078 0.076 2.922 −2.922
Average of uncertainty 2.6 −2.6

DBu5 2.40 2.46 2.34 2.34 2.46 2.33 2.47 2.40 3.0 −3.0
DBu10 3.56 3.57 3.67 3.56 3.67 3.56 3.67 3.61 1.6 −1.6
DBu15 4.86 4.97 4.87 4.86 4.97 4.86 4.97 4.91 1.2 −1.2
Average of uncertainty 1.9 −1.9

DBu5 85 86 87 85 87 84 88 86 1.9 −1.9
DBu10 79 77 78 77 79 77 79 78 0.8 −0.8
DBu15 64 66 65 64 66 64 66 65 1.9 −1.9
Average of uncertainty 1.5 −1.5

I.M. Yusri, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 209–219

Appendix B. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

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