1 5 8 Chapter 3 - Functions, Sequences, and Relations: (Jc. Y) Y. Y) G

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1 58 Chapter 3 • Functions, Sequences, and Relations

3. 16.
Sally Malh
Ruih Physics
Sam Econ
17. Find the inverse (as a set of ordered pairs) of each relation in
Exercises 1-16.
a a Exercises 18 and 19 refer to the relaitoii R on the set {1, 2, 3, 4. 5)
b b defined by the rule (x. y) € R if 3 divides x — y.

18, List the elements of/(. 19. List the elements of

In Exercises 5-8, write the relation as a table.
20. Repeat Exercises 18 and 19 for the relation R on the set
5. R^{(a,6)Ab,2).{a.\)Ac.])] (1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5} defined by the r u l e ( x , y ) ^ R \f x + y < 6.
6. R = [{Roger, Music). (Pat, History). (Ben, Math),
21. Repeat Exercises 18 and 19 for the relation R on the set
(Pat, PolySci)! ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 1 defined by the rule (.v. y ) € R ifa- = y - 1.
7. The relation R on {1.2, 3,4) defined by (jt. y) € R \fx'^ >y 22. Is the relation of Exercise 20 reflexive, symmetric, antisym-
8. The relation R from the set X of planets to the set Y of integers metric, transitive, and/or a partial order?
defined by (x, y) € R if .t is in position y from the sun (near-
23. Is the relation of Exercise 21 reflexive, symmetric, antisym-
est the sun being in position 1, second nearest the sun being in
metric, transitive, and/or a partial order?
position 2, and so on)
In Exercises 24-31, determine whether each relation defined on
In Exercises 9-12. draw the digraph of the relation.
the set of positive integers is reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric,
9. The relation of Exercise 4 on [a, b, c\ transitive, and/or a partial order.

10. The relation R = { ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 1).(3, 3), ( 1 , I ) , (2,2)) on 24. (X. y)e Rdx = y-. 25. (.r, y) e R if J: > y.
X = {1,2,31 26. (jc. y ) e R i f . t > y . 27. (x, y) G R if x = y.
11. The relation ^ {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, l ) | o n {1, 2,3,4}
28. ( X , y ) e R if 3 divides x - y ,
12. The relation of Exercise 7 29. (x, y ) G R if 3 divides x + 2y.
In Exercises 13-16. write the relation as a set of ordered pairs. 30. ( x , y ) G R i f x - y = 2. 31. ( x , y ) e R i f |x - y ] = 2.

13. 32. Let X be a nonempty set. Define a relation onViX). the power
set of A", as ( 4 , B) G R if 4 C B, Is this relation reflexive, sym-
metric, antisymmetric, transitive, and/or a partial order?
33. Prove that a relation R on a set X is antisymmetric if and only
if for all X, y £ X, if (x, y ) € R andx ?^ y , then ( y , x) ^ R.
34. Let X be the set of all four-bit strings (e.g., 0011,0101.1000).
Define a relation R on X as S] R S2 if some substring of S{ of
length 2 is equal to some substring of 52 of length 2. Exam-
ples: Oil 1 R 1010 (because both 0111 and 1010 contain 01).
1110^; 0001 (because IllOandOOOl do not shareacommon
14. substring of length 2). Is this relation reflexive, symmetric,
antisymmetric, transitive, and/or a partial order?
35. Suppose that Ry is a partial order on X, , i = 1, 2. Show that
1 2 R is a partial order on X; x X2 if we define
( x i , X 2 ) R{x\,X2) if x[ R| x\ andx2 R?^^-

A 36. Let Ri and R2 be the relations on {1, 2, 3, 4} given by

Ri = { ( 1 , l ) , ( 1 . 2 ) , ( 3 , 4 ) . ( 4 , 2 ) }
R2 = ( ( l , l ) , ( 2 , l ) , ( 3 , l ) . ( 4 , 4 ) , ( 2 . 2 ) l .
List the elements of Rj o R2 and R2 0 Ri.

Give examples of relations on {1, 2, 3, 4} having the properties

specified in Exercises 37-41.

yi. Reflexive, symmetric, and not transitive

38. Reflexive, not symmetric, and not transitive
1 . 2 .
39. Reflexive, antisymmetric, and not transitive

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