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Cameroon is a bilingual country with English and French as official languages. The training of healthcare personnel is done such that, the
language matches with the area in which the school is located. In order to ensure that the health personnel trained are able to render services
throughout the nation in both official languages, a summary of essential aspects of the nursing program is taught in the other official language.

Therefore within the context of the state registered nursing students of EPIC Garoua, the summary will be done in English since their training is
done in French language, given the fact Garoua is an area where French is the first official language.


By the end of this course, the 2nd year state registered nursing students of EPIC Garoua should be able;

To carry out, execute, and render essential health care services in English.

To relates and interact with colleagues and patients in English.

They should specifically be able to;

1. State and explain the roles or functions of the different hospital services, units and departments.
2. State, identify and explain the roles or functions of the different equipment/instruments and supplies used in the hospital for patient care.
3. Have conversation in English specific to the nurse
4. Use and apply medical and health care terminologies appropriately
5. Use of technical sheets and protocols in English language
6. State the role of health information and health care management

I. Hospital services, departments, units, personnel and their roles and functions.
II. Hospital equipment and their uses
III. Conversation in English specific to the nurse
IV. Medical and health care terminologies
V. Technical sheets and protocols in English language
VI. Role of health information and health care management

A. Hospital services
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. It is also a place where people go to
seek health advice and orientation. Therefore, not everybody who receives health services from the hospital is definitely sick (a patient) even
though the majority of those who do are ill/sick. It is for this reason that people who seek services from the hospital are generally referred to as
clients (Health Clients). Clients who are hospitalized in any hospital service are called in-patients, while those who are not hospitalized but
came on a regular basis for health services are called out-patients.

Hospitals may have acute services such as an emergency department or specialist trauma centre, burn unit, surgery, or urgent care. These
may then be backed up by more specialist units such as cardiology or coronary care unit, intensive care unit, neurology, cancer centre, and
obstetrics and gynaecology.

Some hospitals will also have outpatient departments and while others may have treatment units such as behavioural health services,
dentistry, dermatology, psychiatric ward, rehabilitation services (Rehab), and physical therapy.

Common hospital support units include a dispensary or pharmacy, pathology, and radiology, and on the non-medical side, there often are
medical records departments and/or a release of information department.

The Finance Department performs all works related to budget and ideal use of the items of such budget. Also, it prepares payrolls and
monthly wages, and concludes contracts of operation and maintenance and purchases. In addition, it makes available all amounts of money
required for procurement of all materials and equipment.

Nursing services are considered one of the most important aspects in the process of distinguished medical care.
Hospitals vary widely in the services they offer and therefore, in the departments/units they have as well. Each of these services could
exist independently from the hospital as specialized services.
B. Hospital staff/Personnel and roles
There are many people who contribute to patient care in the hospital. Numerous people and services work together to provide successful
treatment to patients in a hospital, from medical assessments and daily treatment to medication and providing services. 
The key roles for staff in a hospital can be broadly categorised into four areas as follow:
 Doctors (medical staff)
 Nurses
 Technicians
 Allied Health professionals

All these people play an important role in the care, treatment and recovery of patients.
 Doctors (medical staff)
Doctors have different roles and responsibilities based on their level of experience and their medical specialty. 
These roles include:
 senior consultants – specialist doctors who see patients at specific times 
 registrars – senior doctors who supervise residents, interns and students
 residents – look after patients on the ward and are in training for specialisation
 interns – have completed their studies and are now finishing their final year in hospital
 Student doctors – undergraduate medical students.
 Nurses
Nurses manage most of ongoing care and treatment in hospital. They assess, plan and administer the daily treatment and manage general health
issues as well patients’ immediate needs. They also direct (orient) patients to the right people to speak about specific medical issues. Like
doctors, nurses have different roles and responsibilities based on their experience and specialties. 
These roles include:
 nurse unit manager – runs the ward
 associate nurse unit manager – helps the nurse unit manager to run the ward and acts as the manager when the nurse unit manager is
off site
 nurse practitioners – highly skilled nurses with an advanced level of training
 specialist nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists, clinical nurse consultants, clinical nurse educators, emergency department nurses
 registered nurses – provide a high level of day-to-day care and perform some minor procedures
 Enrolled nurses – provide basic medical care under the supervision of more senior nurses.

 Allied health professionals

Allied health professionals are university-educated practitioners who work as part of your multidisciplinary healthcare team. They assess,
diagnose and treat conditions and work to prevent disease and disability.
Some examples of allied health professionals include: 
 Dietitians
 Occupational therapists
 Pharmacists
 Physiotherapists
There are also allied health assistants, who have been trained to help some of these allied health professionals in a support role.

 Other hospital staff

Keeping a hospital running requires a great deal of organisation and administration. A wide range of support and administrative staff take care of
everything from laundry and meals to patient transport and maintenance. 
Hospital support staff include:
 clinical assistants – take care of ward housekeeping
 patient services assistants – bring meals and drinks
 porters – take care of patient lifting and transport
 volunteers – help with fundraising and ward visits

 Most Common Hospital Departments include;

The Accident and Emergency (A&E) Unit (service des urgences); Admissions; Anesthetics ; Breast Screening; Cardiology department;
Dentistry/Stomatology Unit ; Dermatology Unit ; Elderly services/ Gerontology ; General Services; Gastroenterology ; Gyneco-Obstetrical Unit/
Maternity; The Family Planning Unit; Haematology; Health & Safety; Human Resources; Infection Control; Information Management; Isolation
Unit; Laboratory; Laundry Unit; Medical Unit; Microbiology; Neonatal; Nephrology; Neurology; Neuropsychiatry Unit; Nutrition and Dietetics;
Oncology Unit ; Ophthalmology Unit; Otolaryngology Unit /E N T:Ear-Nose-Throat; Out-Patient Department; Paediatric Unit; Pain
Management; Patient Accounts; Pharmacy; Physiotherapy Unit; Pneumology unit; Radiology; Reanimation / Critical Care /Intensive Care Unit;
Renal department/Dialysis unit; Rheumatology department; Social Work Department; Sterilization Unit; Surgical Unit; Urology unit.
1. The Accident and Emergency (A&E) Unit (Salle/service des urgences)
This is the unit of the hospital which provides emergency services (First Aid Treatment for Acute and serious cases). Consultations and
prescriptions are also done here for minor or less severe cases. It is the first point of contact between a health client and the hospital. Personnel of
this unit refer or orientate clients to other units of the hospital for further care or orientation depending on their concerns. A client’s problems
could as well be completely handled at the level of the emergency unit.
Personnel include;
 General practitioners (Les médecins généralistes)
 Nurses (Infirmières)
 Specialists in emergency care and reanimation
(Spécialistes en cas d'urgence et de réanimation etc.)
 Nursing aids (Aides-soignants)
 Technicians (Techniciens), Allied and Support staff (personnel d’appui)
2. Admissions unit (Service d’hospitalisation) - At the Admitting Department, the patient will be required to provide personal information
before being taken to the hospital unit or ward. If the individual is critically ill, then, this information is usually obtained from a family
3. Anesthetic unit (Service d’anesthesie) - Doctors in this department give anesthetic for operations and procedures. An anesthetic is a drug or
agent that produces a complete or partial loss of feeling. There are three kinds of anesthetic: general, regional and local.
Personnel include;
 Anesthesiologist/Anesthetist (Anesthésiste)
 Nurses specialized in Anesthesiology (Infirmières spécialisées en anesthésiologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
4. Cardiology department (Service de Cardiologie) - Provides medical care to patients who have problems with their heart or circulation
Personnel include;
 Cardiologist (Cardiologue)
 Nurses specialized in Cardiology (Infirmières spécialisées en cardiologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
5. Dentistry/Stomatology Unit (Service/unité d’Odontostomatologie)
This is reserved to cater for clients who have illnesses limited at the level of the teeth and mouth respectively.
Personnel include;
 Dentist/dental surgeon (Dentist/ chirurgien dentist)
 Stomatologist ( Stomatologue)
 Technicians in dentistry and/or Stomatology (techniciens d’Odontostomatologie)
 Nurse specialist in dentistry and /or Stomatology (Infirmières spécialisées en odontostomatologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
6. Dermatology Unit (Service /unité de dermatologie)
This unit manages patients with diseases of the skin or integumentary system.
Personnel: The category of health personnel found in this unit includes;
 Dermatologist (Dermatologue/ Dermatologiste)
 Nurses specialized in dermatology (infirmières spécialisées dans dermatologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
7. Elderly services/ Gerontology (Service gérontologie) - Covers and assists with a wide range of issues associated with seniors.
Personnel include;
 Gerontologist (Gérontologue)
 Nurses specialized in Gerontology (Infirmières spécialisées en gérontologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.

8. General Services – Provides Support Services which include services provided by Departments such as Catering, Housekeeping, Security,
Health & Safety, Switch, Laundry and the management of facilities such as parking, access control, etc.
Personnel include; Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
9. Gastroenterology unit (Service gastroentérologie) - This department investigates and treats digestive and upper and lower gastrointestinal
Personnel include;
 Gastroenterologist (gastroentérologue)
 Nurses specialized in Gastroenterology (Infirmières spécialisées en gérontologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
10. Gyneco-Obstetrical Unit/ Maternity (Service/unité gynéco – obstétricale ou la Maternité): This unit is reserved for the treatment and
care of conditions particular to women. In other words, the maternity manages women illness (gynecology), pregnancy and its complications
(obstetrics) and delivery (midwifery) including breastfeeding of breastfeeding women.
i. The Gynaecology unit - Investigates and treats problems relating to the female urinary tract and reproductive organs, such as
Endometriosis, infertility and incontinence.
ii. The Maternity - Maternity wards provide antenatal care, delivery of babies and care during childbirth, and postnatal support.
iii. Family Planning Unit (Service/unité de planning familial). This unit manages clients with concerns of child bearing and spacing.
Here, clients are educated on the various techniques (methods) of contraception available and possible together with advantages and
disadvantages. Clients are also cancelled on child spacing.
Personnel include;
 Gynecologist (Gynécologue)
 Obstetricians (Obstétriciens)
 Reproductive Health specialists (Spécialiste de la santé de la reproduction)
 General practitioners
 General and specialized nurses
 Midwives (Sages-femmes et les Maïeuticiens)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
11. Haematology unit (service d’hématologie) - These hospital services work with the laboratory. In addition doctors treat blood diseases and
malignancies related to the blood.
Personnel include;
 Haematologist (hématologue)
 Nurses specialized in gérontologie (Infirmières spécialisées en gérontologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.

12. Health & Safety Department (Service de santé et de securité au travail ) - The role of the occupational health and safety department is to
promote and maintain the highest possible degree of health and safety for all employees, physicians, volunteers, students and contractors, and
actively participates in quality, safety and risk initiatives. Numerous health and safety issues associated with healthcare facilities include
blood-borne pathogens and biological hazards, potential chemical and drug exposures, waste anaesthetic gas exposures, respiratory hazards,
ergonomic hazards from lifting and repetitive tasks, laser hazards, hazards associated with laboratories, and radioactive material and x-ray
Personnel include;
 Health and safety specialist (spécialiste de la santé et de la sécurité)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
13. Human Resources Department (Direction des Ressources Humaines) - Role is to provide a professional, efficient and customer focused
service to managers and staff and in turn facilitate the delivery of a professional, efficient and customer focused service to patients.
Personnel include;
 Human resource manager (directeur des ressources humaines)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
14. Infection Control service (Unité de prévention et contrôle des infections) - Primarily responsible for conducting surveillance of hospital-
acquired infections and investigating and controlling outbreaks or infection clusters among patients and health care personnel.
Personnel include;
 Infectiologist (Infectiologue)
 Doctors (general practitioners), Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
15. Information Management (Unité de gestion d’information) - Meaningful information can be used in quality management, continuous
quality improvement and peer review. By improving the quality of information, core data can be provided for randomized clinical trials,
outcomes research and many studies.
Personnel include: computer engineer, allied and support staff.
16. Isolation Unit (Service/Unité d'isolement)
This unit manages the care of clients with contagious illnesses or with conditions which could easily be contaminated (skin grafts).
Personnel: The category of health personnel found in this unit includes;
 General Practitioners and specialists
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
17. Laboratory (Laboratoire)
This unit takes charge in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients through the use of specific techniques, reagents and equipment.
Personnel include;
 Laboratory Scientists /Specialists (Ingénieur biomédical)
 Laboratory technicians (Technicien en analyses médicales)
 Laboratory Assistants (Agent technique Médicosanitaire)
18. Laundry Unit (buanderie)
This unit/service takes care or is responsible for the washing of hospital linens and uniforms.
Personnel include;
 Laundry technician (technicien de blanchisserie)
 Allied and support staff.
19. Medical Unit/Ward (Service de médecine)
This unit is reserved for the treatment and care of patients whose condition does not require invasive procedures and manipulation (malaria,
typhoid fever, hepatitis, gastro-enteritis, hypertension, diabetes, etc.)
Personnel include;
 General and specialized medical doctors (Médecins généralistes et spécialisés)
 General and specialized nurses or nurse practitioners (Infirmières généralistes et spécialisées)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
20. Microbiology unit (Unité de Microbiologie) - The microbiology department provides an extensive clinical service, including mycology,
parasitology, mycobacteriology, a high security pathology unit, and a healthcare associated infection investigation unit, as well as routine
bacteriology and an expanding molecular diagnostic repertoire.
Personnel include;
 Clinical Microbiolgist (Microbiologiste clinique)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
21. Neonatal Unit (Néonatologie) - Closely linked with the hospital maternity department, provides care and support for neonates/babies and
their families.
Personnel include;
 Neonatologist (Néonatologiste)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
22. Nephrology unit (Unité de Néphrologie) - Monitors and assesses patients with various kidney (renal) problems and conditions.
Personnel include;
 Nephrologist (Néphrologue)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
23. Neurology service (Service de Neurologie) - A medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system. Specifically, it deals with
the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of disease involving the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems, including their
coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle. Includes the brain, spinal cord, and spinal cord injuries (SCI).
Personnel include;
 Neurosurgeon / Neurologist (Neurochirurgien/Neurologue)
 Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
24. Neuropsychiatry Unit (service/unité neuropsychiatrie/neuropsychiatrique)
This unit cares for clients with mental and or psychological problems.
Personnel: The category of health personnel found in this unit includes;
 Psychiatrist (Psychiatre)
 Psychologist (Psychologue)
 Neurologist (Neurologue)
 Nurses specialized in psychiatry, mental Health or psychology (infirmières spécialisées en psychiatrie, santé mental ou en
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
25. Nutrition and Dietetics - Dietitians and nutritionists provide specialist advice on diet for hospital wards and outpatient clinics.
Personnel include;
 Nutritionist/ Dietetician (nutritionniste/ diététicien)
 Nurses specialised in nutrition (infirmières spécialisées dans la nutrition)
26. Oncology Unit (Service/unité d'oncologie)
Oncology is branch of medicine that deals with cancer and tumours. A medical professional who practices oncology is an oncologist. The
Oncology department provides treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy, for cancerous tumours and blood disorders.
Personnel include;
 Oncologist (oncologue)
 Nurses specialized in oncology (infirmières spécialisées en oncologie)
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
27. Ophthalmology Unit (Service/unité d'ophtalmologie)
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the visual pathways, including the eye, hairs, and areas
surrounding the eye, such as the lacrimal system and eyelids. The term ophthalmologist is an eye specialist for medical and surgical problems.
The Ophthalmology department provides a range of ophthalmic eye related services for both in and outpatients.
This unit manages clients with conditions (illnesses) of the eye.
Personnel include;
 Ophthalmologists (Ophtalmologue)
 Ophthalmology technicians (technicien en ophtalmologie)
 Nurse specialists in ophthalmology (infirmières spécialisées en ophtalmologie).
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
28. E N T:Ear-Nose-Throat unit (Service/unité d’Oto-rhino-laryngologie : ORL)
The ENT Department provide comprehensive and specialized care covering both Medical and surgical conditions related not just specifically to
the Ear, Nose and Throat, but also other areas within the Head and Neck region. It is often divided into sub-specialties dealing with only one part
of the traditional specialty (ontology, rhinology and laryngology).
Personnel include;
 ENT specialists (Spécialistes et techniciens d’oto-rhino-laryngologie)
 ENT specialized nurses (infirmières spécialisées en oto-rhino-laryngologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
29. Out-Patient Department (Service de consultation externe ou unité ambulatoire)
This service manages the routine care of clients who were not hospitalized or have been discharged.
Personnel include;
 Specialists
 General Practitioners
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
30. Paediatric Unit (Service de pédiatrie)
This is a unit reserved for the care and treatment of children illnesses.
Personnel include;
 Pediatricians (Pédiatres)
 General Practitioners
 Specialized Nurses
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
31. Patient Accounts - The Patient Accounts Department answers all billing questions and concerns, requests for itemized bills, and account
balance inquiries. The patient accounts department also assists patients in their insurance benefits for services rendered.
Personnel include;
 Acountant/ Book keeper (comptable)
 Allied and support staff.
32. Pharmacy (La Pharmacie)
The Pharmacy is responsible for drugs and other Health Care supplies in a hospital, including purchasing (achat), supply and distribution. Clients
are also given advice on the, side effects, dose, route and time to take their medications as well as other precautions to observe during their
treatment regimen.
Personnel include;
 Clinical Pharmacologist (pharmacien clinicien)
 Pharmacist (pharmacien)
 Pharmacy technicians (techniciens en pharmacie)
 Nurses specialized in pharmacology (infirmières spécialisées en pharmacologie)
 Nurses, Technicians, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
33. Physiotherapy Unit (Service/unité de physiothérapie/kinésithérapie)
This unit manages clients with conditions requiring manipulations, maneuvers, massages and exercises. They also make use of sophisticated
techniques and equipment.
Personnel include;
 Physiotherapists (Physiothérapeute/ kinésithérapeute)
 Physiotherapy technicians (Technicien en physiothérapie/kinésithérapie)
 Nurse physiotherapist (Infirmière spécialisée en physiothérapie/kinésithérapie)
 Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
34. Pneumology/Pulmonology Unit (Service/unité de Pneumologie)
Pneumology is the study of the respiratory system and organs while pulmonology is the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the lungs
and respiratory tract. This service provides treatment to patients with diseases and disorders of respiratory system.
Personnel include;
 Pneumologist (Pneumologue)
 Nurses specialized in pneumology (Infirmières spécialisées en pneumologie)
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
35. Radiology / Medical Imaging / X-ray department (Service/Unité d'imagerie médicale ou Radiologie)
This unit is reserved for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of clients’ conditions with the use of sophisticated techniques, procedure and
technology like x-ray and radiation to diagnosing and treating disease. The Department of Radiology is a highly specialized, full-service
department which strives to meet all patient and clinician needs in diagnostic imaging and image-guided therapies.
Radiotherapy service - Also called radiation therapy, is the treatment of cancer and other diseases with ionizing radiation.
Personnel include;
 Radiologists (Radiologues)
 Radiology technicians (Techniciens en radiologie)
 Nurses specialized in radiology (Infirmières spécialisées en radiologie)
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
36. Intensive Care Unit (service/unité de réanimation /service ou unité de soins intensifs)
This unit takes charge of patients with severe / critical condition requiring close, regular and meticulous follow-up (e.g., an unconscious patient,
seriously ill patients)
Personnel: The category of health personnel found in this unit includes;
 Specialists in reanimation (Spécialistes en réanimation)
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
37. Dialysis unit (Service/unité d’Hémo-dialyse)
Provides facilities for dialysis and helps facilitate Hemodialysis. This unit takes care of clients who are intoxicated (drug over dosages) and /
with compromised kidney function.
Personnel: The category of health personnel found in this unit includes;
 Specialist in hemodialysis (Les spécialistes en hémodialyse)
 Nurses
 Nursing Aids
38. Rheumatology department (Service de Rhumatologie) - Rheumatologists care for and treat patients for musculoskeletal disorders such as:
bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves.
Personnel include;
 Rheumatologist (Rhumatologue)
 Doctor, Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
39. Social Work Department (Service social) - Clinical social workers help patients and their families deal with the broad range of
psychosocial issues and stresses related to coping with illness and maintaining health. Social workers form a network that addresses the
challenges families face, increases accessibility to health care and other human services, and serves as a bridge between the hospital setting
and a patient's family life, home and community.
Personnel include;
 Social worker (assistant social)
 Allied and support staff.
40. Surgical Unit/ Operating theatre (Service de la chirurgie / Bloc opératoire)
This unit is reserved for the care of patients with conditions requiring invasive interventions (wounds, burns, appendicitis, hernias, etc.) and
manipulations with or without the use of specialized equipment (sprains, strains, fractures, etc.). Physiotherapy is often considered a service
under the surgical unit. The surgical unit is mainly divided into; the Operating Theater/General surgery, the Surgical Ward and the Physiotherapy
General Surgery - Covers a wide range of types of surgery and procedures on patients.
Personnel: Health personnel found in the surgical unit include;
 General and specialized surgeons (Chirurgien général et spécialisés)
 General and specialized nurses (Infirmières généralistes et spécialisées)
 Anesthetist (Anesthésiste)
 Physiotherapists (Physiothérapeutes / Kinésithérapeutes)
 Specialists in reanimation (Spécialistes de réanimation)
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.
41. Urology unit (unité d’urologie) - The urology department is run by consultant urology surgeons and investigates areas linked to kidney and
bladder conditions.
Personnel include:
 Urologist/Urology surgeon
 Nurses, Nursing Aids, Allied and support staff.

NB: Hospital services at times often overlap in function.

S/N Services Personnel Personnel Rôles/Fonctions Roles/Functions

1. Cardiology unit cardiologue Cardiologist PEC des pathologies Diagnosis and treatment of
cardiovasculaire cardiovascular diseases or

Infirmiers spécialisés en Specialized nurses PEC des pathologies Care/treatment of cardiovascular

cardiologie cardiovasculaire diseases

3. Dermatology unit Dermatologue Dermatologist PEC des maladies de la peau Diagnosis/care/treatment of skin

Infirmière spécialiste Specialized nurses in PEC des patients souffrants des Care/treatment and follow-up of
dermatology maladies de la peau patients with skin diseases

5. Dialysis Unit Néphrologue Nephrologist PEC des pathologies rénales Diagnosis and treatment of
conditions of the kidney failure

Technicien en dialyse Dialysis technician Préparation des solutions dialyse et Preparation of dialysis solution
exécution des différents techniques and carry out of dialysis
de dialyse, entretien des appareils techniques, maintenance of

Infirmière spécialisée Specialized nurses PEC des malades avant, pendant Assures care before, during and
and après la dialyse after dialysis to patients

8. Emergency unit Médecin urgentiste Trauma specialists -PEC des urgences médicales Management of medical
emergencies, First line treatment
infirmiers Nurses -premiers secours et suivi
and follow up carryout first line
médecins Physicians/medical Idem (first aid) and follow up

11. ENT-Service Otorhinolaryngologue ENT specialist PEC et suivi des pathologies lie à Care/treatment and follow-up of
l’oreille, nez et larynx ENT diseases

Infirmier et technicien Specialized Nurses and Idem Idem

spécialisés technicians

13. Family Planning SF/M MidWife Administration et conseil sur le PF Administration, advice and
et espacement des naissances counselling on Family Planning
Spécialiste en santé de Specialist in
and child spacing technique
reproduction Reproductive Health

15. Gastroenterology Unit Gastroentérologue Gastroenterologist PEC des pathologies de l’appareil Diagnosis/care and treatment of
digestif conditions of the gastro-intestinal
tract (GIT)

Infirmier spécialisé en Specialised nurses in Idem Idem

gastro-entérologie gastroenterology

17. Sage-femme (SF)/ Midwife PEC des parturientes et des NNES Care/treatment and follow-up of
Maïeuticien women
Service/ Maternity Gynécologue Gynaecologist PEC des pathologies Care/treatment and follow-up of
gynécologiques women at age of procreation

Obstétricien Obstetrician PEC ou suivi des femmes enceintes Care/treatment and follow-up of
pregnant women

Infirmier spécialiste en Specialized nurse in Idem Follow-up and care of women

Santé de la Reproduction reproductive health
21. Infant Therapeutic Diététicien/ nutritionniste Dietician/nutritionist -PEC des malnutris -Diagnosis/care and treatment of
Nutritional Center malnourished children
Infirmier spécialisé en Specialized nurses -Conseil nutritionnel
nutrition -Nutritional advice
-Gestion des complications
diététique -Management of dietary

23. Technicien de laboratoire Laboratory technician Faire des examens biologiques et Carry out biological examinations
complémentaires and tests
ATMS Laboratory Assistant Assiste les techniciens de Assist the laboratory technician

Analystes Médicaux Medical Analyst Analyse les examens spécialisés Carry out and analyses specialized
(Ingénieur Biomédicaux) (Laboratory Scientist) tests

26. Medical Ward Médecins Physicians/Medical PEC des malades Diagnosis/care and treatment of
Doctors patients

Iinfirmières Nurses PEC des maladies Care/treatment and follow-up of


Aides-soignantes Nursing Aids Aide dans la PEC des maladies Help or assist to patient care

29. Mortuary/ Morgue Morguier Mortuary attendant Gestion des cadavres Management of corpses

30. Neuropsychiatric Unit Psychiatre Psychiatrist PEC et suivi des patients et client Diagnosis/care/treatment and
ayant des problèmes nerveux, follow-up of patients and clients
Psychologue Psychologist
with nervous, mental and
Infirmier spécialisé en Psychiatry nurse mentaux et psychologique psychological problems or
psychiatrie ou santé disorder

33. Ophtalmologue Ophthalmologist PEC des pathologies oculaires Diagnosis, care and treatment of
eye conditions

Technicien Ophthalmology Exécution des procédures et Carry out of procedures and

d’ophtalmologie technician technique en ophtalmologie techniques in ophthalmology

Infirmier spécialisé en Specialized nurse in PEC des pathologies oculaires Care/treatment of eye conditions
ophtalmologie ophthalmology

36. dentistry dentiste Dentist PEC des maladies dentaire Diagnosis/treatment and follow
up of teeth diseases or conditions

Infirmiers spécialisés Specialized nurses PEC des pathologies dentaires Care/treatment and follow up of
teeth diseases/disorders or

stomatologue Stomatologist PEC des maladies buccales Diagnosis/ treatment and follow
up of mouth diseases/disorders or

Technicien en Dental technician Exécution des différentes Carry out techniques, procedures
odontostomatologie procédures et techniques, entretien and maintenance duties.
du matériel.

40. Pédiatre Paediatrician PEC des enfants Care/treatment of children

Pediatric Unit
Pédiatre néonatal Neonatologist PEC des NNS Care/treatment of new born

Infirmier spécialisé en Specialized nurses Soins et suivi des enfants et NNES Care/treatment and follow-up of
pédiatrie/ Néonatologie (paediatric/neonatology children

43. Pharmacien Pharmacist Préparation et vente des -Preparation and sale of drugs and
médicaments medical supplies
-Orientation and advice of persons
-Management of the pharmacy

Pharmacologue Clinique Clinical Pharmacologist Orientation des maladies, Prescribes and modifies medical
prescription, modifier la prescription and follow-up of
prescription médical et assure la patients.
suivi des patients

Pharmacy Aide dans la gestion de la Assist in the management of the

technician/attendant pharmacie pharmacy (preparation,
administration and sales of drugs)

46. Radiology /Medical Radiologue Radiologist Dg, t3, et suivi des patients Diagnosis/treatment and follow-
Imaging Service nécessitant l’imagerie médical up of diseases using medical
Infirmier spécialisé Specialized nurses
imaging techniques
Technicien et d’autres Technicians
spécialistes en imageries

49. Rheumatology/ Rhumatologue Rheumatologist Dg : PEC et suivi des pathologies Diagnosis/care and treatment of
et complications des system diseases and complications of the
traumatology Unit Orthopédiste Orthopaedist
locomoteur musculoskeletal system

51. Surgical Unit/Service Chirurgien Surgeon Opère les malades Carry out surgical operations

Anesthésiste Anaesthetist Administration et surveillance Administration and follow-up /

(Anaesthesiologist) d’anesthésie monitoring of patients under
Reanimation of patients

Infirmier spécialisé en Specialized surgical PEC des patients opérés Reanimation and follow-up of
chirurgie nurse critically ill and injured patients.
Care/treatment and follow-up of
surgical patients

Kinésithérapeute Physiotherapist Réhabilitation (massage, Rehabilitation (massage, re-

Physiotherapy unit
manipulation, rééducation) education)


Hospital Instruments


1. Stethoscopes(stéthoscopes) Used to hear sounds from movements within the body, like heart beats, intestinal movement, breath
sounds, etc.

2. Reflex testing hammer (marteau à To test motor reflexes of the body.


3. Sphygmomanometer (stéthoscope) To record the patient’s blood pressure.

4. A thin beam electric torch. To see into the eye, body’s natural orifices, and to test for papillary light reflex, etc.
(lampe électrique)

5. A watch/stopwatch (chronomètre) Used in recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate, for certain tests of hearing.

6. A measuring tape (metre ruban) For size measurements

7. Tongue depressor (abaisse-langue) For use in oral examination

8. A weighing machine (balance) To record the weight

9. Tuning forks (diapasons) To test for deafness and to categorize it

10. Kidney dish (Haricot) As a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue, etc.

11. Bedpan (bassin du lit) For patients who are unconscious or too week to even sit up or walk to the toilet to defecate.

12. Thermometer (thermomètre) To record the body temperature

13. Gas cylinders (bouteille de gaz) Supply of Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon dioxide, etc.
14. Oxygen mask or tubes Delivering gases up to the nostrils to assist in oxygen intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs.
(masque d'oxygène ou des tubes d'oxygène)

15. Vaporizer (Vaporisateurs) To produce vapors

16. Instrument sterilizers (stérilisateurs Used to sterilize instruments in absence of an autoclave.


17. Dressing drums(tambours pansements) Storage of gowns, cotton, linen, etc.

18. Nebulizer (nébuliseur) To produce aerosol of drugs to be administered by respiratory route.

19. Positive pressure ventilator To assist or carry out the mechanical act of inspiration and expiration so that the patient who cannot
respire on his/her own may respire; it is a component of “life support”
(ventilation à pression positive)

20. Cardioverter/Defibrillator (défibrillateur) To correct Arrhythmias of the heart or to start up a heart that is not beating.

21. Dialyzer (dialyseur) To remove toxic materials from the blood that are generally removed by the kidneys; used in case of renal

22. Rubber catheters (Les cathéters en To drain and collect urine directly from the bladder (primary use); also to act as a make shift Oxygen tube,
caoutchouc) etc.

23. Syringe of different sizes and needles. For injection and aspiration of blood or fluid from the body
(Les seringues et aiguilles)

24. Cannula (canule) A kind of needle that is used to create a permanent pathway to a vein (or artery) for the purpose of
repeated injections or infusions of intravenous fluids.

25. Transfusion sets (appareils de transfusion Used to transfuse blood and blood products.
ou perfuseur)

26. Sucker / Suction machine (Machine For sucking up blood or secretions.


27. Spectacles (lunettes) For protection of the eyes or for refractive error correction

28. Enema set To passively evacuate the rectum of feces;

29. Bandage (Bandage) To cover and protect certain areas of the body such as recent injury.

30. Pipette or droppers (pipette / compte- To measure out doses of liquid, especially in children.

31. Graduated spoons (cuillère graduée) To measure out doses of liquids

32. Ophthalmoscope (ophtalmoscope) To look at the retina

33. Otoscope (otoscope) To look into the external ear cavity

34. Endoscope (endoscope) To observe or visualize body cavities and canals like; the esophagus, stomach, upper intestine, bile ducts,
larynx, trachea, bronchi-through the mouth; anal canal, rectum, colon-through the anus; used mainly in
surgery or by surgical consultants.

35. Proctoscope (proctoscope) To look inside anal canal and lower part of the rectum

36. Linens (linges) For dressing and draping

Vital sign instruments and units of measurement

Vital sign/parameter Instrument and/or sense Unit of measurement Normal value range
organ used

Temperature Thermometer Degree celsius or degree fahreinheit / degré 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)

Celsius ou degré Fahrenheit
(température) (Thermomètre)
(oC or o F)
Blood pressure Sphygmomanometer and Millimeter of mercury/ millimètre de mercure 90-120
stethoscope (mmHg)
(tension artérielle) 60-90 mmHg

Respiratory rate Time piece/stopwatch Cycles per minute/ cycles par minute
(fréquence respiratoire) (Chronomètre) (c/m or cpm)) 12-18-breaths per minute

Pulse rate Pulse oximeter Beats per minute/ battements par minute 60 to 100 beats per minute
(b/m or bpm)
(Rythme cardiaque) (oxymètre de pouls) or stop
watch Oxygen saturation rate (%) 95-100 percent.

Body weight Weight scale or weight balance Kilogram or pounds/ kilogramme ou livre 156.5 lbs
(échelle de poids) (Kg or Lb)
(Poids) Based on the Robinson formula (1983)

Height Height scale or stadiometer Meters or centimeter Medical device used for measuring patient hight
(échelle de hauteur)
(la taille) mètres ou centimètres (m or cm)

Body mass index (BMI) Weight and height scales It ranges from 18.5-25
Indice de masse corporel
Instruments used in the laboratory
1. Microscope
A microscope is a magnifying instrument. It is used to view and analyze microscopic objects. Light is passed through the object being analyzed

2. Autoclave
This is used to sterilize material including glassware, surgical equipment and culture media. It uses moist heat. In an autoclave, pressure is used
to produce high temperature steam to achieve sterilization. Temperature rises to 121 oC. Autoclaving at 121oC, 15-20 min is required and at this
temperature, all microorganisms and their spores are destroyed.

3. Sterilizer
This equipment is used to sterilize material using dry heat. Sterilizing temperatures range from 120-200 oC and most are equipped with an in-built

4. Still
This equipment is used to produce distilled water. In the distillation process, impure water is boiled and the steam condenses on a cold surface to
give chemically pure distilled water. If collected in a clean sterile container, the water should be sterile and pyrogen-free.

5. Pipettes
These are used to aspirate and dispense fluid in the lab. There exist various types like micropipettes, plastic bulb pipettes, glass paler pipettes and
other glass pipettes ranging from about 1ml to about 10ml.

6. Centrifuge
A centrifuge sediments particle (cells, bacteria, casts, parasites) suspended in fluid by exerting a force greater than that of gravity. Heavy
particles sediment first, followed by lighter ones.

7. Incubator
This is used to incubate bacteriological cultures. Microorganisms require incubation at a temperature and in the humidity and gaseous
atmosphere most suited in the metabolism. These conditions can be regulated by the incubator for the growth of bacteria.

8. Water bath
This is required to incubate bottles of culture media, liquid in flasks or other large containers and when incubating samples in test tube rags. The
temperature of the water can also be regulated.

9. Colorimeter
A colorimeter is used to measure the concentration of a substance in a patient’s sample by comparing the amount of light it absorbs with that
absorbed by a standard preparation that contain a known amount of the substance being measured. A colored solution of the substance being
measured or a color derivative is produced. Colored solutions absorb light at given wavelengths on the visible spectrum.

10. Mixers
Depending on the type of work performed and workload, mixers include:

- Roller mixer; particularly for mixing blood specimens and control samples
- Rotator; for the controlled mixing of agglutination tests
- Votex mixer; for the safe mixing and emulsifying of samples particularly in microbiology and clinical chemistry laboratories and for
dissolving substance in the preparation of reagents
- Combined magnetic stirrer and hot plate; mainly used in the preparation of culture media and reagents and when needing to heat
11. Beakers
Used for gross measurement of fluid and storage of specimen.

12. Cylinders
Used for gross measurement of fluid.

13. Volumetric flasks

Used for measurement of fluids, preparation of reagents and standards and also preparation of culture media.

14. Microscope slides

Transparent glass used to mount specimen for microscopic examination.

15. Cover glass; Used to cover specimen on a microscopic slide for examination. This thin glass prevents the objectives (10X and 40X) from
direct contact with the specimen.
16. Counting chamber; Used for manual counting of blood cells and platelets.
17. Petri dishes; Plates on which culture medium is poured for inoculation of bacteria.
18. Wire loop; used to inoculate specimen on a culture plate.
19. Hematology analyzer; this instrument does complete blood count and the various parameters include RBC, WBC, Platelets,
Hemoglobin, Reticulocyte, etc. Some instruments have up to 19 parameters. It also separate Granulocytes from non-granulocytes and
gives the percentage and normal ranges, with a graph upon programming


MALARIA TEST Examine for malaria parasites and differentiate the Other blood parasite can be detected like blood microfilaria
various species based on morphology. and Trypanosomes.
 Blood
There also exist rapid test using strips or cassettes.

SKIN SNIP Detect the presence of microfilaria in the skin, usually A bloodless skin snip is collected. Other microfilariae are
Wushurere bancrofti. only found in blood. Blood should also be analyzed.
 Skin
STOOL TEST Examine for intestinal parasite, mainly protozoa or Yeast and bacteria flora are also reported. These form part of
ova. For some helminths like Strongyloides normal intestinal flora but can be pathogenic especially if
 Stool (in a clean leak-
stercolaris the larval form is found. For protozoa, found in abundant.
proof, cocked container)
either the trophozoite or cyst form can be found.
Stool should be taken to the lab without much delay,
especially if it is watery.


VAGINAL SWAB To detect vaginal infections. Pathogens include Best collected in the morning before carrying out vaginal
bacteria, yeast and protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis). cleaning.

URINE CYTOBACTERIAL Detect infections in the urinary tract. Pathogens First morning mid-stream urine is preferred.
ANALYSIS include bacteria, yeast and protozoa.
Parasite like Schistosome can found.

CULTURE AND This test isolates and identifies the specific causative  You should be able to distinguish a contaminant from
ANTIBIOGRAM. agent in a situation. Most analytic laboratories limit a pathogen.
with isolation of some yeast and bacteria.  Recipient should be sterile.
 Any specimen in which
Sophisticated and specialized labs can go on to  Strict measures should be considered when collecting
bacteria or fungi is found. Mycobacteria and others to viruses. Some labs can from a sterile site like blood.
even culture human or animal cells, which deal in  Urine is considered sterile depending on the number
cancer research. of Colony Forming Units (CFU)/ml of undiluted urine
after primary culture. Less than 104 CFU/ml is
Based on the germ isolated, the antibacterial or
considered sterile.
antifungal sensitivity pattern can be determined. This
gives the most appropriate treatment for the

ZIEHL- NEELSON A technique to identify Acid-Fast bacteria in sputum. The same procedure is used in identification of M.
This bacteria hold fast on the primary stain, resisting tuberculosis and M. leprae. The difference is at the strength of
 Sputum
the acid-alcohol decolonization. Commonly used to the acid-alcohol used; 3% for the former and 1.5% for the
identify Mycobacterium. latter.


HIV Detect HIV infection. Most test used to diagnose HIV are antibody tests. While
antibody to HIV can be found in salivar (and urine), its
 Whole blood, serum, Positive result is given after carrying out at least two
concentration is usually lower than that found in plasma or
plasma. test using different reagents or strips. The primary test
is usually Determine HIV1/2. Positive cases must be
confirmed by another test. Antigen tests are available, which mainly detect the HIV core
antigen p24, but they are expensive. This is used mainly in
the early stages of infection.

WIDAL TEST This is a serological test to detect Salmonella typhi Interpretation is done based on the antibody titer, and a rising
and S. paratyphi infection. It also distinguishes the antibody is best indication of current infection. In this case, it
 Serum, plasma
flagella antibody (H) from the somatic (O) antibody. is good to analyze paired samples.
Antibodies to Salmonella are available in blood about Most often people receive treatment for past infection since
8 days after infection. antibodies don’t easily disappear.
S. typhi is more pathogenic than S. paratyphi.

VDRL/TPHA Used in the diagnosis of syphilis. These are antibody Interpretation is done based on antibody titer. For this reason,
test, detecting the presence of antibodies against T. TPHA is better since it gives result in titers, or better still,
Venereal Disease Research
pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis. used test that detects IgM antibody since it signals for current
Laboratories and Treponema
infection. However, some of these strip tests have both IgG
pallidum Haemagglutination The names vary due to the manufacturing laboratory
and IgM incorporated.
Assay. and the test procedure, but they both detect antibodies
in blood.
 Serum, plasma
CHLAMYDIA SEROLOGY. Used to diagnose infection with Chlamydia When using IgG, interpretation should be based on the titer,
trachomatis. It detects antibodies against C. meanwhile IgM give current infection.
 Serum, plasma
There also exist reagents that detect Chlamydia from vaginal
swab. These tests detect the antigen.

HBsAg Detect Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection. The virus Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is a particle released
has an average incubation period of about 6 weeks. during the replication cycle of the HBV. This particle is non-
 Whole blood, serum,
HCV Detect Hepatitis C virus infection. This test detects
antibodies to HCV
Whole blood, serum,
TOXOPLASMOSIS Used in the diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondi infection. Interpretation is based on antibody titer (IgG), which could
It is an antibody test. signal a past infection, or the presence of IgM which signals a
 Serum, plasma
current infection.

RUBELLA Used in the detection of the Rubella virus infection. It Interpretation is based on antibody titer (IgG), which could
is an antibody test. signal a past infection, or the presence of IgM which signals a
 Serum, plasma
current infection.

HEMOGLOBIN (Hgb) Diagnosis of anemia Interpretation is based on normal values which should be
stated, since different age groups and sexes have different
 Fresh or EDTA blood
normal values.

WHITE BLOOD CELL This gives an overall increase or decrease of A differential white cell count is always supplementary to a
COUNT (WBC) leucocytes. This can be significant in infection, WBC count. This is because it then differentiates which
leukemia, etc. particular white cell line is alter, and implies different
 Fresh or EDTA blood
affections. White cells are; Neutrophils, Eosinophils,
Basophiles, Lymphocytes and Monocytes.

HEMATOCRIT OR PACKED Diagnosis of anemia. This test gives added Interpretations should be done in light of patient condition,
CELL VOLUME (PCV) information on the size of the red cells, thereby especially considering dehydration and bleeding.
giving an idea on the type of anemia.
 Fresh or EDTA blood
FULL BLOOD COUNT Gives an idea of the general health situation of an Interpretation should be done with the reference ranges stated
individual. This is done by a hematology analyzer. and the interpreter MUST be able to link one parameter with
 EDTA blood
Where available, this is preferred because it gives the other in other to get good evaluation.
much more information than those above and also
platelet parameters.


BLOOD SUGAR Diagnose diabetes. This can be a fasting blood sugar Interpretation should be done in light of reference values and
or a random blood sugar. Diabetic condition should attention should be paid on the units in which the result is
 Whole blood, serum
be declared only after repeated testing. reported.

PREGNANCY TEST Detect pregnancy. This test detects the presence of This hormone attains detectable levels about 10days after
HCG hormone excreted in urine during pregnancy. conception. In case of doubt, repeat test about 5-7 days after.
 Urine
This time is usually longer in ectopic pregnancies.
URINALYSIS Detect abnormalities in the constituents of urine. Fresh morning urine is better, in a clean container, free from
There are different strips with varying number of any detergents.
 Fresh urine
parameters which give information on renal
functioning and sometimes live. They can equally
give an idea of a UTI.

ELECTROLYTES (Sodium and Requested in the assessment of renal function, to Do not collect blood from an arm receiving an I.V. infusion.
Potassium) and Chloride. assist in the management of a patient that is
Chloride is usually done alongside electrolytes. Specimen
unconscious or confused, or a diabetic patient with
 Serum or plasma should be separated from whole blood not later than one hour
ketoacidosis, to monitor states of dehydration, to
from collection.
monitor diuretic therapy and to assist in fluid
replacement therapy.

CREATININE Important test in kidney function. Indicator of overall

renal function and progress in renal failure.
 Serum
UREA Measurements are less useful than plasma creatinine. Urea
levels are affected by several factors including state of
 Serum
hydration and dietary intake. These factors have little effect
Test for renal function on plasma creatinine levels. Whenever possible therefore,
creatinine should be measured in preference to urea in the
investigation and monitoring of renal function.

URIC ACID Used in the diagnosis of a type of arthritis called gout.

 Serum Kidney stones can also form through the process of

formation and deposition of sodium urate

Alanine aminotransferase In the investigation of liver disease. While both ALT These are increasingly measured to monitor patients receiving
(ALAT)/ Aspatate and AST are raised in hepatocellular injury, ALT is antiretroviral drugs associated with hepatotoxicity such as
aminotransferase (ASAT) more specific in detecting liver cell damage. Nevirapine and Stavudine.

 Serum
Nowadays, competence in English has become an urgent need for nurses who are involved in medical services. It is due to the fact that they are
required to have the ability to communicate with the other people in their field including colleagues and patients.
Taking health history conversation
Nurse: Good morning Madame
Binta: Good morning nurse
Nurse: Come in and sit down please. I’m nurse Madia and today is my shift. What’s your name Madame?
Binta: My name is Bintou Bakary
Nurse: How can I call you?
Binta: You can call me Binta
Nurse: How old are you?
Binta: 35 years old
Nurse: Where do you live?
Binta: I live in Garoua, at Djamboutou
Nurse: Are you married?
Binta: yes I am married
Nurse: What is your occupation?
Binta: I’m a housewife
Nurse: Are you a Muslim?
Binta: Yes, I’m Muslim
Nurse: What is your problem?
Binta: I am feeling fever
Nurse: Let me check your temperature. This is thermometer to measure your body temperature, can you insert this to your armpit please? It’s just
about 10 minutes, and I will take it again.
Binta: Ok, no problem nurse
Nurse: How long you have been ill?
Binta: It’s about 1 week ago nurse
Nurse: Show me your throat please. Say “Ahh”
Binta: “Ahh”. Nurse, I also have cough
Nurse: hmm, your throat is also sore. Did you feel pain during the night?
Binta: Yes, I couldn’t sleep
Nurse: I see, and do they come on at any particular time?
Binta: They’re usually worse in the morning
Nurse: Ok, it’s 10 minutes already. Let me check the thermometer
Binta: Ok here nurse
Nurse: It’s 38 degree Celsius, It’s quite high fever. Which kind of medicine do you prefer to take when you’re sick?
Binta: Hmm, nothing I take
Nurse: Well now, I’ll take your blood sample for laboratory check. Please get your sleeve roll up, Please wait here. The results may be done
within 3 hours. Just tell me when you need some help.
Nurse: Good morning sir, how are you feeling now?
Patient: Good Morning, I am feeling better than before.
Nurse: That’s really great. You look strong and healthy.
Patient: I just want to know that have you changed my medicine because you gave me only two medicines in the morning.
Nurse: Yes, seeing the steady improvement in your health, we have reduced your dosage. And that medicine will be given to you only at night.
Patient: I’m relieved after hearing this.
Nurse: You have a blood test right now.
Patient: Blood test for what?
Nurse: To check the level of your haemoglobin.
Patient: OK and will that be done empty stomach?
Nurse: Yes, it will be done empty stomach.
Patient: What will I get in breakfast after the test?
Nurse: Today you will get cake along with a cup of milk.
Patient: That’s so tasteless and boring. Can’t you make something more interesting?
Nurse: Amusing! Don’t worry you will get a healthy and good lunch.
Patient: That’s perfect.
Aggravating factors
Alleviating factors

Useful expressions
Study and practice these useful expressions
• Where do you feel it?
• Does it move around?
• Show me where.

• On a scale of 0 to 10, with ten the worst, how would you rate what you feel
right now?
• What was the worst it has been?
• Does this interfere your usual activities? In what ways?
• When did you first notice it?
• How long does it last?
• How often does it happen?

• Does it occur in a particular place or under certain circumstances?
• Have you taken anything for it?
• Does it appear in particular time?


• Now I am going to …
• It’s time for me to…
• Now I want to…

Case 1
A patient with anorexia nervosa expresses:
• I don’t want to have a lot of meal
• I don’t want to be plump (fat)
• My arms and legs are getting fat
• I have difficulty in bowel motion
• I feel nausea
• I want to vomit
• Food makes my stomach upset (the act of disturbing)
• I am afraid of being fat

Case 2
A patient suspected with appendicitis expresses:
• I feel pain around my navel
• I feel pain around here (in the lower right spot of my abdomen)
• I feel a sharp pain
• Don’t touch my stomach, it increases my pain
• I feel feverish
• I feel nausea
• I vomit
• I lose my appetite
• I vomit frequently after meals
• I have recurrent pain in my lower part of my stomach
• It becomes more painful if I do the squatting bowel motion

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