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Information technology


Electronic business, or e-business, is the automation of business processes of all types through
means. It is radically different from ordinary business and brings six categories of benefit: (1) Costs are
reduced; (2) Capability is increased; (3) Communications are improved; (4) Control is enhanced; (5)
Customer service is improved; (6) Competitive advantage may be achieved. E-business is often confused
with e-commerce and driven by competitive pressures, companies are employing e-business for a
variety of purposes and its benefits.

It was discussed here the hardware and software infrastructure and control which were the
system architecture - arrangement of software, machinery and tasks in an information system; The
internet; The World Wide Web; Intranet; Extranet Since E-business is prone to theft, fraud and human
error, four types of control are needed to protect the assets which are physical access controls, logical
access controls, operational controls and data input controls. Furthermore, e-business is a computerized
process, it is important to ensure that it is working effectively wherein critical that the input data is
treated correctly.

The big data was explored. In a commercial setting, big data is being used to identify trends that
may exist in vast quantities of data in the pursuit of value creation. Laney suggests that big data can be
defined by considering the three Vs: Volume; Velocity; Variety. Additionally, McKinsey's big data report
suggests there are five broad ways in which big data can create value for organizations: Creating
transparency; Performance improvement; Market segmentation and customization; Decision making;
New products and services.

IT and strategy will always be part of e-business that is why a strategy for e-commerce should be
considered at the highest level of management and it is particularly necessary that it should conform to
the standard criteria for strategic choice: suitability, acceptability and feasibility. Some of the e-
commerce strategies are sustainability, acceptability and feasibility.

Discussed also is the supply chain, and the relationship between the value chain and the value
network. Supply chain which encompasses all activities and information flows necessary for the
transformation of goods from the origin of the raw material to when the product is finally consumed or
discarded. Meanwhile, value network is he links between an organization and its strategic and non-
strategic partners that form its external value chain. Porter and Millar advocate five steps that senior
executives may follow to take advantage of opportunities that the information revolution has created.

The E-procurement is the purchase of supplies and services through the internet and other
information and networking systems, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The benefits of this are
cost reductions, reduced inventory levels, wider choice of supplier, improved manufacturing cycles,
intangibles benefits and benefits to suppliers. Of course, there is also a risk in e-procurement such as in
control, data security, etc. Then, the options and models for implementing e-procurement are Public
Web, Exchange and Supplier Centric.

To summarize, e-business focuses on how business automated their business processes. It

discussed the hardware, software infrastructure and control, the big data, IT and strategy, supply chain
and the e-procurement.

E-marketing is the application of IS and internet techniques to the achievement of marketing

objectives. Essentially, e-marketing means using digital technologies to help sell goods or services.
Marketing objectives include identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.
The key strategic decisions for e-marketing are common with strategic decisions for traditional
marketing. Segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning all contribute to effective digital

The six characteristics of the media of e-marketing are: Independence of location; Industry
structure; Integration; Interactivity; Individualization; Intelligence. These summaries the ways in which
the internet can add customer value and hence improve the organization’s marketing effectiveness.
Marketing on the internet brings many new opportunities not readily available or affordable using
conventional marketing methods and these were developed based on: Products; Pricing; Place;
promotion; People; Processes; Physical evidence.

One of the most complex decisions involved in the marketing mix is deciding on the price of the
or service. The eight steps in the process of establishing prices are: (1) Select a pricing objective; (2)
Assess target market's evaluation of price and its ability to buy; (3) Determine the nature and price
elasticity of demand; (4) Analyze demand; (5) Evaluate competitor's price; (6) Determine the basis for
pricing; (7)Select a primary strategy; (8) Determine the final price.

Customer relationship Management is the establishment, development, maintenance and

optimization of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organizations. It is
important to know the nature of the customers since not all customers are the same that is why it is
important to understand why a customer or buyer makes a purchase. Without such an understanding,
businesses find it hard to respond to the customer's needs and wants. The five-stage decision-making
processes in any purchase are: Need recognition; Information search; Evaluation of alternatives;
Purchase Decision; Purchase evaluation.

In retaining customer using electronic media, this may be based on careful use of customer
databases and by offering wider benefits. Customer retention marketing is a tactically-driven approach
based on customer behavior. It is the core activity going on behind the scenes in r elationship marketing,
loyalty marketing, database marketing and permission marketing.

Discussed also was the Software and CRM. The four main areas of CRM automation: Sales – lead
management, order tracking, sales support; Service – help desk, FAQs problem resolution; Marketing –
prospect database, campaign management; Reporting – presentation of performance data. The three
aspects of CRM that can each be implemented in isolation from one another are: Operational CRM;
Collaborative CRM; Analytical CRM.

In conclusion, e-marketing focuses more on the application of internet techniques in marketing

and to customers as well. It discussed how digital technology can be maximized and understanding the
reasons why a customer or buyer makes a purchase in order to easily respond to the customer's needs
and wants.

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