Effect of Therapist-Based Versus Robot-Assisted Bilateral Arm Training On Motor Control

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Research Report

C. Wu, ScD, OTR, Department of Effect of Therapist-Based Versus

Occupational Therapy and Grad-
uate Institute of Behavioral Sci-
ences, Chang Gung University,
Robot-Assisted Bilateral Arm Training
Taoyuan, Taiwan.

C. Yang, MS, Department of

on Motor Control, Functional
Occupational Therapy and Gradu-
ate Institute of Behavioral Sci- Performance, and Quality of Life After
ences, Chang Gung University.

L. Chuang, PT, PhD, School of

Chronic Stroke: A Clinical Trial
Occupational Therapy, College of
Medicine, National Taiwan Uni-
Ching-yi Wu, Chieh-ling Yang, Li-ling Chuang, Keh-chung Lin, Hsieh-ching Chen,
versity, Taipei, Taiwan. Ming-de Chen, Wan-chien Huang
K. Lin, ScD, OTR, School of Occu-
pational Therapy, College of Med- Background. Although bilateral arm training (BAT) has been widely studied, the
icine, National Taiwan University,
and Division of Occupational
comparative effects of therapist-based BAT (TBAT) versus robot-assisted BAT (RBAT)
Therapy, Department of Physical remains unknown.
Medicine and Rehabilitation,
National Taiwan University Hospi- Objective. This study compared the efficacy of TBAT, RBAT, and a control
tal, 17, F4, Xu Zhou Road, Taipei, treatment (CT) on motor control, functional performance, and quality of life after
Taiwan. Address all correspon-
chronic stroke.
dence to Dr Lin at: kehchunglin@
Design. A randomized, pretest-posttest, control group design was used.
H. Chen, PhD, Department and
Graduate Institute of Industrial
Engineering and Management,
Methods. Forty-two patients (mean age⫽54.49 years, SD⫽9.69; mean length of
National Taipei University of Tech- time since stroke onset⫽17.62 months, SD⫽10.50) were randomly assigned to TBAT,
nology, Taipei, Taiwan. RBAT, and CT groups. Each group received treatment for 90 to 105 minutes per
M. Chen, PhD, OT, Department of
session, 5 sessions on weekdays, for 4 weeks. Outcome measures included kinematic
Occupational Therapy and Gradu- analyses, the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), the Motor Activity Log, and the Stroke
ate Institute of Behavioral Sci- Impact Scale (SIS).
ences, Chang Gung University.

W. Huang, MS, Division of Occu- Results. Large and significant effects were found in the kinematic variables, distal
pational Therapy, Department of part of upper-limb motor impairment, and certain aspects of quality of life in favor of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilita- TBAT or RBAT. Specifically, the TBAT group demonstrated significantly better tem-
tion, En Chu Kong Hospital, New poral efficiency and smoothness, straighter trunk motion, and less trunk compensa-
Taipei City, Taiwan.
tion compared with the CT and RBAT groups. The RBAT group had increased
Ms Yang and Dr Chuang contrib- shoulder flexion compared with the CT and TBAT groups. On the FMA, the TBAT
uted equally to the manuscript. group showed higher distal part scores than the CT group. On the SIS, the RBAT
[Wu C, Yang C, Chuang L, et al. group had better strength subscale, physical function domain, and total scores than
Effect of therapist-based versus the CT group.
robot-assisted bilateral arm train-
ing on motor control, functional
performance, and quality of life
Limitations. This study recruited patients with mild spasticity and without cog-
after chronic stroke: a clinical trial. nitive impairment.
Phys Ther. 2012;92:1006 –1016.]

© 2012 American Physical Therapy

Conclusions. Compared with CT, TBAT and RBAT exhibited differential effects
Association on outcome measures. Therapist-based BAT may improve temporal efficiency,
smoothness, trunk control, and motor impairment of the distal upper limb. Robot-
Published Ahead of Print:
assisted BAT may improve shoulder flexion and quality of life.
April 19, 2012
Accepted: April 11, 2012
Submitted: September 2, 2011

Post a Rapid Response to

this article at:

1006 f Physical Therapy Volume 92 Number 8 August 2012

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

atients with stroke often have and wrists was adopted in this study cation strategy was applied accord-
adaptive compensation by using for RBAT. ing to side of the lesion and severity
alternative movement patterns of the motor impairment (total score
during task accomplishment,1 such Taken together, BAT mediated by on the FMA for UL: 26 – 40 versus
as forward trunk inclination for therapists or by robots has demon- 40 – 66)11 to ensure an equal distribu-
reaching when elbow extension or strated benefits for motor or func- tion of the participants in each
shoulder flexion is limited.2 Trunk tional improvement. Therapist-based group. The allocation to group was
compensation for motor impairment BAT involves multijoint, against- concealed from the investigators,
engenders a pattern of disuse that gravity, and function-oriented tasks, and the participants were blinded to
might restrict motor improvement of whereas RBAT involves single-joint, the study hypotheses.
the upper limb (UL).1,3 gravity-eliminated, and motor skill–
oriented tasks. The different nature Training was administered during
Bilateral arm training (BAT) is a of training content in the 2 outpatient occupational therapy ses-
promising treatment approach that approaches may result in differential sions, in which each participant
improves UL function after stroke.4,5 effects. The purpose of this study received TBAT or RBAT, depending
This treatment approach usually was to compare the efficacy of on group allocation, along with 15 to
involves the repetitive practice of TBAT, RBAT, and a control treatment 20 minutes of UL functional training
bilateral, symmetrical movement of (CT) on kinematic analysis, func- to achieve individual treatment
whole-arm functional training, which tional outcome, and quality of life. goals. All other routine interdisci-
usually is supervised and mediated Kinematic analysis provides informa- plinary stroke rehabilitation that did
by a therapist (TBAT)4 or a robot tion not only on movement quality of not focus on UL training was contin-
(RBAT).6 Previous TBAT studies the UL (eg, movement directedness, ued as usual. Clinical outcome mea-
showed positive outcomes for reduc- smoothness, efficiency) but also on sures were administered at baseline
ing UL impairment,7,8 enhancing the extent of trunk compensation to and immediately after a 4-week inter-
motor function,8 and increasing reaching tasks.15 vention by certified, trained occupa-
movement smoothness and force tional therapists blinded to the par-
generation during reaching.8,9 How- Method ticipant group.
ever, TBAT requires extensive thera- Participants
pist guidance for treatment delivery; We recruited 42 participants who Interventions
RBAT has emerged as an alternative met the following inclusion criteria: All participants received a 90- to 105-
approach to save manpower and (1) onset of a unilateral stroke at minute therapy session, 5 times per
costs by decreasing the time least 6 months previously; (2) mild- week, for 4 weeks. The intervention
demands on the therapist. to-moderate motor impairment (total was provided at the participating
score of 26 – 66 on the Fugl-Meyer hospitals under the supervision of
Robot-assisted BAT involves simulta- Assessment [FMA] for the UL)11,16; certified occupational therapists
neous, active movements of both (3) no severe spasticity in the paretic trained to deliver standardized treat-
limbs with a robot providing assis- arm (Modified Ashworth Scale score ment and monitor the safety of
tance or resistance.6 This treatment of ⱕ2 in any joint)17; (4) no serious patients undergoing the intervention.
approach has demonstrated benefi- cognitive deficits (Mini-Mental State
cial effects on motor impair- Examination score of ⱖ22)18; (5) no TBAT group. The TBAT group
ment6,10,11 and muscle strength,6,10,11 other neurologic, neuromuscular, or was asked to practice identical tasks
but not on functional independence orthopedic disease; and (6) no par- with each arm simultaneously. Par-
or on capacities for basic daily activ- ticipation within the previous 3 ticipants moved the unaffected arm
ities.10 –12 Proper wrist and hand use months in any experimental rehabil- voluntarily while also attempting to
is particularly relevant for functional itation or drug studies. All partici- move the affected arm voluntarily.
use of the paretic arm in daily life,13 pants provided informed consent For those who had difficulty moving
and functional gains depend more before data collection. the affected arm simultaneously with
on wrist and hand movement.14 the unaffected arm, therapists pro-
Training of the distal UL leads to Design vided physical assistance to the
twice as much carryover effect to A randomized, pretest-posttest, con- affected arm. Participants practiced
the proximal segments than in the trol group design was used in this a variety of bilateral functional tasks
reverse order of training.15 There- study. Eligible participants were indi- under one-on-one supervision of the
fore, training of bilateral forearms vidually randomized to TBAT, RBAT, therapists. Among the tasks were lift
and CT groups (Fig. 1). A prestratifi- 2 cups, stack 2 checkers, reach for-

August 2012 Volume 92 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1007

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

ward or upward to move blocks,

Assessed for eligibility
grasp and release 2 towels, and (N=250)
manipulate 2 coins simultaneously Excluded (n=208)
by each hand. The TBAT group also Did not meet inclusion criteria
Enrollment (n=172)
practiced 15 to 20 minutes of func-
Refused to participate (n=36)
tional training and 5 minutes of tone
normalization at the end of therapy, Randomized (n=42)
if necessary. Participants received
verbal feedback, including knowl-
edge of results (KR), referring to task CT Group
TBAT Group RBAT Group
success of failure, and knowledge (n=14) (n=14) (n=14)
of performance (KP), referring to
the nature of movement pattern.19
Examples of KR include “the move-
ment was correct” and “you missed Analyzed (n=14) Analyzed (n=14) Analyzed (n=14)
your target,” and examples of KP Figure 1.
include “move your trunk less” and Flow diagram showing the randomization procedure. RBAT⫽robot-assisted bilateral
“pick up the block faster.” arm training, TBAT⫽therapist-based bilateral arm training, CT⫽control treatment.

RBAT group. The Bi-Manu-Track

(Reha-Stim Co, Berlin, Germany;
Fig. 2) robot-assisted arm trainer was
used.6,20 Participants sat at a height-
adjustable table with elbows at 90
degrees. They grasped the 3-cm-
diameter handles with each hand or
both hands, and their forearms were
placed in the midposition into the
arm troughs. A computer game (eg,
picking up and placing apples) that
tracked participants’ movements Figure 2.
The Bi-Manu-Track. (A) Pronation and supination movement of the forearm. (B) Flexion
facilitated participation. and extension movement of the wrist.

The Bi-Manu-Track offers 2 move-

ment patterns: forearm pronation-
supination and wrist flexion- necessary. The safety features of Outcome Measures
extension. There are 3 operational Bi-Manu-Track include mechanical Kinematic analysis. Experimental
modes: passive-passive mode (mode braking of the movement when the tasks included 1 unilateral task of
1), with both arms being passively torque exceeds 4 N䡠m, preventing pressing a desk bell and 1 bimanual
moved by the machine; active- injuries caused by excessive passive task of pulling open a drawer to
passive mode (mode 2), with the movement on the affected arm, and retrieve an eyeglass case. Partici-
nonparetic arm driving the paretic an emergency brake within reach of pants sat on a height-adjustable,
arm to move symmetrically; and the user that enables the user to stop straight-back chair with the seat
active-active mode (mode 3), with the arm trainer whenever he or she height set to 100% of the lower leg
both arms performing actively by feels uncomfortable.21 length. In the initial position, the
overcoming resistance. Participants tested arm was pronated and the
spent about 30 minutes in modes 1 CT group. The therapeutic activi- hand rested on the edge of the table
and 2 and about 10 minutes in mode ties in the CT group involved weight in a neutral position with 90 degrees
3 for each type of movement. They bearing, stretching, strengthening of of flexion at the elbow joint. The
received 75 to 80 minutes of RBAT, the paretic arms, coordination, uni- target object (desk bell or drawer)
followed by 15 to 20 minutes of lateral and bilateral fine motor tasks, was placed in the midline of the
unilateral and bilateral functional balance, and compensatory practice body. The reaching distance was
training and 5 minutes of tone nor- on functional tasks. standardized to the participant’s
malization at the end of therapy, if

1008 f Physical Therapy Volume 92 Number 8 August 2012

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

functional arm length, defined as was defined as a fall of tangential

the distance from the medial border wrist velocity below 5% of its peak
of the axilla to the distal wrist value. Movements were digitally low-
crease.22 If the maximum distance pass filtered at 5 Hz using a second-
the participant could reach was less order Butterworth filter with for-
than the functional arm length, the ward and backward pass.
reaching distance to the target was
adjusted to the maximum reachable Data reduction for kinematic vari-
distance. No or minimal trunk move- ables. An analysis program coded
ment occurs when an individual by LabVIEW (National Instruments
who is healthy reaches for a target Inc, Austin, Texas) language was Figure 3.
within arm’s length.2 For the unilat- used to process the kinematic data. Normalized trunk displacement denoted
by trunk total displacement/trunk dis-
eral task, the tester’s instruction to Kinematic variables were chosen to
tance is illustrated: the solid line means
the participants was: “When I say describe the arm-trunk movement trunk total displacement; the dashed line
‘go,’ please use the index finger of quality and trunk compensation. means trunk-moving distance.
the affected hand to reach and press Movement quality involved reaching
the task bell as fast as possible.” For performance characterized by nor-
the bimanual task, the instruction malized movement time (NMT) and occurs at earlier phases of reaching.
given to participants was: “When I normalized movement units (NMUs), Accordingly, we divided the reach-
say ‘go,’ please pull a drawer with and trunk movement was character- ing movement equally into 3 phases,
the affected hand and retrieve an ized by normalized trunk displace- calculated the slope separately for
eyeglass case inside the drawer with ment (NTD). Movement time (MT) each phase, and used the slope val-
the unaffected hand at a comfortable is the interval between movement ues at the start and middle phases as
self-speed.” Only the pulling phase onset and offset, which refers to the the dependent variables.2 The angu-
was analyzed. After a practice trial, 3 time for execution of the reaching lar changes of the shoulder and
data-producing trials were performed. movement and represents temporal elbow joint refer to the differences
efficiency.22,23 One movement unit in shoulder and elbow angle from
A 7-camera motion analysis system (MU) consists of 1 acceleration movement onset and movement
(VICON MX, Oxford Metrics Inc, phase and 1 deceleration phase, offset and were divided by the reach-
Oxford, United Kingdom), recording which characterizes movement ing distance to normalize for varia-
at 120 Hz, was used with a personal smoothness. Fewer MUs indicate tions in reaching distance across
computer to capture the movement smoother movement.23 The MT and participants.24,26
of 17 markers that were placed on MU were divided by the reaching
the participants’ sternum, spinal pro- distance to normalize for variations Clinical assessment. The UL sub-
cess (C7 and T4), bilateral thumb- in reaching distance across partici- scale of the FMA, which assesses
nails, index fingernails, ulnar styloid pants and denoted as NMT and NMU, motor impairment, consists of 33
processes, radial styloid processes, respectively. Furthermore, NTD was items measuring the movement and
lateral epicondyles, middle part of expressed as trunk total displace- reflexes of the shoulder/elbow/fore-
the humeri, acromial processes, and ment of the sternum marker divided arm, wrist, and hand and coordina-
clavicular heads. The system was cal- by trunk distance,24,25 which is illus- tion/speed on a 3-point ordinal scale
ibrated to have averaged residual trated in Figure 3. (0⫽cannot perform, 1⫽can perform
errors not exceeding 0.5 mm for partially, 2⫽can perform fully).27
each camera before data acquisition. Trunk compensation changes were The proximal and distal scores of
For the unilateral task, 1 channel of denoted by the trunk contribution the FMA were calculated to examine
analog signals was collected to signal slope, which is defined as the ratio of the treatment effects on separate
the end of the movement when the the sagittal translation of the index UL elements of movement. A higher
bell was pressed. Movement onset minus that of the sternum marker to FMA score indicates less motor
was defined as a rise of tangential the sagittal translation of the ster- impairment.
wrist velocity above 5% of its peak num marker, indicating the amount
value for both testing tasks. Move- of trunk displacement on reaching. The Motor Activity Log (MAL) evalu-
ment offset for the unilateral task The lower the slope value, the more ates daily functions by using a semi-
was defined as the time when the compensation (or displacement) the structured patient interview that
participant pressed the bell. During trunk exerted.2 Trunk movement assesses the amount of use (AOU)
the bimanual task, end of movement in adults who are healthy usually and quality of movement (QOM) of

August 2012 Volume 92 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1009

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

Table 1. Role of the Funding Source

Characteristics of Study Participants (n⫽42)a This project was supported, in part,
RBAT Group TBAT Group CT Group
by the National Health Research
Variable (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) Statisticb P Institutes (NHRI-EX100-9920PI and
Sex, n 1.05 .59 NHRI-EX100-10010PI), the National
Male 10 12 10
Science Council (NSC 97-2314-B-002-
008-MY3 and NSC 99-2314-B-182-
Female 4 2 4
014-MY3), and the Healthy Aging
Age, y, X (SD) 55.13 (12.72) 57.04 (8.78) 51.30 (6.23) 1.29 .29 Research Center at Chang Gung Uni-
Side of brain lesion, n 1.41 .49 versity (EMRPD1A0891).
Right 7 5 4

Left 7 9 10 Results
The mean age of the participants was
Months after stroke onset, X (SD) 18.00 (8.65) 17.29 (13.29) 17.57 (9.80) 0.02 .99
54.49 years (SD⫽9.69), and they
MMSE score, X (SD) 27.71 (2.33) 28.57 (1.70) 28.08 (1.50) 0.73 .49
were at an average of 17.62 months
RBAT⫽robot-assisted bilateral arm training, TBAT⫽therapist-based bilateral arm training, CT⫽control (SD⫽10.50) after stroke onset. The
treatment, MMSE⫽Mini-Mental State Examination.
Statistic associated with the chi-square test or the Fisher exact test for categoric variables and with demographic and clinical character-
the analysis of variance for continuous variables. istics of participants in the 3 groups
(Tab. 1) did not differ significantly.
Tables 2 and 3 present the descrip-
the affected UL in 30 daily activi- more suitable statistical method than tive statistics and inferential statistics
ties.28 The MAL uses a 6-point ordinal repeated-measures ANOVA to com- for the kinematic variables and clin-
scale, with higher scores indicating pare the intervention main effect ical measures. Two participants in
better performance. (ie, posttest score) by holding the the RBAT group and 1 participant in
pretest score constant in the former the CT group did not complete the
The Stroke Impact Scale (SIS), ver- method.30 For the ANCOVA, pretest bimanual task. No adverse events
sion 3, is a 59-item self-report scale performance was the covariate, of pain were reported among the
designed to assess quality of life. It is group was the independent variable, participants.
grouped into 8 functional subscales: and posttest performance was the
strength, memory, emotion, commu- dependent variable. To index the Kinematic Measures
nication, activities of daily living magnitude of group differences in For kinematic variables in the unilat-
(ADLs)/instrumental ADLs (IADLs), performance, ␩2⫽SSb/SStotal was cal- eral task, the ANCOVA results
mobility, hand function, and partici- culated for each outcome variable, revealed significant differences
pation. The strength, hand function, where SS is the sum of squares and b among the 3 groups in NMT
ADLs/IADLs, and mobility subscales represents between-groups. The (F2,38⫽3.79, P⫽.032, ␩2⫽.17),
can be combined into a composite value of ␩2 is independent of sample NMUs (F2,38⫽3.95, P⫽.028, ␩2⫽.17),
physical function domain.29 Items size and represents the variability in trunk NTD (F2,38⫽3.82, P⫽.031,
are rated on a 5-point Likert scale, the dependent variable (posttest per- ␩2⫽.17), trunk contribution slope
with lower scores indicating greater formance) that can be explained by for the middle part (F2,38⫽5.51,
difficulty in task completion during group.31 A large effect is represented P⫽.008, ␩2⫽.23), and angular
the previous week. Aggregate scores, by an ␩2 of at least .14, a moderate change of shoulder joints (F2,38⫽
ranging from 0 to 100, are generated effect by an ␩2 of .06, and a small 4.77, P⫽.014, ␩2⫽.20). Post hoc
for each subscale. effect by an ␩2 of .01.32 Least signif- analyses revealed that the TBAT
icant difference was used to deter- group, but not the RBAT group, dem-
Data Analysis mine the post hoc significance of onstrated a significant decrease on
Baseline differences between groups pair-wise comparisons of adjusted NMT (P⫽.011), NMUs (P⫽.009), and
were evaluated with the chi-square group mean via ANCOVA. Level of trunk NTD (P⫽.009) compared with
test or the Fisher exact test for cate- statistical significance (␣) was set at the CT group. Compared with the
goric data and analysis of variance .05 for all comparisons and was not CT and RBAT groups, the TBAT
(ANOVA) for continuous data. Given adjusted because of the preliminary group produced greater improve-
that our research aimed to compare nature and size of the study. ments in the trunk contribution
whether the posttest results were slope for the middle part (TBAT
different among the 3 groups, analy- group versus RBAT group, P⫽.008;
sis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a TBAT group versus CT group,

1010 f Physical Therapy Volume 92 Number 8 August 2012

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

Table 2.
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics for Analysis of Reaching Kinematicsa

Pretreatment (XⴞSD) Posttreatment (XⴞSD) ANCOVA

Variable RBAT Group TBAT Group CT Group RBAT Group TBAT Group CT Group F P ␩2
Unilateral task (n⫽14) (n⫽14) (n⫽14) (n⫽14) (n⫽14) (n⫽14)

NMT (s/mm) 0.008 (0.0045) 0.008 (0.0058) 0.0065 (0.0049) 0.0078 (0.0049) 0.0054 (0.0025) 0.0081 (0.0042) 3.79 .03b .17

NMUs (unit/mm) 0.043 (0.026) 0.056 (0.064) 0.033 (0.030) 0.046 (0.031) 0.033 (0.029) 0.049 (0.033) 3.95 .03b .17
Trunk NTD (mm/mm) 1.22 (0.18) 1.31 (0.49) 1.58 (1.31) 1.23 (0.21) 1.13 (0.10) 1.52 (0.76) 3.82 .03 .17

Trunk contribution

Slope: start 3.21 (4.08) 3.37 (3.35) 2.70 (3.96) 4.94 (5.45) 3.25 (4.47) 5.02 (5.62) 0.59 .56 .03
Slope: mid 2.13 (2.15) 0.96 (1.35) 2.84 (3.75) 1.37 (2.07) 2.93 (3.31) 1.55 (2.30) 5.51 .01 .23

Angular change

nShoulder flexion 0.16 (0.058) 0.13 (0.034) 0.14 (0.045) 0.19 (0.073) 0.14 (0.025) 0.14 (0.039) 4.77 .01b .20

nElbow extension 0.10 (0.038) 0.061 (0.033) 0.094 (0.039) 0.098 (0.037) 0.078 (0.034) 0.098 (0.053) 0.15 .87 .004

Bimanual task (n⫽12) (n⫽14) (n⫽13) (n⫽12) (n⫽14) (n⫽13)

NMT (s/mm) 0.0052 (0.0017) 0.007 (0.0032) 0.0059 (0.0044) 0.0048 (0.0014) 0.005 (0.003) 0.0033 (0.0032) 1.70 .20 .09

NMUs (unit/mm) 0.022 (0.009) 0.033 (0.029) 0.037 (0.016) 0.023 (0.012) 0.026 (0.022) 0.048 (0.037) 3.09 .06 .15

Trunk NTD (mm/mm) 1.21 (0.16) 1.51 (0.77) 2.06 (2.35) 1.24 (0.20) 2.35 (3.36) 1.24 (0.35) 1.85 .17 .10

Trunk contribution

Slope: start ⫺0.08 (6.28) 9.15 (13.61) 4.33 (9.34) 1.80 (6.83) 6.90 (9.89) 1.41 (9.75) 0.63 .54 .04

Slope: mid 4.94 (5.11) 4.12 (4.38) 4.70 (6.84) 6.27 (9.61) 8.13 (8.52) 2.12 (4.07) 3.44 .04b .16

Angular change

nShoulder flexion 0.16 (0.029) 0.12 (0.035) 0.15 (0.063) 0.17 (0.028) 0.12 (0.045) 0.11 (0.064) 4.92 .01b .22

nElbow extension 0.062 (0.039) 0.025 (0.050) 0.048 (0.042) 0.074 (0.039) 0.062 (0.056) 0.049 (0.056) 1.23 .31 .07
ANCOVA⫽analysis of covariance, RBAT⫽robot-assisted bilateral arm training, TBAT⫽therapist-based bilateral arm training, CT⫽control treatment,
NMT⫽normalized movement time, NMU⫽normalized movement unit, trunk NTD⫽normalized trunk displacement, nShoulder flexion⫽normalized shoulder
flexion, nElbow extension⫽normalized elbow extension.
P⬍.05, ␩2⫽SSb/SStotal.

P⫽.005). The RBAT group engen- trunk contribution slope for the mid- group than in the CT group
dered a larger improvement in the dle part (P⫽.013) than the CT group. (P⫽.012). Differences also were
angular changes of shoulder flexion In addition, higher gains in the angu- found in the SIS total score
than the TBAT and CT groups (RBAT lar changes of the shoulder flexion (F2,38⫽4.58, P⫽.017, ␩2⫽.19),
group versus TBAT group, P⫽.031; were produced in the RBAT group strength subscale (F2,38⫽5.02,
RBAT group CT group, P⫽.005). than in the CT group (P⫽.004). P⫽.012, ␩2⫽.21), and physical func-
tion domain (F2,38⫽4.54, P⫽.017,
For kinematic variables in the biman- Clinical Measures ␩2⫽.19). Post hoc analyses indicated
ual task, the ANCOVA results No group effect on the overall FMA that the RBAT group showed larger
showed differences among the 3 score, proximal part score of the improvement in total score
groups in trunk contribution slope FMA, and AOU and QOM of the MAL (P⫽.005), strength subscale
for the middle part (F2,35⫽3.44, was documented; however, perfor- (P⫽.003), and physical function
P⫽.043, ␩2⫽.16) and angular mance on the distal part of the FMA domain (P⫽.005) of the SIS than the
changes of the shoulder joint was significantly different among CT group.
(F2,35⫽4.92, P⫽.013, ␩2⫽.22). Post the 3 groups (F2,38⫽3.84, P⫽.03,
hoc analyses revealed that the TBAT ␩2⫽.168). Post hoc analyses revealed Discussion
group, but not the RBAT group, dem- that the score for the distal part of To our knowledge, this comparative
onstrated larger enhancement on the FMA was higher in the TBAT efficacy study is the first to evaluate

August 2012 Volume 92 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1011

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

Table 3.
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics for Clinical Measuresa

Pretreatment (XⴞSD) Posttreatment (XⴞSD) ANCOVA

RBAT Group TBAT Group CT Group RBAT Group TBAT Group CT Group
Variable (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) (nⴝ14) F2,38 P ␩2

Total 43.29 (10.09) 43.43 (10.63) 45.43 (11.42) 47.14 (10.97) 48.71 (10.39) 48.57 (12.32) 1.85 .17 .09

Proximal 31.43 (4.54) 29.57 (5.30) 30.93 (3.93) 33.07 (4.46) 32.14 (4.62) 33.14 (4.31) 0.32 .73 .02

Distal 11.86 (7.05) 13.86 (6.50) 13.40 (7.44) 14.07 (7.66) 16.57 (7.30) 15.43 (9.10) 3.84 .03b .17


AOU 0.53 (0.47) 0.68 (0.51) 0.87 (1.00) 0.82 (0.65) 1.03 (0.91) 1.25 (1.25) 0.01 .99 .001

QOM 0.66 (0.51) 0.78 (0.61) 0.97 (1.05) 1.03 (0.79) 1.18 (0.83) 1.59 (1.51) 0.40 .68 .02


Total 68.62 (7.62) 64.27 (5.26) 65.23 (11.19) 73.97 (8.68) 67.61 (5.72) 64.75 (12.94) 4.58 .02b .19

Strength 41.52 (9.99) 40.63 (12.91) 37.05 (12.37) 51.34 (14.75) 44.20 (10.53) 36.16 (14.54) 5.02 .01b .21

Memory 91.11 (13.70) 89.28 (7.78) 85.46 (15.18) 93.07 (9.04) 89.27 (9.72) 86.73 (14.72) 0.49 .61 .03

Emotion 59.50 (15.17) 60.72 (12.45) 51.19 (10.49) 60.32 (9.66) 62.31 (12.51) 55.76 (13.38) 0.07 .93 .004

Communication 94.48 (13.01) 90.55 (11.68) 85.97 (18.51) 96.23 (8.67) 94.63 (7.40) 87.23 (14.67) 1.76 .19 .09

ADL/IADL 82.38 (10.50) 74.79 (10.83) 77.77 (12.23) 85.64 (11.81) 73.29 (13.66) 73.50 (17.97) 1.90 .16 .09

Mobility 91.55 (7.93) 83.32 (7.55) 80.16 (17.02) 94.25 (3.98) 86.17 (7.83) 76.40 (23.75) 2.27 .11 .11

Hand function 40.20 (28.78) 34.86 (18.51) 47.86 (25.70) 53.84 (22.50) 48.36 (28.74) 50.57 (27.84) 1.05 .36 .05

Participation 48.23 (20.03) 40.00 (25.50) 56.37 (24.07) 57.09 (28.70) 42.67 (18.60) 51.66 (21.41) 1.08 .35 .05

Physical function 63.91 (11.17) 58.39 (7.07) 60.71 (12.73) 71.27 (9.43) 63.00 (10.07) 59.16 (17.08) 4.54 .02b .19
ANCOVA⫽analysis of covariance, RBAT⫽robot-assisted bilateral arm training, TBAT⫽therapist-based bilateral arm training, CT⫽control treatment,
FMA⫽Fugl-Meyer Assessment, MAL⫽Motor Activity Log, AOU⫽amount of use, QOM⫽quality of movement, SIS⫽Stroke Impact Scale, ADL/IADL⫽activities
of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living.
P⬍.05, ␩2⫽SSb/SStotal.

movement quality, trunk compen- TBAT group in the unilateral task. of rebalanced interhemispheric inhi-
sation, daily functions, and quality The TBAT group also achieved better bition and disinhibition. The mecha-
of life of TBAT, RBAT, and CT. performance in the distal part score nisms for BAT involve the generation
Therapist-based BAT and RBAT dem- of the FMA than the CT group, of a “template” by the contralesional
onstrated differential benefits on spe- whereas the RBAT group had higher hemisphere and the activations in
cific outcome measures compared strength subscale, physical function both hemispheres, leading to bal-
with CT. The TBAT group showed domain, and total scores of the SIS anced inhibitory effects between
better temporal efficiency (NMT), than the CT group. hemispheres.33 The mechanism for
smoothness (NMUs), and straighter unilateral training (eg, constraint-
trunk motion (NTD) during the uni- In general, BAT based on therapist or induced therapy) relates to the facil-
lateral task than the CT group. The robot demonstrated superior perfor- itation of ipsilesional hemisphere
TBAT group also showed less trunk mance compared with the control activation, resulting in a disinhibi-
compensation (trunk contribution) intervention. Bilateral arm training tory effect of the contralesional cor-
than the CT group during the unilat- seems to contradict the principles tex to the ipsilesional side and, thus,
eral and bimanual tasks and the of unilateral training, such as rebalanced activation between the 2
RBAT group in the unilateral task. In constraint-induced therapy, where hemispheres.34
contrast, the RBAT group demon- the movement of the unaffected
strated specific benefits for increas- limb is limited and intensive practice Benefits of TBAT Over Other
ing shoulder flexion (angular of the affected limb is required. Interventions
changes of shoulder joint) compared However, BAT and unilateral train- Generally consistent with a previous
with the CT group during the unilat- ing, including constraint-induced study,8 the TBAT group performed
eral and bimanual tasks and the therapy, share a similar mechanism the reaching task more efficiently

1012 f Physical Therapy Volume 92 Number 8 August 2012

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

(less NMT) and smoothly (less practice arm-trunk coordination movement.4 Therefore, practice of
NMUs) with the affected arm and while performing the tasks. In con- bilateral symmetric activities might
with straighter trunk motion (less trast, the tasks in RBAT involved min- not be able to incorporate gain in the
trunk NTD) in the unilateral task imal trunk movement via the static distal part of motor function into
than the CT group. The possible position of both arms strapped to daily use of the affected UL.
explanation for the superiority of the Bi-Manu-Track, which offered
TBAT may have been the KR and KP less arm-trunk coordination than Benefits of RBAT Over Other
provided by therapists and the active TBAT. Consequently, TBAT may bet- Interventions
problem-solving process when func- ter facilitate trunk-limb organization The RBAT group had larger improve-
tional tasks were practiced. By being in a desirable or normal way and lead ments in angular changes of shoul-
provided with KR and KP, partici- to fewer trunk compensatory move- der flexion compared with the TBAT
pants were able to perceive informa- ments than RBAT. and CT groups in unilateral reaching
tion about movement outcome and and with the CT group in bimanual
process and make the next attempt The TBAT group improved arm and reaching. The Bi-Manu-Track robot
more successful by trying to reduce trunk movement quality only in provides robot-assisted, distal move-
movement errors.35,36 The feedback the unilateral task, which might be ment training, characterized by a
thus might have helped facilitate explained by the nature of the tasks. constant velocity and a high number
motor learning and lead to better Participants were asked to perform of repetitions in passive or active
movement quality for patients in the the unilateral task as fast as possible mode, which reestablishes the nor-
TBAT group. In contrast, the RBAT but to execute the bimanual task mative movement pattern by increas-
group practiced only forearm with comfortable self-speed, which ing the quality and quantity of sen-
pronation-supination and wrist may not have been sensitive enough sorimotor information.43 Thus, the
flexion-extension in passive or active to induce differences among the 3 range of motion was improved. The
modes provided by the Bi-Manu- groups. Moreover, the bimanual task distal movement training provided
Track, which enforced movements used in this study (eg, pull a drawer by the Bi-Manu-Track in the present
in designed and suitable trajectories. with the affected hand and retrieve study demonstrated treatment
Participants in the RBAT group an eyeglass case with unaffected effects on the proximal part of the
lacked patient-therapist interaction hand) involved bilateral, sequential UL such as shoulder joints. The distal
and experience in error-based learn- reaching that was different from the approach may lead to a stronger acti-
ing in functional tasks, which did not bilateral, simultaneous movements vation in the sensorimotor cortex,
lead to superior effects on arm and practiced in TBAT. given the larger cortical representa-
trunk performance. tion, than the proximal training and
Partially consistent with a previous thus result in benefits to the proxi-
The TBAT group recruited less trunk study,7 the TBAT group produced mal joints.6 Another explanation for
involvement (greater value of trunk greater improvements in the distal the possible advantages may be that
contribution slope for the middle part score of the FMA, but not in the the proximal parts also were work-
part) than the RBAT and CT groups overall and proximal part of the ing intensely during distal training.15
during unilateral reaching and the FMA. Simultaneously moving both Interestingly, the 3 groups differed
CT group during the bilateral reach- arms may have rebalanced inter- significantly in shoulder flexion but
ing task. When both arms perform a hemispheric activation and inhibi- not in elbow extension range of
similar spatiotemporal pattern simul- tion,38 thus reducing the distal part motion. Voluntary elbow extension
taneously, the “template” generated of motor impairment of the affected is less amenable to change than
by the undamaged hemisphere may UL.4,39,40 Furthermore, consistent shoulder flexion.44 It is difficult to
provide normal motor plans (ie, with previous research,41,42 this generate elbow extension in the
reaching with minimal trunk dis- study demonstrated no significant affected limb when reaching out-
placement)2 to assist in restoring the differences among the groups in ward45 because of the strong syner-
movement pattern of the hemiplegic daily functions as measured by the gistic joint torque coupling of shoul-
UL.33 Moreover, the motor system MAL. This result might be because der abductor and elbow flexion.46 – 48
organizes the trunk and proximal the bilateral symmetrical activities of
part musculature of the UL on a bilat- the TBAT program did not empha- Direct comparisons between bilat-
eral basis.37 The functional tasks in size forced use of the affected UL. eral protocols of the present study
the TBAT group involved ULs with- Most bimanual tasks in daily life and unilateral protocols of the previ-
out constraining the trunk and then require bilateral sequential move- ous studies49,50 might be arguable.
provided more opportunities to ment, but not bilateral simultaneous A previous study50 suggested that

August 2012 Volume 92 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1013

Therapist-Based Versus Robotic Bilateral Arm Training

intensive unilateral arm training strength has a strong relationship and trunk compensation of reaching
mediated by a therapist or a robot with daily activity, and strength- movement and motor impairment of
improved motor impairment of the related training might have the distal part of the UL. Robot-
proximal UL, but not motor function enhanced the UL performance in assisted BAT may be a more compel-
and quality of life. In contrast, daily living in individuals with ling approach to improve shoulder
another study49 showed that inten- chronic stroke.51,52 Robot-assisted flexion range of motion and quality
sive, robot-assisted, unilateral ther- BAT increases active range of of life related to paretic UL function.
apy significantly improved quality of motion, as evidenced in the present
life, but not motor function, immedi- study, and possibly decreases spas-
Dr Wu provided concept/idea/research
ately after intervention compared ticity of the wrist and forearm.43 It design. Dr Wu, Ms Yang, Dr Chuang, Dr Lin,
with conventional intervention. Dif- follows that improved physical con- and Dr Chen provided writing. Ms Yang,
ferences in the intensity of training ditions (self-perceived muscle Dr Lin, and Ms Huang provided data collec-
and the type of robot may explain strength and quantitative measures tion. Ms Yang, Dr Chuang, Dr Chen, and
Ms Huang provided data analysis. Dr Wu,
the differential effect in these 2 stud- of range of motion) in daily living
Dr Chuang, and Dr Lin provided project
ies. Our study extended the study might lead to better perception of management and fund procurement. Ms
findings of Lo et al49 and showed that the physical function domain and Yang provided participants. Dr Wu, Dr Lin,
the group who underwent robot- overall quality of life.43 and Dr Chen provided facilities/equipment.
assisted training based on a bilateral Dr Wu and Dr Lin provided institutional liai-
sons. Dr Chuang and Ms Huang provided
protocol had larger gains in quality A limitation of this study was the lack clerical support. Dr Wu, Dr Chuang, Dr Lin,
of life, as reflected by the strength of a follow-up assessment, which Dr Chen, and Dr Chen provided consulta-
subscale, physical function domain, may limit the understanding of tion (including review of manuscript before
and total score of the SIS, than the potential long-term benefits. Future submission).
CT group. Even though our study research should examine the reten- The institutional review boards of the partic-
recruited participants with moderate- tion of therapeutic gains after TBAT ipating sites approved this study.
to-mild UL impairment and used and RBAT. In addition, appropriate This project was supported, in part, by the
bilateral protocols different from methods for measuring real-world National Health Research Institutes (NHRI-
those of the study by Lo et al49 using activity are a concern.53 The MAL EX100-9920PI and NHRI-EX100-10010PI),
patients with moderate-to-severe exclusively measures the functional the National Science Council (NSC 97-2314-
UL impairment and treatment performance of the affected UL, B-002– 008-MY3 and NSC 99-2314-B-182-
014-MY3), and the Healthy Aging Research
approaches with unilateral proto- which may not be the most suitable Center at Chang Gung University
cols, both studies adopted intensive, one for assessing the outcomes after (EMRPD1A0891).
robot-assisted therapy to enhance bilateral training protocols. Future
This trial has been registered at Clinical
quality of life for patients with studies need to assess changes on Trials.gov; Identifier: NCT01525979.
chronic stroke. outcome measures relevant to
patients’ daily situations, including DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20110282
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