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Candon City, Ilocos Sur GRADE 11
School Year 2021 – 2022 HANDOUT # 1 (Q3)


➢ It is a learning process that motivates to obtain knowledge or information about people, things, places, or events.
➢ It is done through investigating and asking questions.
➢ It requires collecting data, meaning, facts, and information and examining them carefully.
➢ It requires Lower Order Thinking Skills and Higher Order Thinking Skills.
➢ It makes you probe, investigate, or ask questions to find answer or solutions.
➢ It is a problem – solving technique.
➢ It elevates thinking power.
➢ It includes cooperative learning.

Foundation of Inquiry
Theory of Connected Experience Socio-Cultural Theory Constructive Theory
Proponent John Dewey Lev Vygotsky Jerome Bruner
Focus Explanation on the Zone of Proximal
Exploratory and reflective thinking Varied world perception

Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning

1. It elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills.
2. It improves student’s learning ability.
3. It widens learner’s vocabulary.
4. It facilitates problem-solving acts.
5. It increases social awareness and cultural knowledge.
6. It encourages cooperative learning.
7. It provides mastery of procedural knowledge.
8. It encourages higher order thinking strategies.
9. It hastens conceptual understanding.

➢ It is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts and information to prove the accuracy or
truthfulness of claims or conclusions about the topic.
➢ It engages in top-level thinking strategies of interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing, appreciating, or creating.
➢ It carries out a particular order of stages.
➢ It involves Cooperative Learning.
➢ It is a way of discovering new knowledge, applying knowledge in various ways as well as seeing the relationship s of ideas, events, and situations.
➢ It puts you in a context where a problem exists.
➢ It collects facts and information, studies such data, and comes up with a solution to the problem.

Characteristics of Research
1. Accuracy - Research should honestly and appropriately document or acknowledge a data.

2. Objectiveness - Research should deal with facts, not mere opinions arising from assumptions, generalization, predictions, or

3. Timeliness - Research should work on a topic that is fresh, new, and interesting to the present society.

4. Relevance - Research should be instrumental in improving society or solving problems affecting the lives of people in a

5. Clarity - Research should be expressed in simple, direct, concise, and correct language.

6. Systematic - Research should take place in an organized or orderly manner.

Purposes of Research
1. To learn how to work independently.
2. To learn how to work scientifically or systematically.
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something.
4. To elevate mental abilities by letting you think in HOTS.
5. To improve reading and writing skills.
6. To be familiar with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of gathering data and presenting research findings.
7. To free yourself, to a certain extent, from the domination or strong influence of a single textbook or of the professor’s lone of
viewpoints or spoon feeding.
Candon City, Ilocos Sur GRADE 11
School Year 2021 – 2022 HANDOUT # 1 (Q3)
Types of Research
1. Based on Application of Research Method
A. Pure Research
- It deals with concepts, principles, or abstract matters.

B. Applied Research
- It deals with societal problems or issues, finding ways to make positive changes in society.

2. Based on Purpose of Research

A. Descriptive Research
- It aims at defining or giving a verbal portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation, etc.
- It is liable to repeated research because its topic relates itself only to a certain period.

B. Correlational Research
- It shows relationships or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or agents called variables.
- It concerns in indicating existence of relationship.

C. Explanatory Research
- It elaborates or explains the ways by which such relationship exists, not only the reasons behind the relationship of two

D. Exploratory Research
- It discovers ideas on topics that could trigger interest in conducting research studies.
- Its purpose is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study.

E. Action Research
- It studies on ongoing practices for the purpose of obtaining results that will bring improvements in the system.

3. Based on Type of Data Needed

A. Qualitative Research
- It focuses on non-numerical data such as thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, and lifestyles.
- Verbal language is the right way to express the findings.

B. Quantitative Research
- It deals with numerical data, which it involves measurements of data.
- It presents research findings referring to the number or frequency.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research based on Standards

Standards Qualitative Quantitative
Researcher’s involvement with the Subjective; sometimes personally Objective; least involvement by the
object or subject of the study. engaged researcher
Expression of data, data analysis, and Verbal language (words, visuals, objects) Numerals, statistics
Research plan Takes place as the research proceeds Plans all research aspects before
gradually collecting data
Behavior toward research aspects/ Desires to preserve the natural setting of Control or manipulation of research
conditions research features conditions by the researcher
Obtaining knowledge Multiple methods Scientific method
Purpose Makes social intentions understandable Evaluates objectives and examines
cause-effect relationships
Data analysis technique Thematic codal ways, competence-based Mathematically based methods
Style of expression Personal, lacks formality Impersonal, scientific, or systematic
Sampling technique More inclined to purposive sampling or Random sampling as the most preferred
use of chosen samples based on some
Mental survey of reality Results from social interactions Exists in physical world
Cause-effect relationships Explained by people’s objective desires Revealed by automatic descriptions of
circumstances or conditions

Candon City, Ilocos Sur GRADE 11
School Year 2021 – 2022 HANDOUT # 1 (Q3)
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Paradigm Assumptions
Assumption Question Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Ontological What is the nature of • Reality is subjective and multiple as • Reality is “objective,” “out there,” and
reality? seen by participants in a study. It is singular, apart from the researcher,
“constructed by the individuals and can be measured objectively by
involved in the research situation.” using a questionnaire or an instrument.
Researcher must “report faithfully
these realities and to rely on voices
and interpretations of informants.”

Epistemological What is the • Researcher interacts with that being • Researcher is independent from that
relationship of the researched. Interaction may be in the being researched. In surveys and
researcher to that form of living with or observing experiments, for instance,
researched? informants over a prolonged period, “researchers attempt to control for
or actual collaboration. bias, selective, systematic sample, and
be “objective” in assessing a situation.

Axiological What is the role of • Value-laden and biased wherein the • Value-free and unbiased,
values? researcher “admits the value-laden “accomplished through entirely
nature of the study and actively omitting statements about values from
reports his or her values and biases, a written report, using impersonal
as well as the value nature of language, and reporting the “facts” –
information gathered from the field. arguing closely from the evidence
gathered in the study.”

Rhetorical What is the language • Informal • Formal

of research? • Evolving decisions • Based on set of definitions
• Personal voice • Impersonal voice
• Accepted qualitative words – • Use of accepted quantitative words –
“understanding, discovery, and “relationship, comparison, and within-
meaning” group”.

Methodological What is the process • Inductive process • Deductive process

of research? • Mutual simultaneous shaping of • Cause and effect
factors • Static design -categories isolated
• Emerging design – categories before study
identified during research process. • Context-free
• Context-bound • Generalizations leading to prediction,
• Patterns, theories developed for explanation, and understanding.
understanding. • Accurate and reliable through validity
• Accurate and reliable through and reliability.

Critique of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Quantitative
Too subjective – qualitative findings rely too much on the Failure to distinguish people and social institutions from the “the
researcher’s often unsystematic views and close personal world of nature”
relationship with the people being studied.

Difficult to replicate – unstructured nature of qualitative data and Artificial and spurious sense of precision and accuracy of the
hardly no standard procedures to be followed; interpretation measurement process
profoundly influenced by the subjective learnings of a researcher.

Problems of generalizations – the scope of the findings of Heavy reliance on instruments and procedures that hinder
qualitative investigations is restricted; impossible to know how the connection between research and everyday life
findings can be generalized to other settings.

Lack of transparency – sometimes difficult to establish what the Less focus on the meanings of events to individuals and tendency
researcher actually did, and s/he arrived at the study’s to create a static view of social life that is independent of people’s
conclusions. lives

Candon City, Ilocos Sur GRADE 11
School Year 2021 – 2022 HANDOUT # 1 (Q3)
Approaches of Research
1. Scientific Approach
➢ It is also known as positive approach.
➢ It discovers and measures information as wells as observe and control variables an impersonal manner.
➢ Approaches: Structured interview, questionnaires, observational checklists.

2. Naturalistic Approach
➢ It deals with qualitative data (people behavior toward surroundings)
➢ It expresses truths about the way people perceive or understand the world.
➢ It happens in natural setting.

3. Triangulation Approach
➢ It is free to gather and analyze data using multiple methods.
➢ It gives the opportunity to view every angle of the research.

Baraceros, E.L.(2016). Nature of inquiry and research. Practical research 1. Rex Book Store.

Baraceros, E.L.(2019). Quantitative research. Practical research 2. Rex Book Store.

EssayShark.(2017, November 7). High School Research Paper Topics You Shouldn’t Pass By.
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Henson, R. M. & Soriano, R.F.(2016). Nature of inquiry and research. Practical research 1: Qualitative research world of reality
dissections. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

Melegrito, M. L. F. & Mendoza, D. J. (2017). Qualitative and quantitative dichotomy in research. Applied research: An introduction to
qualitative research methods and report writing. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

My Essay Help. (2021). 50+ Interesting Quantitative Research Topics. -research-

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