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Jugular Vein Verses

John 17:3

3 This is the core and essence of the Life of the Age to Come,
that they may know You, the only one who is true God,
and the one You have commissioned, Jesus Christ.

Mark 4:13-20

13 Jesus asked them, “Do you not understand this parable? If you cannot,
how are you going to understand any of the parables? 14 The sower sows the
Gospel-word. 15 The seeds on the path where the word is sown represent
those who hear the Gospel-word, but then Satan immediately comes along and
takes away the word which has been sown in them. 16 Likewise the seeds on
the rocky ground illustrate those who hear the word, and immediately accept it
with enthusiasm. 17 But since they have no firm roots, they last for only a while,
until trouble or persecution come, and then they quickly fall away.
18 Those sown among the thorns illustrate those who hear the word, 19 but the
worries of this age, the temptation of wealth, and other distractions choke
the growth of the word, and it becomes unproductive. 20 But the seeds sown on
good soil illustrate those who hear the word, accept it, and are productive —
producing thirty, sixty, and a hundred times what was originally sown.

Acts 8:12

12 But when they believed Philip as he preached the Gospel about the
Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Messiah, they were getting baptized,
both men and women.

Colossians 2:16, 17

16 Therefore, do not let anyone, whoever he is, try to exercise

authority over you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of annual
holy days, monthly new moons and the weekly Sabbath.
17 This whole calendar is a single shadow of what was to come;
but by contrast the substance of them is the Messiah.

Luke 1:35

35 The angel’s reply to her was this: “Holy spirit will come upon you, and the power
of the Most High will overshadow you. Precisely for that reason the baby to
be fathered will be called holy and the Son of God.
Isaiah 45:14

God Alone is the Savior

14 This is what the LORD says:The products of Egypt and the merchandise of
Cush and the Sabeans, men of stature, will come over to you and will be yours;
they will follow you, they will come over in chains and bow down to you.
They will confess to you: God is indeed with you, and there is no other;
there is no other God.

Luke 19:27

27And as for my enemies who did not want me to be king over them,
bring them here and execute them in front of me.’”

1 Peter 1:7 Deuteronomy 26:19

7 The point of the trials is the testing of your faith,

which is more precious than gold which perishes even though
it is refined by fire. The object is that your faith may be found
to result in praise, glory, and honor at the future revelation
of Jesus Messiah.

19 that He will elevate you to praise, fame, and glory

above all the nations He has made, and that you will be a holy people
to the LORD your God as He promised.”

Mark 1:1, 14-15

1 This is the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Messiah, the Son of God.

14 Later, after John was arrested and imprisoned, Jesus went to Galilee,
announcing the Gospel of God. He said, “The time predicted has come.
The Kingdom of God is coming soon. Repent and believe that
Gospel about the Kingdom.”

Matthew 1:1, 18, 20

1 This is the genealogical birth record of Jesus, the Messiah, the son of
David, and the son of Abraham:
18 Now this is the origin of Jesus Messiah: His mother, Mary, was engaged to Joseph, but before they
were married she became pregnant from the power of holy spirit.
20 While he was reflecting on all this, an angel of the Lord appeared
to him in a dream and said to him, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to marry Mary, because
what has been fathered and procreated within her is derived from God’s creative holy spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:1-3

1 Now brothers and sisters, I want to remind you about the Gospel I
proclaimed to you. You accepted it, and you are standing firmly in it.
2 It is through this Gospel that you are being saved if, that is,
you hold on to the message which I preached as Gospel to you.
Otherwise your belief was futile!
3 I passed on to you what I myself had also received, as items among
those of first importance: the message that Messiah died for our sins,according to Scripture;

John 12:48

48 The person who rejects me and refuses to accept my teachings

has this as his Judge: the Gospel of the Kingdom word I have
spoken will judge him on the last day of this age.

Mark 12:28, 29

28 One of the religious teachers came and heard them arguing. He

recognized that Jesus had given them a good answer. So he asked him,
“Which is the most important commandment of all?”
29 Jesus replied, “The first commandment is,
'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.'

Ezekiel 36:36 Zechariah 14:16

36 "Then the nations that are left round about you will know that I, the LORD, have rebuilt the ruined
places and planted that which was desolate; I, the LORD, have spoken and will do it."
16 “Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go
up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths.
1 Timothy 6:3-4 2 John 7-9

3 Teach and encourage all these things. If anyone teaches other doctrines
and does not agree with the health-giving teaching, namely the teachings given
by our lord Jesus Messiah, and thus with the teaching that promotes godliness, 4 he is
conceited, understanding nothing, but has a morbid interest in disputes
and arguments over words.

7 I am telling you this because many deceivers have left and gone out into the world.
They do not accept that Jesus Messiah has come as a fully human being.
Anyone like this is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Be careful that you do not
lose what we have worked so hard for, and that you receive a full reward. 9 All
those who in the name of “progress” do not continue to follow the teaching of
Messiah do not have God with them. Those who continue to follow the
teaching of Messiah have both the Father and the Son with them.

Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 Psalm 13:3

5 For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a
reward, for their memory is forgotten. 10 Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength,
because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.

3 Consider and answer me, O LORD my God; Enlighten my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

1 Chronicles 29:20

20 Then David said to the whole assembly, “Praise the LORD your God.” So the whole assembly
praised the LORD God of their ancestors. They bowed down and paid homage to the LORD and the king.

Luke 4:43 Acts 20:23-25

43 But he said to them, “I am divinely compelled to go to other

towns also to preach the Gospel about the Kingdom of God, because that is
what I was commissioned by God to do.”

23 All I know is that in every city I visit the holy spirit warns me that
prison and suffering are waiting for me. 24 But I do not consider my life as
worth anything to me. I want only to finish my mission and the ministry that the
lord Jesus entrusted to me, solemnly to witness to the Gospel of the grace of
God. 25 Now I am certain that you will not see my face again, you among whom
I went about heralding the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Daniel 2:44
44 “In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed,
and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to
an end, but will itself endure forever.

Galatians 6:16

6:16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this principle in Galatia and to
the wider Israel of God.

1Corinthians 8:6

8:6 for us Christians there is only one God, who is the Father,
from whom everything was made, and He is the goal of
our existence; and one lord Messiah Jesus through
whom everything exists, and it is through him that we
owe our present experience as Christians.

Luke 16:16

16:16 What was written in the law and the prophets lasted until John.
From then on the Gospel about theKingdom of God is being announced,
and everyone is forcing his way in.

1 Chronicles 29:20 Revelation 5:12,13

29:20 Then David said to all the assembly, “Now bless the LORD your God.” And all the assembly
blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, and bowed low and did homage to the LORD and to the king.

5:12 shouting loudly together: “The Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive authority,
wealth,wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise.” 13 Then I heard every creature in heaven, on earth,
and under the earth, in the sea — every creature everywhere — responding: “To the One who sits on
the throne and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory, and authority, forever and ever.”

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