Zakat Ul Fitr

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Islamic Education Worksheet

Name: Ahmed Suhail Yusoof Year: _8_ Section: __C__ Date: 21/04/2022

WALT: Recognise the importance of sawm as the fourth pillar of Islam

Topic : Ramadan : The Month of Fasting

Purify Your Fasting by Zakat-ul-Fitr

Islamic Education Worksheet Page 1

Q. Read the following hadeeth and answer the questions given below.
Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated:
“The apostle of Allah (SAW) prescribed the sadaqah(alms) related to the breaking of the fast
as a purification of the fasting from empty and obscene talk and as food for the poor. If
anyone pays it before the prayer (of eid), it will be accepted as zakah. If anyone pays it after
the prayer, that will be a sadaqah like other sadaqahs.”

a). What is Zakat ul Fitr?

Ans: Zakat ul Fitr is when you give food like dates, rice and fig to the slave, poor people and when

you give zakat it is a blessing and you will get a lot of rewards.

b). What is the purpose of giving Zakat-ul-Fitr?

Ans: The purpose of giving zakat ul Fitr is on the end of Ramadan or before Eid prayer.

c). When do we pay Zakat ul Fitr?

It can be given to a fasting person or a poor person.

How do we measure a Saa’

One saa’ consists of four amdadd ( plural of mudd). A Mudd is equal to one handful using
two hands cupped together of an average sized man.

Islamic Education Worksheet Page 2

a). How many handfuls would it take for one person to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr.

Ans: 4

b). How many handfuls would it take for your entire family to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr.

Ans: 16

c). List any three types of food that can be given as Zakat-ul-Fitr.

Ans dates, rice and rasins.

Islamic Education Worksheet Page 3

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