Arao Ipcr Target Jan Dec. 2020

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of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period November 01, 2018 to

Reviewed by: Date accomplished: Approved by:

RENATO D. DE ASIS October 29, 2018 CARINA L.

Assoc. Director Date Direct

Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
Strategic Priority
Bicol University "A world class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and development." It will pursue the following strateg
• Promoting a Responsive and Efficient Academic Governance
• Enhancing the Resource Endowment of the University
• Offering Market-Driven and Relevant Academic Program
• Strengthening the Foundation for Research Development and Extension
• Developing a Critical Mass of Top Students and Outstanding Faculty
• Upgrading/Modernizing Physical/Infrastructure Facilities
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
1 Instruction - mandatory for teaching personnel from Instructor to Professor
1.1 Evidence of Preparedness (Prepares and submits acceptable syllabus on time following the official format)
1.1.1. Number of sylalbi submitted. 2nd Sem. SY 2018-2019 (November) 3
1.1.2. Quality of syllabi prepared.

1.1.3. Date all syllabi were submitted. 2nd Sem. SY 2018-2019 (November) 11/9/2018
1.2 Commitment
Demonstrate sensitivity to students' ability to attend and absorb content information;Integrates
sensitivity his/her learning objectives with those of the students in a collaborative process; Comes
to class on time; Shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning and for the subject being taught.

1.3 Knowledge of Subject

Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter; Draws and share information on the state of the art of
theory and practice in his/her discipline; Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning
purposes of students; Explains the relevanceof present topics to the previous lessons; relates the
subject matter to relevant current issues and daily life activities.

1.4 Management for independent learning

Create teaching strategies that allow students to practice using concepts they need to understand
(interactive discussion); Enhances students' sef steem and recognizes their abilities and
performance; Allows students to create their own course with objectives and realistically defined
student-professor rules and makes them accountable for their performance; Allows students think
independently and make their own decisions and holding them accountable for their performance
based largely on their success in executing decisions; Encourages students to learn beyond what
is required and provides activities that develop analytical thinking.

1.5 Management of learning

Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
Creates opportunities for intensive and/or extensive contribution of students in the class activities
(e.g. breaksclass into dyads, triads or buzz/tasks groups); Assumes rolesas facilitators, resource
person, coach, inquisitor, integrator, referee in drawing students to contribute to knowledge and
understanding of the concepts at hands; Designs and implement learning conditions and
expereince and promotes healthy exchange and/or confrontations; Structure/re-structures
learningand teaching-learning context to enhance attainment of collective learning objectives; Use
of Instructional meterials such as audio/video meterials, films/computers, multi-media, etc. to
reinforce learning process.

1.6 Evaluation skills

Constructs tests based on objectives; Utilizes test results for enrichment /remedial measures.
1.6.1 Number of tests prepared. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.6.2 Quality of tests based on objectives prepared.

1.7 Submission of grades (Prepares/submits grading sheets, report cards, classcards accurately and promptly).
1.7.1 Number of grade sheets submitted on schedule. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.7.2 Date when grade sheets were submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.8 Student Development (Supports co-curricular activities of the students; Conducts guidance/counseling/enrichment/remedial activities.)
Number of co-curricular activities of the students supported.
2 Research - Mandatory for Professors in 2017. Assoc. Professors may choose between research or extension in 2017 (Admin. Order 756, S. 2015)
2.1 Research Implementation
Credit units
Number of studies implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of projects implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of programs implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Total number of credit units
Status of research implementation.

2.2 Reports results of research

2.2.1 Publication of research-based papers Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 International refereed journal or publication (i.e., ISI-indexed or SCOPUS listed) CHED-accredited refereed journal or publication
2.2.2 Presentation of research-based papers International fora / conferences Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 National fora/ conferences Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 Regional fora/ conference Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
2.2.3 Invention / UM / ID patented OR utilized by local community. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
3 Extension - Optional for Assoc. Professors and Professors in 2017 (Admin. Order 756, S. 2015)
3.1 Submits acceptable extension proposal.
3.1.1 Number of extension proposals submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
3.1.2 Acceptability of extension proposal submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

3.2 Conducts/particpates in extension activities

3.2.1 Nature of participation Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

3.2.2 Percentage accomplishments of extension activities Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
3.2.3 Clientele satisfaction on expert/technical services conducted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
3.3 Submits report of extension activities conducted (during or previous to the semester at least one week
before the end of the semester)
4 Administration (Designated officials / personnel)
Participates in administrative/supervisory tasks; Introduces new programs/policies/activities; Provides opportunity and
encouragement to peers and subordinates. (Consider the OPCR of the office / unit where the faculty was designated).
4.1 Function 1
4.1.1 Performance indicator
4.1.2 Performance indicator
4.2 Function 2
4.2.1 Performance indicator
4.2.2 Performance indicator
4.3 Function 3
4.3.1 Performance indicator
4.3.2 Performance indicator

Support Functions
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
1.1 Human Resource Management and Development Office
1.1.1 Schedule of Forced Leave (Date submitted)
1.1.2 SPMS Form (IPCR and / or OPCR) (Date submitted)
1.1.3 Trainining Needs Survey (BU-F-HRMO-74-1 / 74-1) (Date submitted)
1.1.4 Training Effectiveness Evaluation (BU-F-HRMO-75) submitted within 30 calendar
days after training (number of forms for submission)
1.1.5 Others:
1.2 University Administrative Office
1.2.1 Civil Service Form 48 (No.of DTRs submitted 5 WD after end of the month) 2
1.2.2 Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) - (Date submitted)
1.2.3 Liquidated cash advance within two weeks after national travel or one month after
international travel (Date liquidated).
1.2.4 Others:
1.3 Required activities attended (at least 70% attended) 2
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
KRA 1: Instruction
KRA 2: Research (Mandatory for Professors and Associate Professors)
Core Functions KRA 3: Extension / Services to the community (Mandatory for Prof. and optional for Assoc. Prof.)
Administration (Designated officials / personnel)
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
Support Functions Required activities attended (at least 70% attended)

Intervening Task (if any) - (c/o PMT)

Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)

Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes

Discussed with: Date: Assessed by: Date: Reviewed by: Date:
I certify that I discussed my assessment of the performance of the


Asst. Professor Assoc. Director College PMT Representative
ANNEX B1 - Teaching (Beta 2018, best works with MS Excel 2013 or latest version)
RTS & RECREATION commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment
December 31, 2018
Academic Rank Asst. Professor
Date accomplished:

CARINA L. SALES October 29, 2018

Director Date

Actual Accomplishment Rating

Accomplishment % Q E T A

ursue the following strategies:

√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
mission, vision & goals

3 100% 5.00
Check drop down
Substantially correct. 5.00 menu
11/5/2018 4 5.00 -
Actual Accomplishment Rating
Accomplishment % Q E T A

No target
Check drop down

No target
0 -

No target
Order 756, S. 2015)

Check drop down


No target
No target

No target
No target
No target
No target

No target
Check drop down

Check drop down

No target
Actual Accomplishment Rating
Accomplishment % Q E T A

No target

0 Not applicable
0 -
0 -
No target

0 -

2 100% 5.00
0 -
0 -

0 -
2 143% 5.00
Q E T Average
18 100% 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
0% 0.00
0% 0.00
0% 0.00
18 100%
- - 5.00
20% 5.00
- - 5.00
Total Overall Rating 5.00
No. of hours on task: 0.00
Final Average Rating 5.00
Actual Accomplishment Rating
Accomplishment % Q E T A

Adjectival Rating Outstanding

Final Ranking by: Date:

epresentative Director
of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period November 01, 2018 to

Reviewed by: Date accomplished: Approved by:

January 18, 2019 GERARDO O

Chairperson Date Dea

Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
Strategic Priority
Bicol University "A world class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and development." It will pursue the following strateg
• Promoting a Responsive and Efficient Academic Governance
• Enhancing the Resource Endowment of the University
• Offering Market-Driven and Relevant Academic Program
• Strengthening the Foundation for Research Development and Extension
• Developing a Critical Mass of Top Students and Outstanding Faculty
• Upgrading/Modernizing Physical/Infrastructure Facilities
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
1 Instruction - mandatory for teaching personnel from Instructor to Professor
1.1 Evidence of Preparedness (Prepares and submits acceptable syllabus on time following the official format)
1.1.1. Number of sylalbi submitted. 3
1.1.2. Quality of syllabi prepared.

1.1.3. Date all syllabi were submitted. 11/12/2018

1.2 Commitment
Demonstrate sensitivity to students' ability to attend and absorb content information;Integrates 1st Sem. SY 2018- 4.0
sensitivity his/her learning objectives with those of the students in a collaborative process; Comes 2019 (October)
to class on time; Shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning and for the subject being taught.

1.3 Knowledge of Subject

Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter; Draws and share information on the state of the art of 1st Sem. SY 2018- 4.0
theory and practice in his/her discipline; Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning 2019 (October)
purposes of students; Explains the relevanceof present topics to the previous lessons; relates the
subject matter to relevant current issues and daily life activities.

1.4 Management for independent learning

Create teaching strategies that allow students to practice using concepts they need to understand 1st Sem. SY 2018- 4.0
(interactive discussion); Enhances students' sef steem and recognizes their abilities and 2019 (October)
performance; Allows students to create their own course with objectives and realistically defined
student-professor rules and makes them accountable for their performance; Allows students think
independently and make their own decisions and holding them accountable for their performance
based largely on their success in executing decisions; Encourages students to learn beyond what
is required and provides activities that develop analytical thinking.
1.5 Management of learning
Creates opportunities for intensive and/or extensive contribution of students in the class activities 1st Sem. SY 2018- 4.0
(e.g. breaksclass into dyads, triads or buzz/tasks groups); Assumes rolesas facilitators, resource 2019 (October)
person, coach, inquisitor, integrator, referee in drawing students to contribute to knowledge and
understanding of the concepts at hands; Designs and implement learning conditions and
expereince and promotes healthy exchange and/or confrontations; Structure/re-structures
learningand teaching-learning context to enhance attainment of collective learning objectives; Use
of Instructional meterials such as audio/video meterials, films/computers, multi-media, etc. to
reinforce learning process.
1.6 Evaluation skills
Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
Constructs tests based on objectives; Utilizes test results for enrichment /remedial measures.
1.6.1 Number of tests prepared. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.6.2 Quality of tests based on objectives prepared.

1.7 Submission of grades (Prepares/submits grading sheets, report cards, classcards accurately and promptly).
1.7.1 Number of grade sheets submitted on schedule. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.7.2 Date when grade sheets were submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
1.8 Student Development (Supports co-curricular activities of the students; Conducts guidance/counseling/enrichment/remedial activities.)
Number of co-curricular activities of the students supported. 4
2 Research - Mandatory for Professors in 2017. Assoc. Professors may choose between research or extension in 2017 (Admin. Order 756, S. 2015)
2.1 Research Implementation
Credit units
Number of studies implemented / being implemented / for implementation. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
Number of projects implemented / being implemented / for implementation. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
Number of programs implemented / being implemented / for implementation. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
Total number of credit units
Status of research implementation.

2.2 Reports results of research

2.2.1 Publication of research-based papers Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 International refereed journal or publication (i.e., ISI-indexed or SCOPUS listed) CHED-accredited refereed journal or publication
2.2.2 Presentation of research-based papers International fora / conferences Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 National fora/ conferences Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 Regional fora/ conference Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
2.2.3 Invention / UM / ID patented OR utilized by local community. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
3 Extension - Optional for Assoc. Professors and Professors in 2017 (Admin. Order 756, S. 2015)
3.1 Submits acceptable extension proposal.
3.1.1 Number of extension proposals submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18
3.1.2 Acceptability of extension proposal submitted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

3.2 Conducts/particpates in extension activities

3.2.1 Nature of participation Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

3.2.2 Percentage accomplishments of extension activities Nov. '18 - Dec. '18

3.2.3 Clientele satisfaction on expert/technical services conducted. Nov. '18 - Dec. '18 N/A
3.3 Submits report of extension activities conducted (during or previous to the semester at least one week
before the end of the semester)

4 Administration (Designated officials / personnel)

Participates in administrative/supervisory tasks; Introduces new programs/policies/activities; Provides opportunity and
encouragement to peers and subordinates. (Consider the OPCR or designation rating).
Success Indicator
Output / Outcome Indicator
(Measure + Target)
Support Functions
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
1.1 Human Resource Management and Development Office
1.1.1 Schedule of Forced Leave (Date submitted)
1.1.2 SPMS Form (IPCR and / or OPCR) (Date submitted)
1.1.3 Trainining Needs Survey (BU-F-HRMO-74-1 / 74-1) (Date submitted)
1.1.4 Training Effectiveness Evaluation (BU-F-HRMO-75) submitted within 30 calendar days
after training (number of forms for submission)
1.1.5 Others:
1.2 University Administrative Office
1.2.1 Civil Service Form 48 (No.of DTRs submitted 5 WD after end of the month) 2
1.2.2 Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) - (Date submitted)
1.2.3 Liquidated cash advance within two weeks after national travel or one month after
international travel (Date liquidated).
1.2.4 Others:
1.3 Required activities attended (at least 70% attended) 2
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
KRA 1: Instruction
KRA 2: Research (Mandatory for Professors and Associate Professors)
Core Functions KRA 3: Extension / Services to the community (Mandatory for Prof. and optional for Assoc. Prof.)
Administration (Designated officials / personnel)
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
Support Functions Required activities attended (at least 70% attended)

Intervening Task (if any) - (c/o PMT)

Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes

Discussed with: Date: 1/18/2019 Assessed by: Date: 1/18/2019 Reviewed by: Date:
I certify that I discussed my assessment of the performance of the

Asst. Professor Chairperson College PMT Representative
ANNEX B1 - Teaching
AND FORESTRY commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment
December 31, 2018
Academic Rank Asst. Professor
Date accomplished:

GERARDO O. OCFEMIA January 21, 2019

Dean Date

Actual Accomplishment Rating

Accomplishment % Q E T A

ursue the following strategies:

√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √
mission, vision & goals

3 100% 5.00
Check drop down
Substantially correct. 5.00 menu
11/8/2018 4 5.00 -
Actual Accomplishment Rating
Accomplishment % Q E T A

No target
Check drop down

No target
0 -

4 100% 5.00
Order 756, S. 2015)

Submitted research Check drop down

proposal for evaluation menu
within the year.

No target
No target

No target
No target
No target
No target

No target
Check drop down

Check drop down

No target

No target
Actual Accomplishment Rating
Accomplishment % Q E T A

No target

2 100% 5.00

2 143% 5.00
Q E T Average
18 100% 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
0% 0.00
0% 0.00
0% 0.00
18 100%
- - 5.00
20% 5.00
- - 5.00
Total Overall Rating 5.00
No. of hours on task: 0.00
Final Average Rating 5.00
Adjectival Rating Outstanding

Final Ranking by: Date: 1/21/2019

epresentative Dean
ANNEX B1 - Teaching
I, CESAR A. ARAO of BU COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment
of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period July 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020
Academic Rank Asst. Professor III
Reviewed by: Date accomplished: Approved by: Date accomplished:


Associate Dean Date Dean Date

Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating

Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A

Strategic Priority
Bicol University "A world class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and development." It will pursue the following strategies:
1. Holistic well-being of personnel 4. Innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem hub 8. Developing productive enterprises
2. Building a legacy of new leaders 5. Sustainable & resilient communities 9. World-class Integrated Security System
3. New pathways for responsive, relevant, and 6. Borderless & world-class education 10. Policy innovations
transformative academic programs 7. Sustained modernization & upgrading of facilities
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
1 Instruction
1.1 Evidence of Preparedness (Prepares and submits acceptable syllabus on time following the official format)
1.1.1. Number of sylalbi submitted. 2 2 100% 5.00
1.1.2. Quality of syllabi prepared. Check drop down
0.00 menu
1.1.3. Date all syllabi were submitted. 1/4/2021 12/31/2020 4 5.00 -
1.2 Commitment
Demonstrate sensitivity to students' ability to attend and absorb content information;Integrates 4.0 4.25 4.25
sensitivity his/her learning objectives with those of the students in a collaborative process; Comes
to class on time; Shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning and for the subject being taught.

1.3 Knowledge of Subject

Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter; Draws and share information on the state of the art of 4.0 4.29 4.29
theory and practice in his/her discipline; Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning
purposes of students; Explains the relevanceof present topics to the previous lessons; relates the
subject matter to relevant current issues and daily life activities.
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
1.4 Management for independent learning
Create teaching strategies that allow students to practice using concepts they need to understand 4.0 4.09 4.09
(interactive discussion); Enhances students' sef steem and recognizes their abilities and
performance; Allows students to create their own course with objectives and realistically defined
student-professor rules and makes them accountable for their performance; Allows students think
independently and make their own decisions and holding them accountable for their performance
based largely on their success in executing decisions; Encourages students to learn beyond what
is required and provides activities that develop analytical thinking.
1.5 Management of learning
Creates opportunities for intensive and/or extensive contribution of students in the class activities 4.0 4.13 4.13
(e.g. breaksclass into dyads, triads or buzz/tasks groups); Assumes rolesas facilitators, resource
person, coach, inquisitor, integrator, referee in drawing students to contribute to knowledge and
understanding of the concepts at hands; Designs and implement learning conditions and
expereince and promotes healthy exchange and/or confrontations; Structure/re-structures
learningand teaching-learning context to enhance attainment of collective learning objectives; Use
of Instructional meterials such as audio/video meterials, films/computers, multi-media, etc. to
reinforce learning process.
1.6 Evaluation skills
Constructs tests based on objectives; Utilizes test results for enrichment /remedial measures.
1.6.1 Number of tests prepared. 2 2 100% 5.00
1.6.2 Quality of tests based on objectives prepared. Check drop down
0.00 menu
1.7 Submission of grades (Prepares/submits grading sheets, report cards, classcards accurately and promptly).
1.7.1 Number of grade sheets submitted on schedule. 6 6 100% 5.00
1.7.2 Date when grade sheets were submitted. 0 -
1.8 Student Development (Supports co-curricular activities of the students; Conducts guidance/counseling/enrichment/remedial activities.)
Number of co-curricular activities of the students supported. No target
2 Research
2.1 Research Implementation
Credit units
Number of studies implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of projects implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of programs implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Total number of credit units 0
Status of research implementation. Check drop down
2.2 Reports results of research
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
2.2.1 Publication of research-based papers International refereed journal or publication (i.e., ISI-indexed or SCOPUS listed) No target CHED-accredited refereed journal or publication 1 No target
2.2.2 Presentation of research-based papers International fora / conferences 1 No target National fora/ conferences No target Regional fora/ conference No target
2.2.3 Invention / UM / ID patented OR utilized by local community. No target
3 Extension
3.1 Submits acceptable extension proposal.
3.1.1 Number of extension proposals submitted. No target
3.1.2 Acceptability of extension proposal submitted. Check drop down
3.2 Conducts/particpates in extension activities
3.2.1 Nature of participation Check drop down
3.2.2 Percentage accomplishments of extension activities No target
3.2.3 Clientele satisfaction on expert/technical services conducted. N/A
3.3 Submits report of extension activities conducted (during or previous to the semester at least one week No target
before the end of the semester)

4 Administration (Designated officials / personnel)

Participates in administrative/supervisory tasks; Introduces new programs/policies/activities; Provides opportunity and
encouragement to peers and subordinates. (Consider the OPCR or designation rating).

Support Functions
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
1.1 Human Resource Management and Development Office
1.1.1 Schedule of Forced Leave (Date submitted) 0
1.1.2 SPMS Form (IPCR and / or OPCR) (Date submitted) 0
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
1.1.3 Trainining Needs Survey (BU-F-HRMO-74-1 / 74-1) (Date submitted) 0
1.1.4 Training Effectiveness Evaluation (BU-F-HRMO-75) submitted within 30 calendar days No target
after training (number of forms for submission)
1.1.5 Others: 0
1.2 University Administrative Office
1.2.1 Civil Service Form 48 (No.of DTRs submitted 5 WD after end of the month) 5 5 100% 5.00
1.2.2 Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) - (Date submitted) 0
1.2.3 Liquidated cash advance within two weeks after national travel or one month after 0
international travel (Date liquidated).
1.2.4 Others: 0
1.3 Required activities attended (at least 70% attended) No target
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals Q E T Average
KRA 1: Instruction 18 100% 2.79 5.00 5.00 4.60
KRA 2: Research (Mandatory for Professors and Associate Professors) 0 0% 0.00
80% 4.60
Core Functions KRA 3: Extension / Services to the community (Mandatory for Prof. and optional for Assoc. Prof.) 0 0% 0.00
Administration (Designated officials / personnel) 0 0% 0.00
TOTAL UNITS: 18 100%
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.) - - 5.00
Support Functions Required activities attended (at least 70% attended)
20% 5.00
- - -
Total Overall Rating 4.68
Intervening Task (if any) - (c/o PMT) No. of hours on task: 0.00
Final Average Rating 4.68
Adjectival Rating Very Satisfactory
Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes
Discussed with: Date: Assessed by: Date: Reviewed by: Date: Final Ranking by: Date:
I certify that I discussed my assessment of the performance of the

Asst. Professor III Associate Dean College PMT Representative Dean
ANNEX B1 - Teaching
I, CESAR A. ARAO of BU COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment
of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period January 01, 2021 to June 30, 2021
Academic Rank Asst. Professor III
Reviewed by: Date accomplished: Approved by: Date accomplished:


Associate Dean Date Dean Date

Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating

Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A

Strategic Priority
Bicol University "A world class university producing leaders and change agents for social transformation and development." It will pursue the following strategies:
1. Holistic well-being of personnel 4. Innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem hub 8. Developing productive enterprises
2. Building a legacy of new leaders 5. Sustainable & resilient communities 9. World-class Integrated Security System
3. New pathways for responsive, relevant, and 6. Borderless & world-class education 10. Policy innovations
transformative academic programs 7. Sustained modernization & upgrading of facilities
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals
1 Instruction
1.1 Evidence of Preparedness (Prepares and submits acceptable syllabus on time following the official format)
1.1.1. Number of sylalbi submitted. 1 0% 1.00
1.1.2. Quality of syllabi prepared. Check drop down
1.1.3. Date all syllabi were submitted. 0 -
1.2 Commitment
Demonstrate sensitivity to students' ability to attend and absorb content information;Integrates 4.0
sensitivity his/her learning objectives with those of the students in a collaborative process; Comes
to class on time; Shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning and for the subject being taught.

1.3 Knowledge of Subject

Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter; Draws and share information on the state of the art of 4.0
theory and practice in his/her discipline; Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning
purposes of students; Explains the relevanceof present topics to the previous lessons; relates the
subject matter to relevant current issues and daily life activities.
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
1.4 Management for independent learning
Create teaching strategies that allow students to practice using concepts they need to understand 4.0
(interactive discussion); Enhances students' sef steem and recognizes their abilities and
performance; Allows students to create their own course with objectives and realistically defined
student-professor rules and makes them accountable for their performance; Allows students think
independently and make their own decisions and holding them accountable for their performance
based largely on their success in executing decisions; Encourages students to learn beyond what
is required and provides activities that develop analytical thinking.
1.5 Management of learning
Creates opportunities for intensive and/or extensive contribution of students in the class activities 4.0
(e.g. breaksclass into dyads, triads or buzz/tasks groups); Assumes rolesas facilitators, resource
person, coach, inquisitor, integrator, referee in drawing students to contribute to knowledge and
understanding of the concepts at hands; Designs and implement learning conditions and
expereince and promotes healthy exchange and/or confrontations; Structure/re-structures
learningand teaching-learning context to enhance attainment of collective learning objectives; Use
of Instructional meterials such as audio/video meterials, films/computers, multi-media, etc. to
reinforce learning process.
1.6 Evaluation skills
Constructs tests based on objectives; Utilizes test results for enrichment /remedial measures.
1.6.1 Number of tests prepared. 2 0% 1.00
1.6.2 Quality of tests based on objectives prepared. 2 Check drop down
1.7 Submission of grades (Prepares/submits grading sheets, report cards, classcards accurately and promptly).
1.7.1 Number of grade sheets submitted on schedule. No target
1.7.2 Date when grade sheets were submitted. 0 -
1.8 Student Development (Supports co-curricular activities of the students; Conducts guidance/counseling/enrichment/remedial activities.)
Number of co-curricular activities of the students supported. No target
2 Research
2.1 Research Implementation
Credit units
Number of studies implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of projects implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Number of programs implemented / being implemented / for implementation.
Total number of credit units 0
Status of research implementation. Check drop down
2.2 Reports results of research
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
2.2.1 Publication of research-based papers International refereed journal or publication (i.e., ISI-indexed or SCOPUS listed) No target CHED-accredited refereed journal or publication No target
2.2.2 Presentation of research-based papers International fora / conferences No target National fora/ conferences No target Regional fora/ conference No target
2.2.3 Invention / UM / ID patented OR utilized by local community. No target
3 Extension
3.1 Submits acceptable extension proposal.
3.1.1 Number of extension proposals submitted. No target
3.1.2 Acceptability of extension proposal submitted. Check drop down
3.2 Conducts/particpates in extension activities
3.2.1 Nature of participation Check drop down
3.2.2 Percentage accomplishments of extension activities No target
3.2.3 Clientele satisfaction on expert/technical services conducted. N/A
3.3 Submits report of extension activities conducted (during or previous to the semester at least one week No target
before the end of the semester)

4 Administration (Designated officials / personnel)

Participates in administrative/supervisory tasks; Introduces new programs/policies/activities; Provides opportunity and
encouragement to peers and subordinates. (Consider the OPCR or designation rating).

Support Functions
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.)
1.1 Human Resource Management and Development Office
1.1.1 Schedule of Forced Leave (Date submitted) 0
1.1.2 SPMS Form (IPCR and / or OPCR) (Date submitted) 1/15/2021 44211 1.00
Success Indicator Actual Accomplishment Rating
Output / Outcome Indicator REMARKS
(Measure + Target) Accomplishment % Q E T A
1.1.3 Trainining Needs Survey (BU-F-HRMO-74-1 / 74-1) (Date submitted) 1/15/2021 44211 1.00
1.1.4 Training Effectiveness Evaluation (BU-F-HRMO-75) submitted within 30 calendar days No target
after training (number of forms for submission)
1.1.5 Others: 0
1.2 University Administrative Office
1.2.1 Civil Service Form 48 (No.of DTRs submitted 5 WD after end of the month) 5 0% 1.00
1.2.2 Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) - (Date submitted) 3/15/2021 44270 1.00
1.2.3 Liquidated cash advance within two weeks after national travel or one month after 0
international travel (Date liquidated).
1.2.4 Others: 0
1.3 Required activities attended (at least 70% attended) No target
BU teaching personnel's core & support functions are in support of agency's mission, vision & goals Q E T Average
KRA 1: Instruction 18 100% 1.00 1.00
KRA 2: Research (Mandatory for Professors and Associate Professors) 0 0% 0.00
80% 1.00
Core Functions KRA 3: Extension / Services to the community (Mandatory for Prof. and optional for Assoc. Prof.) 0 0% 0.00
Administration (Designated officials / personnel) 0 0% 0.00
TOTAL UNITS: 18 100%
Official/Generic/Required Documents/Forms/ Memos/Reports (complied/accomplished and submitted on time.) - - 1.00
Support Functions Required activities attended (at least 70% attended)
20% 1.00
- - -
Total Overall Rating 1.00
Intervening Task (if any) - (c/o PMT) No. of hours on task: 0.00
Final Average Rating 1.00
Adjectival Rating Poor
Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes
Discussed with: Date: Assessed by: Date: Reviewed by: Date: Final Ranking by: Date:
I certify that I discussed my assessment of the performance of the

Asst. Professor III Associate Dean College PMT Representative Dean
Research Implementation Supervisor's Evaluation
5 Completed 100% of deliverables in
the period covered.

4 Accomplished at least 50% of the
deliverables of the study.

Very Satisfactory
3 Accomplished less than 50% of the Satisfactory
2 deliverables of the study
Approved research (smallest
proposal with
unit of the Work
approved research).
and Financial Plan
and appointment.
1 Submitted research proposal for
evaluation within the year.
No on-going research and no
submitted research proposal.

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