Listening Practice Test - Population Growth

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Listen and take note. You will listen to the recording twice.

1. The world's population is growing. What according to the UN, will the world's
population be in another 10 years?

2. According to the lecturer, a growing population needs more resources. What

are two critical resources identified by environmentalists?
(2) ____________________________food, water, healthcare_,
(3) _______________transportation, communication,

 (2)Farmer and (3)fresh water

3. Give reasons why many people consider population growth to be a Third

World problem.
i. The Third World countries now comprise (4) ___75%______ population of the
world’s population.
ii. In the future, it could be up to (5) ___95%______.

4. However, the population problem affects everyone because it affects the

whole planet. Give two possible ways the lecturer suggests the ‘population
problem’ does this.
i. devastating effect on the environment, i.e., increased (6) ______global
ii. increases in racial tensions as (7) __________massive growth

5. Population experts, Anne and Paul Ehrlich, suggest that individuals can make
a difference to the world population problem. List three ecological choices that
people from affluent countries can make.
i. drive a fuel efficient car
ii. (8) ______not to have children______________.
iii. eat a diet oriented away from meat – food resource can be spread over a
greater population

6. Perdita Huston, another population expert, criticizes the use of the term
‘population explosion’ as being ‘too scary’. Give two reasons why this term might
be inappropriate.
i. more countries being developed
ii. (9) __more women are being educated, more access to contraceptive

7. In fact, Huston suggests three reasons why the population is a ‘triumph for
modern science’. List two of those reasons.
i. better at keeping people alive
ii. (10) ______________________.


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