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Academic English for Tertiary Studies: EAP S WEEK 8 THUR FILE 14 READING: TRUTH OF THE MATTER QUESTIONS: 1, What is the secret to success in modern politics according to Graham Richardson? (A former Labor senator) 2. What should a politician who loses the leadership of his/her party say? 3. How did Graham Richardson feel about the third runway? 4, Give an example of a self-protection lie. 5. Give an example of an election le, 6. Why, according to Richardson, do politicians lie? 7. Why, according to Richardson, should politicians be allowed to lie? 8. Why, according to Sydney psychologist, Grant Brecht, do politicians lie? remy) © UMscollece Pry Ltd 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 aa 2 23 24 25 Academic English for Tertiary Studies: EAP S READING TEXT: TRUTH OF THE MATTER By Graham Richardson Graham Richardson, 31 October, 1994 “Liars are not uncommon in politics” ‘You can’t use the word in parliament yet i's the secret to success in modern politics according to Graham Richardson. Lying is not just common in politics, "the Westminster system demands it of you", he said yesterday. Graham Richardson's confession in his autobiography, launched yesterday, that he and other politicians make a practice of lying will come as no surprise to anyone. "Lies are not uncommon...ll I've done in the book Is for the first tine acknowledge it," sald Labor’ ultimate pragmatist. Lies are “what is required in modern, successful government”, he said. Leaders would not stay in their jobs if they didn’t lle and Cabinet couldn't work without it. Lying is so habitual in politics It has become systemized, there are forms and protocols that require it. If you're a losing (leadership) challenger you cantt walk out and say: ‘well, the bastard beat me but Il get him next time’ *, Mr. Richardson told the National Press Club yesterday. “If you do that you are an ungracious loser and the world would want to forget you very quickly. No, you go out and take it on the chin, you say: ‘I had a go and I got beaten and now the leader has got my full support.’ he said. "No one believes you, not one person believes you, not even the leader you said it about.” ‘The practice of Cabinet solidarity which requires ministers support, outside Cabinet, all decisions - even If they argued against them - institutionalizes lying, he said, ‘Mr. Richardson vigorously opposed Sydney's third runway when It was discussed in Cabinet but he lost the argument. But he says he went out and "sang its praises” for 4¥4 years. “I did this because the Westminster system tells me I had to do it," he sald. "On those occasions not only should you worry about it bu: the Westminster system demands it of you.” peaeao: (© Uwscollece Pry Ltd 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Academic English for Tertiary Studies: EAP 5 ‘And for the most famous kind of politica lie there's always the “I willstay on as Prime Minister” lie. Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke was forced to admit te was wrong when he denied he had an agreement with Mr. Keating on the leadership changeover after the Kirribilli House agreement was revealed. ‘The self-protection lie is exemplified by former British defence minister John Profumo's clalm to Parfiament that he didn’t know his own mistress Christine Keeler. He had to resign when forced to admit he certainly did know the lady in question ‘Then there are the election campaign lies ~ former US president George Bush told ‘American voters “read my lips" there will be no new taxes, then went ahead and Increased them. Prime Minister Keating promised the massive L-A-W law tax cuts to ‘middle income earners in the 1993 campaign but has delivered only some of them since the election ‘And then there is the "I have no.ambition” lie. Andrew Peacock couldn’ even tell this fone with a straight face after resigning when he lost the Liberal leadership to John Howard. Asked If he still wanted to be Prime Minister he said: "I don't know that I ever did.” ‘According to Mr. Richardson the reason politicians lie is that it delivers results. He ‘suggests one of the reasons the Liberal Party has not done well in recent years is that its politicians have not lied enough, especially about their support for thelr leaders. LUes are so common in poltics they have become systemized, they have become @ form to be observed, says Mr. Richardson. “Let's not get up on a high horse here and pretend everyone who enters Parliament has got the habits of Saint Augustine,” he said. "They don't, nelther should they. They are flesh and blood and people and should be allowed to act lke it.” ‘Sydney psychologist Grant Brecht said yesterday one of the reasons politicians often lied was because voters did nat wnt to hear the truth. |ying politicians also give voters someone to blame for thelr troubles,” he said. "We want someone to project biame in our lives. Politicians are beautiful, they stick out, they allow us to have a go at someone.” Pose Sof © Uwscolage Py Ltd

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