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Name: Louise Margarette DL.

Date: May 28, 2022

Assessment of Learning in Early Childhood Education

“Analysis of ECCD Checklist”

1. Coverage- Does the tool assess the child’s holistic development?


2. Appropriateness- Are the items in the checklist developmentally appropriate?

Write down the items that you think are not.

 Majority of the items in the checklist are developmentally appropriate but

there are some that I think are not some of these are the following:


Item 13. “Prepares meals for younger sibling/family members when no

adult is around”


Item 8. “Gives account of recent experiences (with prompting) in order of

occurrence using past tense”


Item 23. “Watches responsibly over younger sibling/family members”

3. When is observation used? What other assessment methods are used? Are they
appropriate? Why do you say so?

 Observation used all throughout the assessment but most frequently in social-
emotional domain that cannot be measured or test using a concrete tools.
The assessment also used performance task, questioning strategies, and
paper and pencil test. I think it is appropriate to use this kind of assessment
methods in assessing and monitoring the capability of a child for example in
assessing the fine motors of a child it is ok to use paper and pencil for us to
know if he/she know how to properly hold a pencil and can draw simple
graphs including shapes, lines, letters and numbers.

4. How the results recorded? Are the recording methods used appropriate? What
would you recommend instead?

 The result or score are being recorded using the Table of scaled scores and
standard scores. I think the recording method is appropriate because it is
based on the age and performance of a child being assessed.

5. How are the results reported to the stakeholders? What would you recommend?

 Schedule a Parent-Teacher Conference to report the progress of a child.

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