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The Teaching Hospital

Filed under: Uncategorized by marvindayao 3 Comments January 17, 2010 I. Problem


Main Problem:

The communication obstructions created by the lack of motivational stimulus present within a workplace. I.II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Specific Problems: Bizarre nature of the institutions financial arrangement. Complicated compensation structure of the institution. Peculiarity of the administrative powers vested to officials of the organization. Unacceptable stance of the members of the institution at the superior levels. Personal connection between employees.

II. Objectives

1. To identify the causes and effects of having insufficient motivational stimulus/stimuli within a workplace (in connection with McClellands drives, Herzbergs two-factory theory, and Expectancy Model of Motivation). 2. To associate the general effect of having communication gaps between the employees. 3. To determine the administrative powers that should be given to the officials of the organization. 4. To resolve the issues surrounding the employees with regards to the superiors working attitudes. 5. To ascertain the consequence of having personal connections between workers of the institution. III. Alternative Course of Action 1. With regards to the possible outcomes of the relationship between the department heads (physicians and those in the upper levels) and their subordinates, the must to formulate definite actions to resolve any dilemmas that might affect the institutions general functions. 2. The conception of well-defined administrative sanctions for those in positions.

IV. Areas of Consideration: 1. 1. The appropriate authority that should be vested to a personnel for a specific position. 2. The association of the institutions employees. V. Conclusions and Recommendations

Since there is no specified division of administrative control between the teaching hospital and the medical school, and the clear involvement and participation of the medical schools professionals to hospital administration, there is a great chance that everything will be in favor for those under the greater position. In this case, the physicians and other officials of the medical school who has the power over administrative positions. It involves the drastic diffusion of salaries towards those under the wing of Department Chairs. These are, more specifically the faculty of the medical school. On the other hand, there is an extreme decrease of earnings for those under patient services (non-clinical hospital personnel). Moreover, it is clear that there is a perceptible result arising from the relationship between workers. With regards to Dr. Robert Urics style, it is evident that being pleasant in the eyes of the public, though there are rumors about the doctor, creates a stimuli to promote a good working relationship between him on those under his wing. On the other hand, there are cases that those in position will act as prima donnas since everything is in favor of them. This creates a gap between the employees. This is evidently the case of Dr. George Conrads method. The doctor, according to his previous employers evaluation, is a person who is exceptionally sharp-witted and a great devoted young man, but inflexible and to a certain extent hardhearted. This creates an atmosphere of negativity among those under his team. In connection with McClellands theories, different persons have different behaviors. He proposed that a person needs to be classified under any of his proposals so that he can be motivated towards a specific goal in his life. He stresses out three basic needs that a person might be in to: 1. nACH (need for achievement) those that are high on these are people who would be a better entrepreneurs but a lousy team player 2. nPOW (need for power) people who are leaders but could be horrible arm twisters in some instances

3. nAFF (need for affiliation) persons who are better team players but lacks self drive to get a task done without any supervision It clearly illustrates that Dr. George Conrad belongs under nPOW category. He is a good leader but fails to create a good working atmosphere because of him being ruthless in some ways. Whilst, producing a negative output for the institution. On the other hand, Dr. Conrad seems to be under nACH class. He is motivated to discovering more things and undoubtedly loved by those who are under him because of the empathy he has been showing to those inferior to him. With regards to Frederick Irving Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of job satisfaction (The Dual Structure Theory), he proposed that people are manipulated by two groups of factors:

Motivator Factors

Achievement Recognition Work Itself Responsibility Promotion Growth

Hygiene Factors

Pay and Benefits Company Policy and Administration Relationships with co-workers Supervision Status Job Security Working Conditions Personal life

With the above mentioned factors, Herzberg offered some significant findings as an outcome of this identification. 1. There are individuals who are dissatisfied by a poor environment. However, they are rarely made satisfied by a good environment. 2. Encouragement of motivator satisfaction is important. This also goes with the prevention of dissatisfaction.

3. It is indeed that hygiene factors function unaided of motivation factors. A person can be extremely motivated whilst dissatisfied with his output. 4. The items under hygiene factors are uniformly significant, while their occurrence may differ noticeably. 5. Every development that resulted from hygiene improvements, have short-term elimination or prevention of dissatisfaction. 6. Hygiene needs lead to What have you done for me lately? syndrome. This is characterized to be cyclical in nature, meaning it always comes back to a starting point. 7. Hygiene necessities have a soaring zero point and no answer. Frederick Irving Herzbergs Two Factor Theory has been successful to illustrate the atmosphere created on the hospital setting. Dr. Robert Urics style in managing his team creates a good environment, thus making every moment of his stay as the head of the renal unit to be fun and enjoying to both parties. In contrast, Dr. George Conrad displays an extreme personality that creates a negative aura, thus making his team too eschew him. Furthermore, this creates a damaging result to not only the hospitals reputation, but the medical schools character as well. In conformity with Expectancy or Instrumentality Model of Motivation, it is obviously noted to how the personnel of the teaching hospital and the medical school acted. They work just to satisfy what is necessary for their specific project/assignment. There is a need for a worker or a professional to exert an effort to show their best to excel and to receive rewards due to exceptional things done. This is in contrast to what had happened to the hospital. It is because there has been an unacceptable change in their working environment (in this scenario Dr. Uric and Dr. Conrad). This setting creates a pessimistic result, thus damaging the hospital and the medical school. VI. Action Plan

In order to execute the appropriate action needed to resolve the issues as mentioned in the PROBLEM SECTION, it is indeed indispensable to know how every worker interacts with each other. This will create a motivational stimulus necessary for a worker to function correctly. With the in depth knowledge about the topic, there is a great chance that future dilemma will be avoided. There is an immense possibility that any team who is well organized and is acting as a whole will generate the best productivity ever possible for any institution. With regards to the teaching hospital medical school organization, it is essential that there is a definite distribution of administrative power. This will ensure that everyone in the working area, it could be the professionals like physicians, nurses, school department chair, or those who are under non-clinical section of the teaching hospital, is given the

chance to be rewarded to everything that is done exceptionally good. It could be in the form of promotion or a raise in salary. In addition, a perfectly made structure can create an ideal institutions financial arrangement. And as a consequence, this action can eliminate any bizarre issues that may arise to poor financial management, thus creating a good image to both aspiring employees who wanted to excel in their own fields. There are still lots of actions that can be done to avoid any unconstructive and damaging scenarios. Nevertheless, given the basic action plans above, there could be prodigious actions that can be implemented to prevent such negative things to happen. Thus, it depends on the administration who handles the institution to prevent such things to happen how good they are in implementing such rules.

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