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Ingegneria Industriale 2016

1. Read the description of flammability tests on fabrics.

We take samples of fabric and attach them to metal frames. Then we set fire to them. First we see
how fast the fabric catches fire. We time it. That's the first test. Then we test another sample to see
how far the flames spread. That's the second test and the most important one. If the fabric fails that
test, we do a third test. We take a larger piece of fabric and see how fast and how far the flames

Find words and phrases in 1 which mean:

1. begins to burn
2. make something begin to burn
3. is not successful, has a bad result
4. specimens, small quantities of a product that show what the rest is like
5. expand to cover a larger area

Compare the language to the following description of the same tests. Underline the passive

Fabric samples are attached to a metal frame and a small flame is applied. In the first test, the time
the fabric takes to ignite is recorded. In the second test, the distance the flames spread is measured.
If the fabric fails the second test, a third test is performed. A larger sample is taken and timings over
distance are calculated.

2. Are the following sentences about crash tests active or passive?

1. This is where the crash tests are carried out.
2. We use dummies to measure the injuries.
3. A 1,360 kg barrier is driven into the side of a car at 50 km/h.
4. Side air bags can prevent a lot of serious head injuries.
5. We now use smaller dummies in a lot of our tests.
6. Over 40,000 people a year are killed in traffic accidents in the USA.

3. Change the following active sentences to the passive.

1. First we take some blood samples.

2. They write the safety standard number on the back.

3. We do all the trials in this lab.

4. We give the samples to independent research institutes.

5. Before we make any decisions, we need to know how the field trials go.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

The chroma key process …………………. (use) in the movie industry to create special effects. It
enables actors and actresses to look as if they are in dangerous situtions, when in fact they're
perfectly safe. Here's how it works.
First, a green background ……………………. (create) in the studio. Often a wall and floor
………………………. (paint) green.
Next, an actor …………………….. (perform) and ………………… (film) in front of the green
background. They can't wear green clothing.
The video ………………….. (take) to the editing room. The human skin is a warm color with very
few green tones so it is possible …………………… (select) just the green background and replace
it with a transparent layer. This …………………… (do) with video editing software. Sometimes
directors …………………… (prefer) to work with blue instead of green.
The video is now ready to ………………….. (combine) with a new background scene. This could
be a shot of a dangerous location like a fiery volcano, a tall skyscraper, or perhaps a fast-moving
The background scene …………………….. (place) 'behind' the actor and the two images
……………………… (mix). The director ………………….. (get) the exciting shot he needs but
with no risk.

5. Change the following sentences using the past passive.

1. Someone made the world's first successful parachute jump in France in 1783.
2. Leonardo Da Vinci drew a device that looks like a parachute in 1485.
3. They built the first airplane with retractable landing gear in 1933.
4. Leonardo designed several diving suits.
5. Leonardo drew these sketches in the 15th century.
6. They didn't build the world's first helicopter until 1907.
7. Paul Cornu flew the first helicopter.
8. The Royal Society asked Charles Babbage to join in 1819.
9. The British government gave Charles Babbage £1,500 to develop a large calculator.
10. IBM didn't produce the first personal computer until 1975.

6. Make as many passive questions for the sentences below as you can.

1. The Aqualung was invented by Cousteau in France in 1943.

2. The ballpoint pen was invented by Ladislo Biro in 1938.
3. Fibre optics were invented in India in1955.
4. Teabags were invented by Thomas Sullivan in 1904.

5. Most of Zara's clothes are made in Spain.

6. The clothing is stored in warehouses for only a few hours.

7. When a car is dismantled, the battery and the engine are removed.
8. Most of the plastic parts and the fluids can be recycled, but not the glass.
9. A mixture of textiles, paint, rust and rubber are buried in the ground.
10. The tires are sold to the cement industry for burning as energy

Town Inn

Hicksville, New York

Opened: 1985
Number of rooms: 40
Price per night: £50
Facilities: ice machine in
hall, coffee maker in each
Airport: JFK 40 km
Number of restaurants: 1
24-hour diner
Don't miss: discount
tickets to Bethpage
Restoration Park

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