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‐目的:私はハノイ工科大学でメカトロニックスを勉強します。私の final year project は

HANMO ロボットを研究しています。これは簡単なものを拾うロボットです。たとえば、
の知識とスケッチの書く方法を改善することができます。 year project  file(English):ROBOT HARMO
‐1st chapter is about motion graphic and motion equation of the system. Robot HARMO is
consists of 5 parts and 4 joints (part 0 – the sole is immovable, parts 2,3 and 4 can moves at
will in order to finish the task). Part 1,2 and 3 is able to do up&down, back&forth motion, part
4 is a rotating part (<=180 degree). After that we make the robot’s DH table with different
angle and distance figure between X,Y,Z axis of different parts. From the DH table we have
the motion equation.

- In 2nd chapter we are going to analyze the movements of robot’s degree of freedom which helps
controlling. Based on the motion graphic of the system we have its working principles, the way
parts moves in order to finish the task.

+ Step 1: bring the grabbing hand out from OY axis.

+ Step 2: bring the grabbing hand down from OZ axis.

+ Step 3: after the grabbing hand reaches the point where the package is, start gripping it.

+Step 4:after finished gripping the package, bring it up from OZ axis.

+Step 5:move the package to the destination using moving parts 1,2 and 3.

+Step 6:release the package then return to the starting point.

Next, we can tell the working principles of parts 1,2,3 and 4 moving and pivoting around X,Y,Z axis
and after that the system that enable HARMO ROBOT to move. First we have the pneumatic system
and electronic valve which is set up inside the robot. Besides that we also have the frequency
changer and various type of sensors.

- In 3rd chapter we learn about PLC programming and connect:

a. The “in” signal in PLC consists of:
+ signals from sensors: 8 signals and 1 encoder.
+ buttons: start, stop and reset.
b. The “out” signal in PLC consists of:
+ 1 signal controls piston in Y axis (PY)
+1 signal controls piston in Z axis (PZ)
+2 signals controls the pivot piston, P(UP) D(DN).
+ 1 signal controls the grip piston (PK).
c. We have PLC basic PLC system: CPU, memory, source, program tools and “in&out” figures.
- There are 2 PLC basic types:
+ single box type + connected box type:




- The inside of PLC system consists of the CPU – brain of the system, memory and “in&out”
circuit. Information in PLC systems is transmitted in digital form called BUS.
+ CPU: algorithm and logic(ALU) handling data, do the calculation and logic operation. The
memory part is used to saved data and the control part is used to help timing calculations and
logic operations.
+BUS: is the transmit path in PLC. Informations is transmitted in binary form ( data that written
in only 0 and 1). There are 4 types of BUS: data BUS, address BUS, control BUS and system BUS.
+Memory: is consists of ROM, RAM and EPROM. ROM(only read memory) used to save data
which is not disappear when power is suddenly off. RAM(the random access memoru) is the
basic memory and data will be lost if power is suddenly off. EPROM(only read memory that can
be delete and program) usually in ROM. Different kind of PLC have different amout of capacity
- In this particular project we use the PLC PCM2A of omron brand to control HARMO ROBOT
which has various kind of control signals and response signals from sensors and encoder in order
to control the robot.
- Finally we program the PLC to make robot move, pivot, grip, grab all to serve 1 purpose which is
to move objects from place to place.

‐僕の日本へ働きたい理由は 2 つがあります。一つは日本のプロフェッショナル環境では

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