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BBA221 Marketing Research

Executive Summary

Marketing research is an essential tool and study to gather information regarding applicable,

profitable and justifiable marketing decisions for the effective launch of new products.

Marketing research is highly prevalent with innovative product development. The following

project is constructed to devise research for SPORTS who is trying to launch a new product

range of sneakers relevant to the post-pandemic norm. The research will deliver a detailed

research report and methodological consideration of the research along with an effective

marketing plan.

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BBA221 Marketing Research

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................4

1.1 Research Plan.........................................................................................................................4

1.2 Research Aim and Objectives................................................................................................4

1.3 Suggestive Marketing Actions...............................................................................................5

1.4 Test Materials........................................................................................................................6

1.5 Budget....................................................................................................................................7

1.6 Timeline.................................................................................................................................7

Chapter 2: Marketing Research Proposal........................................................................................9

2.1 Research Method...................................................................................................................9

2.2 Research Philosophy..............................................................................................................9

2.3 Research Approach..............................................................................................................10

2.4 Research Design..................................................................................................................10

2.5 Sampling and Data Collection.............................................................................................10

2.6 Ethical Consideration...........................................................................................................11

Chapter 3: Marketing Research Survey Data Collection...............................................................12

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Chapter 4: Statistical Analysis Plan...............................................................................................22



Journals & Books.......................................................................................................................24


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Chapter 1: Introduction

According to Borker (2021), marketing research is significantly essential to produce personalised

and effective marketing. The nature and decision-making of consumers changes according to

personal preference and demographics. According to Owen (2020), marketing research tends to

disclose the unstructured and unrevealed aspects of consumer perspective and helps to produce

better marketing decisions.

1.1 Research Plan

The researcher has decided to create a study-based marketing plan for the new product range of

SPORTS sneakers. The researcher has decided to conduct a survey to gather information

regarding consumer demands, purchase intentions, decision-making drivers and current socio-

economic situation to define a better marketing plan.

1.2 Research Aim and Objectives

The research aims:

To understand the consumers’ interest and purchase intention to the new range of sneakers along

with understanding the possible extension of innovation, suitability of pricing strategy and

market positioning tactics for the new sneakers of SPORTS.

The research objectives are:

● To profile a detailed product test, material and preferable marketing actions for the new

range of sneakers for SPORTS.

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● To define a relevant product for the current demographic and predicting the potential of

the new sneakers.

● To design a questionnaire for researching the customer interest, intention to purchase new

products and consumers’ pricing compatibility.

1.3 Suggestive Marketing Actions

The researcher will be taking multiple mediums and strategies to reach out to consumers and

market the new product range of SPORTS sneakers.

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Figure 1: SPORTS Marketing Concept Materials

(Source: Created by Author)

On-shop marketing

The researcher will develop some prototypes for in-house quality control. The researcher will be

distributing these prototypes to SPORTS offline stores as a sample for consumers to get a

glimpse of the concept.

Promotional Events

The marketing manager will arrange 2 promotional events, one where the marketing team will

introduce and tease the concept of the product and another where the marketers will finally give

details of the product with giveaway events.

Social Media Marketing

The marketing team will maintain thorough social media promotion and interaction with

followers to understand the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of the new sneaker design (Evans et al., 2021).

According to Wibowo et al. (2021, p. 189), the marketing manager will facilitate mainstream

commercial, content marketing on youtube, Instagram and featured marketing with popular

athletes and public figures in different regions.

1.4 Test Materials

The product developers are thinking of using rubber and cold cement as a primary material for

SPORTS sneakers. The product developers are researching with multiple petrochemical-derived

materials, plastics and latex to create a product that is stretchable and rigid in different positions.

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This will help the sneakers to be more convenient and comfier in different weathering conditions

as well as fit for different activities.

1.5 Budget

Types of Expenditure Amount (£)

New Product Development 10,000

Raw Material 26,000

Labour Charges 22,000

Design Team 7,000

Promotional Events 16,000

Content and Featured Marketing 20,000

Total 101,000

Table 1: Marketing Budget

(Source: Created by Author)

1.6 Timeline

Marketing process Description Date

Initiate and circulate Introduce the idea and get ready for product development. Before

the idea among December 2021


Social Media 1 post per week. Until the launch

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Marketing Communication with followers through comments and reviews. event

1st promotional event Interactive communication with event attendees. Before January


2nd promotional event Showcasing the product and conducting a review for further Before February

improvement. 2022

In-store marketing Availing prototype for a wide range of customers and conducting a During January

review. and February


Launch event Point out the innovation and uniqueness of the product with a giveaway. Early March


Table 2: Timeline of the SPORTS sneakers Marketing

(Source: Created by Author)

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Chapter 2: Marketing Research Proposal

The researcher will be conducting a questionnaire survey under the quantitative research method

to acclimatise the new product development idea with the consumer expectations. The researcher

will be conducting the quantitative research to gather socio-economic, lifestyle and

communication norms with consumers and will try to base his/her marketing strategy according

to the results.

2.1 Research Method

The researcher has considered conducting quantitative research on this topic. The questionnaire

will be developed with a close-ended questionnaire which will help the researcher to focus the

study (Moreau et al., 2020). This will help the researcher to collect answers between desired and

relevant options that will eventually contribute to the constructiveness of the marketing plan. The

quantitative method will create measurable data and statistical output which then will be

analysed in the following section.

2.2 Research Philosophy

The researcher will consider positivism philosophy to conduct quantitative research. Positivism

philosophy helps to build up inference based on "factual" knowledge. Factual knowledge is

developed based on quantifiable data and measurements (Ryue et al., 2020). Since positivism

philosophy explains and interprets data in an objective way and avoids any qualitative

explanation from it, this philosophy will be appropriate to analyse and synthesise the collected

data from quantitative research methods.

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2.3 Research Approach

The researcher will be considering the deductive research approach for this particular study. The

deductive approach will help the researcher strengthen the structure of the marketing plan. Since

the fundamental elements and abstracts of marketing strategy need to be the same, the deductive

approach will be appropriate for further modification and better relevance in post-pandemic

situations (Williams and Hummelbrunner, 2020).

2.4 Research Design

The researcher will be considering the descriptive research design to analyse the statistical and

quantitative data collected in the survey process. The researcher will base the marketing strategy

on the result and description of the unstructured data. This is why descriptive design is

appropriate for the specific research of SPORTS new sneakers range.

2.5 Sampling and Data Collection

The researcher will be considering random sampling to conduct the survey research. Almost all

types of people from all age groups, gender and ethnicities wear sneakers for various purposes

(Berson et al., 2021). This is why it would be wrong and useless to target any specific group.

However, the researcher will try to understand and prioritise the response of people related to the

sports profession. The researcher will conduct the survey on 60 people for a larger sample size

and information exposure.

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2.6 Ethical Consideration

The researcher will share an online survey questionnaire with the survey monkey. The online

survey will not require any personal information or identity of the participant. This is how the

anonymity of the participant will be maintained (Younas et al., 2020). The researcher will further

protect the results in a password-protected cloud drive.

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Chapter 3: Marketing Research Survey Data Collection

The researcher has decided to produce a questionnaire for the quantitative research that helps to

chronologically deliver questions that allow the participants to directly respond to the questions.

The researcher has introduced the survey with the causal identification of participants and then

offered questions that trigger their personal interests and taste in footwear. This will help the

researcher to develop a better understanding of the marketing changes that need to be considered

for the new sneaker's launch of SPORTS in this post-pandemic situation (Moises Jr, 2020).

Moreover, the survey will be asking questions regarding advisable pandemic measures that need

to be concerned while launching a relevant sneakers range.

Survey Questions and Responses

Question 1
What is your Age-group?

12-18 19-34 35-55 56+

Response 24 12 6

Response Percentage 30 40 20 10


Table 3: Response of Question 1

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(Source: Created by Author)

Question 2
What is your Gender?

Male Female Rather not say Others

Response 18 6 6

Response Percentage 50 30 10 10


Table 4: Response of Question 2

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 3
How often do you use Sneakers?

Everyday Three times a week Pretty often Never

Response 18 18 6

Response Percentage 30 30 30 10

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Table 5: Response of Question 3

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 4
Which option fits the best for you to wear sneakers?

It is fashionable Sports Purposes Passionate about Have to wear them for

sneakers work purposes

Response 12 6 12

Response Percentage 50 20 10 20


Table 6: Response to Question 4

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 5
Do you think Sneakers are the most comfortable footwear?

Yes Maybe No

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Response 12 18

Response Percentage 50 20 30


Table 7: Response of Question 5

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 6
Do you think this post-pandemic time requires any changes in the design of

conventional sneakers?

Yes Maybe No

Response 12 18

Response Percentage 50 20 30


Table 8: Response to Question 6

(Source: Created by Author)

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Question 7
Which option fits the best for you to wear sneakers?

NIKE adidas PUMA Crocs Vans Skechers Reebok

Response 6 6 6 6 6 6

Response Percentage 40 10 10 10 10 10 10


Table 9: Response of Question 7

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 8
Do you think that the post-CoVID 19 situation requires a contact-free design

for sneakers?

Yes Maybe No

Response 18 6

Response Percentage 60 30 10


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Table 10: Response of Question 8

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 9
Do you consider yourself a ‘sneakerhead’?

Yes Maybe No

Response 12 18

Response Percentage 50 20 30


Table 11: Response of Question 9

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 10
How often do you purchase or go for new sneakers?

Once a year Once a month Not very often

Response 12 18

Response Percentage 50 20 30

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Table 12: Response to Question 10

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 11
Why do you need to purchase new sneakers apart from the durability factor?

Stay fashionably I like the new Comfortability Sports Purposes

updated design of sneakers factor

Response 30 12 6

Response Percentage 20 50 20 10


Table 13: Response of Question 11

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 12
Which kind of shoes do you think is appropriate for the current post-pandemic


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Contactless Polymer surface Dirt Repellent

Response 24 6

Response Percentage 50 40 10


Table 14: Response to Question 12

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 13
Which media do you use and browse for purchasing new sneakers?

Official Websites/Ads Instagram Amazon Facebook

Response 18 12 6

Response Percentage 40 30 20 10


Table 15: Response to Question 13

(Source: Created by Author)

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Question 14
Do you appreciate new concept designs for sneakers?

Yes No Maybe

Response 12 24

Response Percentage 60 20 20


Table 16: Response to Question 14

(Source: Created by Author)

Question 15
How do you think sneakers can be contact-free?

Lase-free Dirt repellent Protective and Cannot be contact-

removable cover free

Response 6 18 12

Response Percentage 40 10 30 20


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Table 17: Response to Question 15

(Source: Created by Author)

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Chapter 4: Statistical Analysis Plan

According to the survey, most of the people from the 19-34 age group (40%) are daily users and

are interested in wearing sneakers for multiple purposes like athletic profession, or daily

lifestyle. Mostly men (50%) are the primary consumers of sneakers. Almost 90% of the

participants use sneakers either every day, three times a week or pretty often. Most of the

participants stated that they use sneakers to present themselves as fashionable. Almost 50% of

the participants think that sneakers are very comfortable and their ‘go-to’ choice for casual

outings or travel. Almost 50% of the participants support the idea of innovative footwear

designing for post-pandemic situations. 40% of the participants use NIKE as their ‘sneakers


This indicates that the marketing plan needs to be designed for middle-aged groups and the

comfort factor needs to be maintained (Wardani and Kusuma, 2020). Further, the sneakers need

to have contact-free features.

A huge number of participants (60%) think that sneakers need a contact-free design. 50% of

participants stated that they purchase sneakers once a year. The new design factor is the driving

force of purchasing decisions of sneakers according to the 50% of participants. 50% of the

participants are interested in contactless sneakers. Almost 40% of the participants use official

websites as their browsing media and 40% of the consumer's trends to see a new lase-free design

for post-pandemic norms.

This indicates that the isomer coating, latex and usage of cold cement can create a better design

along with a contact-free double joint feature for proposed sneakers of SPORTS (Maldarelli,

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2021)‌. This can help to create a contact-free design that can stimulate the fashion, comfort and

contact-free factor of the new design.

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Marketing research is important to make profitable and optimised marketing decisions with

desirable effectiveness. Marketing research is further important to provide guidance on how to

devise proper positioning and popularity. The researcher has proposed a detailed and time

mapped marketing program for effective marketing decisions. The researcher has conducted

survey-based quantitative research to create a proper statistical analysis plan. The researcher has

justified his/her methodological decisions and analysed the gathered data for further advice on

SPORTS new sneakers marketing.

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Journals & Books

Berson, S., Edmundo De Souza, E.S. and Muntz, R.R., 2021. A methodology for the

specification and generation of markov models. In Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (pp.

11-36). CRC Press.

Borkar, S., 2021. Invasive Pest and Disease Pathogen as Sneakers in Railways for Their Spread

in Different Ecological Region: A New Report. European Journal of Agriculture and Food

Sciences, 3(1), pp.124-127.

Evans, D., Bratton, S. and McKee, J., 2021. Social media marketing. AG Printing & Publishing.

Moises Jr, C., 2020. Online data collection as adaptation in conducting quantitative and

qualitative research during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Education Studies,


Moreau, C.P., Prandelli, E., Schreier, M. and Hieke, S., 2020. Customization in luxury brands:

can Valentino get personal?. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), pp.937-947.

Owen, K., 2020. Fashion’s Pimp Up Posse: Leather, Sneakers and Community ID. ZoneModa

Journal, 10(1S), pp.197-212.

Ryue, J., Lee, J., Lee, K.K. and Cho, S., 2020. COMPARISON OF FOOT MORPHOLOGY


Archive, 38(1), p.568.

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Wardani, S. and Kusuma, I.W., 2020. Comparison of learning in inductive and deductive

approach to increase student’s conceptual understanding based on international standard

curriculum. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 9(1), pp.70-78.

Wibowo, A., Chen, S.C., Wiangin, U., Ma, Y. and Ruangkanjanases, A., 2021. Customer

behavior as an outcome of social media marketing: The role of social media marketing activity

and customer experience. Sustainability, 13(1), p.189.

Williams, B. and Hummelbrunner, R., 2020. Soft systems methodology. In Systems Concepts in

Action (pp. 241-261). Stanford University Press.

Younas, A., Rasheed, S.P., Sundus, A. and Inayat, S., 2020. Nurses' perspectives of self‐

awareness in nursing practice: A descriptive qualitative study. Nursing & health sciences, 22(2),



Maldarelli, C. (2021) Nike’s lace-free sneakers offer a perfect fit you simply step into. [online]

Available from:

[Accessed 17 Sep. 2021].

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