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Year 12 Maths Notes

Chapter 1- Credit and Borrowing

Flat-rate Loans

Interest is paid for borrowing money

Flat-rate loans use simple interest

I = P rn

A=P +I

I − I nterest to be paid f or borrowing the moneyP − P rincipal is the intial amount of money borrowedr − Rate of simple inter

Loan Repayments

A loan repayment is the amount of money to be paid at regular intervals over the time period. The interval is often
fortnightly or monthly.

Loan repayment = total to be payed÷number of repayments

Table of Loan Repayments

● Home loan or mortgage is a loan given to buy a house or a unit

● The interest on a home loan is often calculated per month on the amount of money owing and repayments
are made monthly
● The amount owing after each month becomes the new principal for the next month.
● Each calculation results in a smaller amount of interest and is called ‘reducible interest’.
● These calculations are often displayed in a table.

Future Value Formula

F V = P V (1 + r)2


I = FV − PV

F V − F uture value of the loan or amount (f inal balance) P V − P resent value of the loan or principal (initial quantity of mo

Comparing Loans

Comparing loans and making the best choice is not simply about choosing a loan with the lowest interest rate.
Borrowers also need to consider the following factors:
● Flexibility – ability to redraw money and make extra repayments. This allows the loan to meet changing
needs without incurring extra costs, for example, if you get a higher paying job and want to increase the
amount of your repayments.
● Comparison rate – interest rate on the loan that includes the interest and any fees or charges. It takes into
account the amount of the loan, the term of the loan and the number of repayments. Comparison rates
calculators are available on the internet to compare loans.

Effective Interest Rate

E = (1 + r)n − 1

E − ef f ective rate of interest per annum as a decimalr − Rate of interest per compounding period, expressed as a decimaln −

Credit Cards

● Credit cards are used to buy goods and services and pay for them later
● The time when interest is not charged on your purchases is called the interest-free period
● If payment is not received when the statement is due then interest is charged from the date of purchase.
● Interest on credit cards is usually calculated daily on the outstanding balance using compound interest.

Daily interest rate = annual interest rate


A = P (1 + r)n

I =A−P

A − Amount owimg on the credit cardP − P rincipal is the purchases made on the crdit card plus the outstanding balancer − R

Credit Card Statements

Credit card statements are issued each month and contain information such as account number, opening balance,
new charges, payments, refunds, reward points, payment due data, minimum payment and closing balance.

Chapter 2- Further Applications of Area and Volume

Area of Circles, Annuluses and Sectors

An annulus is the area between a large and a small circle with the same centre
A sector is part of a circle
A quadrant is a quarter of a circle
A semicircle is half a circle

Area of Composite Shapes

A composite shape is made up of two or more plane shapes. The area of a composite shape is calculated by adding
or subtracting the areas of each plane shape.

Simpson’s Rule

Simpson’s rule is used to estimate the area of a shape with an irregular boundary such as a lake

A = 3h (df + 4dm + d1 )

A − Area of shapeh − H eight or width of equal partsdf − Distance of f irst line?dm − distance of middle linedl − Distance of la

Surface Area of Right Prisms

● To find the surface area of a prism it is often useful to draw the net of the solid to ensure that all the sides
have been added
● A net is a plane figure that shows all the surfaces of a solid.
● When a net is folded it forms the solid.

● The surface area (SA) of a solid is the sum of the area of each surface or polygon of the solid.

Surface Area of Cylinders and Spheres

Volume of Pyramids and Cones

A pyramid fits exactly inside a prism and occupies one third of the volume of the prism. Likewise, the volume of a
cone is one third the volume of a cylinder
V​olume of Composite Solids

Composite solids are made up of two or more common solids.

The volume of a composite solid is calculated by adding or
subtracting the volumes of each common solid.

Chapter 3- Further Algebraic Skills and Techniques

Adding and subtracting like terms

1. Find the like terms

2. Only like terms can added or subtracted
3. Add or subtract the coefficients or numbers before the pronumeral of like terms

Algebraic fractions

1. Find a common denominator (preferably LCD if the denominators are different)

2. Express each fraction as an equivalent fraction with the common denominator
3. Simplify the numerator by adding or subtracting like terms

Index laws

am x an = am+n

am ÷ an = am−n
m n
a( ) = amn

a0 = 1

Multiplying and dividing algebraic terms

1. Write in expanded form

2. If the algebraic term is a fraction, cancel any common factors
3. Multiply and divide the coefficients
4. Multiply and divide the pronumerals
5. Write the coefficient before the pronumerals
6. Write the pronumerals in alphabetical order and express in index form

Expanding and simplifying algebraic expression

- To expand, use distributive law

- To simplify, collect like terms


1. Look to perform the opposite operation

2. Add or subtract the same number on both sides
3. Multiply or divide by the same number on both sides
4. Repeat if needed

Solving equations after substitution

1. Write the formula

2. Replace the variables in the formula with the numbers
3. rearrange the equation so that the unknown is the subject
4. Evaluate using the calculator
5. Write answer to the specified level of accuracy

Changing the subject of the formula

Use the order of operations to move pronumerals and numbers around, so that the unknown is on the left side of the equal sign

Simultaneous equations


1. Make sure that the two coefficients of one pronumeral are the same. This may require multiplying or dividing one or
both equations by a number
2. Eliminate one pronumeral by adding or subtracting the two equations
3. Solve this new equation to find the value of one pronumeral
4. Substitute this value into one of the equations to find the value of the second pronumeral


1. Make one pronumeral the subject in one of the equations

2. Substitute the expression for this subject into the other equation
3. Solve this new equation to find the value of one pronumeral
4. Substitute this value into one of the equations to find the value of the second pronumeral

Chapter 4- Interpreting Sets of Data

Grouped frequency tables and histograms

Grouped frequency table

1. Classes or groups are listed in the first column in ascending order

2. The tally column shows the number of times a score occurs in a class
3. The frequency column shows the total count of scores in each class

Frequency histograms and polygons

A frequency histogram is graph of a frequency table in which equal intervals or scores are marked in the horizontal axis, and the
related frequencies are indicated by vertical rectangles

A frequency polygon is a line graph of the frequency table and be constructed by joining the midpoints of the tops of the
rectangles in a frequency histogram

Cumulative frequency

Cumulative frequency is the frequency of the score plus the frequency of all the previous scores

A cumulative frequency column is often inserted next to the frequency column in a frequency table

Cumulative frequency graphs

A cumulative frequency histogram is constructed using equal intervals of the scores (or classes) on the horizontal axis and the
associated cumulative frequencies indicated by vertical rectangles

A cumulative frequency polygon or ogive is a line graph constructed by joining the top right-hand corner of the rectangles in a
cumulative frequency histogram

Measures of location


The mean is the measure of the centre

It is calculated by summing all the scores and dividing by the number of scores

sum of scores
mean = number of scores


The mode is the score with the highest frequency

● The mode is useful for categorical data that do not allow numerical calculations
● Modes may occur at the beginning or end of a range of values; therefore, conclusions based only on the mode may be
● It is common for data to have several modes

Mean from ungrouped data

In ungrouped data, the class centre in used to find the mean

f requnecy x class centre
mean = number of scores


Median is the middle score or value

1. Arrange all the scores in ascending order

2. Count the total number of scores. This represented by the number ​n
3. Odd number of scores - median = n+1 2
n n
2 + 2 +1
4. Even number of scores - median = 2

Measures of spread


The difference between the highest and lowest score

range = highest score − lowest score

Interquartile range

The difference between the 3​rd​ quartile and the 1​st​ quartile

I QR = Q3 − Q1

1. Arrange the data in increasing order

2. Divide the data into two equal groups. If the data is odd, omit the median
3. Find Q1 - the median of the first half
4. Find Q3 - the median of the second half
5. Calculate the IQR by subtracting Q1 from Q3

Standard deviation

The standard deviation is the measure of the spread about the mean

Population standard deviation:

1. Shift
2. 2
3. 1
4. Type in all scores

5. AC
6. Shift
7. 1
8. 4
9. 3

Sample standard deviation:

1. Shift
2. 2
3. 1
4. Type in all scores
5. AC
6. Shift
7. 1
8. 4
9. 4

Investigating sets of data


An outlier is a score that is separated from the majority of data

● Outliers are more than 1.5 interquartile ranges about the third quartile, or below the first quartile
● They have little effect on the mean, mode and median for large sets of data
● In smaller sets of data, the presence of an outlier will have a large effect on the mean, a smaller effect on the median
and usually no effect on the mode

Lower f ence = Q1 − 1.5×IQR

U pper f ence = Q3 − 1.5×IQR

General shape of a graph

Judgements about data

Double stem and leaf plots

● A stem-and-leaf plot or stem plot is used to present a small (fewer than 50 values) numerical data set
● The tens digit of the data value becomes the ‘stem’ and is written in numerical order down the page
● The units’ digit becomes the ‘leaf’ and are written in numerical order across the page
● A stem-and-leaf plot can also be used to show two sets of similar data together

Double box and whisker plots

● A box-and-whisker plot or box plot is a graph that uses five important statistics:
o lower extreme (or lowest value)
o lower quartile (or first quartile)
o median
o upper quartile (or third quartile
o higher extreme (or highest value)
o These statistics are referred to as a five-number summary.
o A box-and-whisker plot is constructed from a scale of data values
o The box is between the two quartiles with a dividing line for the median and the whiskers are drawn to the two

Radar charts

A radar chart (or spider chart) is used to compare the performance of one or more entities

Drawing a radar chart:

1. Determine the data to be presented a sectors. Draw the sectors

2. Choose an appropriate scale for the data. Draw the scale at the beginning of the centre
3. Draw line segments for each scale to create a spider web
4. Plot the points and join them with a straight line. Create a legend if necessary

Area charts

● An area chart is used to display and compare similar quantities

● It consists of different ‘areas’, each representing a data set over a period of time
● The thickness of the area indicates the size of the data

Drawing an area chart:

1. Choose an appropriate scale for the data. Vertical scale will be the sum of the data
2. Draw line segments for the first data over the period of time
3. Draw segments for the second data over the period of time (is drawn on top of the previous data)
4. Shade the areas using different colours. Create a legend

Comparison of summary statistics

Measures of location

Mean Advantages - Easy to understand and

- Depends on every score
- Varies least from sample
to sample

Disadvantages - Distorted by outliers

- Not suitable for
categorical data

Median Advantages - Easy to understand

- Not affected by outliers

Disadvantages - May not be central

- Varies more than the
mean in a sample

Mode Advantages - Easy to determine

- Not affected by outliers

- Suitable for categorical

Disadvantages - May be no mode or

more than one mode
- May not be central

Measures of spread

Range Advantages - Easy to understand

- Easy to calculate

Disadvantages - Dependent on the

smallest and largest
- Can be distorted by

Interquartile range Advantages - Easy to determine for

small data sets
- Easy to understand
- Not affected by outliers

Disadvantages - Difficult ot calculate for

larger sets of data
- Dependent on upper
and lower quartiles
- Data needs to sorted

Standard deviation Advantages - Depends on every score

- Not affected by outliers

Disadvantages - Difficult to determine

without a calculator
- Difficult to understand

Two-way tables

● A two-way table presents data in rows and columns

● The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell
● Data is contained in a cell and interpreted by reading the headings for the row and the column.

Diagnostic test

● The result of a diagnostic test is presented in a two-way table

● A positive test result indicates a patient has the disease and a negative test result indicates the patient does not have
the disease
● However, these tests are not always reliable so there is the possibility that the diagnosis is inaccurate

Chapter 5- Applications of trigonometry

Right-angled trigonometry

Compass bearings

- Compass bearings use the four directions of the compass:

o North
o South
o East
o West
- There is 90° in between each angle
- There are another four angles which bisect the main angles:
o NE
o SE
o NW
o SW
- Makes an angle of 45° with adjacent angles

True bearings

- A true bearing is the angle measured clockwise from north around the required direction

Trigonometry with obtuse angles

The sine rule

- Applied to non-right-angled triangles

- Relates to sides and angles of a triangle
- Can be used when given:
o Two sides and an angle opposite one of the given sides
o Two angles and one side

a b c
To find a side: sinA
= sinB
= sinC

sinA sinB sinC

To find an angle: a
= b
= c

Area of a triangle

- The area of a triangle can be calculated in a triangle without a right-angle

- It requires that two sides and the included angle are known

A = 12 bcsinA

The cosine rule

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bccosA

b2 +c2 −a2
cosA = 2bc

Offset survey

- Involved measuring distances along a suitable diagonal or traverse

- When conducting a traverse survey, measurements are taken of the traverse and the offsets
- These measurements are recorded in a field book entry.


Radial survey

- Radial survey involves measuring the angles and sides taken from a central point
- There are two methods of conducting a radial survey:
o Plane-table radial survey
o Compass radial survey

Conducting a radial survey:

1. Table and large sheet of paper are placed in the centre of a field
2. A line is drawn on the paper to reflect the line of sight to each corner (the radial line)
3. The distance from the plane table to each corner is measured
a) Plane-table radial survey
☼ Angle between each radial line is measured
b) Compass radial survey
☼ True bearing of each corner is measured with a compass

Chapter 6- Multistage events and applications of probability

Multistage events

- A multistage event consists of two or more events,

- E.g. Tossing two coins
- A tree diagram is often used to show all the possible outcomes or the sample space of a multistage event
- It shows each event as a branch of the tree

- Probability is the chance of something happening

number of f avourable outcomes
P (E) = total number of outcomes

P (E) = n(S)

Number of arrangements

N umber of outcomes (two events) = p×q

p − number of outcomes of the f irst event

q − number of outcomes of the second event

Ordered selections

- An ordered selection or a permutation occurs when a selection is made from a group of items and the order is
- BA is different to AB
- E.g. Electing the captain and the vice-captain of the school

P ermutation nP r

n − items available f or selection

r − items to be selected

Unordered selections

- Unordered selections or a combination occurs when a selection is made from a group of items and the order is not
- AB is the same as BA
- E.g. selecting three students from a class of 20

C ombincation nC r

n = items available f or selection

r = items to be selected

Probability trees: Product rule

- The probability of two independent events occurring is equal to the product of the probability of each event
- To calculate the probability of two events occurring on a tree diagram, multiply the probabilities along each successive

P (AB) = P (A) ×P (B)

P (AB) − P robability f o event A and B both occuring

P (A) − P robability of event A occurring

P (B) − P robability of event B occuring

Probability trees: Addition rule

- The probability of one event or a second event is equal to the sum of the probabilities of each event
- To calculate the probability of one event or the second event on a tree diagram, add the probabilities for each event
- The probability of each event is obtained by multiplying the probabilities along each successive branch

P (A or B) = P (A) + P (B)

P (AB) − P robability f o event A and B both occuring

P (A) − P robability of event A occurring

P (B) − P robability of event B occuring

Expected outcomes

- The expected outcome is the number of times the outcome should occur. It may not equal the actual results
- The larger the number of trials the closer the expected outcome will be to the actual results

E xpected outcome = P (E) ×number of trials

P (E) − P robability of the event

Expected value

- Expected value indicates the expected outcome to be achieved in an event
- It is calculated by multiplying each outcome by its probability and then adding all these results together

E xpected value = sum of all results [P (E)×outcome]

P (E) − P robability of the event

Financial expectation

- Financial expectation is the expected value when the event involves money
- The financial outcome is positive if money will be won and negative if money will be lost

F inancial expectation = sum of all results [P (E) ×f inancial oucome]

P (E) − P robability of f inancial outcome

Chapter 7- Annuities and loan repayments

Future value of an annuity

- An annuity is a form of investment that involves the regular contribution of money

- E.g. investments into superannuation or a monthly loan repayment
- The future value of an annuity is the sum of the money contributed plus the compound interest earned
- It is the total value of the investment at the end of a specified term

Using a future value table:

1. Determine the time period and rate of interest

2. Find the intersection of the time period and the rate of interest on the table
3. Multiply the number in the intersection with the money contributed

Present value of an annuity

- The present value of an annuity is the amount of money that, if invested now, would equal the future value of the

PV = (1+r)

Using a present value table:

1. Determine the time period and rate of interest

2. Find the intersection of the time period and the rate of interest on the table
3. Multiply the number in the intersection with the money contributed

Loan repayments

- Reducing balance loans are calculated on the balance owing not on the initial amount of money borrowed as with a
flat-rate loan
- As payments are made, the balance owing is reduced and therefore the interest charged is reduced
- The calculations for reducing balance loans are complicated and financial institutions publish tables related to loans

T otal to be paid = loan repayment×number of repayments

T otal to be paid = principal + interest

Fees and charge for a loan:

- Banks and financial institutions charge their customers for borrowing money
- A loan account is created and an account service fee is charged per month
- In addition to this fee there are a number of other loan fees and charges, depending on the financial institution
- Many of these fees are negotiable and customers are advised to compare the fees and charges with the interest rate
- Fees and charges for a loan may include:
o Loan application fee
☼ Costs in setting up the loan.
o Loan establishment fee
☼ Initial costs in processing the loan application
o Account service fee
☼ Ongoing account-keeping fee
o Valuation fee
☼ Assessment of the market value of a property
o Legal fee
☼ Legal processing of a property

Chapter 8- Normal distribution


- A normal distribution has the same mean, mode and median

- It is symmetrical about the mean
- The z-score, or standardised score, is used to compare scores in a normal distribution
- The z-score is the number of standard deviations the score is from the mean

z= s

z − standardised score

x − score

x − mean

s − population standard deviation


0 = equal to mean

Positive = greater than mean

Negative = less than mean

1 z-score = 1 standard deviation away from the mean

Using z-scores to compare data

1. Read the question carefully to determine whether a higher or lower z-score is better
2. The larger the z-score, the further away it is from the centre

Properties of a normal distribution

- A normal distribution has the same mean, mode and median

- It is symmetrical about the mean
- The percentage of scores that lie within a certain number of standard deviations (or z-score) is always the same for a
normal distribution
o 68% are within one standard deviation
o 95% are within 2 standard deviations
o 99.7% are within 3 standard deviations

Chapter 9- Modelling linear relationships

Linear functions

- A linear function makes a straight line when graphed on a number plane

- When a number is substituted for a variable, then this variable is called the independent variable
- The dependent variable depends on the number substituted for the independent variable

Graphing linear functions:

1. Construct a table of values with the independent variable as the first row and the dependent variable as the second row
2. Draw a number plane with the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable as the vertical
3. Plot the points
4. Join the points to make a straight line

Gradient-intercept formula

y = mx + b

m − g radient

b − y intercept

m= run

- Sketching a straight line requires at least two points

- When an equation is written in gradient– intercept form, one point on the graph is immediately available: the
- A second point can be quickly calculated using the gradient

Linear functions as models

- Linear modelling occurs when a practical situation is described mathematically using a linear function

Intersecting graphs

- Two straight lines will always intersect unless they are parallel
- The point at which two straight lines intersect can be found by sketching the two graphs on the one set of axes and
reading off the coordinates of the point of intersection
- Finding the point of intersection is said to be ‘solving the equations simultaneously’

Solving two linear equations:

1. Draw a number plane

2. Graph both linear equations on the number plane
3. Read the point of intersection of the two straight lines
4. Interpret the point of intersection for practical applications

Break even analysis

- The break-even point is reached when costs or expenses and income are equal
- There is no profit or loss at the break-even point

P rof it = income − costs

I ncome = mx

x = number of items sold

m = selling price of each item

C osts = mx + b

x = number of items sold

m = cost price per items manuf actured

b = f ixed costs of production

Chapter 10- Spherical geometry

Arc length of a circle

l= θ ×2πr

l − length of an arc

θ − angle at the centre

r − radius of the circle

Latitude and longitude

- Latitude measures the angular distance north and south of the equator
- Longitude measures the angular distance east and west of the Greenwich Meridian

Distances along great circles

- A great circle is a circle on the surface of the sphere with the same centre and circumference as the sphere
- The equator and the meridians of longitude are all great circles of Earth
- The radius of the great circles is the radius of Earth (approximately 6400 km)

l= 360

l − length of an arc

θ − angle at the centre

r − radius of the circle

Time differences and local time

- The time of day is dependent on the rotation of Earth about the north–south axis
- 1° in longitude is equivalent to 4 minutes
- Places on Earth with the same longitude will have the same local time unless they are in different time zones

To find the local time:

1. Find the time difference by multiplying the difference in longitude by 4 minutes

2. Place the locations on an east–west time line

3. Find the local time by adding or subtracting the time difference

a. East of location − Add the time difference
b. West of location − Subtract the time difference

Time zones

- A time zone is a region of Earth that has a uniform standard time or local time
- Times zones have the same time irrespective of time differences
- There are 24 major time zones (from −12 to +12) roughly divided by longitude
- The time zone number indicates how many hours to add or subtract from the Greenwich Mean Time
o Positive time zone number- ahead of GMT
o Negative time zone number- behind GMT
- Australia has 3 time zones:
o Eastern standard time (+10)
o Central standard time (+9.5)
o Western Standard time (+8)

Chapter 11- Samples and populations


- A population is the entire data set

- A sample is a part of a population

Population parameters and sample statistics

- A population parameter is a measurable characteristic of a population, such as the mean or standard deviation
- Population mean is denoted by the symbol ​μ
- A sample statistic is a measurable characteristic of a sample, such as the mean or standard deviation
- Sample mean is denoted by the symbol x⃑

The capture recapture technique

number captured number recaptured and tagged
population size = number recaptured

number captured x number recaptured

population size = number recaptured and tagged

Random sampling

- A random sample occurs when items of the population have an equal chance of being selected
- Random samples are simple and easy to use for small populations
- However, for large populations it is possible to miss a particular group

Chapter 12- Modelling non-linear relationships

Quadratic functions

y = ax2 + c

Cubic function

y = ax3 + c

Exponential function

y = bax

Hyperbolic function

y= a

Direct variation

y = kx

Inverse variation

y= k

Chapter 13- Mathematics and Health

Body measurements

- Even though there are significant variations in body measurements, there are certain rules relating to body proportions
- Body proportions change with age
- They are extremely important in art and medicine


● A scatterplot is used to determine if there is a relationship between two numerical variables

● Data is collected on the two variables and often displayed in a table of ordered pairs
● A scatterplot is a graph of the ordered pairs of numbers
● Each ordered pair is a dot on the graph.

Interpreting scatter plots:

Correlation and coefficient

- The strength of a linear relationship is an indication of how closely the points in the scatterplot fit a straight line
- If the points in the scatterplot lie exactly on a straight line, we say there is a perfect linear relationship
- If there is no fit at all we say there is no relationship
- To measure the strength of a linear relationship we use a correlation coefficient (r), which has the following properties:

- If there is a less than perfect linear relationship, then the correlation coefficient r has a value between -1 and +1.
- Correlation coefficient (r) measures the strength of a linear relationship (− 1≤r≥1)
o Positive correlation (0-1) – both quantities increase or decrease at the same time
o Zero or no correlation (0) – no relationship between the quantities
o Negative correlation (-1-0) – one quantity increases while the other decreases

- The strength of a linear relationship is also described as high or low.
- A high positive linear relationship has a correlation coefficient between 0.5 and 1
- A high negative linear relationship has a correlation coefficient between -0.5 and -1
- High correlation between two variables is not sufficient enough to imply causation


1. Mode
2. 2
3. 2
4. Enter data
5. AC
6. Shift
7. 1
8. 5
9. 3

Least squares and line of best fit

Equation of a line:

y = mx + b

m = r sxy

r − correlation coef f icient

sy − standard deviation of y

sx − standard deviation of x

Y intercept

b = y − mx

y − mean of y

x − mean of x


Life expectancy

Life expectancy is the number of years that a person of a particular age can expect to life


1. Mode
2. 2
3. 2
4. Enter data
5. AC
6. Shift
7. 1
8. 5
9. A and B

Chapter 14-Mathematics and Resources

Water availibility

Water usage

Dams, Land and Catchment Area

Calculating the perimeter, area and volume of dams, land and catchment areas provides valuable information about
water storage.


P = lenth on photograph×scale


To estimate the area of land, divide it into square grids and count the number of squares.
To calculate the exact area of land, use the appropriate formula.


Simpson’s rule is used to estimate the volume of a solid with an irregular boundary such as a reservoir or dam.

V = 3h (Af + 4Am + Al )

V − V olume of solidh − H eight or width of the equal partsAf − Area of the f irst or lef t endAm − Area of middleAl − Area of l

Energy Consumption


● Energy is the capacity to do work

● Energy exists in numerous forms, such as heat
● The joule (J) is the unit of energy used by the International System of Units (SI)
● Heat energy such as that produced by burning natural gas in the home is usually measured in megajoules
(one million joules), symbol MJ.


● Power is the rate at which energy is generated or consumed

● The watt is the International System of Units (SI) unit of power and is equal to one joule per second
● The symbol for the watt is W

Electrical Energy

Energy consumption is the amount of energy consumed per unit of time

Energy Rating of Appliances

● In Australia an energy rating label is provided for various appliances

● It allows consumers to compare the energy efficiency of similar products
● Energy rating labels all have a simple star rating
● The more stars on the label, the more energy efficient the appliance
● The energy consumption figure is the number in the red box. It indicates the amount of electricity (kWh) the
appliance typically uses to run in a year.
● The lower the number the less the appliance will cost to run.
● The running cost of the appliance is calculated by multiplying the energy consumption figure by the
electricity price rate.
● Electricity suppliers usually give prices per kilowatt-hour


- The BASIX (the Building Sustainability Index) is a scheme put in place to regulate the energy efficiency of residential
- BASIX uses information such as site location, house size, building materials, water, thermal comfort and energy use
- Sustainable houses feature rainwater tanks, water-efficient shower heads, solar hot water, performance glazing and
energy-efficient lighting.


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