Strategies To Help English Learning

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Be intentional about using effective strategies in class to help your

English language learners succeed

With the increasing number of English learners entering our

classrooms comes a pressing need for teachers to use strategies
to support them academically.

Here are 9 ways help your English learners at all grade levels be
successful in school.
1. Speak Slowly and Clearly

Because many of your English language learners are not

exposed to spoken English in their homes, you are a
primary model of the English language for them!

Take full advantage of this opportunity to model

appropriate grammar and pronunciation in the

Just as important is that you not speak too fast. Since

English isn't their first language, ELLs need more time to
process what they hear in English in order to make sense
of it. The faster you talk, the harder it is for them to
process and make sense of what you say.
2. Use Fewer Words

Along with speaking more slowly and clearly, just as

important is that you not over-saturate your English learners
with auditory input.
Say what you need to say as concisely as possible, using just
the words necessary to convey your message.

3. Allow More Wait Time

Not only do English learners need more time to process what

they hear in English, they also need more time to formulate a
response in English when asked a question.
This means you need to allow sufficient wait time after you
pose a question.
4. Model What You Teach

Show your English language learners what you want them to

Use actions and gestures to accompany your words as
much as possible, such as when you explain the process for
class routines.
Physically walk around the room and demonstrate exactly
what they should do each step of the way.
Use your hands and your whole body to make your words
meaningful to your ELLs.

5. Use Many Visuals

Be sure to use visuals as a regular part of your lessons to help

your students understand the concepts you teach.
Some images you might use in your lessons:
• posters • photographs • charts • tables •
• short video clips (the internet is loaded with short,
7. Teach Vocabulary

Lack of academic vocabulary is one of the greatest barriers

ELLs come up against in school. For this reason, it's critical
that teachers be intentional about teaching vocabulary to
their English learners.

Because many non-ELL students also lack vocabulary skills,

they too can benefit from classroom vocabulary instruction!

8. Build on Background Knowledge

When you make connections between what your students

already know and new concepts you present, lessons are
more relevant and meaningful to them.
Your English language learners will experience a boost of
confidence when they realize what they already know in
connection with new concepts you teach. This will pump
them up to learn new material.
9. Implement Cooperative Learning Activities

Including pair-share and small group activities as a

regular part of your lessons allows your ELLs many
opportunities to practice English in ways that are fun
and natural.

( 22, 2020
Geri McClymont is passionate about education. She holds an
MEd and has taught English language learners for over ten

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