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a mit sees a THE DREAMER’ | DICTIONARY, | FUTURE REVEALER, FOUND IX THE ARE OF A LATE CELEBRATED WIZARD. THE DREAMER’S DICTIONARY, on FUTURE REVEALER, FOUND IN THE ARK OF & LATE CELEBRATED WIZARD. GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE BOOKSELLERS. THE.DREAMER’S.. ‘DICTION ARY. A-bed. ‘To dream feet you are ‘in hed 1 _Bood health, but, beware !. for some one wishes to injure you. , Abuse. To dream that you are pa or insulted is a sure sign that you will ‘have a dispute with some _Person. . Abroad. If you dream that you are ina “Foreign “country, some one who i is making money abroad is likely to bequeath a fortune to you. Acquaintance. To dream you fight with any per- son is a sign of strife from a secret enemy... Altar. To dream that you are at the alfar be- tokens j 1 joy and gladness ; if at ‘the Hymaneal altar, “your marriage will be deferred. __~Angels..To dream of . angels. is a sign that some one is near you—the remaining pert of your. dream will prove true, be therefore mindful, of it ;, if you are in love, nothing.can be more Prrourable, and your undertakings will prosper. Anger. To dream that you are angry. with any, one denotes that you have many enemies, and that some -eyil design is formed against your: “happiness ; 3if you are in love, some rival is slandering you to your fweetheart ; if with your spouse, disgrace threatens ‘you. If you ‘dream of another person in a, passion with You, it is more favourable, but betokens some unpleasant, misfortune is about to happen te you; 3 if you are angry with your sweetheart, he. will fall sick, = _and you will experience loss, : _ Anziely, To dream that you are anxious to accom- plish any project denotes that you would soon tims a eae 4 THE DREAMERS DICTIONARY. of if; to think your mind ais ancien of neeey a ght fsanié one wishes to do you afavour. | Ants. (To dream of ante" bignifies a © covetous mind to'see anti’ biisy, foretell that your, in dustry will ‘ crowned with success; if they appear to be aevoure | by other animals, some secret enemy, ‘is ‘trying | = ‘ais you j foeta Wt i ° your ‘recovery will be low! but certain. ‘ Apples. To dream of seeing apples, and they a “ripe & ‘and ‘sweet, Is a Wire § sign, ofp prosperity ty if they " are ‘sour, it ‘signifies that s abrrow and ‘wba atl likely to befall ¥ you ‘ares sick when - “you ‘dream of ants iu. ies 1 Meme! Lipa ida that’ your arms are weak sher that your’ health or fortune will declin "peat to be strong, you ‘will ‘meet with unexpected J} ‘prosperity ; if your : arms are broken, you will Jos some dear friend; if your “right! arm is “broker “you will lose a ‘near’ aoe ‘relation ; a3 i ‘if the left, “female. | OS Age. To dream that you are riding ¢ on an ‘ag : THE DRTAMER’S DICTIONART. 5 never be married; but if you are in company with one of the lords of the creation, you will soon b married and live happily; if, however, you are iz fresh water, your lover will deceive you. Baitle, 1f you dream you see a battle, beware of secret enemies, who will endeavour to burt you; if you are in love your sweetheart is false Beef. To dream of beef denotes the death of a friend or relation,—in love it denotes disappoint- ment, Bees. To dream you see bees at work signifies that your industry will be successful; if they are flying about, bad reports will be spread of you; if they sting you, you will suffer loss either of your goods or reputation. Birds, To dream you hear birds singing is a sign of happiness; if you are married, s mething will happen much to the advantage of your family; it is a sign of great success in business; to see them fly denotes you will soon go a long journey, which “nifies that you will be’ guilty of some foolish, action ; if you see him feeding, your servants wi ill be faithful | “if you are driving kim, you will be freed. from tiouble | “Gf he runs after j You, some wag ‘will occasion a laugh | “against you; i ‘ithe’ appears loaded, your fortune ' “advance.” . ie ‘Back. Tf you | dream that your back is broken, will meet with ! some loss ; if it grows stronger, youl] “Will récéive an’ unexpected ‘addition to your fortune “to Great ° of the back’ bone indicates long life ahd) ‘Kappiness fn your ‘children.’ - itil: Bathing. To dream that you are “pathing’ i in’ feos i ih | pov Ve eee t eae ee dualt water, signifies d tat you will be pleasant and prosperous; to dream you catch thom, signifies some unexpeeted good fortune ; Jif they are beautiful, the success will be the greater; to dream you find an empty nest denotes losses and great uneasiness. Bread. To dream you see a ae of bread de- notes great success in life ; to dream of eating bread, denotes many friends who will do you kindness. Bridge. To dream you are going over a bridge and meet with no interruption, you will go through life in a prosperous manner; if any thing impedes you, you will meet with many obstacles in the world. Brushing. If you @veam that you are brushing 6 {HE DREAMER'S DICTIONARY. dusty clothes, it is a sign that a serious illness will overtake you ; but if you see another brushing them, it betokens' prosperity in life. _ Buried Alive. Tf you dream you are buried alive, it shews you are in danger of being unhappy and unfortunate during your life. Candle. ‘Yo dream that you see a candle burning denotes that your lover ig jealous; but if it is not burning, your swectheart adores you. Cards. To dream you are playing at eards denotes that you will soon be in love, if you are not so al- ready; if you hold « great many eeurt cards, you will soon be married and happy. ‘Cats. To dream of cats denotes much disappoint- ment to a lover—your sweetheart is unfaithful ; if sou have servants, they will rob you; a cat means a lurking enemy. Children. To dream you have children is o sign © that you will be happy in your family; if one or more of them die, you will meet with some misfar- tune. " Cherries. To dream of cherries betokens disap- pointments in life, vexations in marriage, falsehood in love, and deceitful pleasure ; but if you climb the tree, a sure, speedy, and unexpeeted advanee- ment in life is certain to happen to you. * Coach. To dream of riding in a coach denotes that you will Joye idleness, and are given to pride; to dream’ of coming out of a coach signifies that dis- grace threatens you, and great caution is neces- ey: 2 | Oa plague, famine. and death ; to the lover it fore- “Cagnen To dream you see a comet is ominous of r 1 Z THE DREAMERS DIOTIONABY, i ‘bodes,an entize frustration of. his hopes.;.to the farmer, failure of sinh and ta.the, seognen, starms and, shipwreck. ; » Corn. To dream scious ahaa sipe.corn. de- _inotes success in your.enterprise; but if itis blighted _ or mildewed, you,great loser. Corns. To, dream that-you. have. corns. on, your : little, toes, and; that you experience great.pain in walking, denotes that you. will have to travel much before you are permanently employed, but if they don’t hurt you, your lover intends to accompany you on a.pleasure excursion ;.if you are married, the first is.a.sign that you will have. twin-brothers; & if: the second, a law-suit about a little piece e Tagnaneaee9- operty. ‘Currants. To eae of: ifeay currants denotes* great happiness in the married state; if you dream yeu are ‘pulling them, it is certain you will have « » large family, who will all do well: but. if the our- rants are red, beware of. false friends, those whom you little expect, for they will do you harm if, they possibly can, : Dancing. To dream you are oe ak. at a ball foretells you, will .soon receive some news from a long absent friend ; to the sailor, a successful voyage ; . to married persons, increase of children; to those in trade, much business; and to, young, people, a happy marringe, Darkness. To dream you are in the dark is a token of affliction, and loss in trade; to get out of darkness into light, is a sign of rising tp eminence, w of escaping out of difficulties. . Death. To dream you are dead denetes a speedy 8 HU DREAMERS DICTIONARY. 8 amartinge and’ racseat ia lft ‘wsdevtakings; te rd ried seo.” g ole’ miarried, it’ promises young children; who will (lei there is’ the greatest prosperity i in store’for you, colfe ‘dutifal and’ give ‘great ‘comfort ;”'te" ee you E }otése no opportunity of lawfully bettering your con! see another ous dead, denotes ill "usage from Vision in i Vif. “lore, Your sweetheart will Fever. To dream you ate’in a fever’ betokens long prove Salie ! Yi ye trade, sharpers’ willtake PT) odd hedlth ; if you have a leg amputated, you are” you in; if ‘a fae you ‘will lose ‘money by horses, Fibout to get a partner with money’; if you are mar “and Be eijtail ‘as you'return ron market” | hied, it is the loss'of one Jou fondly love. p tn DpebeTo ‘area you"ate in debt and’ puriued | | ‘Fields, ‘To dream’ you ate'in: green fields is & very" * “by officers, denotes ‘that you’ will fall ‘into some fee Favourable ‘sigh 5° in love,’ it’ ‘denotes “sucvess ‘and W @xpected disiculties, or great danger. | fanppiness ;'t6 ‘the tiadesman,’'sucoesa ‘and ‘riches ;' 5° “Devil. To dicarn’ you see the devil: without fear and to the fariter, ‘plenty; if you are” “soliciting ‘a ’ ‘foratells you will ‘get’ the bettef of’ your adversary favour, it’ porténds you J will obtain it.” hei al are frightened,” y sou — be a. ee Fighting. "To dream you are sgh denotes much Hppposition to’ your wishes, with loss ‘8f character.” ‘ Fire!'To dream ‘of fire denotes Health and happi- ‘our pursuits’; but’ if we dream ‘of vee Shines ; to the lover, marriage with the object of th “belonging to others, dangerous | enemies. i; : ffections, and inany children’? also that you will” be ‘ Driviik? Tf you dream ‘of Being’ ‘intoxicated, it in fHangry with some one for a trifle. To dream of” “gure that’ some one is slandering You, but’a sincere Hiburd nig ‘Tights’ portends’ ‘dreadful * accidents ‘to’ thé jay by ‘his interference, ‘desttoys ‘their inveterate |} reamer.” If a sick person Sees @ fire, extinguished, (o"nalidel 8. ' Wit is a” presage” of death. If'a ‘person on ‘board ‘a Eagle. To dream of seeing an eagle soaring high hip dreams he sees a light a great way off, it ‘be & good ‘omen te those who have great undertakingt |Peoiens' a fait’ wind and a Safe arrival, ‘To dream hand's! but"to dream that’ an _ alights het lof seeing lighted torches and branchés Of fire ‘de- : Mas, signifies mischance. vs 8 nding from’ heaven, aignifies” quarreling, ‘digap- Eating. ‘To dream’ you are eating denotes profi if Jpointment, and adversities. To dream you seo a and ‘success ‘in ‘your ‘present enterprise ;°" loathing Pare’ sparkling denotes hasty news and! anger ; to. of victuals is a sign of disunion in your family. fdream of seeing houses’ oni ‘fire, denotes some ‘un- ae ‘Errand. To dream that you ‘are running “an er- ] ipleasant news will soon ‘arrive ; to dream’ you are rand, and that one of your | shoes comes off, is sign iin the midst of a’ fire, and feel pain’ from ‘it, pre- “ that' ‘you | will lose’ a sincere friend; if you ‘suceced If jsages envy and displeasure. To dream that you ‘a, woeomplihing eee ae sonra Hhold a lighted torch in your hand, shews you will bi gain konour and respect from ‘all persons.” To drédin "Doge To dream of dogs that belong to us: signi) », THE DREAMER'S DICTIONARY... that you;kindle a fire. without much, trouble, and it +) burns. diregtly, shes. that. your, children will, be, fortunate ; but if you kindle a fire with much; trouble, and it is extinguished. presently, shews dishonour, especially , women... To dream ‘you -see aghip on.,.| fire at sea, denptes, great, Jpsses i in business... : Fishing. To. dream, you, are fishing .is.a,sign of, sorrow and trouble ;, if you catch any fish, you,.will be, successful. i in, Jove and, business ; if they stip out , of your hand. after. you, hare caught, them, it sign some | pretended friend 5 will deceive. you.;, . 5, Flowers. To dream you are. gathering. flowers j isa: very fayourable omen, ‘and is a sign youwill. ‘thrive | in every, thing, you undertake; that you will che. love, marry, happily, and have beautiful children. Fruit, Almonds ‘indicate aigicalties, ia of liberty od and deceit i in lave. ; Fortune. To: dream you make a sudden fortune, “a a bad. omen.; to the tradesman, it forebodes losses in trade, snerein, with his creditors, and. loss of , ' Mberty.. “s Funars. To | dream you are busily veut in, burying | a person denotes a yery speedy marriage, . and that, ere: long, you will hear of the death priséoment of some near relation, or esteemed, friend. Garden. To dream you are walking i in @ garden denotes your advancement to fortune j if you are, gathering. the produce of it, you will’ be happy. in - marriage, and have a large family ; it betokens great | success to the lover, and increase of business to the | tradesman. f Geese, To dream of geese is a sign of good: va all Iu may expect to’ sée an absent’ friend ‘soon; to the dreamer, they denote success and riches. : Gifts, ‘To dream you have anything given to you is a sign that some good is about to happen to you. Glass..'C'o dream of glass denotes bad success in 7 Ik DREAMER'S DICTYONARY. | various undertakings; if you break it, it waxns you wf some unforeseen: misfortune, the — of your wife, or husband, or-children. Gold. If you dream of gold, it is’a very” good omen; it denotes success in your present undertak- ings after encountering numerous difficulties. Gooseberries. ‘If you dream of gooseberries grow- ing on the bush, they denote that you will” have & numerous family, and great success in your pre- sent undertakings; but if they~are baked,- great trouble is near at hand, so prepare for a sick-bed. Grapes. ‘To dream of white grapes betokens fe licity in marriage, and suecess in trade ; but if they are purple, it denotes great misery in the matrimonial state ; to the ne great distress and loss of business. ‘ : Grase. To dream of being buried is a sign you shall die very poor. , Guus. To dream you see or hear guns sees fores’ tells much misery ; if you fi fire them, you will have a quarrel; if they are discharged at you, you * avill be exposed to many dangers. Hail. To dream of hail eens sorrow and reel grief. Hair. To dream that you are brushing or comb- ing your hair portends suecess in love, « -tradde, or some other pursuit ; it also signifies riches; to dream that your hair has grown s6 long that it hangs loose ane =a YH: DHEANERS DICTIONARY. over your shoulders denotes that one superior to yourself adores you; but if the hair is red, it denotes that you have enemies. Hanging. Dreaming you see people hanged, or that you are to be executed yourself, is a sign you will, by marriage, rise above your present condition, or a favour will be asked by one in needy eircum- stances from you. Hatred. Dreaming of being hated by friends or foes isa bad omen. Harrews. To dream you see white ew in the harrows is a ayve sign of good news; if they are black, deep distraas vill befall you, as hie lover will formake you for another. Hay. ‘To d2am that you are making hay and the sun shining, denotes great prosperity to you as a lover ; # married, riches and honour await you , but if the sun is under a cloud, and the rest of the work- ers are taking their ense, it is a eure sign that you will get © husband——but you will have to work for him. . Hills, To dream of climbing up hills shews you will overcome many troubles, and at last be, Horses. ‘To dream of horses is very lucky: if you dream that you see white horses, they denote speedy news; if they are black, you may expect to hear of the death of an acquaintance. Tee. To dream you are sliding or skating upon ice shows you will he engaged in some imaginary pursuit that will elude you; if the ice breaks, you may be certain of sickness. Infants. Dreaming of infants denotes ill health gud trouble; if they are playing, you may thon | land. THE DREAMERS DICTIONARY. expect to receive great satisfaction from a distant Iron. To dream you are hurt withiiron shews you will receive some injury. : Key. To dream of losing your key Saalecas ‘dies pleasure ; to find one, an addition to your family ; to give one, is marriage; to reeeive one, the . birth of a child, ; King or Queen. To dream about the Seee or queen, or any of the royal family, betokens disappointment, excepting the months in which there is not an R, when it is o sign of great honour and prosperity. Kissing. To dream you kiss a pretty maid indi- cates good ; if she consents without any resistance, , she will be true to her lover; to dream you kiss a married woman, and she consents, is a sign of sor tow and poverty : and that you will be unsuccessful, in your present undertakings; it usually means deceit. ; Knife. To dream you give a knife to your intended shews you will lose him or her. Ladder, ‘To dream you climb a ladder. denotes that you will arrive at great honours; it also beto- kens a happy marriage, and many children. Laurel... A wife to dream she smells a laurel-tree shews she will have children ; if a maid, she will be soon murried to him whom she loves. Leiter, To dream of receiving a letter betokens a present ; if you send ene, you will relieve a person in bad circumstances. Lice. To dream of lice is a sure sign of sickness AK, those in single life ; but richea to those in the mar vied state ees 14 THE DREAMER'S DICTIONARY. Mad. To dréam of being mad is very good; it promises long life, riches, happy marriage, and good” shildren. ~ Magpie. To'dream that you see a magpie ona tree without leaves is a sure sign of sorrow; two is! the sign of great mirth ; three, the sign of a splen- did wedding ; and four, the'sign of death. ‘Marriage. To dream ‘you are married’ signifies the death of yourself or sume near relation ; to dream you assist at a wedding denotes pleasant news and great success ; to dream of lying with your husband or wife threatens sudden misfortunes and great danger. ‘Meat. To dream of raw meat denotes trouble of a very Severe description ; if it is boiled, it betokens plenty of work to the tradesman. and great plenty to tho family of the labourer ; to the lover, it de. notes a happy union. ; Men. Married persons dreaming that thev see men at work in their fields, and the sun shiming, denotes that they will live at their ease, and have namerous servants; ifthe field is mot yours, st denotes that you wil! have ‘to eudure great trials ; Mice. To dream of mice denotes success in love | and a happy umon. Mil. If you dreain of milk, it promises great news; if you see it flowing from a woman's breast, foretells happincss in children and in trade. Money. To dream of getting money denotes great success in all! your lawful undertakings. Moon. To dream you see the moon darkened ” denotes sickness and death; if you see it in the | shape of a full white fice it indieates to the vigiv | TRE DREAMER'S 3 DICTIONARY. 15... & speedy marriage ; to ire wife, that Sie will have a beautifel daughter ; ‘if the husband dreams it,-the child will be a son; to, handsome and pretty women it is'a good, sign to, sae a ‘full moon, but not 50 to ugly ‘ones. © Mulberrier. To dream of mulberries icles constancy oni affection i in the married state; to tra- vellers and sailors, prosperous j journeys 3 and. | roynges ; t to the ‘lover, it denotes o speedy union with his sweetheart. Music. To dream you hear delicious music de- notes Joyful news from a friend who has been long absent; but if the notes are diseordant, you will have a i quarrel with one whom you highly esteem. Myrile. ear ae oie myrtle denotes a wan- ton ‘woman ; beware, then, with whom you keep sompany. ; Nakedness. To dream of nakedness denotes : sean- anal; if you see a naked female, it is lucky—it de- notes that houours await you at no very, distan‘ period. News. To dream you receive news from a distant friend, who is on his death-bed, is good ; a person is at hand to befriend you. If you are married, it be- tokens an addition to your family. Nightingales. To'dreain of the nightingale is the forerunner of fire, or thieves by night. Tf unmarried, a sivect, good-tempered lover. For a married wo- man to dream she hears this sweet warbler sing, shews that she will have children who will have the gift of singing, but will be in the habit of staying late at night. mares eae eee fz 16 THE DRBAMER’s DICTIONARY. Night. To dream you, are ‘travelling . by night | foretells great ‘Yexation. Nosegays. “To dream, of gathering “and, making nosegays 18 ‘unlucky, shewing that our best hep tty shall wither as flowers do in a nosegay. ‘Nuis. Dreaming of gathering nuts. oe that you will spend your tine in pursuit ‘of a trifling object, ‘when _you mig it ‘emaloy i it to Detter adyan- tage.’ * Oak. To dream that ya see the stately oak i isa long life, riches, and great felicity, : a TF yo ‘ream of | sowing oats, it foretells that you ‘will have a “partner “who vill squander ; all you possess’; } But if you assist in the sowing, then you will be consulted in all things before the Toney is went, | 'so beware of extravagance—ruin is_before you, if you do not act prudently. Oranges. To dream you are eating oranges implies | that your feelings “will be wounded, and may expect great grief from 0 quarter you little eer ‘aaa Oxen, If you dream that you see white oxen, it shews virtuous inclinations ; to see fat or lean oxep signifies present gain ‘or ‘misfortunes. Oysters. To dream of “eating oysters Fuctells pms perity, and that you will be married to a lady who, is really a virgin, and who will love you ; but if you should let them fall, you will lose the affections of, the lady, for she is betrothed to age and will, speedily be married. Path, To dream you are walling i in an ensy em shews, that you will be successful i in love ; or, if you are married, you will obtain what you now, wish for. Peaches. Nothing can be more lucky than to THE DREAMER's DICTIONARY 5 ay dream aff peaches’ “if” ‘you are in “dificulties, some ene will béfriend you ; ‘if you are sick, you will soon get better ; if. misfortune has’ been‘a constant visi tor. fortune will dispel’ the dark cloud, ‘and you will have-much wealth ; ta’ the lover, it inate the §reatest the married: a, a numerous amily, and a cleanly wife,’ | Peacock, To dream‘ you see a peacock is a sign ‘you will be! married toa beautiful lady, and that » Fou will be very-rich, Pears. To: dream of pears betokens: elevation in life, great honours, and ‘riches, love that knows no eens and ssi in. ‘every pursuit you may embark in. Pigeons.” To'dream you see a pigeon fying, and i that a feather drops, sienifics you will soon receive a lettersfrom your ‘sweetheart; to drop from any other -bird, is a letter of business.’ ‘Co'dream of »Pigeons flying is hasty news of a happy’ nature, and of constancy in lovers, Play. To dream you: are at’ play betokens great happiness in the married state; aa increase of business.’ - Plough. To dream you are following the plough, . and that white horses are in the yoke, it forctells , Speedy news; if the horses are black, deep aistrens, and often death. Plums. There cannot be a wlrée dream’ his that of plums—they are the forerunner-of ill ‘luck to the » husbandman, the soldier, the sailor, the tridesman, the statesman, the “sportsman, and the lovers who ; Were under promise of marriage. 1» Purse. Dreaming that you find a'pura- hetokens _ purse, you will assist at.a friend's funeral.” i _ Marriage ; and to the os an — retura _ of the runaway. , i Mat le FI DREAMER'S DICTIONAWT. gieat and unexpected prosperity. ;. i soto yo Quarrel. If you dream ‘yot are’ re shews great happiness and contentment: "\! |” “Railway. Train, To,¢ dream that:you, oil way fourth ae carriage betwedn twoambn isa posi tive sign that good fortune,awaits you;,if\in the ‘third class, and a lady sits om, yourrleft Hand,'béware of an enemy j ‘if in the second, class, witli your back to the engine, there is something good awaitiig you; but if your face is to the engine, you! may-expect great grief in consequence of your swestheart'mak- ing love to another. If you are in the ‘fast class, and the passengers speak to you, you will be axalted to rank, and heir an estate ; but if they don’t speak, trouble awaits you, so prepare. for the event. Rain. If you behold rain im your dream, it pro mises success in aleve affair: im all “other —* it hetokens trouble and vexation. Rainbow., To dream you see a pearen ew sudden and agreeable news. Raspberries. To dream of raspberri¢s’ “deuones great happiness and. cuecess; to 'the' husbardman, an abundant crop; to the tradesmen, great wealth ; to the soldier, a complete victory ; tothe ‘dailor, a prosperous voyage ; to the lover, & quick and’ happy Rats. If, you are ainda iby rate, _ get the “Detter of them, it shews that some person will vainly “try te do you harm ; but if the rats tear or foree you to run away, expect some great: misfortune’ td’ hetall — HE DREAMER's DICTIONARY. “9 Ravers o Crows. To dream you see a crow or raven betokens great inischief; it shews falsehood in love. : Ribbon. To dream you wear ribbons shews an entanglement in love to the single, and extravagant : thildren to the married. Rings. To dream you have a ring on your finger denotes marriage with the person you love; but if ‘the ring drops off, it betokens death to a near friend. _ Fiver. Dreaming that you see river-water clear indicates good; but to dream of swimming in the sea when it is muddy, signifies great peril and danger. Rocks. A good dream for those going into busi- ness, as it shews stability therein. Roses. To dream of these flowers in senson is a sure token of happiness and success; but if these he-out of season, it indicates distress, sickness, and disappointment ; in love, they denote that your sweetheart is true, and that you will be married, and hare many children. Sailing. To dream you are sailing in a ship, and the water smooth, shews you will suceeed in all your undertakings; if you sail ina small boat, and gain the desired haven, you will gain great riches. Sea, To dream you are walking on the sea is good to him who would take a wift, for he shall en- joy her. Shoes. To dream you have a pair of shoes denotes success in life; in love-matters, they signify mar- riage, which will turn out an equal ounce both parties. Silk. To dream vou are clothed in silk San RS ‘lation, 20 et DREAMER 6 DICTIONARY. honour. To dreain that you trade with a stranger in silk ‘denotes profit and joy. Silver. To dream of silver shews that you have | False friends, who will attempt your ruin; in love, | ‘it denotes that your sweetheart is false, and that he is engaged to another. Singing. To dream that you are singing betokens | some melancholy news ; if you are unwell, it shews | a speedy recovery; if in prison, you will soon he set free. F Snow. To dream you see the ground covered with snow. is a very good dream; toa young man, it ee ‘he will marry a virgin, and have a large family. Soldiers. To teen of soldiers shows trouble, persecutions and law suite; if they pursue you, it shows that you will be disliked by your rich neigh- bours. ’ ‘ 'Sprats. To dream of aprats denotes you will have alarge family of children. If you dream of cooking them, your children will give you a great deal of trouble, Stars. To dream you behold the stars wilt very bright i is success to the lover, and glad news from @ far country; if they fall, it denotes health and happiness. Steam-Beat, To dream you are aboard of a steamer, and’ the sea is boisterous, denotes that your lover and you will quarrel ; but if the sen is calm, it isa sign of a speedy marriage to the single ; to the mar- tied, it denotes great success in some favourite specu Sun, To dream you see the sun shining denotes mL THE DREAMERS DICTIONARY, 2) accumulation’ of wealth, and filling posts of honour in the State. _ Sweetheart. To dream of your sweetheart leaving f Jou and going with another, is a-very good dream ; it shews that’ he will prove a faithful friend and a “loving husband ; if you see a female ee hold of ‘his arm, beware ‘of a rival. ‘Swimming. To dream that you are ‘swimming with your head above the water shews' that you ‘will suc- “ceed in’ your undertakings, whatever they may be ; to dream’‘that your head is under water shews great trouble, and that you will hear some unpleasant news ’ from an individual you thought was deceased. " Swine. To dream you sce swine feeding is a very bad dream ; it isa sure token of bodily distress to the dreamer ; 3 tae if one drives them away, it betokent a speédy recovery from sickness. Tavern. To draam you are feasting with friendr in’a tavern signifies. great joy a comfort to you “and yours. Tea. To dream of drinking tea is a certain sign that some individuals are speaking ill of you, to pre- yent your union with your lover; if it is sweet, and neither milk nor cream in it, their malice is invete- rate ;' but if there is cream or milk, and no sugar in it, as soon as you are joined in wedlock, a person will befriend you with money a youl little thought of; but beware of him! ‘Teeth. To dream of losing-your teeth shews the loss of some friend by death, and that great ao is about to accompany you. . Tempest. To dream you are overtaken by astorm - denotes that you will; after sumberless hankchips, ty 29 mR PREAMER 5 piorionanr. “arrive 2 happielly and that you will, become. rich; , and marry,a good-natered lady, , Thirst, If any one dreame his thirat etme when thirsty,. and. that, he bath drank his fill of water, if-the water did appear < clear.and acceptable ‘ to him, beatles very; jovially, and become, very ~ and dirty, he will end his days insicknessand affliction. » Thunder and Lighting. To dream of thunder or Jightning denotes gain in your, business ; but if. it Lurts, you, it. isa sign of some calamity. .. Toads, To dream you destroy a toad denotes that you will discover a thief in, whom you-placed. ee trust. Trees. To wea of cutting down trees. ee wrious losses in trade; but. if, you climb. them, it denotes advancement to honour. ; Trumpet, To, dream you, hear the apd. of a trumpet denotes troubles and misfortunes ;. to the lover, inconstancy,in the object ¢ of his affections. Urns, To decam of urns in _a churchyard, is the zign of the death; of, a sailor or soldier, belonging. to your family. a Venus. To dream you. see this, goddess, or Tani or picture, ‘denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged ; and-the.more important will. this: affair prove, if the planes” Venus appears t toyou in a mortal _form, and speaks to. you, fon it is a token of a-happr jmartiage to either sex. ), t Pesset. Uf you dream you are ina snsiling vease., and the eaptain, is at.the helm, it denotes that you will have a careful, paciner j)if you pre masried, you “spill vise to honour and respectabitity. Sis Me, THE DREAMERS DIOTIONAK), Walking. To dreaa of walking

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