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Q1. What is web applications? What is HTML(In web designing unit-1)?

Ans.. A website application, which is also popularly known as a web app, is a

software application program that uses web-based technology to perform specific
tasks. A web-application is an application program that is usually stored on a remote server, and users can access it
through the use of Software known as web-browser. It is a type of computer program that usually runs with the help
of a web browser. A web application can be developed for several uses  like it can be used as an individual or as a
whole organization for several reasons. In general, a web application can contain online shops (or we can also say them
e-commerce shops), webmail's, calculators, social media platforms, etc. 

a web application usually uses a combination of the server-side scripts such as PHP,
ASP, for handling the information/ data storage and retrieval of the data.

Some of them also use the client-side scripts such as JavaScript, HTML to represent the
data/information in front of the users, and some of the web applications are also using
both server-side and client-side at the same time.

Some of the web applications are entirely static due to which they not required any
processing on the server at all while, on the other hand, some web applications are
dynamic and require server-side processing.

To operate a web- application, we usually required a web server 

How does a web application work?

 The user will connect to the Internet and create a request to the
web server through the application's user interface.
 The web server will process the request and send it to the right web
app server.
 The web application server will perform the required task and
generate the results of the required data.
 The web app server will send the information back to the web
 The web server will send the requested information to the client's
device such as a laptop, desktop or mobile phone.
 The requested information will appear on the user's display.

Q2. Differentiate between Client-Side Scripting Vs Server-Side Scripting.


Client-Side Scripting refers to the output which is requested to the server by the end-users. The
majority of this page is written in HTML. With client-side scripting, JavaScript is the primary language
used. It is the most widely used language in this area, and it works with all programs.

1. Client-side scripting : 
Web browsers execute client-side scripting. It is used when browsers have all
code. Source code is used to transfer from webserver to user’s computer over
the internet and run directly on browsers. It is also used for validations and
functionality for user events. 
It allows for more interactivity. It usually performs several actions without going
to the user. It cannot be basically used to connect to databases on a web
server. These scripts cannot access the file system that resides in the web
browser. Pages are altered on basis of the user’s choice. It can also be used to
create “cookies” that store data on the user’s computer. 

2. Server-side scripting : 
Unknown users will not be able to view what happens behind the scenes of any
programming database. It suggests that server-side programming prepares a site
for its database, as well as all of the background tasks

Web servers are used to execute server-side scripting. They are basically used
to create dynamic pages. It can also access the file system residing at the
webserver. A server-side environment that runs on a scripting language is a
web server. 
Scripts can be written in any of a number of server-side scripting languages
available. It is used to retrieve and generate content for dynamic pages. It is
used to require to download plugins. In this load times are generally faster than
client-side scripting. When you need to store and retrieve information a
database will be used to contain data. It can use huge resources of the server.
It reduces client-side computation overhead. The server sends pages to the
request of the user/client. 
Difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting : 
Client-side scripting Server-side scripting

Source code is not visible to the user because its

of server-sideside is an HTML page. 
Source code is visible to the user.

Its main function is to provide the Its primary function is to manipulate and provide
requested output to the end user. access to the respective database as per the
Client-side scripting Server-side scripting


In this any server-side technology can be used and

it does not 
It usually depends on the browser and depend on the client. 
its version.

It runs on the user’s computer. It runs on the webserver.

There are many advantages linked with

this like faster.  The primary advantage is its ability to highly
response times, a more interactive customize, response 
application.  requirements, access rights based on user. 

It does not provide security for data. It provides more security for data.

It is a technique used in web It is a technique that uses scripts on the webserver

development in which scripts run on to produce a response that is customized for each
the client’s browser. client’s request.

HTML, CSS, and javascript are used. PHP, Python, Java, Ruby are used.

No need of interaction with the server. It is all about interacting with the servers.

It reduces load on processing unit of

the server. It surge the processing load on the server.

Server-side Scripting
 It helps work with the back end.
 It doesn’t depend on the client.
 It runs on the web server.
 It helps provide a response to every request that comes in from the user/client.
 This is not visible to the client side of the application.
 It requires the interaction with the server for the data to be process.
 Server side scripting requires languages such as PHP,, ColdFusion,
Python, Ruby on Rails.
 It is considered to be a secure way of working with applications.
 It can be used to customize web pages.
 It can also be used to provide dynamic websites.

Client-side Scripting
 It helps work with the front end.
 It is visible to the users.
 The scripts are run on the client browser.
 It runs on the user/client’s computer.
 It depends on the browser’s version.
 It doesn’t interact with the server to process data.
 Client side scripting involves languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
 It helps reduce the load on the server.
 It is considered to be less secure in comparison to client side scripting.

Q3. What is Web Servers? How to install web servers? Also explain Local Servers and Remote Servers.

Ans.. Web pages are a collection of data, including images, text files, hyperlinks, database files etc., all located on some
computer (also known as server space) on the Internet. A web server is dedicated software that runs on the server-side.
When any user requests their web browser to run any web page, the webserver places all the data materials together
into an organized web page and forwards them back to the web browser with the help of the Internet.

This intercommunication of a web server with a web browser is done with the help of a
protocol named HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
These stored web pages mostly use static content, containing HTML
documents, images, style sheets, text files, etc. However, web servers can serve static
as well as dynamic contents. Web Servers also assists in emailing services and storing
files. Therefore it also uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
and FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
protocols to support the respective services. Web servers are mainly used in web hosting or hosting the
website's data and running web-based applications.

Web server is a computer where the web content is stored. Basically web server is used to host the web sites but there exists other
web servers also such as gaming, storage, FTP, email etc.

A web server is software and hardware that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer

Protocol) and other protocols to respond to client requests made over the
World Wide Web. The main job of a web server is to display website content
through storing, processing and delivering webpages to users. Besides HTTP,
web servers also support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File
Transfer Protocol), used for email, file transfer and storage.
Web server hardware is connected to the internet and allows data to be
exchanged with other connected devices, while web server software controls
how a user accesses hosted files.

Dynamic vs. static web servers 

static web server, or stack, consists of a computer (hardware) with an HTTP server
(software). We call it "static" because the server sends its hosted files as-is to your

A dynamic web server consists of a static web server plus extra software, most
commonly an application server and a database. We call it "dynamic" because the
application server updates the hosted files before sending content to your browser via
the HTTP server.

A web server can be used to serve either static or dynamic content. Static refers to the
content being shown as is, while dynamic content can be updated and changed. A
static web server will consist of a computer and HTTP software. It is considered static
because the sever will send hosted files as is to a browser.

Dynamic web browsers will consist of a web server and other software such as an
application server and database. It is considered dynamic because the application
server can be used to update any hosted files before they are sent to a browser. The
web server can generate content when it is requested from the database. Though this
process is more flexible, it is also more complicated.

Common and top web server software on the market

There are a number of common web servers available, some including:

 Apache HTTP Server. Developed by Apache Software Foundation, it is a

free and open source web server for Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, Linux,
Solaris and other operating systems; it needs the Apache license.

 Apache HTTP Server

This is the most popular web server in the world developed by the Apache Software
Foundation. Apache web server is an open source software and can be installed on almost
all operating systems including Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and more.
About 60% of the web server machines run the Apache Web Server.

 Internet Information Services (IIS)

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is a high performance Web Server from Microsoft.
This web server runs on Windows NT/2000 and 2003 platforms (and may be on
upcoming new Windows version also). IIS comes bundled with Windows NT/2000 and
2003; Because IIS is tightly integrated with the operating system so it is relatively easy to
administer it.

 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Developed by Microsoft for

Microsoft platforms; it is not open sourced, but widely used.

Install the Web Server

1. In Server Manager, click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features.
The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens.
2. In Before You Begin, click Next.
3. On the Installation Type page, click Next.
4. On the Server selection page, click Next.
5. On the Server roles page, select Web Server (IIS), and then click Next.
6. Click Next until you have accepted all of the default web server settings,
and then click Install.
7. Verify that all installations were successful, and then click Close.

Local and Remote Servers

As the name implies, a local server is hosted on your own computer, but a remote server is hosted
somewhere else. A remote server is one that is not on your computer. It might be a paid hosting
plan, another computer on your local area network, or even a free hosting plan.

Local Web Servers

As the name suggests a local server is a privately owned machine most commonly used by
developers to store and test the web pages that have server side scripting codes. In other words
when a developer installs web server software on his current machine and uses it for
developing web applications, the machine will be called a local web server. A local server can
be your laptop or Personal Computer giving you the complete environment (software &
hardware) for developing a web application.
A local server gives you exclusive access to data and objects in a set of Windows folders
called data directories. A local server allows you exclusive access to data and objects in data
directories, which are a collection of Windows folders. Only you can create, browse, and edit data
or objects stored on a local server during a TM1 client session. You can also choose the location
of the data directories.

Remote Web Servers

Opposite to the local server, remote server refers to a computer that is remotely located having a
web server software, database and other resources to handle remote requests sent by the users of
a website. A remote server may host single or multiple websites. It has to be powered to process
the scripting language codes in the web pages. Usually the remote servers are high performance
computers having large memory and storage space to handle multiple page requests of the users.
The remote web server responds to the user requests by transferring the pages requested over the
internet connectivity.

Remote servers provide access to shared data and objects in your organization.

Q4. Explain Internet Information Server (IIS) and Personal Web Server (PWS).

Ans.. Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible, general-purpose web

server from Microsoft that runs on Windows.

Internet Information Server

Internet Information Server (IIS) is one of the most popular web servers
from Microsoft that is used to host and provide Internet-based services
to ASP.NET and ASP Web applications. A web server is responsible for
providing a response to requests that come from users. When a request
comes from client to server IIS takes that request from users and process
it and send response back to users.

Internet Information Server (IIS) has it's own ASP.NET Process Engine
to handle the ASP.NET request. The way you configure an ASP.NET
application depends on what version of IIS the application is running on.
Internet Information Server (IIS) includes a set of programs for building
and administering Web applications, search engines, and support for
writing Web-based applications that access databases such as SQL
Server. With IIS, you can make your computer to work as a Web server
and provides the functionality to develop and deploy ASP.NET Web
applications on the server. You can also set security for a particular
Website for specific Users and Computer in order to protect it from
unauthorized access.

IIS helps organizations to increase Web sites and application availability

while lowering system administration and cost of deployment. IIS 7.5

The term "IIS" stands for Internet Information Services, which is a general-purpose
webserver that runs on the Windows operating system. The IIS accepts and responds to
the client's computer requests and enables them to share and deliver information across
the LAN

(or Local Area Network) such as a corporate intranet and the WAN (or Wide Area Network) the internet.
It hosts the application, websites, and other standard services needed by users and allows developers to
make websites, applications and virtual directories to share with their users. A web server provides the
users with information in several different forms, such as File exchanges as a download, uploads, Images
files, HTML pages, and text documents. The webservers are commonly used as a portal for sophisticated
and highly interactive websites, applications that tie middleware and back-end applications together to
make enterprise-grade-systems. For example, AWS

enables media services such as Netflix to provide real-time streaming content. Amazon web services also
enable public cloud administration all through the webservers. Generally, the IIS is also compared with
the Apache, which is also a kind of web server that is freely available for everyone. We can simply say
that both works the same except that the apache web server can be used almost on any operating
system such as Windows, Linux

, and Mac, While the IIS is only available for windows. However, the IIS integrates with Microsoft's other
products, such as the .NET Framework

, the ASP
scripting language. The IIS also has its own helpdesk to manage and solve issues while, on the other
hand, the Apache webserver's supports almost come from the user community. Additionally, the IIS has
the security features, which makes it a more secure and efficient option than the Apache.

How IIS works

It works through several different standard languages and protocols. HTML

is used for creating a variety of elements. For example, texts, buttons, hyperlinks, and direct/indirect
behaviors. The HTTP

(or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is used for exchanging the information between the two or more
servers and users. HTTPS --HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

over the SSL (or Secure Sockets Layer) -- uses SSL (secure sockets layer ) to encrypt the communication
to add additional data security. The FTP

(or File Transfer Protocol ), or its secure variant, FTPS, can transfer files.

Personal Web Server (PWS) is a web server application from Microsoft

that allows a user to save, selectively publish and share posts on the World Wide
Web or a local network. Personal Web Server differs from all other types of Web
servers in the way that it is controlled and operated by an individual rather than a
company. Technically it is the same as a Web server, but conceptually it is quite

Personal Web Server is a type of a Web server application from Microsoft that is
designed for an individual PC and that enables the sharing of files and data to the
network directly from the hard drive of the PC. It is a less-flashy version of
Microsoft Web Server, which is a stronger information server. PWS can be used to
support Web pages if it is attached to a continuous Internet connection. It can also
help websites to generate more traffic in an offline mode by staging websites before
they are published globally. Personal Web Server can be implemented as a Web
application, as an all-purpose Web server that can be personal or part of a small
network, a website-hosting server working online (or offline) or simply a component
of a computer.

Q5. Differentiate between Static website vs Dynamic website development.

Ans.. (in web designing unit-1)

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