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You need to know some tips to be a

good friend.

You must always be honest; honesty is

the most important thing in a friendship
which you want to last a long time.

Another quality is loyalty, whatever

happens, you always must be loyal to
your friend and be with him, always.

We also have confidence, a confident

friend is one that you know will not judge
you, and will always be with you, through
thick and thin.

Putting those tips into practice, you can

have a true and lasting friendship, also,
many people will want you close.
Qualities to be a Good Friend

First draft
Making friends is the greatest thing you can do in your life however, many people do
not know how to be good friends, so we are going to let you know several qualities
that you must have if you want to improve your friendship relationships.
First, we have honesty. This is a one at the must important qualities what you must
have, because you show commitment to friendship by not wanting to he hides
something; making him always be sure that sure we are going to tell him the truth.
Other quality is loyalty, different events can happen in friendship, despite that, loyalty
can never be lacking. You always believe in your friend so that he also believes in you.
A quality that is linked to the previous ones is the confidence, showing this quality will
let your friend know that you can count on you to help them, that we will support in you
any situation and building trust.
Knowing and putting these qualities into practice improve coexistence with your friends
and helps you improve your skills to relate to new people.

Making friends is the best thing you can do in your life, however, many people do not
know how to make good friends, so we are going to tell you several qualities that you
must consider if you want to improve your friendship relationships.
First, we have honesty. This is one of the most important qualities that you should
have, because you show commitment to friendship by not wanting to lose it, by hiding
something; making you always be sure that we are going to tell you the truth.
Other quality is loyalty, in friendship different events can happen, despite that, loyalty
can never be lacking. You always believe in your friend so that he also believes in you.
A quality that is linked to the previous ones is trust, showing this quality will let your
friend know that he can count on you to help him, that he will support you in any
situation and generating confidence.
Knowing and putting these qualities into practice improves coexistence with your
friends and helps you improve your skills to relate to new people.
Important: Write the final draft in third person.
Final draft
Making friends is the best thing someone can do in their life; however, many people
do not know how to make good friends, which is why it shows what qualities a person
must have to be a good friend.
First, we have honesty. This is one of the most important qualities that a friend must
have, because it shows commitment to someone by not wanting to lose it because of
hiding something; making others feel that it is always safe to tell the truth regardless
of the situation.
Another quality is loyalty, in friendship different events can happen, despite that,
loyalty can never be lacking. Always a friend must believe in others so that they too
can believe in him.
A quality that is linked to the previous ones is trust, showing this quality will let others
know that they can be counted on for help, that they will support in any situation and
generate trust, however it does not refer to negative things.
Knowing and putting these qualities into practice improves coexistence with all people
and helps improve interaction skills with new people.

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