MIA - SITHCCC006 Learner Workbook V20.v1.0

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Prepare appetisers and salads

Learner Workbook
Version 2.0

Contextualised and customised by MIA

RTO: 40813

Student Name:

Student ID Number:

Trainer/Assessor Name:

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................1
Instructions to Learner............................................................................................................................2
Assessment instructions.......................................................................................................................2
Assessment requirements....................................................................................................................3
Assessment Cover Sheet.........................................................................................................................5
Performance Criteria...............................................................................................................................6
ACTIVITIES AND WRITTEN QUESTIONS....................................................................................................7
Activity 1A.............................................................................................................................................7
Activity 1B.............................................................................................................................................8
Activity 1C.............................................................................................................................................9
Activity 1D..........................................................................................................................................10
Activity 2A...........................................................................................................................................11
Activity 2B...........................................................................................................................................12
Activity 2C...........................................................................................................................................13
Activity 3A...........................................................................................................................................14
Activity 3B...........................................................................................................................................15
Activity 3C...........................................................................................................................................16
Activity 3D..........................................................................................................................................17
Activity 4A...........................................................................................................................................18
Activity 4B...........................................................................................................................................19
Activity 4C...........................................................................................................................................20
Activity 5A...........................................................................................................................................21
Activity 5B...........................................................................................................................................22
Activity 5C...........................................................................................................................................23
Activity 5D..........................................................................................................................................24
Activity 5E...........................................................................................................................................25
MAJOR ASSESSMENTS...........................................................................................................................26
Section A: Skills Activity......................................................................................................................27
Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)................................................................................................28
Section C: Performance Activity.........................................................................................................31

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Instructions to Learner
Assessment instructions
Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the
terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your
trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to
the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully
addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will
remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.
Written work
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the
overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you
address the following criteria:
 Address each question including any sub-points
 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly
 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner
 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed
 Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page.
Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is
completing all the assessment tasks on time.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as
your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you
have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your
trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of
 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.
If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised to
discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.
Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in
whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the
cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such,
both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other learners is not permitted
and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.
Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten
assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor
to confirm).
Competency outcome

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There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more
training and experience).
Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be awarded
“Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.
If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and will
be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.
Additional evidence
If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative information/evidence in
order to determine competency, you must provide us with such information/evidence, subject to privacy
and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time, including after submission of your
We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict
confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not
provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others, that
they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or details about
aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary consents and
ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with
such information.
Assessment appeals process
If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with your
assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an appeal. You
must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the
request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal to the course
coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal.
Recognised prior learning
Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.
Special needs
Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required adjustments
as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs immediately.
Assessment requirements
Assessment can either be:
 Direct observation
 Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples
 Portfolios – annotated and validated
 Questioning
 Third party evidence.
If submitting third party evidence, the Third Party Observation/Demonstration document must be
completed by the agreed third party.

Third parties can be:

 Supervisors
 Trainers
 Team members
 Clients
 Consumers.

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The third party observation must be submitted to your trainer/assessor, as directed.

The third party observation is to be used by the assessor to assist them in determining competency.
The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria, skills
and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities in this workbook and have
them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain
tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you
supplementary questions to determine your competence. Once you have demonstrated the required
level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.

Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you will have the opportunity to resubmit your
assessments or appeal the result.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as
provided during induction.

If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your
assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish to
do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through
observations or demonstrations. Your trainer/assessor will have a list of demonstrations you must
complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the
activities found in this workbook.
An explanation of observations and demonstrations:
Observation is on-the-job
The observation will usually require:
 Performing a work based skill or task
 Interaction with colleagues and/or customers.
Demonstration is off-the-job
A demonstration will require:
 Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
 Undertaking a simulation exercise.
Your trainer/assessor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The
observation/demonstration will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment,
depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your
trainer/assessor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete
the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and performance criteria required for
competency in this unit, as seen in the Learner Guide.

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Assessment Cover Sheet

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this student workbook. Make sure you
have kept a copy of your work.

Student Name:

Unique Student Identifier



Units: SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads

Trainer/Assessor Name:
Due Date:
I declare that:
 These tasks are my own work
 None of this work has been completed by any other person
 No part of these tasks has been copied from another person’s work, except where
document or work is listed/ referenced.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me
Student’s Signature:

Date of Submission:


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Performance Criteria
1. Select ingredients
1.1 Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes
1.2 Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
1.3 Identify and select appetiser and salad ingredients from stores according to recipe,
quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements
1.4 Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to preparation

2. Select, prepare and use equipment

2.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to requirements
2.2 Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use
2.3 Use equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions

3. Portion and prepare ingredients

3.1 Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing
3.2 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe
3.3 Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts according to quality standards
3.4 Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared

4. Prepare appetisers and salads

4.1 Select and use relevant cookery methods for salads and appetisers
4.2 Prepare sauces and dressings according to recipe
4.3 Follow standard recipes and make food quality adjustments within scope of

5. Present and store appetisers and salads

5.1 Present dishes on appropriate service-ware
5.2 Add dips, sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes and regional variations
5.3 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation
5.4 Store dishes in appropriate environmental conditions
5.5 Clean work area, and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to
organisational procedures, environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives

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Complete the following activities individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific activity and
the assessment environment).

Where applicable, a signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to
be included in these activities as proof of completion.

Activity 1A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to confirm food production requirements
from food preparation list and standard recipes

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1. List the reasons why a food preparation list is a valuable tool.

➢ Provide staff with timings for prep during both slow and busy periods
➢ Give an overview of all produce needed on each station
➢ Act as an at a glance recipe, detailing which foods are required for each dish
➢ Make it easier for someone to help or take over prep if needed (e.g. staff
➢ Ensure nothing is missed
➢ Provide accountability for each staff and their duties.

2. List the information that can be found when referring to a recipe.

➢ A list of equipment needed

➢ An ingredient list
➢ Quantities required
➢ Amount of food the recipe will yield
➢ Cooking temperature and times
➢ Step by step instructions on how to create the dish.

Activity 1B
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to calculate ingredient amounts according
to requirements

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Using the information from the recipe below, calculate the amount of
ingredients that would be needed if 10 servings were required. You may use
rounding of amounts if necessary.

Waldorf Salad: Serves 4

 6 tbsp mayonnaise
 2 tbsp lemon juice
 Seasoning, to taste
 700g sweet apples, cored and chopped
 350g cup red seedless grapes, sliced in half
 4 stalks of celery, thinly sliced
 200g walnuts, slightly toasted.


 6 tbsp. mayonnaise ÷ 4 = 1.5 tbsp.

1.5 tbsp. × 10 = 15 tbsp. of mayonnaise

 2 tbsp. lemon juice ÷ 4 = 0.5 tbsp.

0.5 tbsp. × 10 = 5 tbsp. of lemon juice

 700g sweet apples ÷ 4 = 175g

175g × 10 = 1,750g of sweet apples

 350g cup red seedless grapes ÷ 4 = 87.5g cup

87.5g × 10 = 875g cup of red seedless grapes

 4 stalks of celery ÷ 4 = 1 stalk

1 stalk × 10 = 10 stacks of celery

 200g walnuts ÷ 4 = 50g

50g × 10 = 500g of walnuts

Activity 1C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and select appetiser and salad
ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock

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rotation requirements
1. What indicators may there be that the following produce was not fresh
and/or of poor quality?

 Cucumber
 Shrimp
 Cheddar cheese.

➢ Appearance
➢ Smell
➢ Flavour

2. Explain the difference between use-by dates, best-before dates and rotation

➢ A use-by date identifies the date after which the purchased food is no longer
considered edible due to health and safety constraints
➢ The best before date refers to the date which the produce remains completely
saleable and will retain any qualities which it is marketed to possess.
➢ Rotation labels are colour coded for each day of the week so at a glance, they
are easy to interpret. They are a way of identifying when produce was prepared
and help maintain an efficient FIFO system and minimise food wastage.

3. What steps would you take with regards to stock rotation to minimise

Orders made for kitchen stocks must be done with consideration of when the
ingredients will be used and how long they can be safely stored for.

Activity 1D
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to check perishable supplies for spoilage or

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contamination prior to preparation

1. What is meant by the term ‘perishable supplies’?

Perishable supplies are those that are likely to become unsafe to consume if not
stored correctly as bacteria can quickly grow. They have a limited shelf-life and
must be refrigerated or frozen to slow down or eliminate this bacteria growth.
They are food items that are likely to deteriorate, spoil or decay.

2. Give 5 examples of different things that may indicate supplies are spoiled or

➢ Foreign objects (e.g. a hair or a piece of glass)

➢ Dark spots or browning
➢ Bad odour
➢ Slime
➢ Softening or soggy

3. What should you do if you find supplies that are spoiled or contaminated?

Any supplies that do look spoiled or contaminated should not be used to make
your salads or appetisers; throw them away or use them elsewhere. For example,
slightly soft, bruised tomatoes would be no good for bruschetta or garnish, but
they’d be perfect in tonight’s tomato soup. Remember, no sub-standard
ingredients should make it into your food.

Activity 2A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to select type and size of equipment

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suitable to requirements
Create an equipment list of at least 5 items for each of the following categories:

 Basic equipment – those items that are used for the creation of nearly every
 Additional equipment – those pieces that aren’t used as often or may be for
specific techniques
 Disposables – equipment that may be required to create a dessert but
cannot be reused.

➢ A range of knives
➢ Tins and trays
➢ Peeler
➢ Colander
➢ Tongs
➢ Measuring jug
➢ Grater
➢ Chopping boards
➢ Pastry brush
➢ Rolling pin
➢ Scales
➢ Whisk
➢ Food mixer/processor.

➢ Piping nozzles
➢ Moulds
➢ Cutters
➢ Scrape shovel
➢ Wrappers and cases
➢ Garlic press
➢ Citrus juicer.

➢ Greaseproof paper
➢ Parchment paper
➢ Cling film
➢ Plastic piping bags
➢ Gloves
➢ Foil trays
➢ Skewers.

Activity 2B
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of

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equipment before use

1. List at least 5 precautions that should be taken when using electrical kitchen

➢ Take care when handling blades and moving parts

➢ Electrical equipment should never be assembled when plugged in
➢ Cords should be routinely checked for fraying and loose parts
➢ If equipment is faulty, ensure it is clearly labelled so and inform a superior
member of staff
➢ Turn off any equipment when being assembled/ not in use
➢ Do not use extension cables to plug in cooking appliances
➢ Make sure equipment is on a level surface and secure
➢ Never use any equipment until you have been trained in its safe use.

2. According to section 3.2.3 of the Food standards code, what factors make
equipment easier to clean?

➢ Smooth surfaces which have curved edges and no open seams

➢ No embossing or coarse surfaces where dirt and is easily built up
➢ Nozzles and taps that can be taken apart with ease
➢ Dismantling procedures for cleaning that require no specialist tools or excessive
➢ Easy to reach and remove duct panels
➢ Grease filters that can be detached (for example in extraction hoods)
➢ Adequate space between the wall and mounting shelves to prevent food
becoming trapped
➢ Detachable safety shields
➢ Wheels or casters fixed to equipment so it can be moved easily to enable
effective cleaning and sanitation around all sides as well as the surfaces behind
and underneath
➢ Wires, pipes and hosing that can be disconnected (or long enough so that
equipment can be moved) to enable cleaning and sanitising.

Activity 2C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use equipment safely and hygienically

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according to manufacturer instructions

1. Outline the process for the safe washing of knives.

To wash knives safely:

➢ Refrain from putting knives into a sink of soapy water as your risk cutting
yourself trying to locate and pick them up from the bottom of the sink
➢ Always hold the knife with the blade pointing away from you
➢ Use a dishcloth to wipe the blade from handle to the tip. This ensures you do
not come into contact with the sharpened end
➢ Hold the handle firmly and rinse the knife thoroughly under very hot running
water. Take care not to scald yourself
➢ Wipe the knife dry, again from handle to tip
➢ Put the knife away – leaving it on a surface could be dangerous.

2. What precautions should you take when removing items from machinery?

➢ Turn off the machine and unplug it

➢ Avoid putting your hands into machinery
➢ Use tamps or pushers to remove food stuck in machinery.

3. What steps can be taken to prevent electrocution and electrical fires?

➢ Ensuring appliance vents are not covered

➢ Leaving space behind refrigerators to allow air to circulate
➢ Not winding cords around appliances
➢ Routinely defrosting the fridges/freezers
➢ Never plugging in appliances with wet hands.

Activity 3A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to sort and assemble ingredients according

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to food production sequencing

1. Provide an overview of the ‘mise en place’ method of preparation.

Mise en place is a French term which literally translates to ‘put in place’. Chefs
have used this philosophy for a long time within cooking and adopting the
technique can result in perfect dishes.

Fundamentally, the mise en place technique requires a chef to gather every item
needed to complete a recipe and prepare it all accordingly. This means that a cook
will need to read a recipe fully and thoroughly, not only to ensure they have the
right ingredients but that they also have the right amount and it is all prepared in
the correct way. Failure to read a recipe properly is one of the main reasons for
dishes going awry, but when utilising mise en place, all the ingredients are already
weighed and prepared (cut, sliced, crushed, etc.) so the entirety of your focus can
go into the cooking of the dish and paying close attention to timings.

The mise en place technique of assembly does not just refer to ingredients but also
to equipment. You will have little luck making prawn cocktail without lettuce.
Similarly, batter will be lumpy if you haven’t got a sieve for the flour.

2. Locate a recipe and from it, identify all the steps you would take to ensure
the ‘mise en place’ stage of food production was complete.

 2  pounds  pig face (snouts, ears,
and jowls)
 1  cup  vinegar
 1/4  cup  soy sauce
 1  head  garlic, peeled and crushed
 1  teaspoon  whole peppercorns
 2  bay leaves
 1  tablespoon  salt
 water
 1  large onion, peeled and diced
 6  Thai chili peppers, stemmed and
 1/2  cup  calamansi juice
 1  tablespoon  Liquid seasoning (I
used Maggi)
 1/2  cup  liver spread
 pepper to taste

PROCEDURE  In a large pot, combine pig face,

vinegar, soy sauce, garlic,
peppercorns, bay leaves, about 1
tablespoon salt,   and enough
water to completely cover pork. 
 Bring to a boil, skimming scum
that floats on top. Lower heat,
cover, and simmer for about 50
minutes to 1 hour or until meat is
tender. Remove from heat and
drain well, discarding liquid.

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 Over a hot grill, grill pork for

about 7 to 10 minutes on each
side or until crisp and slightly
charred. Or arrange in a single
layer on a baking sheet and broil
in a 450 F oven for about 4 to 5
minutes or until nicely charred. 
 Remove from heat, allow to cool
to touch, and chop meat.
 In a large bowl, combine chopped
meat, onions, chili peppers,
calamansi juice., and liquid
 And liver spread and gently stir to
combine.  Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
 To serve, transfer to sizzling hot

The pork is first boiled until tender

and then grilled on a hot grill or
quickly blanched in hot oil until lightly
crisp. The meat is then finely chopped
and tossed together with diced
onions, chili peppers, calamansi juice,
and seasonings


Activity 3B
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to weigh and measure ingredients and

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create portions according to recipe

1. List the types of measuring and weighing equipment that may be used in a
commercial kitchen.

➢ Scales
- electronic
- mechanical
➢ Measuring jugs
➢ Measuring spoons.

2. Locate a weighing scales and ensure you know how to use and read them

➢ Make sure that the scale is set to zero before you begin.
➢ Place the ingredient to be measured in the weighing bowl. Continue to do so
until the scales display the desired amount
➢ Remove the ingredient from the scale
➢ Wash and dry the weighing bowl or place a clean bowl on the scales
➢ Ensure the scales read zero
➢ Weigh the next ingredient and so on.

Activity 3C
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to clean and cut salad ingredients using

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basic culinary cuts according to quality standards

1. Explain how to clean fruits and vegetables thoroughly.

➢ Remove the produce from any packaging and ensure any stickers/labels are
removed from the surface
➢ Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using warm water and soap
➢ Ensure surfaces, cutting boards and any equipment being used is clean
➢ Remove any damaged or bruised areas from the produce or discard these
ingredients completely as any spoiled areas can allow germs to spread on the
➢ Rinse produce under cold running water
➢ Place a colander in the sink so that you can clean smaller items and those that
are delicate such as raspberries and peas
➢ Scrub any produce that has a thick skin such as potatoes, carrots or melon in
order to get rid of microbes. Do not scrub too hard or use a tool that is too rough
though as it may damage the skin
➢ Scrutinise the ingredients and check that there is no visible dirt or bugs left on
the produce
➢ Dry the fruits and/or vegetables with a clean, dry paper towel to remove any
bacteria that is still lingering on the produce.

2. Many different types of knife cuts were outlined in the chapter:

 Large dice
 Medium dice
 Paysanne
 Batonnet
 Small dice
 Julienne
 Brunoise
 Chiffonade
 Butterfly
 Oblique
 Rondelles.

Explain each type of knife cut thoroughly.

- Dicing is a cut in which produce is cut into blocks or ‘dice’. The dicing of
produce can be done to create a variety of different sized cubes hence
there being small, medium and large dice cuts. Using a dicing cut results
in uniform pieces of produce which is valuable for even cooking times,
ensuring flavour is distributed throughout a plate of food and creating
uniformity in the appearance of a dish. Brunoise is an especially small
variation of dicing which is created by cutting produce that has already
been cut using the julienne method.


- Batonnet is a culinary term which simply means to cut produce into
batons such as in when making chips out of a potato. Regardless of the
item being cut, the first step in using this culinary cut is always the same;
cut both ends off the produce (topping and tailing). The next step is to
square off the sides of the produce so that you are left with an almost
rectangular block. This is then cut into 1⁄4 inch pieces before these pieces

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are then cut further, resulting in 1⁄4 inch strips. Julienne is a culinary cut
whereby the produce is cut into long, thin strips and is basically a finer
version of a batonnet cut. Most commonly used in the preparation of
vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, cucumber and celery, it is a common
culinary cut used in the creation of stir fry dishes and other Asian cuisine.
The measurements for julienne cutting are approximately 3mm x 3mm x
30 to 50 mm.

- The paysanne culinary cut is one where vegetables are cut into slices with
a 1mm thickness and is a particularly useful cut for when there is a short
cooking time, but the flavour of the vegetable needs to be infused into the

- This culinary cut is used on herbs or leafy greens such as spinach and
cabbage to create long, thin strips. This is achieved by layering leaves on
top of one another before rolling them tightly and then slicing.

- The butterfly cut is most commonly used on meat which is frequently a
component in salads and appetisers. Butterflying meat can add a touch of
finesse to a finished dish but also benefits preparations in the kitchen by
reducing cooking times and ensuring meat is cooked through. Only two
pieces of equipment are required to successfully butterfly a cut of meat: a
cutting board and a sharp chef’s knife. Generally speaking, butterflying
requires you to cut the piece of meat in half horizontally, ensuring that
each side of the cut is even in thickness.

- Also known as rounds, this culinary cut simply requires fruits and
vegetables to be cut down their length, creating round discs if the produce
is cut straight, or oval pieces if cut at an angle. Cucumber is often cut this
way as are other vegetables when creating such things as soups.

- This culinary cut is done by rolling vegetables as they are cut. This creates
chunks of produce which are unusual due to their angled nature which
exposes more of the inside of the ingredient.

Activity 3D
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to minimise waste to maximise profitability
of food items prepared

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List at least 6 steps that can be taken, both in the kitchen and from menu
decisions to minimise waste and maximise profit in the workplace.

➢ Analyse the food that is left on plates from consumers

➢ Consider making portions smaller or offering the same dish in different sizes
including children’s portions
➢ If a dish is not selling as well as anticipated, create a specials dish that uses the
some of the same ingredients so that they are not wasted
➢ Consider offering customers the option to take food home.

Activity 4A
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to select and use relevant cookery methods
for salads and appetisers

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Outline the cookery methods may you need to use to make the following

 Tuna Nicoise salad

 Patatas bravas
 Pear and goat’s cheese blini.

Activity 4B
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to prepare sauces and dressings according

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to recipe
1. List all the ingredients for a classic Caesar dressing.

➢ Anchovy fillets
➢ Garlic
➢ Egg yolks
➢ Lemon juice
➢ Mustard
➢ Worcestershire sauce
➢ Olive oil
➢ Parmesan cheese
➢ Salt and pepper.

2. Write a method for making a simple gravy.

➢ Melt butter in a pan over a medium heat, taking care not to burn it
➢ Add flour to the pan and stir continuously for two minutes. The mixture should
turn golden brown
➢ Add meat juices and seasoning to taste
➢ Stir for a further three minutes until a thickened sauce is created.

Activity 4C
Estimated Time 40 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to follow standard recipes and make food

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quality adjustments within scope of responsibility

1. Define quality food adjustments

Food adjustment is really all about ensuring the dish is of the highest quality, that
it is interesting, flavoursome and appealing to diners. Adjustments should always
be made in line with organisational policy and your own responsibilities. You may
need to consider time constraints, costs and food safety when making
adjustments to any dish.

2. List the types of adjustments that may be made to food.

➢ Taste

➢ Temperature

➢ Texture.

3. Using cookery books, internet searches or another method, find and write
down a recipe appropriate for each of the following categories:

 Canape



3 hard boiled eggs, peeled

3 slices whole wheat or white toast
¼ cup  ( 60  mL  )low-fat mayonnaise
½  tsp  ( 2.5  mL  )Dijon mustard
1  tsp  ( 5  mL  )chopped fresh herbs
INGREDIENTS (such as dill, chives or tarragon) plus
additional for garnish
Dash hot sauce
Pinch freshly ground pepper
2 slices cooked bacon, cut into bite-
sized pieces

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Using egg slicer or sharp knife, slice

hard boiled eggs, crosswise into ¼
inch (1 cm) slices.

2. Using 2 inch (5 cm) circle cookie or

biscuit cutter, cut rounds out of toast
to make 12 circles.

3. In small bowl, combine mayonnaise

with Dijon mustard, herbs, hot sauce
and pepper.

4. To assemble: Top toast with 1 egg

slice, ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) dollop of
mayonnaise, a piece of bacon and

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garnish with fresh herbs.

 Tapas

1 tablespoon, plus 1/4 cup Spanish

olive oil

1 pound chorizo, sliced on the

diagonal into 1/2-inch slices

1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onion

1 tablespoon minced garlic

1/2 cup dry (fino) sherry

1 tablespoon Spanish paprika

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground black


1 1/2 pounds peeled and deveined

raw medium shrimp

3 tablespoons lemon juice

INSTRUCTIONS In a large skillet or cazuela, heat 1

tablespoon of the olive oil and saute
the sliced chorizo until it begins to
brown around the edges, 7 to 8
minutes. Add the onion and cook,
stirring occasionally, until they are
caramelized around the edges and
softened somewhat, 4 to 6 minutes.
Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for 1
minute. Add 1/4 cup of the sherry and
cook for 1 minute. Add the shrimp,
paprika, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2
teaspoon black pepper, and cook,
stirring occasionally, until pink and
cooked through, about 4 to 5 minutes.
Add the remaining 1/4 cup of sherry
and 1/4 cup olive oil, lemon juice,
parsley and remainder of the salt and
pepper; stir to combine and remove
from the heat. Serve immediately, on
small plates with any accumulated

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cooking juices spooned over the top.

Pass the bread at the table.

 Classic salad

1/2 pound baguette, cut into 1-inch


1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-

virgin olive oil


1 large egg yolk

4 oil-packed anchovy fillets, drained

INGREDIENTS 2 garlic cloves, chopped

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 1/2 pounds romaine lettuce, torn

into bite-size pieces

1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-

Reggiano cheese (about 1 1/2 ounces)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 375°. On a

large rimmed baking sheet, toss
the bread cubes with 2
tablespoons of the olive oil;
spread in an even layer and
season lightly with salt. Bake the
baguette cubes for about 15
minutes, until golden brown and

2. Meanwhile, in a blender, combine

the egg yolk, anchovy fillets,
garlic, vinegar, lemon juice and
cayenne and puree. With the
machine on, slowly add the
remaining 1/2 cup of olive oil and
blend until incorporated. Season
with salt.

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3. In a large bowl, toss the romaine

with the croutons, dressing and
cheese, and serve.

 Warm salad


½ cup sour cream

3 tablespoon prepared horseradish

1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives

1 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

Kosher salt and freshly ground black


2 tablespoon olive oil, divided

1 1-lb. rib-eye, flank, or skirt steak

Kosher salt and freshly ground black


12 ounces fingerling potatoes, thinly


½ English hothouse cucumber, thinly


6 radishes, cut into thin wedges

2 cups greens (such as arugula or torn

Bibb lettuce leaves)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Whisk sour cream, horseradish,

chives, honey, and vinegar in a small
bowl; season with salt and pepper.

2. While steak rests, wipe out skillet

and heat remaining 1 Tbsp. oil over
medium-high heat. Add potatoes,

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season with salt, and cook, tossing

occasionally, until tender, 8–10

3. Slice steak and serve with

horseradish dressing, potatoes,
cucumber, radishes, greens, and
Pickled Red Onions.

 Fruit salad.



2 cans 30 oz. fruit cocktail

INGREDIENTS 1 can 7.6 oz. table cream

7 oz. 1/2 can condensed milk

12 pieces maraschino cherries

1. Open the fruit cocktail and drain

the syrup by pouring it on a colander.
Let the liquid drain totally (around 30

2. Arrange the drained fruit cocktail in

a mixing bowl. Add the table cream,
condensed milk, and maraschino

INSTRUCTIONS 3. Gently fold the mixture until all the

ingredients are well distributed. Cover
the mixing bowl with sling wrap then
refrigerate overnight.

4. Remove from the fridge and

transfer to a serving bowl.

5. Serve. Share and enjoy!

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Activity 5A
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to present dishes on appropriate service-

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1. Give at least 5 examples of service-ware you could use to present salads and
appetisers on.

➢ Plates
➢ Platters / trays
➢ Plastic containers
➢ Wooden boards
➢ Bowls
➢ Small, shaped ceramics
➢ Slates
➢ Shot glasses
➢ Shells

2. What service-ware might you use for the following occasions? Provide two
answers for each.

 Dinosaur-mad 8-year-old boy’s birthday party

 Charity ball
 Golden wedding anniversary.

Activity 5B
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to add dips, sauces and garnishes according
to standard recipes and regional variations

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1. Which artistic techniques can be employed to apply sauces to a plate?

Briefly, explain each one (no more than 25 words each).

➢ Lines – these can be parallel, intersecting or otherwise and can help to draw
the diner’s eye to a certain point of the dish
➢ Foams – these can be made using a hand blender and create an interesting
textural addition
➢ Drops – These can be placed around the outside of a dish uniformly or in a
completely random manner and in varying sizes
➢ Pools – the sauce can be poured onto the plate before the other components
are added
➢ Pulls – a small amount of sauce is poured onto the plate and then a spoon is
dragged through it
➢ Brushes – sauces can be ‘painted’ onto the dish using a brush.

2. List 5 examples of appropriate appetiser and salad garnishes.

➢ Lemon
➢ Sprig of fresh herbs
➢ Chives
➢ Basil leaf
➢ Edible flowers

Activity 5C
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to visually evaluate dish and adjust

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1. What must you consider when visually evaluating a dish?

When adjusting presentation, you must consider how easy it is going to be to take
to the customer and also how the customer is going to be able to eat it. For
example, salad being served on a wooden board isn’t really sensible; it may just
fall off.

2. What are the five elements of plating a dish?

➢ Plan – have an initial idea or sketch from which to work from. Take inspiration
from a range of sources
➢ Simplicity – ensure there is one main focus of the plate that resonates with
diners and refrain from cluttering the plate
➢ Balance – create a balance of colour, texture and shape but ensure
functionality of eating and the flavour of the food are the most important aspects
➢ Portions – Ensure the amount of food being served is appropriate to the nature
of the event and the size of the plate
➢ Highlight – make sure the main ingredient is the star of the plate but don’t
underestimate the importance of the support i.e. the garnishes and

3. Give three examples of questions you might ask yourself when visually
evaluating a dish.

➢ Does each dish look like the original plan?

➢ Are all the dishes uniform?
➢ Is each person being served the same portion?
➢ Is there a balance of colours, flavours and textures?
➢ Does the plate look simple enough?
➢ Is there still a main attraction of the dish?
➢ Would I be happy if I were served this?

Activity 5D
Estimated Time 25 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to store dishes in appropriate
environmental conditions

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1. What factors need to be considered when storing dishes?

➢ Atmosphere
➢ Humidity
➢ Light
➢ Packaging
➢ Temperature
➢ Use of containers
➢ Ventilation.

2. How can light affect food?

Exposure to light can affect how quickly food deteriorates. Both natural and
artificial light can accelerate food spoiling and this process is known as photo
degradation. Photo-degradation takes place when light is absorbed by the
produce and causes a chemical reaction. For solid produce, only the outer layer
will be affected by light and the rays cannot penetrate beyond the surface of the
food. Light can penetrate liquids more easily which is why a bottle of coloured
pop, for example, if left on a windowsill for an extended period of time will
gradually become clear.

3. What affects the rate of photo-degradation?

➢ The strength of light

➢ The type of light
➢ Duration of exposure
➢ Distance between the light
and produce
➢ Ambient temperature
➢ Oxygen content of food.

4. What type of packaging and containers may be used for storing dishes?

➢ Cling film
➢ Parchment/ greaseproof paper
➢ Airtight, sealable plastic bags/tubs
➢ Boxes/Sleeves.

Activity 5E
Estimated Time 30 Minutes

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Objective To provide you with an opportunity to clean work area, and dispose of or store
surplus and re-usable by-products according to organisational procedures,
environmental considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives
1. Identify the two stages of effective cleaning.

The first stage should be to use an adequate, safe cleaner to remove any visible
dirt, grease and grime from surfaces. Although surfaces that come into direct
contact with food during preparation and service are the priority, all work
surfaces (including floors and walls) should be submitted to cleaning in order to
maintain hygiene standards. Effective cleaning will combine detergent, water and
vigorous scrubbing using suitable equipment to remove surface filth and smells.

The second stage of the process is to then sanitise, using disinfectant on the same
surfaces in order to kill bacteria and prevent it from spreading. The first stage
must come before disinfectant as the second stage of cleaning will be redundant

2. Discuss the way in which waste should be disposed of.

➢ There should be bins with lids inside

➢ There should be larger bins outside the premises
➢ Waste should not be taken through eating areas
➢ Organic waste should be used for compost
➢ Recyclables should be separated from perishables.

3. Discuss the ways in which produce can be reused to maximise profits and
minimise the environmental impact.

Where possible, offcuts and scraps of food should be used within the company to
maximise profit and minimise waste. Reusing produce also reduces the
environmental impact your company has, as if less waste is going to landfill, fewer
greenhouse gases are being created and emitted in to the Earth’s atmosphere.

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The major assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and
performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after
finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your

Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:

 Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills

 Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge


 Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.

Section A: Skills Activity

The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by
observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the circumstances).

It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide
further instructions to you, if necessary.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

The Knowledge Activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of
questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.

Section C: Performance Activity

The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a
simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency
and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is
required to observe you, you will need to make the required arrangements with them.

If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of
competency to this workbook.

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Section A: Skills Activity

Estimated Time: 180 mins
Objective: A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need
to be included in this activity as proof of completion.

Reading skills to:

 Locate information in food preparation lists and standard recipes to
determine food preparation requirements
 Locate and read date codes and rotation labels on food products

Numeracy skills to:

 Calculate the number of portions
 Determine cooking times and temperatures

Planning and organising skills to:

 Efficiently sequence stages of food preparation and production

Self-management skills to:

 Manage own speed, timing and productivity

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

All activity answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the
learner should be able to demonstrate their competency in the unit requirements.

1. Within your workplace or practical classes, find an appetiser recipe or food preparation list.
Using the recipe or list, locate necessary ingredients within the kitchen stores and list the date
code and any rotation label information for each.


400g kipfler potatoes, halved lengthways
olive oil cooking spray
3 hard-boiled eggs
175g baby beans, trimmed
3 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1 Lebanese cucumber, thinly sliced
1/2 cup pitted black olives
425g can tuna in brine, drained, flaked
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lemon, juiced

Use by dates :
Can tuna : 8/02/2020
Black olives : 19/11/2021

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2. For one recipe where a cooked/heated element is required, locate the relevant recipe and
calculate ingredients needed to cater for 12 people. Locate the correct cooking temperatures in
the recipe and set the necessary equipment to that temperature.


260g caster sugar
2 eggs, plus 2 extra egg yolks
350ml vanilla-flavoured soy milk


• Preheat the oven to 160°C.

• Place 1 cup (220g) sugar and 1/2 cup water in a pan over low heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Brush
down sides of pan with a damp pastry brush to prevent crystals forming. Increase heat, boil for 5
minutes until a golden caramel forms.

• Pour into four 150ml dariole moulds.

• Lightly whisk the eggs, extra yolks and remaining sugar. Whisk in milk, then strain mixture into the
moulds. Place moulds in a roasting pan, add boiling water until halfway up the sides of the moulds.
Bake for 25 minutes or until just set. Remove, cool, then chill overnight.

• Invert each mould onto a plate to serve.

3. For one standard recipe used within your work or classes, efficiently sequence the stages of food
preparation and production and show that you can manage your own speed, timing and
productivity so that 12 uniform dishes are completed and presented within a time frame given
to you by your assessor.

You should also write down below: what was done, how it was done, the time it was completed
in, what details should be looked after and the overall outcome of the tasks.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Estimated Time: 180 mins
Objective: Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required
knowledge for this unit.

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The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your
knowledge of:

 Culinary terms and trade names for ingredients commonly used in the
production of different appetisers and salads

 Contents of stock date codes and rotation labels and their implication for
food quality standards

 Characteristics of different appetisers and salads:

o appearance and presentation
o classical and contemporary variations
o freshness and other quality indicators
o nutritional value
o service style
o taste
o texture

 Quality indicators for appetisers and salads

 Cookery methods for appetisers and salads

 Dressings, sauces and garnishes for salads

 Mise en place requirements for appetisers and salads

 Appropriate environmental conditions for storing appetiser and salad

products to:
o ensure food safety
o optimise shelf life

 Safe operational practices using essential functions and features of

equipment used to produce appetisers and salads

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements
for each one.

1. Using information from the learner guide, create an alphabetised glossary of terms related to
the creation of salads and appetisers. It should have at least 15 entries.

o Antipasto
o Baba Ganoush
o Balsamic
o Blanching
o Caesar
o Canape
o Cold Salad
o Dressing
o Gravy

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o Hors d’oeuvre
o Nicoise
o Ranch
o Tapas
o Tzatziki
o Warm salad
o Homus

2. Explain the difference between use-by dates, best before dates and rotation labels.

➢ A use-by date identifies the date after which the purchased food is no longer considered edible due
to health and safety constraints
➢ The best before date refers to the date which the produce remains completely saleable and will
retain any qualities which it is marketed to possess.
➢ Rotation labels are colour coded for each day of the week so at a glance, they are easy to interpret.
They are a way of identifying when produce was prepared and help maintain an efficient FIFO system
and minimise food wastage.

3. Create a presentation about Russian salad that must include information about the following:

 Appearance and presentation

 Classical and contemporary variations
 Freshness and other quality indicators
 Nutritional value
 Service style
 Taste
 Texture.

4. List 4 factors that may indicate a high-quality salad or appetiser.

o appearance and presentation

o classical and contemporary variations
o freshness and other quality indicators
o nutritional value
o service style
o taste
o texture

5. List 4 cookery methods that can be used in the preparation of salads and appetisers and outline

o Baking involves applying dry heat to food for a continued period of time. Often this is done
in an oven and when producing appetisers, the baking process is often carried out on
batters or doughs in order to create bread, pies and pastries. The heat produced for baking
can come from gas, electricity, wood or coal. Most foods can be baked, but some may
require special consideration, e.g. being wrapped in foil to prevent loss of moisture. During
the baking process, there is a range of events that occur simultaneously, affecting the
combined ingredients and resulting in an obvious change to the food when the baking
process is finished.

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o Frying is the method of cooking food in oil or fat. Deep frying entails submerging the food
in oil heated at 180°C until it is cooked. Shallow frying differs as a smaller quantity of oil/
fat is used and the cooking takes place in a shallow pan or on a flat surface such as a
griddle. When shallow frying foods, they will need to be turned over in the pan as the oil
does not fully cover the item.

o Poaching is the method of gently cooking an item in a simmering liquid. When referring to
appetisers, this cooking method is most commonly used with meats. Poached fish is among
the most common and can be cooked using a range of alcohols, milk and juices.

o Roasting is a cookery method that uses dry heat to surround the food and cook it evenly.
Roasting requires a heat of at least 150°C which can be generated from an open flame, an
oven or another heat source. Roasting can yield food which is crispy and caramelised on
the outside whilst still being soft in the middle.

6. List 5 common sauces and dressings that can be used with salads and appetisers.

➢ Caesar
➢ Balsamic
➢ Ranch
➢ Gravy
➢ Béchamel

7. Choose one standard salad or appetiser recipe used within your workplace or classes and list all
the mise en place processes you would need to carry out. Explain how carrying out these
processes impacts upon the dish’s preparation.

 2  pounds  pig face (snouts, ears,
and jowls)
 1  cup  vinegar
 1/4  cup  soy sauce
 1  head  garlic, peeled and crushed
 1  teaspoon  whole peppercorns
 2  bay leaves
 1  tablespoon  salt
 water
 1  large onion, peeled and diced
 6  Thai chili peppers, stemmed and
 1/2  cup  calamansi juice
 1  tablespoon  Liquid seasoning (I
used Maggi)
 1/2  cup  liver spread
 pepper to taste

PROCEDURE  In a large pot, combine pig face,

vinegar, soy sauce, garlic,

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peppercorns, bay leaves, about 1

tablespoon salt,   and enough
water to completely cover pork. 
 Bring to a boil, skimming scum
that floats on top. Lower heat,
cover, and simmer for about 50
minutes to 1 hour or until meat is
tender. Remove from heat and
drain well, discarding liquid.
 Over a hot grill, grill pork for
about 7 to 10 minutes on each
side or until crisp and slightly
charred. Or arrange in a single
layer on a baking sheet and broil
in a 450 F oven for about 4 to 5
minutes or until nicely charred. 
 Remove from heat, allow to cool
to touch, and chop meat.
 In a large bowl, combine chopped
meat, onions, chili peppers,
calamansi juice., and liquid
 And liver spread and gently stir to
combine.  Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
 To serve, transfer to sizzling hot

8. What would the appropriate environmental conditions be for a smoked salmon and cream
cheese appetiser platter that was due to be served in an hour’s time in order to ensure the food
remained safe and to retain its quality and freshness?

The  appropriate conditions  for storing  smoked salmon  and  cream cheese  appetizer  platter should  be
airtight to prevent loss of flavor and spoilage; Into the fridge and cool-room.

9. For one piece of equipment used in sandwich preparation, explain the essential functions and
features. You may refer to the manufacturer’s manual if needed.

HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY. It may be plugged into any 120-volt AC electrical outlet (ordinary household
current). Do not use any other type of outlet. To avoid burns, caution should be taken when handling
the sandwich maker. The sides of the heating plates are exposed and may be hot. During the first few
minutes of initial use, you may notice smoke and a slight odour. This is normal and will quickly
disappear. HOW TO USE THE SANDWICH MAKER 1. Check to ensure that the heating plates are clean
and free from dust. If necessary, wipe with a damp cloth. 2. When using the sandwich maker for the
first time, brush the heating plates with oil, butter or margarine. 3.Close the lid. 4. Plug appliance into
a standard electrical outlet. Both the red power light and amber ready light will come on; unit will
immediately begin heating. 5. Allow the appliance to pre-heat for approximately 5 minutes while
preparing the sandwiches. The amber ready light will come on when unit has reached heating
temperature. 6. Open sandwich maker; place a slice of bread on the bottom plate with the buttered

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side down. (For golden-toasted sandwiches, butter the outside of the bread.) 7. Place filling onto the
bread. 8. Place the second slice of bread atop the filling with the buttered side up. Carefully close the
top of the sandwich maker. Do not force shut. Steam will be released between the plates. Caution
should be taken to prevent hands from coming in contact with the steam. 9. Secure the two halves of
the sandwich maker with the latch.10. Toasting time should take approximately 3-5 minutes. Exact
toasting time will be a matter of taste and will depend on type of bread and filling used. The amber
ready light turns on and off as the unit cycles to maintain ideal heating temperature; this prevents
overheating. Avoid opening the sandwich maker before toasting is completed, as this may cause the
sandwich to toast poorly.11. When the sandwiches are toasted to taste, remove the sandwich using a
plastic or wooden spatula. Do not use metal tongs or knives, as this may damage the non-stick coating.
12. Keep the lids closed to preserve the heat until ready for the next sandwich. 13. After use,
immediately unplug from the electrical outlet. 14. If sandwiches are not to be consumed immediately,
place the sandwiches on a paper napkin to absorb condensation. To keep hot, place on a rack in an
oven proof dish and warm in the oven at about 200°-250°F. Sandwiches will keep for about 20minutes
and then begin to dry out. RECIPES LEFTOVERS: Transform leftovers into toasted sandwiches. Here are
a few suggestions. Butter outside of bread. Place bread slice (buttered side down) onto the preheated
sandwich maker. Add filling, top with another slice of bread (buttered side up). Lower lid, clamp and
toast. Curried Chicken 1/4 cup finely chopped, cooked chicken 1/4teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon
mayonnaise 1/4 tablespoon chopped parsley Combine all ingredients to prepare filling. Fruit Surprise
1/4 cup leftover canned fruit 1-2 teaspoons sugar 1/4-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or mixed spice 1
tablespoon sour cream Combine all ingredients to prepare filling. Vegetable Medley 1/4 cup leftover
cooked vegetables Salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons grated American cheese 1/4 teaspoon
curry powder Combine all ingredients to prepare filling. Spaghetti or Baked Beans: Use 1/3 cup leftover
canned spaghetti or baked beans. Roast Beef: Spread inside of bread with cream cheese. Place one to
three pieces of roast beef on bottom slice, as desired. Spread roast beef with mustard or horseradish
sauce. Add top slice of bread and toast. PIZZA FILLINGS: Butter one side of a slice of bread. Spread the
unbuttered side with 1 teaspoon tomato paste or packaged pizza sauce. If desired, sprinkle with a little
oregano, basil, marjoram or thyme. Add any of the suggested fillings or improvise with your own ideas.
Note: Soften onions, green pepper and mushrooms in a little butter or margarine before using in a
filling. Mushroom 1-2 cocktail onions, finely chopped 1 slice American cheese 4 canned whole
mushrooms, sliced 1 green olive, sliced Neapolitan 1 tablespoon chopped anchovies 1 black olive,
sliced 1-2 slices mozzarella cheese 1 teaspoon parmesan cheese 2-3 canned mushrooms, sliced 2 rings
of green pepper, softened in butter Salami 2 slices salami 1 slice cheddar cheese 2-3rings onion,
softened in butter 1 green olive, sliced HEALTHY INSPIRATIONS Ingredients sufficient for 4 triangles,
using 4 slices of bread. Turkey Sandwich 2 asparagus spears 2 slices tomato 2 slices smoked turkey
Creamy Ricotta Sandwich 1/3 cup low-fat ricotta cheese 1 tablespoon raisins 1/2stalk celery, sliced
Cinnamon or pepper to taste Chicken Sandwich 2 mushrooms, sliced1/2 green pepper, sliced 2 oz.
cooked chicken breast, sliced and skin removed Crabmeat Sandwich 1/3 cup crabmeat 2 teaspoons
low-fat yogurt Chili powder to taste 2 slices tomato SWEET TREATS Caramelized Pineapple 2
tablespoons butter 2 slices pineapple, drained 2 tablespoons brown sugar 4 slices raisin bread Cream
butter and brown sugar. Spread mixture onto the inside of two slices of raisin bread. Cut pineapple
slices into half lengthwise. Place two pineapple slices onto each slice of bread; top with remaining
slices of bread. Apple Raisin Toast 4 slices raisin bread 2teaspoons sugar 1/3 cup stewed apples or
canned pie apples 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Place apples onto bread. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Chocolate Raisin Nut Bread 1/4 cup raisins 2tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts 1/2
teaspoon mixed spice Melted chocolate. Combine raisins, walnuts, honey and mixed spices. Place filling
onto bread and cook according to general instructions. Dip half of each toasted sandwich in melted
chocolate. Allow to set. USERMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS This appliance requires little maintenance.
It contains no user serviceable parts. Do not try to repair it yourself. Refer it to qualified personnel if
BEFORECLEANING. TO CLEAN: Do not use steel wool, scouring pads or abrasive cleaners, as this will
damage the finish. Inside cleaning: Wipe heating plates with absorbent paper toweling or a soft cloth.
Although the heating plates are coated with a non-stick coating, some filling may still adhere to the
sandwich maker. To remove, simply pour a little cooking oil onto the baked-on food; allow to stand for
5 to 10 minutes. This should soften the food and make it easy to remove with absorbent paper

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toweling or a soft cloth. If the preceding measure fails to remove the food residue, we suggest wiping
the heating plates with a slightly dampened cloth and a little non-abrasive detergent. Outside
cleaning: Wipe dry with a soft, dry cloth. The sandwich maker is designed for cord storage and can be
placed in a vertical position (handles pointed up) for neat and compact storage. TO STORE: Unplug unit
and allow to cool. Store in its box or in a clean, dry place. Never store it while it is hot or still plugged
in. Never wrap cord tightly around the appliance. Do not put any stress on cord where it enters unit, as
this could cause cord to fray and break.


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Section C: Performance Activity

Estimated Time: 180 mins
Objective: This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

 Follow standard recipes for dishes that demonstrate use of each of the
following ingredients:
o bread and bakery items
o condiments
o dairy products
o dressing ingredients
o dry goods
o eggs
o farinaceous products
o frozen goods
o fruit
o herbs and spices
o meat
o poultry
o seafood
o vegetables
 Follow standard recipes to prepare the following appetisers and salads:
o appetisers:
 antipasto
 canapés
 hors d’oeuvres
 tapas
o salads:
 classical
 modern
 cold
 warm
 fruit
 Use at least four of the following cookery methods and complete mise en
place activities when preparing the above dishes:
o baking
o boiling
o blanching
o frying
o grilling
o poaching
o roasting
o steaming
 Prepare the above dishes for at least six different customers:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o reflecting required quantities to be produced
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when
handling and storing different food types
o responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements

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Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

All activity answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the
learner should be able to demonstrate their competency in the unit requirements.

1. Choose 9 standard recipes to create dishes for at least 6 customers, that demonstrate use of
each of the following ingredients at least once:
 Bread and bakery items  Frozen goods
 Condiments  Fruit
 Dairy products  Herbs and spices
 Dressing ingredients  Meat
 Dry goods  Poultry
 Eggs  Seafood
 Farinaceous products  Vegetables.
The recipes chosen must be done so, ensuring that each of the following categories has an
appropriate dish created:
 Antipasto  Modern
 Canapés  Cold
 Hors d’oeuvres  Warm
 Tapas  Fruit.
 Classical

When preparing these dishes, show that you can complete all mise en place requirements for
each dish and that you can use at least four of the following cookery methods:
 Baking  Grilling
 Boiling  Poaching
 Blanching  Roasting
 Frying  Steaming .

These dishes must be prepared:

 Within commercial time constraints and deadlines
 Reflecting required quantities to be produced
 Following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and
storing different food types
 Responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

You should also write down below: what was done, how it was done, the time it was completed
in, what details should be looked after and the overall outcome of the tasks.

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads (Learner Workbook) Version 2.0

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SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads (Learner Workbook) Version 2.0

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