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常见 200 English 句子

How’ve you been? 最近怎么样?

I‘ve been okay. 我最近还行。

Sorry to bother you. 抱歉打捞你。

You got a minute? 你有时间吗?

What time do you get off? 你几点下班?

I just got a raise. 我刚涨工资了。

Are you okay? 你还好吗?

I’ll be fine. 我会没事的。

I got this. 我来(付钱)吧。

You got me wrong. 你误会我了。

I promise 。 我保证。

I swear. 我发誓。

Don’t rush me. 别吹我。

Don’t push me. 别逼我。

Get ready for bed. 准备睡觉。

I’m not ready for that. 我没准备好。

Did you sleep okay? 你睡的好吗?

Did you eat? 吃了吗?

I‘m not that hungry. 我没那么饿。

I gotta get to work. 我得工作了。

Let’s get dinner. 我们去吃晚饭 。

Do you want a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?

I didn’t mean it. 我不是有意的。

I didn’t expect that. 我没想到。

We’re going home. 我们要回家了。

You’re not going anywhere. 你哪也别想去。

Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?

Let me do something? 让我做点什么?

It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

It matters to me. 这对我很重要。

You’re scaring me. 你吓到我了。

Calm down. 冷静下来。

Let me tell you something. 我跟你说。

Here’s the thing. 事情是这样的。

I doubt it. 我对此表示怀疑。

I can see that. 看得出来。

Are you serious? 你认真的吗?

Are you insane? 你疯了吗?

Just in case. 以防万一。

Just a minute. 稍等。

Can’t complain. 还行吧(不能抱怨。)

Can’t believe it. 不敢相信。

Leave me along. 请别打扰我。

Give me a break. 让我休息一下。

Is that so? 是这样吗?

It’s not like that. 不是那样的。

How’s everything?一切都好吗?

Everything’s fine. 一切都好。

Listen to me. 听我说。

it’s a metaphor, daddy. 这是一个比喻,爸爸

can I talk to you? 我们可以聊天吗?

You’re gonna be sorry. 你会后悔的。

We’re out of time. 我们没时间了。

We’re running low on trash bags. 我们的垃圾代快用完了。

That’s not the point. 这不是重点。

That makes no sense. 这是没有意义的。说不通。

It’s over there. 就在那里。

It’s right here. 就在这里。

Come over here. 过来这里。

Come on in. 快进来。

does it work? 有用吗?

How does it work? 它是如何工作的?

Enjoy your food. 用餐愉快。

Enjoy yourself. 玩的开心。

I’ll text you. 我会给你发短信。

I’ll do better. 我会做得更好。

Who knows? 谁知道?

Who told you? 谁告诉你?

Sorry about that. 对不起。

It’s all good. 没事的。

I’m not surprised. 我不意外。

I’ll get it. 我去拿(接电话,开门)。

It’s a nice day. 今天天气很好。

It’s getting hot. 天气越来越热了。

Let’s get started. 让我们开始吧。

Let’s get this straight. 让我们直截了当。把话说明白。

I’m not kidding. 我不是在开玩笑。

That’s not fun. 这不好玩。

What a mess. 真是一团糟。

You look great. 您看起来好棒。

That’s too bad. 太可惜了。

That’s too much. 这太多了。

I don’t smoke. 我不抽烟。

I learned a lot. 我学到了很多。

I had a great time. 我玩得很开心。

We’ll talk later. 我们回头聊。

You’re a genius. 你是个天才。

You’re so smart. 你太聪明了。

What a coincidence. 多么巧合。

I’ll be right back. 我马上来。

Thanks anyway. 不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。

That’s all right. 没关系。

No worries. 不用担心。

No big deal. 没什么大不了的。

Long story short. 长话短说。

It’s my turn. 轮到我了。

I got your back. 我支持你。

Keep the change. 不用找钱了。

One more thing. 还有一件事。

One more time. 再来一次。

For sure. 当然。

Not really. 并不是。

Watch out. 小心。

Take your time. 慢慢来。

What do you want from me? 你要我怎么样?

Get away from me. 离我远点。

Stop fighting. 别打(吵)了。

Stop bugging me. 别再缠(烦)着我。

It’s a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。

It’s waste of money. 这是浪费钱。

I’m so excited. 我太激动了。

I’m starving. 我饿死了。

It’s not your fault. 这不是你的错。

It’s not my business. 不关我的事。

Make a wish. 许个愿。

Take care of yourself. 好好照顾自己。

I’m really touched. 我真的很感动。

I’m so grateful. 我很感激。

Pack your things. 收拾你的东西。

Get your tissues ready. 准备好你的纸巾。

It’s not exactly the same. 这不完全一样。

That’s not exactly true. 这并不完全正确。

Not gonna happen. 不会发生。

What just happened? 刚刚发生了什么?

Thanks for the advice. 感谢您的建议。

Thanks for your support. 谢谢你的支持。

Please forgive me. 请原谅我。

I won’t let you down. 我不会让你失望的。

It’s not that important. 这没那么重要。

Not that good. 没那么好。

Let’s find out. 我们来了解一下。

Let’s see. 我们看看。想想

It hurts so bad! 好痛啊!

It’s a little loud. 声音有点大。

Keep it up. 保持努力吧。

Keep it down. 小声点。

Here you go. 给你。

I appreciate it. 我很感激。

Cut it out. 别闹了。

Ignore it. 忽略它。

Lucky you. 你很幸运。

Good for you. 不错嘛。

This is probably for the best. 这可能是最好的。

Do you want me to stay? 你要我留下来吗?

What’re you up to tonight. 你今晚忙什么。

It’s been a long day. 这是漫长的一天。

It’s been a long time. 已经很久了。

I know exactly how you feel. 我完全知道你的感受。

What’re you gonna do? 你要怎么做?

You wanna halp? 你想帮忙吗?

I have no idea. 我不知道。

I can’t feel my legs. 我感觉不到我的腿。 我的腿麻了。

You got screwed. 你被耍了。

Wish me luck. 祝我好运。

Welcome back. 欢迎回来。

I hope so. 但愿如此。

I don’t think so . 我不这么认为。

What’s going on with you ? 你怎么了 ?

What’s your problem? 你什么问题?

What’s that supposed to mean ? 那是什么意思 ?

You know what I mean? 你知道我的意思?

No way. 不行。

Hands off. 手拿开。

Give me a chance. 给我个机会。

Give me some time. 给我点时间。

Are you done ? 你说完了吗?

May I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗?

We already talked about this. 我们已经讨论[聊]过这个。

I can feel it. 我能感觉到。

Let’s cut to the chase. 让我们直奔主题。

You didn’t knock. 你没有敲门。

Stop fake crying. 别装哭了。

I’m really pissed off . 我真的很生气。

I don’t have time for this. 我没有时间做这个。

I’m not gonna do that to myself. 我不会对自己那样做。

I can’t do this. 我不能这样做。

Are you out of your mind. 你是不是疯了。

This is insane. 疯了吧。

You can’t be serious , right? 你不可能是认真的,对吧?

That is ridiculous. 这太荒谬了。

Isn’t this kind of nice? 这样不是很好吗?

He’s just trying to be nice. 他只是想友好一点。

I mean it. 我是认真的。

It just really hurt my feelings. 真的伤害了我的感情。

What a relief it is. 真是松了一口气。

There’s nothing to be afraid of. 没有什么好害怕的。

You stay close to me. 跟紧我。

This is so creepy. 这太令人毛骨悚然了。

I won’t tell anyone. 我不会告诉任何人的。

so creepy. 好恐怖。

She’s telling the truth. 她说的是实话。

You’re so lame. 你真蹩脚。

It’s more complicated than that. 比这更复杂。

You got any advice for me ? 你有什么建议吗?

I got stuck at work. 我在工作走不开。

I’m gonna go change. 我要去换衣服。

Why are you so tan? 你怎么这么黑?

Wait a minute. 等一下。

Well, it’s not that bad. 好吧,这还不错。

We have a lot in common. 我们有很多共同之处。

Is there a problem? 有问题吗?

You have your pants on backwards. 你的裤子穿反了。

That’s my favorite thing about you. 这是我最喜欢你的一点。

Here’ s how it works. 这是它的工作原理。

Maybe you’re hiding something. 也许你在隐瞒什么。

I’m not lying. 我没说慌。

What did you just say? 你刚刚说什么?

You don’ t have to do this. 您不必这样做。

Give it a rest. 消停一下。歇息吧。

You’re way too nice. 你人太好了。

I just wanna make sure you’re okay. 我只是想确定你没事。

Are you still mad at me? 你还生我的气吗?

I accept your apology. 我接受你的道歉。

Look what I found. 看我找到了什么。

What took you so long? 怎么这么久?

I got a lot of stuff to do anyway. 反正我有很多事情要做。

You need to have a day off. 你需要休息一天。

Get used to it. 习惯它。

Get real. 现实一点。

You never know. 不好说。

It’s your call. 你说了算。

I’m a little relieved. 我算是放心了。

Is anyone hungry? 有人饿了吗?

You look familiar. 你看起来很面熟。

Don’t worry about it. 别担心。

Forget about it. 别想了、算了吧。

Don’t mess with me. 别惹我

Get out of my way. 别挡路。

Let me get you some coffee. 让我给你倒杯咖啡。

Drive me to the airport. 开车送我去机场。

Take it easy. 别着急、放松点。

Stay in touch. 保持联系。

Talk it easy. 放轻松点。

By accident. 偶然.

I was there by accident. 我碰巧在那里。

He saw the scene by accident. 他偶然看到了那一幕。

Just go away and leave me alone! 走开,别管我!

I won’t leave you alone. 我不会丢下你一个人呆着。

At one time. 曾经

We were engaged at one time. 我们曾经订过婚。

Run away 逃跑。 why did he run away? 他为什么要逃跑?

Don’t let him run away. 别让他跑了。

To cut a long story shout. 长话短说

He was fired. 他被解雇了。

She won and I lost. 她赢了,我输了。

Discuss with 讨论

I have something to discuss with you. 我有事要和你商量。

let me handle this. 让我来处理。

it's obvious. 很明显。

you're done it. 你完成了。

I'm leaving. 我走了。

up to you. 由你决定。

that was fantastic! 那太棒了!

I'm starved . 我饿了

I have allergies. 我有过敏症。

come with me. 跟我来。

it's impossible. 那是不可能

what's the date today? 今天几号?

Don't give up. 不要放弃。

good grief! 我的天哪!

what a surprise! 真意外!

It's a bad idea! 这是个坏主意!

no comment! 无可奉告!

either is fine. 哪一个都行。

take your time. 慢慢来。

we're all for it. 我们都赞成。

let's split it. 我们把它分了吧。

It seems all right. 好像没事。

For sure. 肯定的

please put it away. 请把它收起来。

I swear. 我发誓。

Don't leave it open. 不要让它开着。

please do it quickly. 请快点。

It's so boring. 太无聊了。

what's your wish? 你的愿望是什么?

Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?

how are you recently? 你最近怎么样?

count me in. 算我一个。

Do you want it? 你要吗?

School begins tomorrow. 学校明天开学。

Don’t be bothered! 别为此烦恼 !

please unlock the door. 请打开门。

it's merely a joke. 这只是个玩笑。

For what? 为了什么?

don't take chances. 不要冒险。

keep in touch. 保持联系。

how have you been? 这些日子过的怎么样?

let me out here. 让我在这下车。

I'm exhausted. 我累死了。

do as you want. 按你想的去做。

You’re my type. 你是我喜欢的类型。

So what? 那有怎样?

I adopted it . 我收养的.

I strongly trust it. 我非常相信它。

Anything new? 有什么新事吗?

just do it. 想做就做。

please help yourself. 请自便。

come along. 过来

let it hang. 让它挂那。

this is final. 这事我说了算。

bring it to me. 给我拿来。

Do something! 做点什么?

I'm about to leave. 我要离开了。

Who broke this? 这是谁打破的?

My pleasure! 我的荣幸!

are you exhausted? 你透支了吗?

How moving! 多么动人!

I did it 。 我成功了。

are you awake? 你醒了么?

right over there. 就在那儿。

you're looking sharp! 你看起来很精神!

since when? 从何时起?

I object! 我反对!

keep the change! 不用找零了。

hold on. 稍等。

It isn't my day. 今天做什么都不顺。

companions are welcome. 欢迎同行。

speak louder, please. 请大声点。

I believe so. 我想是吧。

we followed your instructions. 我们听从您的指示。

I respect you. 我尊重你。

You will be fine. 你会好起来的。

Music feeds our imagination 。音乐滋养我们的想象力 。

that's really scary ! 这真的很可怕!

green suits you. 绿色适合你。

How exciting! 多么激动人心!

please let us know. 请告诉我们。

Do you live alone? 你一个人住吗?

Stock prices dropped. 股票价格下跌。

Who told you that? 谁告诉你的?

I’d be glad to. 荣幸之至。

She did know. 她确实知道。

It’s getting there. 快到了。

they quarreled. 他们吵架了。

Do you work independently? 你独立工作吗?

Don't scare me! 别吓我!

It's really touching. 真的很感人。

How beautiful you are ! 你真漂亮。

It’s not bad. 还行。

give me a hand 。 帮帮我

get him! 抓住他!

the project is underway. 项目正在进行中。

choose the one. 选择一个。

your plan sounds great. 你的计划听起来不错。

Go right ahead. 一直往前走。

cut it out ! 省省吧!

I hurried home. 我急忙赶回家。

The fire went out. 火熄灭了。

clothes make the man. 人靠衣装。

The check, please. 我要买单。

read this passage. 读这段话。

It's my fault. 我的错。都怪我。

what's your trouble? 你哪不舒服?

It's worth a try. 这值得一试。

It’s all right. 没关系。

It is necessary. 有必要。

I seldom exercise. 我很少运动。

Help yourself . 请自便。

I am usually expressionless. 我通常面无表情。

That incident drew his interest. 那件事引起了他的兴趣。

I'm proud of you. 我以你为荣。

what an adorable baby! 多么可爱的宝宝啊!

Stay here with us. 和我们在一起吧。

I suppose so. 我想是这样。

I like loose-fitting clothes. 我喜欢宽松的衣服。

I'll check it out. 我会检查一下。

Can I leave now? 我现在可以离开吗?

By all means. 当然可以。

I envy you 。 我羡慕你

I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。

I feel depressed. 我感到很沮丧。

Do you mean it? 你是当真的吗?

How are things going? 情况如何?

As soon as possible. 尽快。

where were you? 你去哪里了?

My stomach hurts. 我的胃疼。

time is running out. 没时间了。

Do you snore? 你打鼾吗?

diarrhea. 腹泻。 Aborted 中止

I'll see to it. 我会留意的。

What a good deal! 真便宜。

I feel wonderful. 我觉得很棒。

who owns this villa? 谁拥有这座别墅?

what's going on? 发生了什么?

holy cow! 不会吧!

I raise cattle. 我养牛。

No pets allowed. 不准带宠物。 宠物不能入内。

I am flattered! 我感到受宠若惊!

I am nearsighted. 我近视。

what about this? 这样如何?

It's against the rules. 这是违反规则的。

if you say so. 你说是就是。

nobody came 。 没人来。

take this seat, please. 请坐这儿。

we are elected. 我们必选中了。Elect

Is that so? 是这样吗?

Let's try something. 我们试试吧。

Never mind. 不要紧! 没关系!

There's no hurry. 不着急。

we argued politics. 我们在争论政治。

How about this one? 这个如何?

How about playing tennis? 打网球怎么样?

it doesn't surprise me. 这并不让我感到惊讶。

Too bad. 太糟糕了。

I'm a stranger here. 我也是初来此地。

That's the way. 就是这样。

collapsed. 崩溃了。

I'll take these roses.这些玫瑰我要了。

keep it up. 继续好好干吧。

please make sure. 请确认。

It sure is. 确实是。

It doesn't matter. 没关系。

It's secret. 保密

He finally made money. 他终于赚钱了。

I am running late. 我要迟到了。

I'll follow your advice. 我会听从你的建议。

pull yourself together. 振作起来

Cheer up 开心点 cultures 文化

Cousin 表兄弟 表姐

Don't be so emotional. 别那样感情用事。情绪化。

He was stiff about it. 他对此很拘谨。

Everything is ready. 全部都准备好了。

waist-length hair 齐腰的头发

I suppose so. 我看可以。

That's beside the point. 这不是重点。

let's start right away 。 我们现在开始吧。

You startled me! 你吓死我了!

Definitely! 当然。

It's no bother. 没问题。

It won't work. 这行不通。

Who is absent? 谁没来?不在,缺席

Why did you quit? 你为什么辞职?

look about you. 看看你。

You should sleep. 你应该去睡觉了。

I think it's risky. 我认为这是有风险的。

I'm thrilled. 我太激动了。

please confirm. 请确认。

Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

I don't blame you. 我不怪你。

what happened to him? 他怎么了?

Drive slowly. 开慢点。

Heartbreaking 心碎

what does it mean? 这是什么意思?

terrific! 好极了, 了不起。

All of you are diligent. 你们都很勤奋。

It is hardly raining. 几乎没有下雨。

You are absolutely correct. 你说的一点都没错。

what a shame! 真可惜!

It's against the law. 这是违法的。

You're very eloquent. 你很有口才。

It suits me. 很适合我。

My family is close. 我的家人感情很好。

What do you recommend? 你如何推荐?

The car turned abruptly. 汽车突然转弯了!

What luck! 真倒霉!

My eyelids are single-folded. 我的是单眼皮。

We walked a lot. 我们走了很多路。

May you be happy! 祝你快乐!

How's everything? 一切还好吧?

Professional 专业的

You set me up! 你出卖了我!

I was deeply moved. 我深受感动。

She looks blue. 她满面忧伤。

How disappointed I was. 我多么失望。

The sky brightened. 天亮了。

Please don't mumble. 请不要窃窃私语。

what did you buy? 你买了什么?

Go ahead. 去吧

We wonder why. 我们想知道为什么。

Tell me about it. 跟我说说。

Abide with me. 与我同住。

It's almost over. 快结束了。

What made you think so? 你为什么这么想?

Here is my bicycle. 这是我的自行车。

I have cavities. 我有蛀牙

I'm seriously troubled. 我很困扰。

I'm so satisfied today. 我今天很满意。

Leave it there. 放到这儿吧。把它放在那里。

Don't fall for it! 不要上当!

It's pretty cold. 天气很冷。

It goes without saying. 不言而喻。

That's against the contract. 那是违反合同的。

when is the intermission? 中场休息时间是什么时候?

Please fix this. 请解决这个问题。

I'm starving! 我饿死了!

I'm worn out. 我累坏了。

Divorce 离婚

I'll take him. 我选他。 我带他去。

Don't exaggerate. 不要夸大其词。

He always talks big. 他总是说大话。

What is your weight? 你的体重是多少?

Our positions are different. 我们的立场不同。

It's about time. 是时候了。

Money soon goes. 钱很快就花完了。

I'll do anything. 我什么都能做。

You surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。

whatever you say. 随便你

so far, so good. 目前还不错。

what fun! 多么有趣!

No way 。 不可能。

what's the doctor say? 医生怎么说?

I'm really touched. 我真的很感动。

Enjoy your meal! 请慢用

what a pity! 太遗憾了!

shake before using. 使用前摇匀。

I don't mind. 我不介意。

Have you got any plans? 你有什么计划吗?

Let me go alone. 让我一个人去吧。

He is very impatient. 他很不耐烦。

Do me a favor? 帮我个忙?

sorrow filled my heart. 我满怀忧伤

Not at all。不客气。

what should I say? 我应该说什么?

You should apologize. 你应该道歉。

That won't happen. 不会那样的。

I was moved. 我很感动。

Bring it here. 把它带到这里。

That's impossible. 这不可能。

It's too strange. 太奇怪了。

I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。

Be more flexible. 在更加灵活些。

Don't let me down. 不要让我失望。

You should work hard. 你应该努力工作。

That goes without saying. 这不用说。

take care. 当心,保重

we accepted his offer. 我们接受了他的提议。

Fasten your seat belt. 系好安全带。

I can't wait. 我等不及了。

Don't tell me that. 不要告诉我。

It's better than nothing. 总比没有好。

whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔?

It's self-evident. 这是不言而喻的。

This bicycle needs oiling. 这辆自行车需要上油。

I'm for it. 我赞成。

That's all. 就这些。

Think about it. 考虑一下。

My eyelids are swollen. 我的眼皮肿了。

He is cranky. 他脾气暴躁。

Everybody agrees with you. 大家都同意你的看法。

Will this do? 这样可以吗?

Where can I park? 我可以在哪里停车?

Drink it down. 喝完吧。

Put it down. 放下它。

I agree entirely. 我完全同意。

No big deal. 没什么大不了的。

Time is up. 时间快到了。

Stick to it! 坚持下去!

All right. 好的。

it doesn't matter. 没关系 、 无所谓

I'm perfectly willing. 我完全愿意。

Please don't blame yourself. 请不要责怪自己。

Must he go? 他必须去吗?

It's a surprise. 这是个惊喜。

Hold the rope. 抓住绳子。

I wish I could 。 我也希望我能帮上忙。

I can't help crying. 我忍不住哭了。

Take off your coat. 脱下外套。

Please turn over. 请翻页。

Don't be nervous. 别神经质了。

I doubt it. 我对此表示怀疑。

What a coincidence! 真巧呀。

No one will know. 没有人会知道。

You're overworked . 你工作过度了。你太累了。

What's on your mind? 你有什么想法?

Save your strength! 省省力气吧!

count me in. 算我一份。

You're grown taller again. 你又长高了。

Afraid so. 恐怕是这样。

No one knows. 没人知道。

Are there any questions? 还有什么问题吗?

It's not worth it. 不值得。

what's the difference? 有什么区别呢?

you look very pale. 你看起来脸色苍白。

Don't brake suddenly. 不要突然刹车。

That reminds me. 那提醒我了。

No, not yet. 不,还没有。

control yourself. 克制一下。

Whose handbag is this? 这是谁的手提包?

Colds are prevalent this winter. 今年冬天感冒很普遍。

What's your opinion? 你有什么看法?

There's no doubt. 毫无疑问。

The incident upset him. 那件事让他心烦意乱。

I'll treat you. 我请你。

The sky clouded over. 天空乌云密布。

You're unique. 你是独一无二的。

That's why. 原来如此。

Here you go. 给你。

Not yet. 还没有。

How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?

This way please. 这边请。

What's your job? 你的工作是什么?

What's the temperature? 温度是多少?

Smoking is permitted. 允许吸烟。

Just wondering. 只是好奇而已。

How cute! 真可爱!

The smoke blew away. 烟雾飘散了。

This makes no sense. 这毫无道理。

He easily gets angry. 他很容易生气。

Lock the safe. 安全带绑好。

Bring me the key. 把钥匙给我。

I manage quality control. 我负责质量控制。

It isn't our mistake. 这不是我们的错。

I left it unlocked. 我没有锁。

I bought this yesterday. 这是我昨天买的。

It can't be! 不可能!

Don't you smoke? 你不抽烟吗?

Is anybody waiting on you? 有人招待你吗?

There comes a bus. 汽车来了。

I'm happy for you. 我为你感到高兴。

I lost my job. 我失业了。

This coat fits you. 这件外套适合你。

I am curious. 我好奇。

Please iron the shirt. 请熨烫衬衫。

See below. 见下文。

Why not? 为什么不呢?

The TV doesn't work. 电视坏了。

Did you see it? 你看见了吗?

Please hurry. 请快点。

Silence gives consent. 沉默表示同意。

Listen carefully. 仔细听。

What are these for? 这些是干什么用的?

I feel relieved. 我觉得松了一口气。

So do I. 我也一样。

Call me anytime. 随时给我打电话。

May I use this? 我可以用这个吗?

It rained heavily. 下着大雨。

When are you off? 你什么时候走?

Just follow your heart. 跟着感觉走。

I forgive you. 我原谅你了。

Germany borders on France. 德国与法国接壤。

It's like summer outside. 外面就像夏天一样。

Flowers attract bees. 花会吸引蜜蜂。

Don't blame yourself. 不要责怪自己。

Just so-so. 还可以。

I have heartburn. 我胃酸烧心。

What happened to you? 你怎么了?

Don't be so childish. 不要那么幼稚。

I've had coffee already. 我已经喝过咖啡了。

I hope so. 我希望如此。

I feel very sick. 我觉得很难受。

Cheer up! 打起精神来。

Stop criticizing me! 别批评我了!

Let me know. 请告诉我。

I'm afraid so. 恐怕是这样。

Do as you like. 随便你怎么做。

Get out. 出去。

Who is calling , please? 请问您是哪位?

The car broke down. 汽车出故障了。

Who are those guys? 那些人是谁?

This carpet feels nice. 这地毯手感不错。

Don't overdo it. 不要做过头了。

Fire burns. 火会燃烧。

Can't you do it? 你做不到吗?

My heart is pounding. 我的心在怦怦直跳。

My sympathized with him. 我很同情他。

I can't walk any farther. 我走不动了。

I think you're right. 我想你说的对。

too late. 太迟了。

That will do. 这样可以 。

How dare you. 你怎么敢。

The meeting dragged on。 这会议拖的很长。

I've reserved a double. 我预订了一份双人间。

Take it easy. 别紧张。

Outstanding performance. 出色的表现。

It's not worth mentioning. 这不值得一提。

They're a little tight. 有点紧。

I can only wait. 我只能等待。

I switched jobs. 我换了工作。

Got to run. 得走了。

You have sharp eyes. 你有一双锐利的眼睛。

Nobody can stop it. 没有人能阻止它。

That's terrific! 真了不起!

Stocks fell hard. 股市暴跌。

It is growing cool. 天气渐渐凉爽起来。

I'll be back soon. 我马上回来。

you are tough 你很坚强

I'll try my best. 尽力而为。

Once more, please. 请再一遍。

Sit tight. 静观其变

How about you? 你呢?

I feel refreshed. 我觉得神清气爽。

That's a layman's idea. 那是外行人的想法。

Our negotiations broke off. 我们的谈判破裂了。

Physically impossible. 这根本不可能。

I don't mean it. 我不是这个意思。我不是故意的。

How pretty you are! 你真漂亮!

Be my guest. 别客气。

Give me a break , please. 请挠了我吧。

You're absolutely wrong. 显然你是错的。

I work at home. 我在家工作。

Don't count on me. 不要指望我。

I know the feeling. 我知道这种感觉。

It really takes time. 这样太耽误时间了。

It doesn't work. 它不起作用。

She can't carry it. 她拿不动。

Pull the rope tight. 拉紧绳子。

You're most understanding. 你真能体谅人。

I feel energized. 我觉得精力充沛。

Jim may possibly come. 吉姆可能会来。

I‘m free. 我有空。

It's your move. 该你了。

Do you read regularly? 你有看书的习惯吗?

I lost my way. 我迷路了。

Class starts at eight. 八点开始上课。

I was wrong. 我错了。

Tom is absent. 汤姆没来。

Stop grumbling. 别抱怨了。

Fooling around again? 又在混日子。

I'm afraid not. 恐怕不是。

How is Jim. 吉蒙还好吗?

watch yourself 留点神。

No need to worry. 不用担心。

I'm against this decision. 我反对这个决定。

No kidding! 不开玩笑!

Who cares? 谁在乎?

I get nervous easily. 我很容易紧张。

Certainly not. 当然不是。

That's fine with me. 我觉的这样很好。

I got a raise。 我加薪了。

No choice. 我别无选择。

Don't stay around here. 别呆在这。

I couldn't be happier. 我太幸福了。

Drop by anytime. 随时过来。

All that for nothing. 所有努力都泡汤了。

what should I do? 我该怎么办?

it's unbearable. 这是无法忍受的。

take whichever you want. 随心所欲。 想要哪个就拿哪个。

The meeting lasted until 5. 会议一直持续到 5 点。

It's her field. 这是她的本行。

I've got a tan. 我晒黑了。

I detest rice. 我讨厌吃米饭。

I have to go. 我得走了。

My skin tans easily. 我很容易晒黑。

What would happen? 会发生什么?

long time no see. 好久不见。

There is no doubt. 毫无疑问。

Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间。

Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?

Bring me the kleenex. 把面巾纸给我。

I got sick. 我生病了。

I appreciate your concern. 感谢您的关心。

what's your major? 你学什么专业的?

That's a good approach. 这方法不错。

How will this be? 这个怎么样?

Where to? 你要去哪?

That's the snag. 这就是问题。

Get out of here! 滚

It's a lovely day. 今天天气很好。

That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。

Do I have to? 非做不可吗?

What was stolen? 什么被偷了?

Let's take a bus. 我们坐公共汽车吧。

What marvelous weather. 天气真的太棒了。

She's in trouble. 她遇到麻烦了。

Just hang in there. 撑下去。

Some were late. 有几个人晚了。

I don’t care. 我也不在乎。

That's all right. 别放在心上。

Why are you so angry? 你为什么这么生气?

How foolish! 多么愚蠢!

It's near here. 离这很近。

Am I too late? 我是不是太迟了?

Don't be so modest. 不要那么谦虚。

I enjoyed his company. 我和他在一起很快乐。

Please copy this. 请照抄这部分。

We won the battle. 我们赢得了战斗。

When did you go there? 你什么时候去的?

See you around. 后会有期。

What shall I do? 我该怎么办?

Do those insects sting? 那些昆虫会叮人吗?

Nothing happened. 什么也没有发生。

Was ken at home yesterday? 肯昨天在家吗?

What a disappointment! 多么令人失望!

Are seats available? 有座位吗?

Is it not black? 不是黑色吗?

leave me alone! 别打扰我!

Here is your bag. 这是你的包。

Come whenever you like. 你什么时候来都行。

She always seems cheerful. 她看起来总是很开朗。

My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了。

Are you regretful? 你后悔吗?。

Did you enjoy yourself? 你玩得开心吗?

After you. 在你之后。

I feel really down. 我很难过。

I have no idea. 我没有头绪。

I arms are fleshy. 我的胳膊肉多。

I made it myself. 我自己做的。

Perhaps he will come. 也许他会来。

How is everyone? 大家都还好吗?

The factory manufactures toys. 这家工厂生产玩具。

Read through the article. 通读这篇文章。

No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘一分收获。

I regret getting married. 我后悔结婚了。

Take off your shoes. 脱鞋。

Is it far? 很远吗?

Better later than never. 迟到总比没有好。

Beware of imitations. 谨防假冒。

Here's my telephone number. 这是我的电话号码。

Let me see. 让我看看。

It's getting late. 时候不早了。

Anything else? 还要(有)别的吗?

You work hard. 你工作真努力。

Could you tell? 你能说吗?

Please respond. 请回答。

Speak more slowly. 说慢一点。

Don't get me wrong. 你别误会。

The news proved to be true. 事实证明这个消息是真的。

At last, she solved the problem. 最后,她解决了这个问题。

I am beginning to understand. 我开始明白了。

It's a fact you can't deny. 这是你无法否认的事实。

The architect designed that building. 建筑师设计了那座建筑。

The idea formed in his mind. 这个想法在他脑海中形成。

He is very mean to me. 他对我很刻薄。

You don't have to hurry. 你不必着急。

You've got a great personality. 你很有个性。

You know where the problem lies. 你知道问题出在哪里。

How is your new job? 你的新工作怎么样?

Thank you for your patience. 感谢您的耐心等待。

You're in a bad mood. 你心情不好。

Would you keep this baggage please? 你能帮我保管这行李吗?

keep in touch with me. 和我保持联系。

This will keep bugs off. 这样可以赶走虫子。

Do you have any smaller sizes? 你有小一点的吗?

A fork fell off the table. 叉子从桌子上掉了下来。

The flowers were dying without water. 没有水,花朵就会枯死。

Jack is very friendly to me. 杰克对我很友好。

This computer often goes out of order. 这台电脑经常出故障。

The summer vacation ended all too soon. 暑假结束得太快了。

It was nothing less than a miracle. 这简直就是一个奇迹。

Never too much of anything. 任何东西都不要太多。

I don't know how for certain. 我不太清楚。

Choose the color you like the best. 选择你最喜欢的颜色。

That woman has wrongly accused me. 那个女人冤枉了我。

It gets boring after a while. 一段时间后会变得无聊。

I'm glad to hear it. 我很高兴听到它。

This is a picture I took last week. 这是我上周拍的一张照片。

It's out of the question. 这是不可能的。

How do you like that? 你觉得如何?

Don't let him in while I'm reading. 我看书的时候别让他进来。

How can we kill time? 我们怎样才能消磨时间?

May I have this book? 能给我这本书吗?

I'll make you two fried egg. 我给你做两个煎蛋。

A Mosquito just bit me. 一只蚊子咬了我。

Want to hear a joke? 想听笑话吗?

I have to go to sleep. 我要去睡觉了。

I'm very proud of you. 我为你感到自豪。

Please let me know when we get there. 当我们到达那里时请告诉我。

We do not have snow here. 我们这里不下雪。

This hat is too tight for me. 这顶帽子我戴太紧了。

The lid of this box won't lift. 这个盒子的盖子抬不起来。

Bear these rules in mind. 记住这些规则。

I feel the same way. 我深有同感。

Put it on the shelf. 把它放在架子上。

We made a date to meet soon. 我们约好很快见面。

This ice is going to crack. 这块冰会裂开了。

No one knows his address but Jim. 除了吉姆,没有人知道他的地址。

There were holes here and there. 到处都是洞。

Delight is the opposite of sorrow. 快乐与悲伤是相对的。

I don't mind if you smoke. 我不介意你抽烟。

I could've met you at the airport. 我本可以在机场见到你的。

My father came and opened the door. 我父亲来了,打开了门。

When did they go home? 他们什么时候回家的?

I'd like to go skiing. 我想去滑雪。

Well , let's start our work. 好吧,让我们开始我们的工作吧。

Tony has a nice voice. 托尼的声音很好听。

It bounced up and down. 它上下跳动。

Any student can solve this problem. 任何学生都可以解决这个问题。

Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?

We asked for the payment of his debt. 我们要求偿还他的债务。

We saw a mountain in the distance. 我们看到远处有一座山。

It's very kind of you. 你为人真好。

Here's a joke for you. 请你听个笑话。

Let's get off the bus here. 我们在这里下车吧。

I was waiting all alone. 我一个人在等。

This medicine should be taken every three hours. 这种药应该每三个小时服用一次。

Everything will be alright. 一切都会好的。

You shouldn't expect thing to be easy. 你不应该期望事情会很容易。

Tom lives near the school. 汤姆住在学校附近。

Have a go at it. 试一下吧。

I looked for it here and there. 我到处找它。

Sorry, the line is busy now. 抱歉,现在线路忙。

She leads a happy life. 她过着幸福的生活。

No matter what happens, I am prepared. 不管发生什么,我都准备好了。

That movie star has many fans. 那个电影明星有很多粉丝。

I have lost my pencil. 我的铅笔丢了。

The plan has broken down. 计划失败了。

Where do you think I met her? 你觉得我在哪里见过她?

It is time you went to school. 你该上学去了。

I want a lot more. 我想要更多。

I walked for an hour. 我走了一个小时。

You can do this with ease. 你可以很轻松的完成。

Do you have a pen? 你有笔吗?

It wasn't long before he come again. 没过多久,他又来了。

Not all of us can speak English. 不是所有人都会说英语。

I leave in an hour. 我一小时后离开。

It is more than certain. 再确定不过了。

Have you ever been to an exhibition. 你去过展览会吗?

Let's get together and talk it over. 让我们聚在一起商量一下。

There are strange rumors afloat. 流传一些奇怪的谣言。

Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?

Not being well, she stayed home. 她身体不舒服,就呆在家里。

Prices seem to be going down. 价格似乎正在下降。

You and I are the same age. 你和我同岁。

Say hello to your father for me. 替我向你父亲问好。

Did you get permission to park here? 你得到许可在这里停车吗?

There is a glass on the table. 桌子上有一个玻璃杯。

Fish abound in this river. 这条河里有很多鱼。

It'll take two hours to go there. 到那里需要两个小时。

This book is sold here. 这本书在这里有卖。

Jim cannot have told a lie. 吉姆不可能撒谎。

There were few children in the classroom. 教室里没有几个孩子。

Let's get off the subject. 让我们别谈这个话题。

At all events we have done our best. 无论如何,我们已尽力而为了。

What makes you think so? 是什么让你这么想的?

Should I fill it in now? 我现在应该填写吗?

I hit upon a good idea. 我想到了一个好主意。

I caught my finger in the door. 我的手指被门夹住了。

The holiday traffic crawled along the highway. 节假日高速公路交通很拥堵。

I'm used to it. 我习惯了。

Is there a vacant seat? 有空位吗?

This table is just as large as ours. 这张桌子和我们的一样大。

Let's get out of the car now. 我们现在下车吧。

The buses left one after another. 公共汽车依吃出发了。

Jim is loved by Amy. 吉姆被艾米爱着。

I can't take it anymore. 我再也受不了了。

I really need your suggestion. 我真的需要你的建议。

The curtains were taken down. 窗帘拉了下来。

He is on his way. 他正在路上。

Which airport do I leave from? 我从哪个机场出发?

There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有一些书。

In any case, I'll call you tomorrow. 不管怎样,我明天给你打电话。

Stay here and wait for him, please. 请留在这里等他。

May I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?

The meat is smooth and soft. 肉又滑又软。

I guarantee that this information is correct. 我保证这些信息是正确的。

How high can you jump? 你能跳多高?

Smoking has affected his lungs. 吸烟影响了他的肺部。

This expedition will be expensive. 这次探险将耗资巨大。

This tooth has to have a filling. 这颗牙必须补牙。

I can't believe it. 我不敢相信。

Don't make such careless mistakes. 不要犯这种粗心的错误。

You must go home at once. 你必须马上回家。

Tom sometimes rips off his customers. 汤姆有时会欺骗他的顾客。

Either you or your brother is wrong. 不是你,就是你的兄弟错了。

I almost got a perfect score. 我差一点得了满分。

The lake is the deepest in US. 这个湖是美国最深的湖。

Any child can do that. 任何孩子都可以做到。

I intended to become a teacher. 我想成为一名教师。

When did the accident take place? 事故发生在什么时候?

I take lessons in flower arrangement. 我上插花课。

We may as well go at once. 我们还是马上走吧。

what places does that tour visit? 这次旅行要去哪些地方?

The doctor called him back. 医生把他叫了回来。

What fruit do you want? 你要什么水果?

This child is teething now. 这孩子现在正长牙。

You didn't need to hurry. 你不需要着急。

Here, let me show you. 好的,我指给你看。

How's this week going so far? 这周过的怎么样?

This racket belongs to me. 这个球拍是我的。

What do you learn English for? 你学英语是为了什么?

Gasoline is sold by the liter. 汽油按升出售。

This book is very entertaining. 这本书非常有趣。

You make me feel good. 你让我感觉好极了。

She came late as usual. 她像往常一样迟到了。

It's not at all easy. 这一点也不容易。

I walked up the hill. 我向山上走去。

Can the news be true? 这消息是真的吗?

He was pleased with the toy. 他对这个玩具很满意。

what gate do I board at? 我在哪个登机口登机?

I really wonder about that. 我对那件事深感怀疑。

Please keep this money for me. 请为我保留这笔钱。

Be sure to telephone by Friday, OK? 一定要在星期五之前打电话,好吗?

I'm fed up with him. 我受够了他。

Our refrigerator is out of order. 我们的冰箱坏了。

I appreciate your coming all the way. 感谢你大老远过来。

I'm so glad you came. 我很高兴你来了。

I was astonished at the news. 我对这个消息感到惊讶。

are you sure of your answer? 你确定你的答案吗?

Mary said she would do her homework. 玛丽说她要做功课。

Mary called to her across to street. 玛丽在街对面喊她。

This problem is beyond me. 这个问题超出了我的范围(我不懂)。

When was this car washed? 这车什么时候洗的?

I'm calling to say goodbye. 我打电话来是向你告别的。

I am a football fan. 我是个足球迷。

Fill out this application form. 填写下此申请表。

This box is too bulky to carry. 这个箱子太笨重了,搬不动。

What prevented you from coming to the concert? 是什么事让你没来听音乐会?

Nobody has come up yet. 还没有人上来。

There was nothing in the box. 盒子里什么都没有。

I got a flat tire. 我的轮胎漏气了。

He'll be back in a minute. 他会马上回来。

I feel terrible about my mistake. 我为自己的错误感到抱歉。

Miss Green taught me English. 格林小姐教我英语。

Good movies broaden your horizons. 好电影开阔了你的视野。

You're full of smiles today. 你今天笑容满面。

That's not what I mean. 我不是那个意思。

Few people came to the lecture. 没有几个人来听讲座。

Mary has a social nature. 玛丽天生合群。

I will write to you soon. 我会尽快给你写信。

Meat is very expensive nowadays. 现在的肉很贵。

I'm not in the mood. 我心情不好。

The stadium was quite still. 体育场一片寂静。

Father ran to the bus stop. 父亲跑到公共汽车站。

It has become quite autumnal. 秋天到了。

If he has time, he will come. 如果他有时间,他会来的。

This music reminds me of that girl. 这音乐让我想起了那个女孩。

The scandal hurt the company's reputation. 丑闻损害了公司的声誉。

At that time , the whole world was hungry. 那个时候,全世界都饿了。

Why don't you come dancing with me? 你为什么不来和我一起跳舞?来和我一起跳舞吧!

We're not supposed to indulge pets. 我们不应该放纵宠物。

This house is my own. 这房子是我自己的。

This house is not in very good condition. 这房子的状况不是很好。

I've never been this happy. 我从来没有这么开心过。

Do you have any idea? 你有什么主意吗?你怎么想?

This egg has a bad smell. 这个鸡蛋有难闻的气味。

These goods are free of tax. 这些商品是免税的。

I visited Hawaii during summer vacation. 我在暑假期间去了夏威夷。

Thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。

Jim is engrossed in solving mathematical problems. 吉姆全神贯注于解决数学问题。

This room is for rent. 这个房间出租。

The coach's advice saved us. 教练的建议救了我们。

I am sure of his trusting you. 我确信他信任你。

I don't understand the theory at all. 我完全不明白这个理论。

Haven't you got a cheaper edition? 你没有更便宜的版本吗?

Whatever you say, he won't change his mind. 不管你说什么,他都不会改变主意。

I envy you good health. 羡慕你身体好。

How about having dinner together? 一起吃晚饭怎么样?

There is no man but loves his home. 没有人不爱家。

Our team competed with powerful rival. 我们的团队与强大的对手竞争。

It's time to go. 该走了。

I want to eat warm soup. 我想喝点热汤。

That box is bigger than this one. 那个盒子比这个大。

Let's sit down on that bench. 让我们坐在那张长凳上。

I work for a travel agency. 我在一家旅行社工作。

It's a very delicate question. 这是一个非常微妙的问题。

You've got it all wrong. 你全都错了。

I am uncomfortable in these new shoes. 我穿这双新鞋感到不舒服。

When will the law go into force? 这项法律何时生效?

That's exactly my own idea. 那正是我自己的想法。

After that, he went home. 在那之后,他回家了。

Do you ever smoke at meal times. 你有没有在吃饭的时候吸烟。

Got the hang of it? 掌握窍门了吗?

Don't go against your father. 不要与你父亲作对。

How is everything at home? 家里的一切都好吗?

Fruits tend to decay soon. 水果往往很快就会腐烂。

I cannot agree to your proposal. 我不能同意你的提议。

You two make a lovely couple. 你们真是天生的一对。

I had difficulty in having it repaired. 我很难修复它。

Has he done it before? 他以前做过吗?

No other dog is bigger than this. 没有其他狗比这更大。

We rid his house of mice. 我们把他家的老鼠赶走了。

I'll see you at six. 我六点见。

Your new hat is very becoming on you. 你的新帽子很适合你。

How stupid of me to do so! 我这样做是多么愚蠢!

How did you get to know Mary? 你是怎么认识玛丽的?

It's time you went to the barber's. 你该去理发了。

First, I should hear both sides. 首先,我应该听到双方的意见。

He is ill in bed. 他病倒在床上。

I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。

Can I have this orange? 我可以吃这个橙子吗?

Enter the room at once. 立即进入房间。

can you keep the noise down? 你能小声一点吗?

what's become of your cat? 你的猫怎么样了?

I guess that you can't do it. 我猜你做不到。

you're going the wrong way. 你走错路了。

No, please dial nine first. 不,请先拨九。

The fact was brought to light. 事实被曝光了。

It's up in the air. 尚未确定

That is a fine excuse. 那是一个好借口。

I'll take care of it. 我会处理的。

Mary was scornful of tom. 玛丽瞧不起汤姆。

I have faith in you. 我相信你。

It's a piece of cake. 小菜一蝶

I look up to him. 我尊重他。

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