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Saved 4th May 1989, I had a great desire to reach the lost souls of this world.
Donna was saved in 1982 & since my SALVATION we have served the Lord together & been
actively involved in outreach work.
How it all started!
• Due to various forms of evangelism, the increasing number of contacts we made &
all the correspondence involved, we set up a PO BOX called Time for Truth! in 1997.
• Since then we have had thousands of letters in response to TfT! ministry – it is
growing every month!
Who we are & what we stand for!
 We are BIBLE BELIEVING Christians – that means we NEVER ‘correct’ or change the
word of God – WE BELIEVE IT!
 We believe the Authorized Version Bible is the PERFECT & PRESERVED word of God!
(Psalm 12v6+7) The AV is WITHOUT error! It is OUR FINAL AUTHORITY on ALL
matters of FAITH & PRACTICE.
 Our stand is that ALL other modern Bible versions (PER-versions!) are inferior & have
errors in them – i.e. NIV, NKJV, GNB, RSV, NASV etc.
 We are committed to evangelism & produce Christian literature at cost price. We try
to encourage others to take an active part in their own church.
 Through our newsletter TfT! News, we deal with important issues that are at the
forefront of church life & also comment on things going on in this sin-sick world!
(Are YOU on our mailing list?)
 The name ‘Time for Truth!’ indicates the need for the hour! (Donna came up with
this appropriate name!)
What is our aim!
 Our number one priority is to worship the Lord Jesus Christ & have a close walk &
relationship with Him. We do this through prayer & the reading of His Holy word.
 To encourage all Christians to reach the lost souls of this world with the Gospel.
 To read, study, live & teach the word of God.
 To make Christians aware of the problems with modern Bibles!
 To turn the church back to the Authorized Version!
 To warn Christians of the deception that is creeping/filtering into the church!
 To equip Christians to combat error i.e. Calvinism, ‘signs & wonders,’ etc.
 To support Bible believing missionaries!
 To keep us all looking up for the Lord Jesus Christ’s return; which is imminent!

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