Vocabulary & Grammar Test Unit 6 Test A

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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 6 Test A

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with compound modifiers formed from the words below. You can
use some of the words more than once.
rose all long feel much hotly long seven
1 In the medieval romance, the Irish princess Iseult’s brief but _____________________ passion
for the Cornish knight Tristan leads to their tragic ends.
2 Lancelot is a _____________________ person at King Arthur’s court. Everybody thinks of him
as brave and heroic.
3 The burial site of King Arthur is a _____________________ subject. Some claim he lies in
Wales, others say he is in Cornwall, and both sides get angry and emotional about which claim
is true.
4 In courtly romances, knights see those they love through _____________________ glasses.
They are the embodiment of perfection.
5 We watched Finding Nemo on DVD last night:a light-hearted, uplifting,
_____________________ movie which everybody enjoyed.
6 There are few _____________________ relationships in medieval love poems. Everybody
seems to die young!
7 During a _____________________ campaign, from 1190 to 1197, the great Mongol leader
stormed across Asia.
8 What are the _____________________ objectives of the study? What do they expect to have
found out ten years from now?
9 When the great powers of Europe signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, following the end of
the First World War, they hoped to create _____________________ peace on the continent.
However, that peace was to come to an end only two decades later.
10 The national team’s victory in the World Cup Final is the _____________________ factor that
has raised spirits in the country. Everybody seems happy right now.

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Read comments 1–8 and choose the word a–d that best describes each comment.
1 ‘I can’t stop thinking of him. I dream about him every night.’
a infatuation b loyalty c narcissism d amity
2 ‘He’s my best buddy. We hang out and chat together.’
a compromise b amity c euphoria d devotion
3 ‘There’s no one I love as much as I love myself.’
a mania b amity c euphoria d narcissism
4 ‘Jim loves his wife so much that he has given up his job to look after her.’
a narcissism b devotion c amity d infatuation
5 ‘I feel like singing and dancing, and shouting I LOVE YOU from the rooftops.’
a euphoria b loyalty c amity d compromise
6 ‘The secret to our relationship is that I do what she likes doing and she does what I like.’
a infatuation b narcissism c compromise d mania
7 ‘I can trust Pete, and I know that he will never let me down.’
a compromise b loyalty c mania d infatuation
8 ‘She’s completely delusional – she thinks people she doesn’t even know are in love with her.’
a mania b devotion c amity d compromise

Mark: ___ / 8

3 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the words in italics with an expression using one of the
words below. Use up to six words.
nerves spot lean wedge house pockets beck finger
1 I am really fond of Kevin. He’s such a nice guy, and so friendly.
I ___________________________________________________________________ Kevin.
2 The Editor-in-Chief’s assistant is there to come and help whenever the Editor-in Chief needs her.
Because she’s so busy, she doesn’t have time to make her own coffee or attend her children’s
school concerts.
The Editor-in-Chief’s assistant __________________________________________________.
3 Tom and Louise really annoy each other. Tom bites his nails, which makes Louise mad, and
Louise is always moaning, which drives Tom crazy.
Tom and Louise ____________________________________________________________.
4 Paul and Diane are always together. They live next door, but Paul is always round at Diane’s
house, and if Paul goes anywhere, Diane always goes with him.
Paul and Diane _____________________________________________________________.
5 You know that you can rely on us. If times get hard, we’ll be there to give you all the support you
You know that you ___________________________________________________________.
6 I reckon Amy has got Sam in a situation where he will do anything for her. He is so infatuated
with her that he does anything she says.
I reckon Amy has got Sam _____________________________________________________.
7 Stella and Rob get on incredibly well. They have so much in common.
Stella and Rob get on _________________________________________________________.
8 The argument over the house made Jill and Ed feel that they couldn’t trust each other. Once
good friends, they stopped talking to each other.
The argument over the house ___________________________________________ Jill and Ed.

Mark: ___ / 8

4 Complete the text with the correct form of the words below.
drum pledge rally sack route trigger betray wage

In the first century AD, Roman legions conquered much of what is now England, and imposed their
rule of law on the Celtic tribes who lived there, forcing them to 1_______________ allegiance to the
emperor. Naturally, their strict and uncompromising rule 2_______________ revolts across the
country, the most famous of which was that of Boudica, queen of the Iceni tribe. Boudica believed
the Romans would support her right to be queen of her tribe after her husband’s death, but the
Romans refused to recognize her as leader. Feeling that they had 3_______________ her cause,
Boudica 4_______________ her troops and set off on a campaign of revenge and destruction,
_______________ up support from other tribes, such as the Trinovantes, and 6_______________
war against anyone who stood in her way. Her troops 7_______________ the cities of Colchester and
London, burning all the buildings, and killing as many as 80,000 Romans. In the end, though, the
Roman governor Suetonius was able to force Boudica to fight him in an open battle, and the Romans’
superior, better-trained soldiers 8_______________ the Celtic queen’s army. Boudica fled the
battlefield, and died soon after. Her name, however, lives on.

Mark: ___ / 8

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If the weather ______________________ (not get) any better in the next few days, we
______________________ (probably / drive) home.
2 Why didn’t you phone? If I ______________________ (know) you were coming, I
______________________ (cook) something special.
3 Who knows? If Jack ______________________ (not send) me that love poem all those years
ago, I ______________________ (not be) married to him now.
4 I’m not in love, and never have been, but, speaking hypothetically, how
______________________ (I / know) if I ______________________ (be) in love? Tell me that.
5 When it ______________________ (be) summer, I ______________________ (feel) much
happier than at other time of the year. At least, that’s how it’s always been until this summer.
6 That’s very kind. What on earth ______________________ (I / do) if you
______________________ (not be) so supportive of me?
7 Frankly, I ______________________ (sit) here telling you off if you ______________________
(not be) so stupid as to leave the front door open when you left home this morning.
8 If we ______________________ (give) more time, all the equipment
______________________ (put) away long before the principal walked in.

Mark: ___ / 8

6 Rewrite sentences 1–6 in two different ways so that they have a similar meaning.
1 If all the numbers aren’t aligned properly, the lock simply won’t open.
a Unless ___________________________________________________________________.
b ______________________________ provided that ________________________________.
2 We would have got lost if Mitchell hadn’t had a map.
a __________________________________ had it not been __________________________.
b Had _____________________________________________________________________.
3 If life seems hard, remember that I’ll always be there for you.
a No matter _________________________________________________________________.
b __________________________________ should_________________________________.
4 If I had missed that train to Blackpool, would we ever have met?
a Supposing _______________________________________________________________?
b ______________________________ whether or not ______________________________?
5 If it hadn’t been so long, I would have watched the film to the end.
a But for __________________________________________________________________.
b __________________________________ had __________________________________.
6 If you wanted to cancel your booking, we’d be happy to refund the full payment.
a Supposing _______________________________________________________________.
b Should __________________________________________________________________.
Mark: ___ / 12

7 Choose two of the phrases a–d that can be used to complete the sentences accurately.
1 ______ we cancel the performance, all tickets will be refunded.
a Should
b If
c Unless
d Were it not for
2 ______ Joanne Moore’s great performance in the lead role, few would be going to see the play.
a But for
b Provided there wasn’t
c Were it not for
d No matter
3 ______ download the film you want to see, what would you like to watch instead?
a No matter whether we can
b Supposing we can’t
c Should we not be able to
d Whether or not we can
4 ______ I had both the time and the money, I’d go and watch a play on Broadway.
a Even if
b If and when
c If only
d Supposing
5 ______ they reduce ticket prices, they won’t be able to fill the auditorium.
a Even if
b As if
c Only if
d Unless
6 I’ll pay for the tickets ______ my sister asks for the money.
a if not
b only if
c if only
d if and when

Mark: ___ / 6
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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