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Covid-19 started in China (Wuhan City) and is spreading quickly

worldwide, and countries are severely affected by this virus. It is a transmittable

disease. The World Health organization confirmed Covid-19 as an epidemic on

30th January 2020 and reported that social distancing is the solution to control

the spread of this virus. The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our

educational landscape, forcing schools to abruptly shift to online classes instead

of face-to-face classes. In the Philippines, millions of learners, teachers, as well

as the families of learners have been affected by the covid-19 crisis. As the world

continues to grapple with the effects of this infectious and deadly disease,

transitioning to distance learning is the most viable alternative so far. For learners

to continue education, the Department of Education (DepEd) and other

institutions have implemented online distance learning which features the teacher

as a facilitator, engaging learners’ active participation through the use of various

technologies accessed through the internet. However, literature shows that

learning presents challenges and problems to many students that may affect

their learning. The obstacles of online learning encourage researchers to conduct

this research. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the learner’s

perception on the implementation of online learning among grade 10 students in

Kasiglahan Village National High School.

Background of the study:

Face-to-face learning engagement of students and teachers within the

school has been closed down due to the covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has

covered the way for the implementation of online learning as an urgent response

to ensure the continuity of education. When they initiate online learning and

teaching, students and teachers can have a gap in using their computers.

Besides, there are technological challenges or operator failures that can delay

students and teachers. Technology makes it possible for humans to

communicate without geographical constraints, makes processes more efficient,

and supplements human brain intelligence and performance but there is a

population, as a whole, that considers a large number of negative qualities.

These potential effects are particularly vulnerable to young people such as

students. Given the present concerns, it is vital to gain a hint of understanding of

the online learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although

many studies have investigated this area, limited information is available

regarding the Learners perception on the implementation of online learning

determining the effectiveness of online learning. The Philippines accommodates

the new typical form of education at present, and continuous innovations of

educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving force for

its success. The students also reported some challenges that they faced during

their online classes. These include anxiety, depression, poor Internet service,

and an unfavorable home learning environment. Students also struggle with self-

studying the parent's lack of knowledge to academically guide their children. And

to look into the impact of academic performance. Thus, home-based learning and

the challenges of online learning norm disturbance to the regular school

surroundings that can cause social isolation, lack of communication skill

development, and inaccessibility to the computer illiterate. The solution purpose

of this research is to highlight the learners perception of the effectiveness of

online learning among Grade 10 students of Kasiglahan Village National High



Foreign Literature

According to Kukal and Wayak (2020). The increasing use of technology

in online learning benefits students, but the main concern is unstable internet

connections in remote areas, not providing comfort in learning.

Rost (2019) found out that online environments can generate a feeling of

anonymity for students which makes it easier for students to withdraw or

participate minimally or completely disappear from the course. These theories

showed that students in online learning suffered from anxieties that lead to a lack

of participation and affect their performance.

Adonis (2020) cited that teachers suspected that the decrease in class

size was related to a poor internet connection as millions of students struggled to

familiarize themselves with the new learning platforms prompted by the new

coronavirus pandemic. The Philippines’ slow internet connection posed a great

challenge among students especially those who are from remote places.

Amadora (2020) argued that the student's ability to regulate learning

becomes critical. Also, she pointed out that with the lack of interaction during

online classes, students tend to get distracted easily by smartphones, pets,

deliveries, and many others rather than the ongoing online class. Because face-

to-face interaction is absent, it is theorized that students will experience a lack of

interest in online classes.

Averia (2020) asserted that students in online learning often feel less

pressure to perform individually, and more pressure to collaborate and be part of

them. When this is not taken into consideration, the participation is generally low

and dialogue is absent. The theories pointed out that online learning puts

pressure on students to work more in groups and requires more participation and


Locale Literature:

According to Gonzales (2018). The expanded use of technology

encourages the alliance on technology for students rather than message other

people. This eliminates the need for close touch with others. In exchange, the

risk of social alienation rises. This lowers the likelihood of meeting and

communicating with people personally if a student spends a substantial amount

of time working with the machine on his own. In essence, this produces a recipe

to separate the student socially. Virtual preparation is one consequence of

technological developments.

Rodrigues, Almeida, Figueiredo, and Lopes (2019) characterize e-learning

as, “a creative electronic framework dependent on advanced developments and

different types of instructive materials whose essential objective is to give pupils

a customized, student-focused, open, pleasant, and cooperative learning climate

supporting and upgrading the learning measures”. Another view is that e-learning

is a problematic innovation that is currently changing how learning is possible in

an educational setting.

According to Alipio (2020). When E-learning is used instead of traditional

classroom learning, students and teachers face many challenges. As, they may

be into two groups, 1stlevel barriers, and 2ndlevel barriers. First-level barriers

include hardware, access, and specific help, while the second-level barriers

include teaching method, faith, or individual liking. Moreover, Baticulun (2020)

suggested two categorizations for e-learning boundaries: material and non-

material obstacles. Material obstacles indicate to lack of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT); however, non-material obstacles identify

with instructors' information and skills.

Clarion & Reyes (2020) categorize challenges during online classes, into

two clusters namely learning resource challenges (LRC) and learning

environment challenges (LEC). LRC refers to a set of challenges that students

face relating to their use of library resources and instructional materials, whereas

LEC is a set of challenges that students experience related to the condition of

their learning space that shapes their learning experiences, beliefs, and attitudes.

Since learning environment at home and the learning resources available to

students have been reported to significantly impact the quality of learning and

their achievement of learning outcomes.

Synthesis of the review:

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis

the COVID-19 pandemic which has made people shocked and upset. After

enrolling in distance learning courses, many learners fall behind and nurture the

idea of giving up, as difficulties in handling a technological medium seem

inaccessible students faced a lot of problems in online learning that is an affect

their performance and such as Technical Issues, Poor Time Management,

unmotivated, fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

According to Noreen and Hafeez (2016), online education applications

face many problems, including competency or computer expertise, access to a

variety of ICT resources, and technological availability. Installation troubles,

logging issues, sound and visual issues, and other challenges are all common

problems with online learning. Because of the lack of face-to-face connection,

students are typically uninterested in online learning. Students can't learn until

they put what they've learned into practice. Technical obstacles, a lack of a

network, and difficulties comprehending instructional objectives are perceived by

students to be significant barriers to web-based learning. As millions of pupils

struggled to familiarize themselves with the new learning platforms spurred by

the new coronavirus pandemic. According to Rost (2019), online environments

can provide students a sense of anonymity and can make it easier for them to

engage and simply disappear from the class. These theories showed that

students in online learning had anxiety, which resulted in a lack of involvement

and a negative impact on their performance. Adonis (2020) reported that

professors assumed the drop in class size was due to a bad internet connection.

Slow internet connections in the Philippines were a huge problem for students,

particularly those from rural areas. The ability of the learner to manage to learn,

according to Amadora (2020), becomes crucial. She also mentioned that

because online classes lack contact, students are easily distracted by

cellphones, dogs, deliveries, and a variety of other things other than the

continuing online lesson. Students may be less interested in online classes since

face-to-face interaction is not available.

These challenges have proved that students are experiencing these

problems in their online classes during the pa ndemic.


- Questionnaire
- Assessment on
- Analyze
profile of the Implementation of
respondents in Online Learning
- Evaluate
terms of: among Grade 10
Students at
- Interpret
- Age Kasiglahan
- Sex Village National
- Result
High School

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the

input consists of the following: Age, sex, and grade level.

On the other side, the process being used is through a questionnaire, and

then after that, we’re going to evaluate, analyze and interpret the answer of the

respondents until we get the result.

The output would be the Learner’s perception of the effectiveness of

Online Learning.

Statement of the problem:

This study aims to identify the learner’s perception of the effectiveness of

online learning among grade 10 students in Kasiglahan Village National High


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

2. What are the learner’s perceptions on the implementation of online learning

among grade 10 students in Kasiglahan Village National High School?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the learner’s perception and the

effectiveness of online learning among grade 10 students in Kasiglahan Village

National High School?


The following hypothesis has been formulated by the researcher in an

attempt to solve the research questions.

H0: There is no significant relationship between the learner’s perception and the

effectiveness of online learning among grade 10 students in Kasiglahan Village

National High School.

Scope and Limitation:

This study focuses on grade 10 students in Kasiglahan Village National

High School. The researchers have chosen the students in this level since they

are the individual who has great responsibilities and difficult school works when it

comes to online learning because they are preparing themselves for a higher

level of education, so most likely they are the one who is more having difficulties

and hard time adjusting to new normal education. This study will not cover other

problems that are not considered a factor that affects the effectiveness of online

learning. The main source of data was the survey questionnaire which was

prepared by the researcher.

Significance of the study:

The results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial

specifically to the following:

To the Department of Education and other educational institutions to

consider and review the appropriate curriculum to be used in this type of learning

system to achieve a more advantageous teaching-learning experience.

To students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders applying online

distance learning. Thus, it would help them make necessary adjustments and

measures to improve the implementation of the learning modality.

To the researchers. This study may be one of the bases for such a new

theory in learning that will arise and research that covers information involving

learner’s perception on the implementation of online learning.

Definition of terms:

Covid-19 - is a disease caused by a new strain of Coronavirus. 'CO' stands for

corona, 'VI' for the virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred

to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV'. (World Health Organization,


DepEd - The Department of Education (abbreviated as DepEd; Filipino:

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon) is the executive department of the Philippine

government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and

improving the quality of basic education. It has its headquarters at the DepEd

Complex on Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

Online learning - is education that takes place over the internet. It is often

referred to as "e-learning" among other terms. However, online learning is just

one type of "distance learning" - the umbrella term for any learning that takes

place across distance and not in a traditional classroom (Joshua Stern, Ph.D.).


Research Design:

The design method used for this research is descriptive. The descriptive

method is used in this study to accurately and systematically describe and

interpret the data that we collected and to gain a deeper understanding of our

participants. Moreover, this method allows a flexible approach, thus, when

important new issues and questions arise during the duration of the study, further

investigation may be conducted.

Research Locale:

This study would be conducted at Kasiglahan Village National High School

which is located at 1K2 Kasiglahan Village Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

(Region IV-A). This place was chosen to identify the Assessment on the

Implementation of Online Learning. The focus of this study is the students from

the Grade 10 level. Studying at KVNHS is fun, students will develop academic

and moral characteristics, and even though KVNHS is a public school, the quality

of its education can produce productive and competent individuals.

Respondents of the Study:

The respondents of this study are the grade 10 students who are currently

enrolled in online learning at Kasiglahan Village National High School. This

includes 100 respondents out of 280 total population. All of the participants will

be selected through random sampling.

Data Gathering Procedures:

To obtain the required data in this study the researchers will follow the

steps and criteria to obtain the expected data.

The researchers will seek permission from the principal of Kasiglahan

Village National High School. The first step was contacting and providing a

survey to identify respondents for this study. The survey will be conducted on

students in Grades 10 to identify the Assessment on the Implementation of

Online Learning among Grade 10 Students at Kasiglahan Village National High

School. The researchers collected the data using a survey questionnaire which

was divided into two parts. The first part comprises their age and sex. The

learner’s perception on the implementation of online learning will be identified

through the second part of the questionnaire that was given to them. After the

respondents have taken the survey, the Google forms were checked, tallied,

interpreted, and analyzed.

Research Instrument:

The main instrument we are going to use in gathering data is a

researcher-modified questionnaire based on our topic "Assessment on the

Implementation of Online Learning among Grade 10 at Kasiglahan Village

National High School S.Y 2021-2022". Since we are amid the pandemic, our

group decided to conduct it through Google Form. The questionnaire will be

made by google form to be able to conduct research even though it is hard to

manage everything because of the situation we are now facing.

Statistical Instrument:

The following statistical instrument was used to interpret the data gathered

from the respondents of the study.

1. Simple Percentage – The demographic profile variables of the respondents

were analyzed using the simple percentage with the following formula.


P = percentage

F = frequency of each category

N = total number of respondents

100 = constant multiplier

2. Weighted Mean – This statistical tool was used to compute the weight of the

responses in the questionnaire assigned by the respondents during the actual

data gathering procedure. The formula for the weighted mean is as follows:


WM = weighted mean

∑ = summation symbol

F = frequency for each option

W = assigned weight

N = total number of frequencies

The weighted mean is interpreted through the following rate:

Weighted Mean Verbal Description

4.21-5.00 Well-Implemented (WI)

3.41-4.20 Implemented (I)

2.61-3.40 Moderately Implemented


1.81-2.60 Poorly Implemented (PI)

1.00-1.80 Unimplemented (U)

3. Likert Scale – The following Likert Scale serves as the guide for interpreting

the data gathered.

Scale Weighted Means/Equivalent Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Well-Implemented (WI)

4 3.41-4.20 Implemented (I)

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Implemented (MI)

2 1.81-2.60 Poorly Implemented (PI)

1 1.00-1.80 Unimplemented (U)

4. Pearson r test – is an index of the relationship between two variables. The

independent variable is the learner’s perception in online learning represented by

x while the dependent variable is the implementation of online learning

represented by y. The formula is:


N = number of pairs of scores

∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑x2 = sum of squared x scores

∑y2 = sum of squared y scores


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