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Revised Delegation of Powers Annexure-A

sl. Particulars Revised DOP Remarks

1 Company Matters
I To Borrow Money To be exercised by the Board in terms of Section 179(3) (e) of
Companies Act,2013 read with first provision subiect to rules and
regulations framed by the Central Government in this regards from
time to time.
I lnvestment of company's funds and dealing with investments To be exercised by the Board in terms of Section 179(3) (e) of
Companies Act,2013 read with first provision subject to rules and
regulations framed by the Central Government in this regards from
time to time.
ii To grant loans or give guarantee or provide security in respect ot To be exercised by the Eoard in terms of Section 179(3) (e) of
loan. Companies Act,2013 read with first provision subject to rules and
regulations framed by the Central Government in this regards from
time to time.
2 Budget: -
i. Re-allocation of capital funds CMD, clL/Subsidiaries has full powers within the Budget approved by
the Board. Re-allocation of Budget from one group to another will be
limited to 15% from the source group/project '

ii. Revenue Budget CMD, ClL,/Subsidiaries has full powers within the Budget approved by
the Board. Re-appropriation from one head to another will be limited
to 15% from the source group and 25% of the target 8roup.

3 Capital Works : -
New projects included in the Budget CMD, CIL has power upto Rs. 100 crores

tl Capital expenditure in excess of sanctioned estimates of costs CMD, CIL has power upto 10% of the total cost or Rs. 50 crores
whichever is less.
t Capital expenditure in anticipation of inclusion in the budget CMD, CIL has power upto Rs. 5 crores in each case
Page 2

sl. Partiaulars Revised DoP nemarks

4 Purchase & Contracts:-
I Purchase Orders / Contracts Refe( Annexure I
4.a Expenditure in excess of sanctioned estimates r
i. Capital Expenditure in excess of sanctioned estimates / CMD, CIL/Subsidiaries has full powers upto 10% of total cost. Beyond
Deviation in estimates that, CIL/Subsidiaries Board has full powers.

Recommended by
ii Revenue Expenditure in excess of sanctioned estimates / CMD, CIL/Subsidiaries has full powers upto 10% of total cost. Beyond Audit Committee in
Deviation in estimates that, FDs Committee of CIL/Subsidiaries headed by CMD of 141st Meetihq held
CIL/Subsidiaries has full powers. on 77th Feb'20 dhd
oqqroved by CIL

4.b Foreclosure/termination and cancellation of Contracts including purchase orders :-
Boord in its 399th
Foreclosure/ termination and cancellation of Capital Contracts CIL/Subsidiaries Board has full powers Meeting held o.t
includinS purchase orders

Foreclosure/ termination and cancellation of Revenue Contracts FDs Committee of CIL/Subsidiaries headed by CMD of CIL/Subsidiaries
including purchase orders

Other Financial Matters: -

To open accounts with Eanks and draw money
has full powers

ln terms of specific Board resolution

Grant of loans to employees Full powers by the competent authority as per any scheme approved
by the Board.
6 Marketing&Sales:-
i. Sales of coal, rejects and other allied products Full powers as per price, policy and procedures laid down by Eoard

ii Sale of any acquired moveable property other than scrap Flill powers as per policy and procedure laid down by the Board

Ir. Scrap (any acquired unusable material having monetary value) Full powers as per policy and procedure laid down by the Board
Page 3

Revised DOP Remarks

st Particulars
7 Establi5hment Matters : -
t. To sanction all kinds of leave as per rules Full powers by the competent authority as approved
ii. Io accept fitness certificate to loin duty after leave on Full powers by the competent authority approved by
medical/sick Bround Chairman,ClL. r
iii. To approve tour programme Full powers by the competent authority approved by
To sanction continuous halt in excess of prescribed limit for Full powers by the competent authoritv as approved by
drawal of full DA. Chairman,ClL. t

To allow travel by RaiUAir in a class higher than entitled and by a Full powers by the competent authority as approved by
route other than the shortest or cheapest in the exigencies of Chairman,ClL.r

vi To waive producing of moneY receipt, ticket no. Etc., for TA/LTC Full powers by the competent authority as approved by

To waive time limit for submission of all types of personnel Full powers by the competent authority as approved by
claims upto a period ofthree years chairman,clL. *
v t. To accept cancellation charges on Rail/Air tickets in case of Full powers by the competent authority as approved bY Chairman,ClL
journeys on tour/LTC/tranSfer in the exigencies of work.

tx_ To sanction subsistence allowance Full powers by the competent authoritY as approved by
To incur expenses of contingent nature on meetings, Full powers bv th€ competent authority as per the extant policy
conferences, workshops, knowledge day/debriefing sessions,
5eminars, exhibitions, c€remonies, celebrations, functions,
sports & games etc.
To purchase general / technical / professional books Full powers by the competent authority as approved by
/periodicals/magazines/journais including soft copies & chairman,ClL.*
newspapers etc.
xii To depute anV employee of the Company to seminars, training Full powers by the competent authority as approved by
programmes etc Chairman,ClL.'

xiii To grant honorarium to employees supervising guesthouse, Full powers by the competent authority as per the extant policy
recreation clubs, welfare institutions etc.
sl. Pafti.ularc Revised DOP iemarks
8 Legal Matters: -
t, To appoint legal advisers of the Company as counsels and
professionali/ technical experts etc to represent the CompanV
before courts, Arbitrators/judicial, quasi judicial authorities etc.

ii Pleading, memo of appeals, vakalatnamas etc.. power to sign

and pay fee to lawyers and incur other expenses. issue notices,
make references before iribunal, Tax Authorities etc. including
execution of documents, to submit affidavits, evidence and
other papers and requirements in the interest of the Company. Policy is to be framed and approved by Chairman,Cll. Powers may be
sub-delegated to Clvt D/Directors and cM(Legal)

i Reimbursement of legal expenses incurred in cases arising out of

the official duties of the employees.
Approve engagement of advocates other than those on the
panel including their fee and terms and conditions in special
To appoint Arbitrators on behalf of the company in case of any
disputes with suppliers/contractors etc.
9 Personneland Welfare matters : -
i. Creation of Posts ln terms of specific Board resolution. Power to create posts vest with
the Board.
ii. Executives
a)To appoint

b) To transfer/sanction officiating allowance in conformity with Full powers by the competent authority as per policy.
company rules Policy framed is to be approved by CtL Board with the
c) Power of confirmin8 / promotion / award / transfer / recommendation of NRC
deputation on special or specific duties/accepting resignation,
PaSe 5

sl. Particulals Revised DOP Remarks

lI Non-executives
a) To select /appoint/promote/fix pay for non-
executive cadres of the division on the basis of recommendation
of Selection Committee/DPC as per Rules

b) Power of confirming/accepting resignation

c) To grant advance increment/honora riu m

Power of termination / compulsory retirement/ voluntary Policv framed is to be approved by Chairman,ClL

retirement / Demotion ,/ asking compulsory proceeding on
leaveflo suspend or take disciplinary action or award
punishment,/ termination of services in accordance with the
To authorize settlement of Labour disputes by conciliation in
respect of all employees in the WaEe Board scales of pay

10 Administration:-
i. To approve payment of charges on account of electricity, gas,
water, municipal rates and taxes of office establishment

t! To approve payment of postal charges / mobile charges/

landline charges/ lnternet & Broadband bills etc
iii Io purchase office furniture
Full powers by the competent authority as per policy. Policy framed is
To purchase electrical fittings and office equipments to be approved by CIL Board with the recommendation of Audit

To hire furniture and office equipment, land & building, P&M

vi To incur printing, binding and stationery expenses

To grant imprest

To incur expenses of contingent nature on production items Upto Rs. 5 Crores in each case with a ceiling of Rs.25 Crores in a year
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L aBed
Annex!re B , Page 8

OOP on Purchase & Contracts of CMDs of Subsidiaries

(Amount in Rs.Crores)

Revised DOP of
Existing OOP Revised DOP of CMD of
Partiaulars of Chairman Chairman, CIL subsidiaries

1. Open tender

o. Lowest tender *

i. Capital exp for goods 50 37 .5

ii. Capital exp for services$ 20 15

iii. Revenue exp for goods 25 1,8.75

iv. Revenue exp tor services & works s 20 20 15

b. Resultant Single Tender Z5o/. of DOP **

2. ** i,

a. Purchose of proprietory items lrom original equipment monutdctwer on single tender bosis **+*

i. Capital exp for goods 20 15

ii. Capitalexp for servicesf 5

iii. Revenue exp for goods 5 3.7 5

iv. Revenue exp for services# 5 5 3.15

3, ThroUgh DeEelra!ion/oomilatjon basis

i. Capital exp for goods 5 3.7 5

ii. Capitalexp for services# 5 3.75

iii. Revenue exp for goods 5

iv. Revenue exp for servicesfl 0.4 5 3.15

(Subject to overall limit of Rs.18.75 crores per Financial Year)

4. Limited tender
25 18.75
i. Capital exp for goods
10 7.5
ii. Capital exp for services$
72.5 9.4
iii. Revenue exp for goods
10 7.5
Revenue exp for servicesB 10
AnnexLrae-8 PaBe 9


+ ln case of Revenue expenditure bundled with Capital expenditure, the Delegation of Power relevant to
Capital expenditure would apply. Example:- Sourcing of spares under AMC/CMC along with Capital equipment
whether delivery is immediate or not.
r*ln case of resultant singletender, no splitting of the contract would be allowed, the provisions of Rule
173(xx) of GFR should be complied with and the reasons to be recorded in writinS. The provisions are:

a. The NtT was satisfactorilv advertised and sufficient time was given for submission of bids
b. The qualification criteria were not unduly restrictive, and

c. Prices are reasonable in comparison to market value.

*** A detailed MIS is to be placed to the Board at quarterly intervals the actual amount approved and spent
(separately) in terms of each item of the delegated DoP for the information of the Board. Board shall review
and give necessary advice if required. This MIS will be prepared by tinance Department in consultation with
the concerned technical department. The information is to be submitted to the Board within 30 days from the
end of each quarter.
*"** tn case of purchase from OEM at the time of purchase, efforts should be made to obtain upfront a list of
original parts manufacturer/proven source as recommended by oEM. ln case of existing equipment, a similar
declaration/authorization may be obtained.
s lncludes works in terms of GST laws. The definition of Goods and services will be based on Extant GST Law.
Page 10

DOP on Pur€hase & Contracts of Committees & Other Executives of Cll, Annexure-C
(Amount in Rs,Crctes
Committee of Committee of
Direato13 Functional
includint lDs{ Oireators chiet
hcaded by headed by Iunctional General Manager/Sr Manater/Dy.
Iteln ol Purchase Order/Contraatt Chairma. Chairman Chairman Diredors (FOs) Manater Menager Manager Asst. Manager
1. Ooentender
o. Lowest tender' I-I-II IE
i. Capital cxp for goods 100.00 50.00 37.50 12.50 s.00 2.s0 1.25

ii. capitalexp for 5ervicesld

-I-II- 100.00 40.00 20.00 15 00 5.00 2.00
-I 1.00 0.50

iii. Revenue exp for goods 2 5.00 18 75 6 25 2.50 1.25 0.63

iv. Revenue exp for servicet & works fi{ 20.00 15.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.50
b. Reaultdnt Single lendet 25% ol DoP"
Purchose ol ptopietory ltens lrcm otiginol
equipment monulocturet On aingle aender

i. Capitalexp foa Soods ---I--I-

100.00 40.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.50

ii. Capitalexp for servicesrf 25.00 10.00 5.00 1.15 r.2s 0.50 0.25 0.1l
iii. Revenue exp for Soods 25.00 10.00 5.00 11s 1.25 0.50 0.25 0.13

rv- Revenue exp for servicelpf 25.00 10.00 500 175 1.25 0.50 0.25 0.13

3.Throuqh neRotiation/nomination basis IIT:-III r.2s 0.50 o.25 0.13
i. Capilal exp for goods 25.00 10.00 5.00 3.7 5

ii. Capital exp for services#f 25 00 10.00 5.00 375 1.25 0.50 0.25 0.13

aii. Revenue expfor toods 25.00 10.00 5.00 375 1.25 0.50 0.25 0.13
rv. Revenue exp for servicet$fi 2s.00 10 00 5.00 1t5 1.25 0.50 0.25 0.13
(Subje.t tooverclllimit pcr Finonciol Yeot) 125.00 s0.00 25.00 18.75 6.25 2.50 1.25 0.63

4. timit€d tender
i. Capitalexp {o. goods 125.00 50.o0 25.00 18 75 6.25 2.50 1.25 o.63

ii. Capitalexp for servi€es$#

Revenue exp for good5

20 00








Revenue exp lor servicesd# 50 00 20.00 10 00 1 .SO 2.50 1.00 0.50 0.2 5
Page l1


* tn case of Revenue expenditure bundled with Capital expenditure, the Delegation of Power relevant to Capital expenditure wou ld apply. Example:- Sourcing of
spares under AMC/CMC along with Capital equipment whether delivery is immediate or not
**ln case of resultant single tender, no splitting of the contract would be allowed, the provisions of Rule 173(xx) of 6FR should be complied wit h and the reasons to
be recorded in writing- The provisions are:

a. The NIT was satisfactorlly advertised and sufficient time was Eiven for submissron of brds
b. The qualification criteria were not unduly restrictive , and
c. Prices are reasonable in comparison to market value.
*** A detailed MIS is to be placed to the goard at quarterly intervals the actual amount approved and spent (separately) in terms of each item of the de egated DoP
for the information of the Board. Board shall review and give neces5a.y advice if required. This MIS will be prepared by Finance Oepartment in consultation with the
concerned techn;cal department, The information is to be submitted to the Board within 30 days from the end of each quarter.

ii*l.In case of purchase from OEM at the time of purchase, efforts should be made to obtain upfront a list of oriSinal parts man ufacturer/proven source as

recommerded by OEM. ln case of existing equipment, a srmilar declaration/authorizatioh may be obtained

I lncludes works in terms of GST laws. The definition of 6oods and services will be based on Extant GST Law
Annexure-l Page 12

Purchase & Contracts Annexure-l

(Amount in Rs.Oores)
Revised DOP of
Particulars Chairman, CIL
1-qpen tender
o. Lowest tender *
i. Capitalexp for goods 50
ii. Capital exp for services# 20
iii. Revenue exp for goods 25
iv. Revenue exp for services and works# 20
25% of DoP aga inst
b. Resultont Single Tender open tender **
2, ***
Purchase ol proprietoty items from Original Equip Manufac'turer (OEM) on
single tender bosis* * * +
I Capital exp for goods 20
ii. Capital exp for services# 5

iii. Revenue exp for goods 5

iv. Revenue exp for services$ 5

3. Thro t iatio n Nomination basis

i. Capital exp for goods

ii. Capital exp for services# 5

iii. Revenue exp for goods 5

Revenue exp for servicesS 5

(Subject to overall limit of Rs.25 crores per Financial Year)

4. Limited tender
i. Capital exp for goods 25
ii. Capitalexp for servicesS 10

Revenue exp for goods 72.5

Revenue exp for services$ 10
Annexure-l Page 13


* ln case of Revenue expenditure bundled with Capital expenditure (being main supply), the De legation of
Power relevant to Capital expenditure would apply. Example:- Sourcing of spares under AMC/CMC along
with capital equipment whether delivery is immediate or not.
*tln caseof resultant sin8le tender, no splitting of the contract would be allowe d, the provisions of Rule
173(xx) of GFR should be complied with and the reasons to be recorded in writing. The provisions are

a. The NIT was satisfactorily advertised and sufficient time was given for submission of bids
b. The qualification critetia were not unduly restrictive, and
c. Prices are reasonable in comparison to market value.
*** A detailed MtS is to be placed to the Board at quarterly intervals of the actual amount approve d and
spent {separately) in terms of each item of the delegated DoP for the information of the Board. Board shall
review and give necessary advice if required. This MlS will be prepared by Finance Oepartment in
consultation with the concerned technical department. The information is to be submitted to the Board
within 30 days from the end of each quarter.

**** ln case of purchase from OEM at the time of purchase, efforts should be made to obtain upfront a list
of original parts manufacturer/proven source as recommended by OEM. ln case of existing equipments, a
similar list of original parts manufacturer/proven source as recommended by OEM may be obtained.

S lncludes works in terms of GST laws. The definition of Goods and services will be based on Extant GST

DoP on Purchase & Contracts of cMDs of Subsidiaries is given in Annexure-8

DOP on Purchase & Contracts of Committees & other executives of CIL is given in Annexure-C

Guidelines for CIL lntegrity Pact & Employees Code of Conduct is given in Annexure{ll

Guidelines for CIL Centralized Procurement Cell is given in Annexurelv

6uidelines for CIL Anti Bribery Rules is given in Annexure-V

Adminlstradye DOP of Dlrector(Iechnlcall,Cll

s.l.N Detalls Admlnlstradve DOP

I Sa nction / ipprove all
relevant matt€rs which are of Full powers
adnrinistrarive nature including exe(ution of Contract /
Agreement /Acceptance of Security Bond etc.' contingent to
those purchase and contracts which are under his financial
2 Settlement of disputes widl Supplier / Conrracts Full powers in respect of supplies /
contracts for rryhich he is the sanctioning

?asnnel No0;en :-
3 Sanctiou of all types of advances and allowances to the Full porvers
enrployees under his adninistrative control as per relevant rules

+ S:nction overtime / pension / fanrily pension / grituity and Irrll pow€rs

reinrbursement of medical expenditure / workmen's
(onrDensation to the employees under his adnrinistrative control

Nninisattlve NsMs :-
5 Survey off and disposal of office furniture I equipment / Full powers
v€hicles, plan( €r nrachinery, waste papers, s(raps of office,
fitrings / furnirure / part of vehicle / plant Er
equipment / containers under his administrative control

6 Hiring offi(e fu rnitu re / equipment / transport vehicles under his tull powers
adnrinistrafi ve control
7 Purchase ofrtores, spare pans, other accessories, petrol, oil, Full powers
lubri(ant5 required for the company vehi€les and aircraft under
his administr'itive control
I Approve pnymena of rent, taxes, insurance .rnd ollrer incidentil Full powers
charges / llormal expendiure / service ef other repairs
/maintenance charges for the upkeep of contp:ny vehicles and
aircraft including hanger charges under his administrative
Clerlw a Fo adlng W6:-
9 Sanction of payment of port charges, custom duty, demurrage [ull powers
chrrges for wagon and detention charges for ships, lighter, port
rent and other charges at prescribed rates necessitated in
conrrectio[ with trrnsport and clearance and despatch of
i ported (onsignnrents in(luding ocean freight, insurance, hire
of lighters;nd steamers (or towing etc.

t0 Sanction of expenditure rowards repair of damaged packages frtll powers

and provision of special filtings of heavy and over ditnensional
packages and other expenditlre for bagging bulk cargo and fo
separation of materials as per prescribed procedures.

5an(tion ofop€ning of revolving deposit rccounts with Full powers

Customs/Port Authorities and atly other agencies and to fix
milinrum b.rlance for su(h a(counts

Page 1ol 22

t2 ol
s.r.N D€taIIs Adm lnlstrrtlve DOP
Capttol llo*s:-
r2(i) Advance action on (apiral expenditure included in the capi Full powers to take advnnce iction on
budget awaiting approvJl capital expenditure included in rhe (apital
budget aw.liting approvil for purchase of
addidonal/replacement equipnlenr for
existing mines and ongoing pro,ec$ only.

r2(ii) Capital expendirure in excess of sanctioned estinlites of (ost Upto l0% of sanctioned cosr in each rise.

Persnnet l4ote'f,-

r2( iii) Appointment Full power for Wage Boird employees as

per procedu res
l2(iv) Gr:nt of Honor.rriurr As per Guidelines issued

tU n I nisnodve llofrars:-

l2lv) Signing lease agreement for aquiring residendal flats for NEC Fttll power
Officers and also for a(comodation for office and other service
bxildings for NEC

Page 2 af 22
Admn DOP@DlPn/

Admhlstratlye DOP of Dlrector{PglR),Clt

s.t.N Dealls Adminlstradve DOP

Pf,aonDel No@rs :-
l(r) Constitute Departnrental Prontotion Comntittee in r€spect of Full powers
executives upto E7 and all non+xecutives and to rpprove the
reconrnrerrdations of the DPC and fix pay of all executives upto
E7 and non-exerutives on such promotion.

t(b) Constitute Department,rl Promotion Comntittee in respect of tu ll powers with the approYal
executives of Eg and above (below Board lev€l) :nd to approve rman,ClL
the recomnrendations of the DPC and fix pay of all executives of
E8 and above (below Board level) on such promotion.

2 (a) Consritute Selection Comnritteefor recruitnrent of all executives Full powers

upto E7 and all non-executive cadre employees, approve
reconrmendation of the Selection Committee and fix pay on
suclr recruitmenL

2 (t') Constirute Selection Comnittee for rerruitment of all execuaives powers tull with the apProval of
of E8 and abov€ (below Bo:rd level), approve recommendation Ch.rirnran,ClL
of the Selection Conrmittee rnd fix pay on such recruitment.

3 (a) Det€rmine seniority in respe(t of executives upto E7 and non- Full powers
executive cadre employees

3 (b) De(ermine seniority in respect of execuliyes of E8 and above tull powers rYirh the approval of
(below Eoard level) Chairman,ClL

4 Forward application for ourside employment of the employees, [ull powers

.rpprove change oF honl€ town of the employees, accept
acquisition and declaration of properry of the employees as per
relevant rules of the (ompany

Sanction of all types of advances and allowances to the Full powers

enrployees as per relevant rules

6 S.rnction ove*inre / pension / family pension / gratuity and tull powers

reimbursenrent of medical expenditure / workmen's
comp€nsstion ar per relevant rules of the company

PaEe 3 of 22
Admn DOP@DlPRj

SJ.N Detalls Admlnlstratlye DOP

Nnlitfrdve NoMt-
7 Disposal of office furnirure / equipment/ vehicles, plant €I Full powers
michinery, scraps of flttings / furniture/ vehicle / planr €t
equipment / waste papers lcontainers under his administradve
8 Sign Iease agreenrert for acquiring residential flats, office and Full powers
other service buildings for CIL

9 Hire furniture / equipment / transport vehicle/plant er tull powers

nrachinery such as AC, generator, water-punlp etc under his
administr.ltive control .
t0 Purchase stores, spire parts, other accessories, petrol, oil, tull powers
lubricants required for repair'. nrairrterance of company's
properties, plant EI m.lchinery, office, guesr house and holid.ry
homes, araining instiautes/ college.

Approve peyment of rent, axes, insurance and other incidental Full powers
charges / normal expenditure /serviceEI other
repairs / miinte nce chrrges for rhe upkeep of conrpany
vehicles, housing properties 3nd planr & Dtachinery, guest
house, holiday home .rnd training institu te / college, railway
freight / denu rrage, wh:refage on
incoming rnd outgoing
consignment(stores er equipment) and withdr.rwrl of railway

Nonagen$t Dqelopnerrt a T4inlfig l{oters :-

t2 Accord administrative approval / sanction of training programtne tull powers
initiated for the training of €mployees of the company ind in
other lnstitutes located in the country

l3 Inidate introduction of training course, departmentJl Full powers

exarninations, recruitnren! exarninadons and other relared
nratters required for Management development.

t4 lncur expenditure towards running of staff colleges in rompany Full powers

trrining progrnnlmes

l5 Sanction payment of honorarium to external and internal Full powers

faculty members as per rules of the company

t6 Purcha* books, periodicals, journals for the library run by Clt Full powers

t7 Approve nomination of the employees to €xternal training Full powers subiect to reconlm€nditions of
courJe withir the counary other Directors / HOD5

t8 Approve payxent of international air-fare as per Goyt. Rules Full powers

and TA,DA as per RBI Rules for employees deputed abroad for
rriining rs per the relevant rules.

Page 4 ol 22
Admn DOP@D(MktB)

Admlnlstradve DOP of Dlrector{Marked ng)flL

S.I.N Detalls DOP

Petennel Hod:rs :-
I Sanction of all advances and allowances to the
rypes of Full powers
employees under his administrative control as per relevant rules

2 S.rnction overrine / pension / family petrsion / gratuiry and Full powers

reinrbursement of medical expenditure / workmen's
comper5arion to th€ €mployees under his administrrtive conrol

NniDiffive Notuts t
3 Disposal of rnitu re / equipment / vehicles, plsnt Er
office fu Full powers
mrchinery, scraps of fiatings / furnirure /part of vehicle / plant
& equipnren t / waste papers / con rainers under his adntinistrative
4 Signing lerse agreenlert for 3cquifng residential flats for CIL Full powers
Officers and also for accomodation for office and other service
buildings for the existing RSOs

5 Hiring office furniture I equ iprnen t / transport vehi(le/plant tt [ull powers

m:chinery such as AC, gerrerator, wat€r-pump etc under his
adnrinistrative control.
6 Purchase of
stores, spares, other a(cessories, petrol, oil, Full powers
lu[rric]nts required for the conrpany vehicles under his
adnrinistrative (onrrol
7 Approve paynlent of rent, taxes, insurance and other incidental Full powers
(harges normal expenditure /service €I other
repairs/ mainlenaxe charges for the upkeep of company
vehicles rrnder his adnrinistra(iy€ control
l,lor*ed,rg I'lafrt's :-
8 Long ternr linkage of coal demand as per polity guidelines of tull powers

9 Short term allo(ation to corelnon-core consumers as per policy Full powers

guidelines of the company

lo Corl Supply Agreement rs per policy guidelines of the tnll powers

ll To lay doryn policy, procedure, syst€m Jnd commercial t€rms Full powers
for srle of co3l/coke and other coal products produced by CIL
t{ it5 subsidiary coal (ompani€s and/or sourced rhrough import
as per guidelines of the cornpiny

12 To npprove sale scheme for stock liquidation or sales promotioll Full powers
as per guidelines of the conrpanies

tl To approve/rccord priority for sttpply coal/coke and other (oal Full powers
products on short term basis in the event of exigencies as per
policy guidelines of the conrpany

t4 Sertlement of disputes reglrding (l.1ims arising fronr s.rle of coJl tull powers
and coal per policy guidelines of the company

Pate 5 ot 22
Admn DOP@D{Mktg)

SI.N Dstalls DOP

l5 lnitiate aation for yerification alrd measurement of quantiry of Full powers
coal/(oke .tnd otlrer (oal producrs lying at srockyards, (oal
blending and handling planrs for rhe purpose of disposal or
adiustment/write off in respecr of valuarion of stock .rs per
policy guidelines of the company

r6 lnitiate action for verification and nleasurem€rr of quality of Full Dowers

(oal products lying in srock in €olliery of CIL and irs subsidiary
coal (ompanies for the purpose of quality assuran(e to the

t7 Sale of coal/coke eI coal producrs produced by CIL and its tul, powers
subsidiary corl companies through Regional Sales Offices, CIL
as per policy guidelines of the comp.rny

r8 Award contrrct for loading, unlo.tding, tr3nipor!:tion and other Full po*ers
works connected with operating stockyards, srle centres, etc.

l9 Call and accept tender of appointm€nr of retailers, dealers, Full powers

tladers eta at:nd around consumpdon centres in telms of
approved sale schemes of CIL

20 Approve long term marketing plan, short term off-take/ s:les Full powers
pl3n, aunual $ler budget etc as per policy guidelines of the

2l To approve plan for creation of infrastru€rure like railwty Full powers

siding, co3l hJndling plant, coal benefi'ciadon planr relating to
lo,rding or delivery of coal in respecr of CIL and its subsidiary
coal conrpanies.
22 Approve sanction expenditure on collecdon and analysis of coal
/ Full powers
srmpling and other materiil relsdng to quality assurante

PaEe 6 ot 22
Admn DOP@D{Fin)

Administrative DOP of Dlr€cto(Enancr),Cll

st.N Details DOP

FinoMbl Nof.e,s :-
To decide nratters which will requit'e financial concurrence and Full powers
to fix the level of concurrence in .regard to the quantum of
expendirure involved

2 To con(ur proposal and render financial advice in all matters Full powers
and transacdons having financial inrpact

Pqsonnel Hass :-
l Sanctiou of all aypes of
advances and allowances to the Full powers
employees under his adnrinistrative control as per relevant rules

4 / pension / family pension /

Sanction overtinre graruiry and Full powers
reimbursenlent of nredical expenditure / workmen's
conrpensation to the employees under his administrative control

Nnlnlsfrqdve l,{afrss :-
Survey off and disposal of office furnimre / equipment / Full powers
vehicles, plant €r ma(hinery, waste papers, scraps of office,
fittings / furniture/part of vehicle/plant Er
equ ipnrent/ containers under his administrative control

6 Hiring office furniture /equipment /transport vehicles under his tull powers
adnrinistrative conarol

7 Purchase of srores, spale part5, other accessories, petrol, oil, Full powers
Iubricants required for the company vehirles under his
administr.rtive control

8 Approve payment of rent, taxes, insurance and orher inddental full powers
charges I normal expenditure /service €r other
repairs/ maintenance charges for the upkeep of company vehicles
under his adminisrafiYe control

Page 1 ol 22

AdmlnlsfiatlYe DOP of CVO,CIL

SI.N Detalls DOP


I Sancrion of all fypes of advinces and .lllolryances to the Iull powers

employees under his adrninisrr3tive control as per relevant ntles

2 Sarction oyertime / pension / family pensiou I grituiry and Full powers

reimbursenent of n)edical expendiure / worknlen's
(ompensation to the entployees under his adminisarative control

3 To allow change of home-rown .ts pel Rules tull powers

+ To incur perty Jnd sundry expenditure including taxi, bus tull po$i€rs
charges et( ro the employee5 under his adnlinistrative (ont[ol.

5 Hiring office furnirure /equipnrent /tr.lrsport vehicles Full powers

6 To sanction awerd to the execurives and non-exe(utives working full powers

in Vigilance Depts. Of CIL and subsidiaries in well deserying

7 Sanction payment of honorarium to external and interlal tull powers

taculty members as per rules of the company

8 Reimburse Iegal expenses incurred by the employees ln cases tull powers

arising out of their official duties

I Accord administrative :pprov.rl/ sanction of training progr"mme tull power-s

initiared for rhe training of the employees of the conrpany with
CIL 8{ in odler lnstitutes located in the Country.

t0 Approve nominadon of the enrployees to external training tull powers

(ourse within the country

Page 8 of 22
General Administrative Do P of CGM/GM and HoDs

Naorre of Powers DoP


Full power as per Rules
I To sanction pay adv.rnce on transfer.

2 To approve rour programnre includirrg Delhi Full power.

Prior approval of next higher
authority in hisl her own case.

3 To function as Controlling Officer and grant of advrnce of TA on Full power as per Rules
tour and transfer grant and LTCI LLTC advance.

4 To recomnrend conveyance allowance, House rent allowance, Full Power

Festival advance and any other allowances to rhe employees under
his adnrinistrutive control as per rules.

To sanction overtime on deployment of non executives. full Power

6 To sancrion re-imbursernent of nredical expensesl medical advance Full power

as per rules.

7 To recommend for change of home town as per rules. Full power

I To sanction gratuity as per payment of Gratuity Act and FLrll power

Executive Cra(uity Scheme to the employees under his
adnrinistrative coutrol -

I To sanction hiring of transport in case of non-availability of Vehicle at company's rate

Conrpany's car. subiea ro individual's
entitlement for car to be
ratified by the concerned

r0 Use of official vehicles on Saturday/ Sunday/holidays for official Full power

Admlnistrative DoP of GM {Admn.)
Qn oddftlon u Caneml Nnn DoP d CGM/GM utl HoDl

Nature of Powers Admininistratlve DOP


I To approve payment of charges on account of courier service Full power

2 To approve payment of charges on ac(or.tnt of renewal of vehicle Full power

license, lnsurance and other taxes.

3 To approve payment of Rent, lnsurance and Taxes on company Full power

Ieased flats\offices \ resr house.

+ Purchase of POL (petrol, oil, lubricant) for deparrmental [ull power

vehicles / Cenera tor and other Plant €I Machinery

To sanction payment against annual service contract for repair / Full power
maintenance of office equipment.

5 To dispose of wasre-papers, scrap of office fimings and fixtures, Full power

scrapof vehicles, planl EI equipment etc. through a comnrittee

7 To dispose of furniture, typewriter, duplicators, vehicles, tull power following extanr Rules
equipments, plaIt and machinery. and Procedures

a To grant advance for official purpose to the employee concerned Full power
within approved expenditure

I To incur expenditure towards booking of air/rail ti(kets booking Ful[ power

accomnrodation and arrange Iunch, refreshment and other
hospitalities in connection with Company's guest/s, meetings,
conference, workshops organized by Head of the Divisions,

to To lrire transport in case of non availability of Company's car on Full power as per prevailing
specific requisitior of the Head of rhe Divisions. Company rate
Adm lrllstFtlvr,DoP qLGM LC{&PR)
{ta addtton to C'clltrlrcl Nnn DoP ol CGM/GM ad HoD)

NaEre of Powers Admininistratlve DOP

I Sale of Newspapers and other P.R. nraterials Full with concurrence of Finance
Admlnlstradve DqP ott(r.JnplllseelQerl
0n afuldon to Cntwol Nnn. DoP oJ CGM/GM ontl HoD)

Nature of Powers Admlnlnlstradve DOP


I To make payment of fees and filing charges for filing Full power
various forms/ returns as per statute

2 To issue instruction for arrangenent of hotel booking Full Power

and transportation for Covr./ Independent Directors /
Pernranent Invitee / Statutory Auditors / Consultants
who are arending the Board Meetings as per rheir

To sanction fees to be paid to ROC including fees to be tull powers. Financial concurrence and
paid to professionals for certifying/ uploading the budget certification by 6M(F)
statutory forns/documents required as per the
Companies Act.

4 To issue advertisement to newspapers required as per As per negotiated / approved rates

Conrparies Act and other Regulations through CCETPR
Admlnlstratlve DoP of GMGI(TI
An oddttla a Cawal Nnn, DoP ol CGl,{/ Gl'l ad HoD)

Nature of Powers Admininlsrative DOP


I Approval of payment of all Land line Full power

Telephone / mobile / Lease line / Internet / Data card bill
held in the nanre of CIL
Administrat.ive DoP of GM (MP€tlR)
(ln o&lldon u &nerul Nnn. DoP ol CGM/GM ud I{oDl

Nature of Powerc Admininlstrative DOP


To suspend or take disciplinrry action in accordance with the Full power


2 To srnction subsistence allowance Full power

3 To sanction pension/family pension, gratuity and other terminal tull power

benefits in accordance with the rules

4 To forward applications for outside enrployment Full power

5 To allow change of lronretown once in service life of non- tull with reasons to be recorderl

5 To accept acquisilion and declaraaion of property Full power

7 To sanction advance for purchase of conveyance i.e, carlmotor' Full power

cycle/ scooter / cycle etc.

B To constiture DPC/Selection Committee and accept its Full power

recommerrdation and approval for issue of promotion order

9 To sanction children educarion allowance, tuitionfees, festival Full power

advance, house rent illowance and any other allowance as per

lo To sancion House Building Advance to non-executives of CIL Full power

HQ, RSOs and Delhi Office

II To sanction TA/DA to Union representatives in IBCCr Full power

IZ To incur expenditure and approve advance in connection witlr Full power

JBCCI and its subtomntittee nleetings
0n addltlon to cfie'[l Nno, DoP d ad HoD)

Admlnlnlstrrtlve DOP

I Paynrentof honorarium to local experts engaged in selection Full power as per.rPProved rates
committee for lecruitment of executives

7 Paynent of honorariunr to nredical experts engaged for re Full power as per approved rates
medical exanrination of candidates with respec to recruitment
of executives

l Reinrbursentent of local conveyance /taxi fare/flight tickets to Full power subie€t to economy class
local experts engaged in selection commitlee as well as medical in air travel
experrs engaged for re-nredical exanrination of candidates with
lespect to recruitment of executives

4 To incur expenses for arrangenrent of lunch for the menrbers tull power
of interview / selection conlmittee at interview centers (other
than ClL, Kolkata)

5 Paynrentof registration fees to ICWA / lCAl / Chapters as well as Full power

other institutions for canrpus selection /recruitment of
AdmlnlEtradve lqP d Flqp/CaF
to general Nntu DoP oI 6M/Gltl oad HoD)
An addltlor

Admininistrative DOP

To sanction opening of revolving deposir a.count with power co|lcurrence a

Customs and Port Authorities and to fix rhe minimum to sanction opening/closing of revolv
balance of such accounrs account with Crrstom /
Aurhorities and lnsurance and to fix
minimunr balance of such accounts

2 To sign/issue agreement/work order after approval of Full power

compelent authority
Adminisradve DoP of GM. elL NerDelhi

Nature of Powe6
---- Admininbtrative DOP

I Purchrse electrical/ elettronic a nd Full Powen within the sanctioned

of all Furniture 8I Fittings lteins,
other office/ premises equipnents for use at Delhi budget

ii. To decide, approve and sanoion for hiring on lease basis Full Powers
residence / company guest houses etc at Delhi for executives of CIL widl
financial concurrence fronr CIL HQ

iii. To decide, approve and san(tion for hiring of service providers like Full Powers
oansport, guest houre upkeep, repair I maintenance etc

iv. To decide, approve rnd sanction for all kinds of logistics for official Full Powers
nreetings rt ClL, MOC and Ministers Residendal/Office Premises

2 Sancrion o[ all rypes of adv.rnces and allowances to the employees un der tull Powers
his adnrinistrative control as per relevant rules

3 S.rnction Overdme Full Powers within the sanctioned


+ Disciplinary action tull Powers as per rules

5 To sanction repair / maintenance of ntotor vehicles Iull Powers

6 To purchase petrol, oil, lubricant for vehicles, generators and other plant Full Powers
et machinery

7 To hire tranlport in crse of non-availability of cotnp.rny's for official Full Powers rs per approved rates

8 To rpprove payment of charges on account of renewal of vehicle license Full Powers

and insurance and other taxes

9 Repairs / maintena nce of firrniture, fixtures, fittings, equipments, air' tull Powers
(onditioning plant, refrigerators, water-coolers, generators etc.

t0 Repairs / ma inten.r nceof office buildings, Guest houses, leasehold prem lses Full Powers
including plurnbing, sanintion, electrical installations rnd putting up
cubi(les, interior partidoning etc.
Admlnlnlstradve DOP

ll To sanction transport charges \ loading, unloading charges, shifting of Full Powers

firrniture, fixrures, files, documents etc. fronl ore place to another

t2 To incttr niscellaneous house-keeping expenses rlot covered by other tull Powers


t3 To incur expenditure on Liveries / u niforr) as per norms. tull Powers

l4 To approve paynrent of bills of routine expenditure on tea/ €offee for rhe Full Powers
employees of CIL ind working lunch etc.

t5 To incur expenditure in connection with official meeting, workhops, tull Powers

seminars etc.

l6 To dispose of waste papers, contairers, scrap of office fittings and fixtures, Full Powers
scrap parts of vehicles, office equipnrenr erc.

t7 To dispose of furniture, rypewrircr, dupliotors, vehicles, office Full Powers (after ir is surveyed
equipnrents etc off by a comnritree as per rhe
laid down procedures)

l8 To sign lease agre€ment for hiring prenrises in Delhi after approval of [ull Powers
compet€nt authority

t9 To gr:nt imprest Full Powers

20 To incur expenditure on travel by iir/rail, accommodaaion and ransport Full Powers

for company's guess

2t Arranging acconmodadon and booking air/rail ticke$ for Full Powers

Direcors/Officers of CIL and its subsidiaries on request from the
concerned officer.
Adrnrnigadye DoP of RSM, R.csional Salq Office€

Natur€ of Powcrs DoP

I Power of Controlling Officer of the employ€es working Full Powers
under hinr.

2 Grant advance TAIDA on tour including transfer, Fu ll Powers

TA/LTC/RRt in respect of entployees under lrim in
accordance wirh existing TA/DA/LTC Rules

3 C-ountersign TA bilk including tlrnsf€r TA, LTC and RRF tull, subiect to all rour progr:ln ntes / leave be
bills in respe(r of enrployees under hinr approved by the competent authority and also
approval of the next higher officer being taken
in respect of deviation fronr normal clainls i.e,
travel by higher clas than enritled/traYel by
the route other than th€ shortest hJIt at a
station for more than l0 days etc-

4 Functioning as Controlling Officer for S€lf for TA/DA, Full Powers

LTC Medical clains

5 Sanction ofre-inrbursement of nredical expenses [nder Full, subiect to the condition thaa erpenses for
Medical Attendance Rules for employees under him in-adnissible medicines are not permitted or
the class of medi(al reatment allowed is within
the Rules prescribed.

6 Srnction of overtinre in respect of staff under him Full, subiect to budget provision and following
instru(tions being isued from tinte to tinre and
subiect to maintenance of all records and
registers for approval of OT in individtlal cases,
which subject to audit from tine to time

7 Sancdon of educational allowance / tuition fees as adtnissible Full, subi€cr to adrninistrative instructions
in respect of staff under him issued fronr time to dme,

8 Power to incur casual expenditure for hiring services of Full, subiect to budger provision and prior
sweeping, gardening, Iaundry and water carrying approv;l of cornperent authority for engaging
condnuourly for nrore than 7 days. The yearly
amount will be
approved Director by
(Marketing)/ Chief of Marketing Division

9 Crrnt of normal increment ald crossing the efficiency bar ln accordance with the Service Rules and
instructions being issued from tinte to time.
Nature of Powerc Admlnlnlstratlve DOP

t0 To pay rent for the office, guest house and other building Full, subiect ro initial approval of Director (M)/
and conmon service charges as per agreenrent CoMD with concurlence of Finarrce

ll To sanction expenditure on maintenance of guest house Full, subject to budger provision rnd not nrore
and office building than l/6'h of Annual Buclger at a tirne.

12 To pay the bills towards rental, local calls, trunk calls, Full, subiect to budger provision and 5ubiecr to
accessories and atrachmenrs etc in respect of telephone maintenance of con)plete det.rils in I register
installed ar the guest lrouse/offices and the residenc€ for for all trunk calls showing the officers using it
official use and purposes. All rhese registers rre subjecr to
Audit. Monrhly exp€nses not to exceed 15% of
pro-rata budger.

l3 To sanction expendimre for payment of road tax and Full powers

insurance for staff cars.tnd nrotorcycles

t4 To sancdon liveries to rhe staff entided for it As per extant Ru l€s

t5 To hire conveyance including and when required Full, subject to hire of raxi from poinr ro point
and not on time basis and records beiug
mainhi[ed for all such lourneys showing the
purpose, officer using rnd journey covered

t6 To dispose of unservice3ble articles viz. old newspapers, old Full subiect ro Survey Conrnirtee's Report in
unserviceable tyres and other scrap materials and credit rhe case of valuable articles 3s per Rules
sale proceed to rhe company's account
Administrative DoP of 6M, NEC Margherlta

Nature of Powerc Admlnlnlsratlve DOP


I To abolish posts Full Power in respect of wage board entployees.

2 To fix initial pay in firsr appoinrntent As per norms of the company to any selected

3 Of ficiating :rrangenrerrt for executive officers Full powers tomake offiriating 3rrangenrent
against vacancies in 5ancdoned posts upto E-5
executiv€ exceeding 3O days but linrited to 90
days. For sub-ordinate mining engineer with
statutory responsibility, nrinimLrnr period requircd
will be 15 days.

4 TA-Controlling Officer As per circulars issued for tours witlrin and

beyond Nonh East as amended from tinre to time

5 Trrvelling AIlowance Advance Full powers as per rules for enrployees for whonr
he is controlling officer

6 tixing HQ, TA on tour Full powers as per rules for employees for wlronr
he is controlling officer. For self, approval of DIC
is required.

7 Medic:l Reintbrrsement Full power as per rule in force for all enrployees
under lris control

8 Overtirne AIIowance Full power within the budget allotted and a per
Iimit as decided by HQ
Revised DOP



1. These Guidelines shall include the appointment of entities as :

i. Techn ical Experts
ii. Auditors (except Statutory Auditors who are appointed by C&AG)
iii. StockVerificationConsultants
iv. Lawyers
v. Consultant for Company Secretarial matters
vi. ManagementConsultants
vii. Tax Consultants
viii. Company law consultants
ix. Any other consultants may be decided by the competent authority.

2. These guidelines shall not apply to full time/part time advisors for which appropriate
guidelines have already been framed by the Company.

3. Efforts should be taken to design the eligibility criteria in such a manner that lndian
consultancy flrms are given priority over foreign counterparts.

4. International experience should be given preference in cases only when the lndian
firm/Company is a subsidiary/associaterv of the concerned foreign body. Care should be
taken for such cases where lndian companies having similar names as of the foreign body
having no or very less experience may take advantage.

5. The remuneration structure of the consultants must be framed before the appointment
process is floated and the same must not be based on L1 criteria. lt ls important for the
company to appoint good quality consultants and payment of reasonable remuneration
will result in the appointment of quality consultants.

6. Atleast 33-50% points should be given for the presentation to be made by the consultants
to be appointed before the appropriate Committee in respect of:
i. lnfrastructu re of Office
ii. Software / Hardware usage
iii. Approach towards the concerned job
iv. Proposed strategy and its implementation
v. Detailed scope and understanding of the assignment.
7. While appointing, it must be made clear to the appointees that they are to remain
accountable for their Report and Advice in all cases and shall Sive appropriate affidavit /
declaration to the Company before taking the assignment.

8, The appointed Consultant while accepting the assignment must specify the team members
and must ensure in writing that at least 10% man-hours required for the assignment shall
be devoted by the senior consultant/partner of the firm in letter and is also
important to ensure that such senior consultant/partner authenticate the report and is
present during the time of presentation of final report.

Revised DOP

9. The appointment procedure shall generally be by way of open tender (Fee and selection
criteria is to be pre-determined) except in cases of urgency when limited tender may be
floated. Even in cases of such urgency, it shall be mandatory to publish the requirement
adequately in advance in the CIL e-tender website/ portal.

10. The requirement of open tender shall not apply to lnstitutions of National repute like llTs,
llMs, lSM,lCAl,lCSl, ICMAI and similar bodies established under an Act of Parliament /
lnstitutes of national or international repute and likewise as recorded in writing by the
a ppointing authority.

11. While appointing consultants, no preferenceof location or proximity

to be given except in
special cases where the same is justified and that too after proper iustification and
approval by the competent authority.

l-2. The appointment of Consultants must adhere to the following limits :

i. Board of Directors : Without any limit

ii. Chairman / CMD : upto Rs.50 lakhs
iii. Committee of Functional Directors headed by CMD : upto Rs.100 lakhs
iv. Functional Directors for respective functions : upto Rs.25 lakhs
v. GM for respective functions : upto Rs,5 lakhs
vi. Committee of GMs headed by functional Director : upto Rs.30 lakhs
vii. Deputy GM/CM : upto Rs.l lakh

Second engagement of the same person/entity will be subject to the approval of next higher
level, in case appointment is made within a period of 12 months.

13. While determining terms of appointment for specific assignments / jobs an expert
committee can be constituted by the next hierarchy level together with equal number of
external experts in the respective field so that the eligibility criteria, scope of assignment,
reporting requirement, working papers and documentation and fees and remuneration
may be decided.

14. The competent authority may appoint a consultant without invit,ng any bid based on
expertise/reputation of specific person /entity which may be brought on record. The
delegated power in this regard for appointment on nomination basis is limited to 50% of
delegated power as above.

All such appointment will be included in the quarterly MIS to be placed before the Board
The reason for appointment on nomination basis will be recorded in writing.

Revised DOP



1. Suppliers to give a clear cut undertaking that they will not use any unfair means or corrupt
practices directly or indirectly and shall not offer any pecuniary benefits or favour of any
kind to any employee of the Company or to his relatives or to the entities controlled by
them during the period of the contract or thereafter.

2. The term pecuniary benefit shall include offer for present/future jobs, consulting
assignments, training or travel or any gift/hospitality of any kind whatsover.

3. All the officials of the company including employees at all levels are prohibited to accept
any gifts or favour or hospitality of any kind whatsover from any person dealing with the
company in any manner.

4. The company officials including employees at all levels shall ensure to follow the Code of
Conduct very strictly and will not meet any supplier / consultant except in office'

5. Any kind of personal relationships or accepting or offering any type of gifts is to be strictly
avoidedwith any person dealing with the company directly/indirectly. ln case if there is any
conflict of interest the same should be brought on record forthwith.

5. A declaration of the independence/integrity of the aforesaid effect shall be filed by the

suppliers before taking up the assignment and also the employeesupto 4 levels of
Management shall furnish adequate declaration to HRD in prescribed format.

3| l" I ir
Revised DOP



1. CIL shall set up a separate Centralised Procurement Cell (CpC) at He or at an appropriate

place (may not be located at Kolkata) to centrally process all purchase requirements on
behalf of all subsidiaries.

2. The location of the Centralised Procurement Cell (CPC) need not be known by the
Suppliers/Contractors and shall work in similar lines as lncome Tax Centralised Processing
Cell in Bangalore.

3. The CIL CPC shall undertake the following tasks

for procurement from all subsidiaries, duly approved

Receive requisitions/indents
by the Competent Authority along with detailed technical specifications and

ii. Preparation of NlTs

iii. Floating of Tenders/ Advertisements on behalf of respective subsidiaries.

Obtaining special technical advices and know how in respect of modern

technologies suitable for the specific requirements of CIL and its subsidiaries.

Maintaining an electronic panel of the suppliers who have any time dealt with any
of the subsidiaries. Any new supplier may also be included in the panel by way of an
appropriate e-application.

Appropriate advertisement may be published in prominent national newspapers

periodically to make aware the potential suppliers about the electronic panel
maintained by CIL as well as various e-tenders floated by CIL and its subsidiaries.

vI All tender copies must be emailed to the suppliers empanelled with CPC

All tenders must be received electronically with appropriate password and security
protection. The CPC website must be so designed that appropriate comparison can
be made based on various criteria at a time to facilitate to take prompt decision by
the procuring departments.

tx. It has been noticed that for jobs/procurements of similar types, tender rates differ
widely amongst the subsidiaries, with the variance being as high as 50% in some
cases. CPC must look into such situations.

x CPC will have the responsibility to regularly map the procurement process so that it
gets started and completed in a timely manner.

Revised DOP

XI cPc must also ensure that adequate and timely supply of various
components/materia ls/spare parts are available in reasonable quantity and slow
moving / dead stock are disposed off regularly.

x . CPC shall also oversee the suppliers' payment terms which must be quoted in
advance at the time of e-tendering itself. A timely payment commitment will enable
procurement at lowest cost. lt is therefore very important to strictly adhere to the
time limits so as to ensure the payments are released as agreed upon in the
contract. For any delay in payment exceeding 7 days from the agreed date, interest
@9% p.a to be paid and for delays exceeding 45 days, interest @15% p.a' to be
paid. The team processing the bills shall be asked to justify the reasons as to why
such payment was delayed and interest paid.

xiii. The person/team processing the bill / approving the quality or quantity, shall not
interact with the supplier/ consultant either personally or otherwise except during
the course of official meetings wherein the proceedings are recorded.

x tv. A Committee of GMs will be entrusted with the task of setting up the Centralised
Procurement Cell in a time bound and cost effective manner.

Revised DOP



1. These anti bribery provision and guidelines are being issued to effectively monitor corrupt
practices and for the purpose of prevention of corruption.

2. These guidelines prohibit the bribery of Govt. officials, political party representatives, not-
for-profit organisations and employees of state owned enterprises at all levels.

3. The lndian companies, business entities, organisations and individuals are prohibited from
(1) offering, promising, authorizing, or paying, (2) anything of value, (3) to any of the
parties listed in Sl no. (2) above.

4. These guidelines also prohibit payment of bribes directly or indirectly to any third person.

5. No person shall make or authorise payments to any person listed above as in 51. No. (2)
with a corrupt intent for the purpose of securing any undue favour.

6. These guidelines prohibit payment of an$hing in value including payment of cash, gifts or
kind (such as drinks, meal include the payment of money, the provision of gifts and
entertainment (such as drinks, meals, event tickets), travel, jobs, or internships for family
members or relatives as defined under Companies Act,2013.

7. The employees and officials of CIL covered under these guidelines include all levels of
employees including members of the Board, various committees, consultants& experts
retained by ClL, Advisors besides Govt. officials/ nominees directly / indirectly connected
with CIL / JV / Associates / Subsidiaries.

8. The purpose of this guidelines includes the objective to obtain or retain business which
includes payments :

l. To ga in contract
ii. To secure a cost or revenue advantage
iii. To aivoid tax burden
iv. To secure future or existing business opportunities
To obtain confidential information
vi. To obtain any type of business advantage

9. ln terms of these guidelines, attempted bribery including conspiring to bribe are also
strictly prohibited and this will mean that merely taking concrete steps to set a bribery
scheme in motion will be treated as violation of these guidelines and will be treated as
corrupt practices.

10. These guidelines also require a reasonable precision with which disbursements are made
by the persons or entities covered by these guidelinesand also require to maintain books,
accounts and records with reasonable details, accurately and fairly reflect the transaction
and disposition of assets of the company.

Revised DOP

11. ln terms of these guidelines bribery includes any gratification that a public servant receives
other than his/her legal remuneration. Gratification constituting a bribe would include
anything intended to motivate, influence, or reward a public servant for performing (or
forbearing performance of) an official act.

12. These guidelines also prohibit showing "favour or disfavour" to any person, or for
rendering/de-rendering any service or disservice to a public servant.

13. These guidelines also prohibit attempts to exercise personal influence on a public servant.
This would mean that engaging a lobbyist or third party agent with the intent of enioying
any benefit or influence shall also be considered as bribery.

14. These guidelines also prohibit payments made even for persuading a public servant to
undertake his/her official duties.

15. A mere offer for gratification to a public servant shall also be deemed as violation of these
gu ide lin es.

16. Any gifts that are offered or accepted in furtherance of any local, religious or social
customs, such as diwali gifts, new year gifts etc, without any expected reciprocal action,
are also prohibited under these guidelines.

General Principles governlng the Deleqation of Powers'

efficient management.
2. The delegation is made keeping in view the objectives of the company and
accountability to the Government.

applicable to all public sector undertaking and have the same force
as if
incorporated in the Articles of Association' All delegated powers a-re
by the
circumscribed by these guidelines. In particular, the guidelines issued
gratuity, dearri,ess allowance, ex-gratia payments, encashment of leave' etc'
*hi.h h.rr. major financial implications' Any departure from these guidelines or
introduction o[ new schemes have necessarily to be got approved by the
Government as they might have repercussions in other companies'

4. The delegated powers shall be exercised in line with the established procedures'
The recommendation of the committees is to be put up to the competent
authority for aPProval.

decisions involving financial implications or which entail departure from an
concurrence can be at different levels, at the colliery, in the area' in
company or at the apex, as the case may be'

6. CIL as the holding company is responsible for policies, planning and co-
Hence, the decision of the Boards of the subsidiary companies in exercise
their powers shall be final. If in exceptional cases, the CMD' CIL lor good and
sufhcient reasons, considers that a review is necessary for uniformity in all
subsidiary companies or otherwise he may place any decisions of the subsidiary
companies' Boards for review by CIL Board'

7. The powers in regard to amendment of Articles of Associations, change in share

capital, floating of shares and debentures and other company matters are
reserved for Government.

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