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COURSE Project (20%)


Introduction to Nanotechnology

NANO 101
Semester: SUMMER 2022
Table of Contents
I. Project Description .......................................................................................................................... 3
II. ABET Learning Outcome .................................................................................................................. 3
III. Project Management & Deliverables ............................................................................................... 3
IV. Turnitin ............................................................................................................................................ 4
V. APA Style ......................................................................................................................................... 4
VI. Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance .................................................................................... 5
VII. Copyrights ....................................................................................................................................... 5
VIII. Project and team-based work ......................................................................................................... 5
IX. Grading Scheme .............................................................................................................................. 6

I. Project Description

In this project, the students will discover the difference in properties (optical, electrical, etc.)
between nano-materials and bulk-materials, and understand the technological advantages
offered by nano-materials. Using an online simulation, they will investigate the optical
properties of nanoparticles and discover the relation between the nanoparticles sizes and
observed colors.

The project should be done collectively by a group, but the contributions from each group
member should be clearly identified. Each group member must have primary responsibility for
a major part of the project, and should write the corresponding sections on each of the reports.

II. ABET Learning Outcome

The aim of this project is:

a. To understand an engineering problem and define its boundaries [2].
b. To work as a team member to achieve a practical solution to a defined problem
through joint ownership, research and decision making [5].
c. To investigate the properties of materials [1, 2].
d. To Simulate and represents the results using professional software [2].
e. To communicate the results of the work carried out in a short technical report [3].

III. Project Management & Deliverables

This project is divided into two deliverables:

Deliverable 1: Report (Due Date - Week 5 - Saturday 23 July - Midnight) (10%):

Using the Nanohub tool “Nanosphere Optics Lab”, you will study the optical properties of
spherical nanoparticles in different medium and for different sizes. Each group will be assigned
to work on a specific nanoparticle. A written report must be submitted via Moodle on Turnitin
by Week 5 - Saturday 23 July - Midnight.

 The report should begin with an explanation of the importance of nanoparticles in various
nanotechnology fields (you should give examples with references).
 You will report briefly the most used methods to synthesize your assigned nanoparticle.
 You will also discuss how light interacts with nanoparticles and what causes nanoparticles
to show different colors.
 Then, you will present the results and analysis of your simulations:
a. Plot, in one graph, the absorption spectra for each nanoparticle size.
b. Plot, in one graph, the extinction spectra for each nanoparticle size.

c. Estimate the color of reflected light (for each nanoparticle size) based on the results
from the Nanohub tool.
d. Plot the maximum of absorbed wavelengths as a function of nanoparticle size.
e. What is the relation between the nanoparticle size and the wavelength of the absorbed
Plots of the results should including formal labeling for the axes, title, grid, and units.

Rubrics for the Report (out of 100 %)

a. Abstract – Summarize the content of your report here (10%)
b. Introduction – Discuss the importance of the assigned nanoparticle in various
nanotechnology applications, the main synthesis methods. Discuss also how light
interacts with nanoparticles and what causes nanoparticles to show different colors.
c. Plot and labeling of the Figures (results of simulation) (20%)
d. Explanation and Justification of the simulation (20%)
e. Conclusions (10%)
f. References with formal citations (10%)
g. Report Format (10%)

Deliverable 2: Power Point Slides and Presentation (Due Date – Week 6 – during lecture
1 & 2) (10%):

The presentation duration is 5-10 minutes that is followed by 5-10 minutes of a discussion
period. All presentations must be done using presentation software like MS PowerPoint. An
electronic copy of the presentation and report must be submitted through Moodle (Turnitin)
prior to the presentation due date. A rough structure of oral presentation is as follows:
1. Introduction and Overview of your project
2. Simulation Results: Explanation and Justification
3. Conclusion
4. Reflections of the project on students’ learning.

IV. Turnitin

Turnitin is a web-based solution that lets AUM faculty and AUM students check written work for
improper citation or misappropriated content. You may be assigned a username and a password to be
able to upload your assignments online, when and if requested. If you face any technical problem,
please contact IT at AUM.

V. APA Style

AUM adopts the APA writing style for all its academic programs. AUM students need to use this style
for their assignments. The following web site is of value for students:

Page4 Students are also encouraged to visit the AUM
Writing Lab to receive help and guidance on all APA-related questions.

VI. Academic Honesty and Integrity Assurance

One of the signs that the course material has been properly understood is honesty when accomplishing
the assignments. Lack of academic integrity (e.g. plagiarism, copying another person’s work, the use of
unauthorized aids on examinations, cheating, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others) will
not be tolerated. Therefore, if students include ideas, sentences, or other material that are not theirs
in their work, they must properly quote the source(s). Students are encouraged to consult with the
instructor if they have any questions on the issues of academic integrity or technical formatting of the
Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the right to ask
the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to, repeating the work, oral
examination or discussion, alternative or similar on spot class assignment, pop quiz, or any other action
deemed necessary. If the student fails to prove the authenticity of the work, then the Instructor will apply
the academic misconduct rules as mentioned in the AUM Student Handbook which may include awarding
the work a zero grade.
Students are expected and encouraged to be honest and to maintain the highest standards of academic
integrity in their academic work and assignments at the University. Any act of Academic Dishonesty
may result in severe consequences for violations range from zero grades given for the assignments,
failing the course, and suspension from the University. Students will refrain from any academic
dishonesty or misconduct including, but not limited to:
 Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the
right to ask the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to,
oral examination or discussion, or any other action deemed necessary. If the student fails to
prove the authenticity of the work, then the Instructor will apply the academic misconduct
rules as mentioned in the AUM Student Handbook
 A zero grade will be given to all students that share exactly the same results: You will also be
held responsible if someone else copies your work - unless you can demonstrate that you have
taken reasonable precautions against copying.
 Any violation of the AUM standards will be taken as a violation to AUM policy and can lead to
penalties. If you wonder whether a course of action violates this policy, simply ask in advance
and please refer to the undergraduate AUM Student Handbook.
For a detailed description of academic misconduct, please refer to the AUM Student Handbook.

VII. Copyrights

Students are expected to adhere to copyright practices, refer to the undergraduate AUM Student

VIII. Project and team-based work

The Project component of the course, if exist, is essential to passing this course. The project shows
competency in understanding and applying the course objectives and achieving the learning outcomes.
The project should allow the student to investigate, apply, research, and practice real-life business
situations. It is expected that each student to fully and actively participate in the project as an effective

team member. A project document will be distributed later in the semester with details about the
For all group related work, the entire team is responsible for the team outcome and the deliverables,
except for the specific parts of the project that may be graded individually depending on the project’s
requirement and as communicated in the project document.

IX. Grading Scheme

The project is worth 30% of the total grade of your course; deliverable 1 is 10%, deliverable 2 is 10%
and deliverable 3 is 10%. The grade will be based on every group’s work, simulation, results,
explanation, report and presentation. The student will be evaluated based on the below grading
Deliverable 1: Report (10%)
Abstract Introduction Simulation Discussion Conclusions References Formatting and
(10%) (20%) Results (20%) (20%) (10%) (10%) language (10%)
 Structure  Importance of  Professional  Explanation  Summary  Use IEEE  Grammatical and
of the the Plot. of the of the or APA sentence
Report nanoparticles in  Labels and results. work references structural
various titles.  Justification done. and mistakes.
nanotechnology  Correct use of the  Main correct  Formatting:
applications of units. simulation Results citation. Cover page,
 The main  Clear plots. results. briefing. group members’
synthesis names,
methods consistent fonts
 What causes and size
nanoparticles throughout the
to show document (i.e.
different no copy-pasting
colors? from the net).

Deliverable 2: Power Point Slides and Presentation (10%)

Knowledge and Simulation Results (figures, Contribution Knowledge of Presentation
Content (15%) methods (15%) graphs, etc.) (15%) of work (15%) subject (20%) Skills (20%)
Material sufficient for Sufficient for All figures clear Significance Demonstrated Excellent
clear understanding understanding with the same exceptionally full knowledge; language skills,
and exceptionally and format and well answered all gestures, etc.
presented exceptionally exceptionally explained questions with
presented explained elaboration


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