BBA OB Unit-3

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BBA OB Unit-3

1) The model is effective at describing decision-making within temporary groups, particularly

those with deadlines.

A) punctuated-equilibrium

B) authority structure

C) formal regulation

D) performance evaluation

Answer A

2) groups are defined by the organization's structure.

A) Informal

B) Formal

C) Friendship

D) Interest

Answer B

3) refers to the attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with a role.

A)Role perception

B) Role identity

C) Role expectations

D) Role conflict

Answer B

4) Which is NOT a common class of norms appearing in most work groups?

A) Performance norms

B) Appearance

C) Termination
D) Arrangement

Answer C

5) What is the relationship between size and group performance?

A) The larger the group, the greater the individual productivity.

B) Increases in group size are inversely related to individual performance.

C) Total productivity tends to decline in large groups.

D) Group size is not a determinant of individual productivity.

Answer B

6) Which of the following is a strategy to increase group cohesiveness?

A) Make the group smaller.

B) Encourage agreement with group goals.

C) Decrease the perceived difficulty of attaining membership in the group.

D) Both A and B are correct.

Answer D

7) Which is NOT a weakness of group decision-making?

A) Group decisions are time-consuming.

B) Groups offer increased diversity of views.

C) Group members suffer from ambiguous responsibilities.

D)Groups can be dominated by one or a few members.

Answer B

8) Which of the following skills is required for an effective team?

A) Problem-solving skills

B) Technical expertise

C) Interpersonal skills
D) All of the above

Answer D

9) Formal leadership, roles, group norms, group status and group size are examples of:

A. structural variables.

B. role definitions.

C. status symbols.

D. perceptions of reality.

E. organizational structure.

Answer A

10) Roles performed by group members to maintain good relationships within the group are
referred to as:

a) norms.

b) task-oriented roles

c) maintenance roles.

d) individual roles.

e) role expectations.

Answer C

11) Free rein leadership is also known as

a. Democratic c. Laissez-faire

b. Autocratic d. Bureaucratic

Answer C

12) -----------leadership emphasize on rules and regulation in an organization

a. Democratic c. Laissez-faire

b. Autocratic d. Bureaucratic
Answer D

13) Believes, attitudes, traditions and expectations which are shared by group members is called

a. Group norms c. Group cohesiveness

b. Group communication d. Group structure

Answer A

14) ---------------is the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives

a. Motivation c. Leadership

b. Control d. Supervision

Answer C

15) In --------------leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader

a. Democratic c. Free rein

b. Autocratic d. Bureaucratic

Answer B

16) In---------- in fact “No leadership at all”

a. Democratic c. Free rein

b. Autocratic d. Bureaucratic

Answer C

17) Basis of “Autocratic Model of OB is

a. Economic resources c. Leadership

b. Power d. Partnership

Answer B
18) Which of the following leadership behaviours are identified by the path-goal theory?

a.Supportive, employee-oriented, laissez-faire and participative

b.Achievement-oriented, supportive, humanistic, and directive

c.Participative, achievement-oriented, directive, and supportive

d.Directive, participative, supportive, and laissez-faire

Answer C

19) Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts

a. Problem solving c. Removing key figures in conflict

b. Domination by the management d. Persuasion

Answer D

20) “Leadership motivates the people to work and not the power of

money”, this concept is related to

a. Autocratic model

b. Custodial model

c. Supportive Model

d. Collegial Model

Answer: b

21) The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader’s

trust in the abilities of his subordinates.

a. Participative

b. Delegative

c. Authoritarian

d. All of the above

Answer: d
22) _________ considers the age, sex, race, educational level, and length of service of team

A) Diversity training

B) Cognitive dissonance

C) Cohorts

D) Organizational demographics

Answer D

23) Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) All leaders are managers.

B) All managers are not leaders.

C) The formal rights associated with management provide assurance that managers can lead

D) Non-sanctioned leadership is not as important as formal influence.

Answer D

24) Fiedler's contingency model assumes that an individual's leadership style is______

A) changeable

B) trained

C) situational

D) fixed

Answer D

25) Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory differs from other leadership theories
most clearly because it .

A) identifies specific leadership styles

B) focuses on the followers

C) makes leadership contingent on the situation

D) uses the leadership dimensions of task and relationship behaviors

Answer B

26) Acceptable standards of behaviour that are shared by the group's members are:

A. group norms.

B. group rules.

C. ideas.

D. opinions.

E. psychological contracts.

Answer A

27) A leadership style, identified by House in path-goal theory, leads to greater satisfaction when
tasks are ambiguous or stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out.

A) directive

B) supportive

C) participative

D) achievement-oriented

Answer A

28) The leader-participation model was developed by .

A) Robert House

B) Fred Fiedler

C) George Graen

D) Vroom and Yetton

Answer D

29) Leadership motivates the people to work ans not the power of money. This concept is related
to _______ .

A) Autocratic model
B) custodial model

C) supportive model

D) collegial model

Answer B

30) A charismatic leader's is key to follower acceptance.

A) energy

B) vision

C) credentials

D) history with the organization

Answer B

31) A ______ leader has five essential qualities: (1) individual capability; (2) team

skills; (3) managerial competence; (4) the ability to stimulate others to high performance;

and (5) a blend of personal humility and professional will.


A) transactional

B) charismatic

C) transformational

D) Charismatic Leadership”

Answer A

32) The overall evidence indicates that transformational leadership is more strongly correlated
than transactional leadership with .

A) lower turnover rates

B) higher productivity

C) higher employee satisfaction

D) all of the above

Answer D

33) leaders know who they are, know that they believe in and value, and act on those values and
beliefs openly and candidly.

A) Transformational

B) Transactional

C) Charismatic

D) Authentic

Answer D

34) Which of the following is NOT a dimension of trust?

A) Integrity

B) Competence

C) Loyalty

D) Distance

Answer D

35) Which of the following is NOT a substitute for leadership?

A) Explicit formalized goals

B) Rigid rules and procedures

C) Cohesive work groups

D) Professional orientation of employees

Answer D

36) When we consider leadership in an organization, we typically refer to:

A) the person or persons who oversee the activities of others.

B) the person or persons developing specific work patterns.

C) the person or persons responsible for setting the overall vision.

D) the individual who acts solely as the figurehead for the organization.

D) the individual who deals with the political issues of organizational function.

37) Which one of the following characteristics is not part of the definition of a group?

a) interdependent

b) two or more members

c) organizationally assigned goals

d) come together to achieve particular objectives

e) Interacting

Answer C

38) The stages of group development are:

A. A) idea generation, implementation, termination.

B. idea generation, implementation, termination.

C. initiation, evolution, maturation, decline.

D. forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning.

E. initiating, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Answer D

39) In the second stage of group development:

a) close relationships are developed.

b) the group demonstrates cohesiveness.

c) intragroup conflict often occurs.

d) the job task is performed.

e) group objectives are clearly formulated.

Answer C
40) After which stage of a group's development has the group formed a common set

of expectations of member behaviours?

A. norming

B. storming

C. forming

D. performing

E. Planning

Answer A

41) According to the punctuated-equilibrium model, all of the following are true

about groups except:

a) The first meeting sets the group's direction.

b) A transition takes place at the end of the first phase which occurs exactly when the group
has used up one third of its allotted time.

c) The first phase of group activity is one of inertia.

d) The group's last meeting is characterized by markedly accelerated activity.

e) The transition initiates major changes.

Answer B

42) The work group has a distinct set of resources determined by its membership. All

of the following are examples except:

A. intelligence of the members.

B. motivation of the members.

C. external structure.

D. internal structure defining member roles.

E. internal structure defining member norms.

Answer C
43) Work groups of employees and supervisors that meet regularly to discuss their quality
problems and recommend solutions is a form of participative management called:

A. department teams.

B. cooperative groups.

C. evaluation teams.

D. quality circles.

E. goal-oriented teams.

Answer D

44) _________is detrimental to group cohesiveness.

a) Diversity

b) Education

c) Teamwork

d) Trust

e) Accountability

Answer A

45) A leader high in initiating structure would be characterized as doing which of the


A. focusing on performance evaluation

B. helping subordinates with personal problems

C. treating all subordinates as equal

D. assigning group members to particular tasks

E. having concern for subordinates' status and satisfaction

Answer D

46) Leaders who emphasize interpersonal relations are described in the University of

Michigan studies as:

a) initiating consideration.

b) employee-oriented.

c) country club leaders.

d) contingency-oriented.

e) relationship-oriented.

Answer B

47) If a leader's main concern is accomplishing his/her group's tasks, the University of Michigan
studies labels this leader:

A. achievement-oriented.

B. employee-oriented.

C. single-minded.

D. production-oriented.

E. goal-oriented.

Answer D

48) Which of the following is not true of a charismatic leader?

a) They have a vision and the ability to articulate the vision.

b) They are sensitive to member needs.

c) They are perceived as managers of the status quo.

d) They have behaviour that is out of the ordinary.

e) They are sensitive to the environment.

Answer C

49) The type of leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of

established goals by clarifying role and task requirements are:

A. transactional leaders.

B. charismatic leaders.
C. transformational leaders.

D. employee-oriented leaders.

E. process-oriented leaders.

Answer A

50) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transformational leader?

A. encourages innovative approaches to old problems

B. inspires exertion of extra effort for goal achievement

C. uses a management-by-objectives approach

D. tends to use humour strategies

E. provides opportunities for learning

ANswer C

51) Leaders of teams find themselves in a role of:

a) director.

b) coach.

c) follower.

d) high power.

e) autocrat.

Answer B

52) All of the following are differences in the inherent leadership styles between women and men

A. Women attempt to enhance followers' self-worth.

B. Men are more likely to use a directive command and control style.

C. Men share power and information.

D. Women tend to lead through inclusion and rely on interpersonal skills to influence others.

E. Men rely on formal authority for their position.

Answer C

53) Currently the two most popular approaches to leadership are contingency models and the
study of:

A. leadership neutralizers.

B. traits.

C. charisma.

D. leadership substitutes.

E. education and experience

Answer C

54) Tran-sectional analysis is a psychological tool given by-

a) Sigmund Freud

b) Eric Berne

c) Gordon Allport

d) John Watson

Answer B

55) The Purpose of studying T.A.

A. To know why we get angry

B. To know why we cry

C. To know why we behave different at different times

D. To know why we Procrastinate

Answer C

56) Which is not among the 3 main sates of ego

a) Adult ego

b) Child ego
c) Parent ego

d) Compliant ego

Answer D

57) __________ is the source of our emotional represent

A. Child ego state

B. Parent ego state

C. Nurturing ego state

D. Adult ego state

Answer A

58) Which is not a part of johari window model-

a) Blind Spot

b) Unknown Area

c) Hidden Area

d) Changing Area

Answer D

59) How to In-large the open area-

a. By giving time

b. By giving disclosure

c. By giving focus

d. By giving knowledge

Answer B

60) The Known area of Johari window is ----

A. Same as Blind Area

B. Mad-up of Private Feeling

C. An area you need to enlarge

D. An area that you don’t know completely and never disappear

Answer D

61) Blind Spot in Johari window means ____

a) The information is known by all

b) The information is known by you only

c) The information is known by others only

d) The information is known by anyone

Answer C

62) Feedback is important then disclosure when an individual is in hidden in johari window-

a. True

b. False

Answer A

63) According to Tuckman (1965), which of the following is NOT a stage of the life cycle of a

A. performing

B. norming

C. reforming

D. Storming

Answer C

64) The phenomenon whereby an individual in a group will tend to end up agreeing with a strong
majority opinion in spite of their own judgment is known as

a) normative influence

b) informative influence
c) critical mass influence

d) bullying influence

Answer A

65) The tendency whereby groups make decisions that are more extreme than the individuals’
opinions within the group is termed

a. group polarization

b. group cohesion

c. group deindividuation

d. group extremism

Answer A

66) The so-called ‘Hawthorne effect’ refers to which group-related phenomenon?

A. one person in a group usually does most of the work

B. people in groups tend to try to get away with doing as little as possible

C. people always perform better when they’re being watched

D. there is usually one person in a group who will try to argue against the majority

Answer C

67) Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization
are called

a. formal groups

b. informal groups

c. task groups

d. interest groups

Answer A

68) Continued membership in a group will usually require

a. supporting the group leader

b. conforming to group norms

c. encouraging cohesiveness in the group

d. developing a status system

Answer B

69) Concerning leadership concepts,

a. leader roles are unnecessary in organizations like Gore-Tex, where a self-leadership approach

is used

b. it is likely that a particular set of leader characteristics and behaviors do suit specific

situations and groups

c. it is likely that the need for leaders will decline in the 21st century due to more decentralized


d. the military model of leadership will become more popular in the 21st century

Answer C

70) Group behavior, power, and conflict are central areas of study for_______ .

Select correct option:

A. Sociologists

B. Anthropologists

C. Social psychologists

D. Operations analysts

Answer A

71) One of the most popular ways to group activities is by:

a. product.

b. function.

c. geography.
d. process.

Answer B

72) What happens in the second stage of group development?

a) Close relationships are developed

b) The group demonstrates cohesiveness

c) Intra-group conflict often occurs

d) The job task is performed

Answer C

73) Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of group decision making?

A. More knowledge through pooling of group resources

B. More amount of time is required to make a decision

C. Increased acceptance & commitment due to voice in decisions

D. Greater understanding due to involvement in decision stages

Answer B

74) Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:

a) Dedication and achievement

b) Persuasion and control

c) Power and influence

d) Knowledge and cooperation

Answer D

75)are the approaches to the study of leadership which emphasise the personality of the leader:

A. Contingency theories

B. Group theories

C. Trait theories
D. Inspirational theories

Answer C

76) Leaders achieve goals, and power is:

a) A goal in and of itself

b) Usually used by poor leaders

c) A means of achieving goals

d) A strong influence on leaders’ goals

Answer C

77) Trust and trustworthiness affect a leader’s access to:

A. Dedication and achievement

B. Persuasion and control

C. Power and influence

D. Knowledge and cooperation

Answer D

78) Which of the following types of power requires acceptance of the leader’s authority by
members of the organization?

a) Personal

b) Organizational

c) Legitimate

d) Positional

Answer C

79) Which of the following best describes a leader?

a. Being a leader also means being a manager

b. Leaders can emerge from with in a group

c. Leaders are appointed to their positions

d. Leaders influence others beyond the formal authority

Answer D

80) Which of the following statements about gender difference in leadership is correct?

A. There is no difference in leadership on the basis of gender

B. Women leaders are not good at negotiation

C. Men leaders seem to be more supportive and patient

D. Women tend to adopt democratic leadership style

Answer D

81 When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the stage.

a) Storming

b) Norming

c) Maturation

d) Performing

Answer B

82) The charismatic leaders are likely to:

a. Invoke high performance among followers

b. Encourage women to seek leadership positions

c. Motivate followers to become more extroverted

d. Avoid media attention regarding their achievements

Answer A

83) Once the causes of difficulty have been identified, the groups can move to the______ to
develop solutions that will improve relations between the groups.

A. Process Consultation
B. Appreciative Inquiry

C. Integration phase

D. Team Building

Answer C

84) Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of group in organization?

a) Common goal

b) Interaction with one another

c) Accept expectations and obligations

d) Mutually independent

Answer D

85) Which of the following leadership style gave the group members complete freedom?

a. Autocratic

b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Consideration

Answer C

86) Which of the following is true concerning online leadership?

A) The digital age can never turn non-leaders into leaders.

B) Effective on-line leaders need to develop the skill of deciphering the emotional

components of messages.

C) Managers whose face-to-face leadership skills are less than satisfactory will not shine online.

D) The on-line leader has received considerable attention from organizational behavior


Answer B
87) If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are .

a) Educated

b) Trained

c) Born

d) Authoritarian

Answer C

88) Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of group decision making?

a. More knowledge through pooling of group resources

b. More amount of time is required to make a decision

c. Increased acceptance & commitment due to voice in decisions

d. Greater understanding due to involvement in decision stages

Answer B

89) If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then which of the following statement is true?

A. Leadership behaviors are consistent

B. Leaders are born with leadership behaviors

C. Leaders’ behavior should be altered

D. Leadership skills can be trained

Answer D

90) Needs, setting standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders according to
Adair’s approach, called as:

A. Work functions

B. Task functions

C. Individual functions

D. Team functions
Answer D

91) Which of the following is one of the drawbacks of group decision making?

a. More knowledge through pooling of group resources

b. More amount of time is required to make a decision

c. Increased acceptance & commitment due to voice in decisions

d. Greater understanding due to involvement in decision stages

Answer B

92) Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding trait theories?

A. Fit traits to various situations

B. Emphasize the situation in classifying approaches to leadership

C. Suggest leaders are born and not made

D. Focus on leaders physical attributes, personality, and abilities

Answer C

93) A group which is raising funds from public for a medical research on a disease that can affect
the population can be called as:

a) Command group

b) Formal group

c) Task group

d) Interest group

Answer D

94) What result does group shift have on the decisions a group makes?

A. They are less effective

B. They are generally riskier

C. They are made more quickly

D. They are objectively incorrect

Answer B

95) According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader’s behavior is

directed toward getting the job done is called:

a) Initiating structure

b) Consideration

c) Maximization

d) Path-goal

Answer A

96) The charismatic leaders are likely to:

a. Invoke high performance among followers

b. Encourage women to seek leadership positions

c. Motivate followers to become more extroverted

d. Avoid media attention regarding their achievements

Answer A

97) Legitimate power is based on which of the following element?

A. Positive rewards

B. Interpersonal trust

C. Structural position

D. Expert knowledge

Answer C

98) Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?

Select correct option:

a) They have behavior that is unconventional

b) They are willing to take high personal risk

c) They have a vision and the ability to articulate the vision

d) They show consistency with their followers’ behaviors

Answer D

99) Which of the following is the most productive stage in group development?

Select correct option:

a. Producing

b. Increasing

c. Maturity

d. Performing

Answer D

100) Transactional leadership is addressed by all of the following leadership theories EXCEPT:

Select correct option:

A. Transformational leadership theory

B. Path-goal theory

C. Fiedler's leadership model

D. The leader-participation model

Answer A

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