Mind Check Exercise

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ARCHANGELS INSTITUTE WORKSHOP By- Dr.Dattatray Ghode 1. When you watch a show on television that offers a million dollars as prize money, you a) Enjoy the show, enjoy watching others become rich and make sure you watch it every week b) Tell yourself, I'll do everything to reach that hot seat ¢) Start thinking of ways you can become rich 2. At a social gathering, if you hear that a successful business tycoon is also coming, will you a) Ask for his autograph and try to get a picture taken with him b) Meet him, shake hands, talk to him and exchange business cards ¢) Stay away, you consider it undignified and a bad idea to chase successful people 3. Where do you see yourself five years from now? a) You are happy with your life and hence would be happy to see yourself in the same position, provided you have peace of mind b) In your manager's position ¢) As a millionaire 4. If you get the chance of a lifetime, but need to make a big investment, you will a) Take the opportunity because you had been waiting for something like this your entire life and arrange funds from somewhere somehow b) Let the opportunity go, because you cannot afford it. Settle for something smaller that fits your pocket c) Wait for others to try it before you do. You'll invest, but only if they give you a positive feedback 5. Your handwriting is: a) Small b) Medium c) Large

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