Final Professional Examination, May 2022 Paediatrics SOE

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Final Professional Examination, May 2022

Q.1. Who is a child? What are the major causes of under-5 mortality rate in Bangladesh?
Q.2. A 5-day-old, 33 weeker neonate, weighing 2.2 kg presented with reluctant to feed and
less movement for 2 days.
a) What is the most possible diagnosis?
b) Mention common complications.
Q.3. A 5-year-old boy presented with pallor and hepatosplenomegaly. He had a H/O
repeated blood transfusion since 1 year of age.
a) what is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
Q.4. a) A 10-month-old child presented with fever with rash. Mention common differential
b) Write down 4 complications of measles.
Q.5. A 2-year-old boy presented with cervical lymphadenopathy and fever.
a) Mention common differential diagnoses.
b) How will you confirm Tubercular Lymphadenopathy?
Q.6. a) What are the common causes of respiratory distress in newborn?
b) Mention common organisms for neonatal sepsis.
Q.7.a) What is IMCI? What is IYCF?
b) What are the general danger signs?
Q.8. A 3-year-old presented with severe respiratory distress and cyanosis. On query, there is
H/O failure to thrive and easy fatiguability. O/E, there is clubbing of fingers and systolic
murmur in precordium.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Write down 3 complications.
Q.9. A 12-year-old girl came to hospital with puffy face and scanty micturition for 4 days.
She has severe headache since morning and BP 140/90 mm of Hg.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Mention common complications.
Q.10. A 8-month-old child was admitted with fever for 3 days and several episodes of
convulsion for 1 day. O/E, the baby was drowsy and had bulged fontanelle.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
Q.11.a) How will you clinically differentiate Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia?
b) Mention common causes of neonatal jaundice.
Q.12. a) Mention some common neurological disease in children.
b) What are the important criteria for simple febrile seizure?
Q.13.a) Define ETAT b) Mention Priority signs and Emergency signs.
Q.14. Name some vaccine preventable diseases.
Q.15. A 4-year-old girl presented with bleeding from gum and purpuric rash all over the
a) Mention 3 differential diagnoses.
b) Mention one investigation with interpretation for each of the diagnosis.
Q.16. a) WHO criteria for severe acute malnutrition for below 6 months.
b) What is F-75? Mention some skin changes/Dermatoses that occur in SAM.
c) How will you treat a child with Dermatoses and corneal clouding in a child of SAM?
Q.17.a) What are the normal characteristics of newborn?
b) Mention common birth injuries.
c) Name some primitive reflexes.
Q.18. a) What are the common nutritional disorders in children in Bangladesh?
b) How will you investigate a child with Iron deficiency anaemia?
Q.19. a) Define Growth and Development.
b) What are the important developmental milestones of a 10-month-old child?
Q.20. A 2-year-old girl presented with cough for 2 days. He developed stridor and
convulsion since morning.
a) What is his classification according to IMCI?
b) Identify the treatment of this boy according to IMCI.
Q.21. A 3-year-old boy presented with fever for 2 weeks. O/E, he is severely pale, having
petechiae and purpura but no organomegaly or lymphadenopathy.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
Q.22. a) Mention common causes of ascites in children.
b) What are the symptom criteria for Tuberculosis in children?
Q.23. a) Enumerate the current EPI schedule in Bangladesh.
b) What is AEFI?
Q.24. a) What are the warning signs of Dengue fever?
b) How will you manage a case of Dengue Shock Syndrome?
Q.25. a) Name some common childhood poisoning.
b) What are the common causative organisms for meningitis and pneumonia in children
(age wise).
Q.26.a) Name common childhood diseases of- Respiratory system, Renal System, Nervous
System, GIT system, CVS.
b) Enumerate common neonatal problems.
Q.27.a) How will you treat a case of Abdominal Tuberculosis?
b) Define fulminant hepatic failure.
Q.28.a) What is JIA?
b) Clinically differentiate between JIA and Acute Rheumatic Fever.
Note: Read thoroughly Rickets, Scurvy, Neonatal jaundice, Neonatal sepsis, Neonatal
convulsion, Diarrhoea, Peumonia, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Malnutrition,
Congenital hypothyroidism and all related topics of available X-rays, photographs and

May Allah Bless You All

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