11.2 Analogue Modelling

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Analogue Modelling Tips and Tricks


Analogue Warmth: avoiding aliasing, chorusing

Filter Comparison: standard filters, BEQ Suite, MoogFF
More Server Side Sequencing: Demand rate UGens

Simulating Analogue Warmth

Digital systems have the drawback of setting hard contraints on representable

frequencies and amplitude levels

Avoiding aliasing; use band limited waveforms (i.e. Saw not LFSaw for higher


But then, both are perfectly serviceable for low frequencies and the rougher edge
to LFSaw can be useful.

Sidenote on aliasing:
Fundamental frequencies at divisors of the sampling rate have harmonics which only
alias at harmonic locations!

//These assume 44100Hz output sampling rate


//warning; LOUD, awkward on ear


//aliasing if mouse moved left


//no aliasing

Chorusing (detuned oscillators)

{Saw.ar(440,0.2)}.play //plain

Though it increases sensory dissonance (beats and roughness between partials), a

thicker sound is possible by mixing multiple copies of a waveform generator with
subtle differences

{Mix(Saw.ar(440*[0.99,1.01],0.2))}.play //plain
//if want perceptual (log freq) same difference each side need 0.99 and
0.99.reciprocal, but we'll overlook that for now

//Because the oscillators are deterministic, there is a potential problem of highly

rigid beating patterns
var numdetune=4;

//to alter phases need LFSaw; but could also just add some subtle frequency
var freqmult;

//between 1 +- 0.01
freqmult= 1+SinOsc.ar(LFNoise1.kr(rrand(0.25,0.5),4,5),pi.rand,0.01);


//question for you; why don't I need to use Rand rather than rrand in this case?

{Saw.ar(440*(1+SinOsc.ar(LFNoise1.kr(rrand(0.25,0.5),4,5),pi.rand,0.02)),0.2)}) }.p

//more like an analogue synth though to combine different waveforms in proportion

and more overt detunings (ie octaves, octave+fifth)

//make a random mix

{Mix.fill(3,{|i| [LFTri, LFCub,

Now to work on the source+filter model for subtractive synthesis

Comparing Filters

//standard filter
z = {
MouseX.kr(100,20000,\exponential), // cutoff freq.
MouseY.kr(0.1, 1.0, \linear), // rq
0.5); // mul

//The BEQSuite (sc3-plugins pack) has some nice filters, which take less energy
z = {
MouseX.kr(100,20000,\exponential), // cutoff freq.
MouseY.kr(0.1, 1.0, \linear), // rq
0.5); // mul


//can distort at high gain

z = {
MouseX.kr(100,20000,\exponential), // cutoff freq.
MouseY.kr(0.1, 4.0, \linear) //gain


Demand Rate UGens

A bit like the Patterns library, server side!

Triggers are used in the Demand UGen to cue a 'demand' for a new value from the
attached specialist demand rate UGens (which all begin with D and have names
analogous to patterns)

{var sequence = Dseq([-0.3,0.5,0.0,0.4],inf); //Dseq is demand rate

Demand.ar(Impulse.ar(10),0, sequence);
So far, similar functionality might be constructed with Select, Index, EnvGen,
IEnvGen et al

But akin to patterns, nesting is possible:

{var sequence = Dseq([-0.3,Drand([-1,1],1),0.0,0.4],inf); //Dseq is demand rate

Demand.ar(Impulse.ar(100),0, sequence);

Musical use:

{var freq, sequence = Dseq([60,Drand([48,72],1),63,62.8],inf); //Dseq is demand

freq= Demand.kr(Impulse.kr(MouseX.kr(1,100)),0, sequence).midicps; //only need k-

rate; used a-rate in last examples because final output in UGen graph needs to be
audio rate

Saw.ar(freq, 0.1)

//multichannel use 1 (multichannel expansion gives independent sequences)

{var freq, sequence = Dseq([60,Drand([47,73],1),63,61.5],inf); //Dseq is demand

freq= Demand.kr(Impulse.kr([5,5.1]),0, sequence).midicps; //output is two channels,

since Dseq has two output values

SyncSaw.ar(freq, 300,0.1);

//multichannel use 2 (multichannel sequence itself)

{var freq, sequence = Dseq([[60,48],Drand([48,72],1),63,[61,62.8],[55,62.5],
[63,62.1]],inf); //Dseq is demand rate

freq= Demand.kr(Impulse.kr(5),0, sequence).midicps; //output is two channels, since

Dseq has two output values

SyncSaw.ar(freq[0], LFNoise0.kr(7,100,230),0.1),
SyncSaw.ar(freq[1], LFNoise2.kr(17,400,630),0.1)

More demanding: Duty allows you to specify a duration sequence for controlling when
the next value is demanded

//interaction of durations for holding current value and output value sequence

The next three examples are provided as more involved patches; you might want to
try to work out what is going on!

//putting various things together: rhythmic synthesis

{var freq, filterfreq, source, filtered;
var tempo;

tempo= 0.5; //seconds per beat

,63,65,67,55,53,Drand([51,49,58,70],1),70,Drand([70, 48,72,36],1)],inf)).midicps;

filterfreq= Duty.kr(Dseq([0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,1.0]*tempo,inf),0,Dseq(Array.fill(16,

source= Mix(SyncSaw.ar([1,0.5,0.25,1.01,
1.25]*(freq.lag(0.05)),LFNoise2.kr([0.25,0.5,1,2,4]*(tempo*2),200,300), 0.1));

filtered= BLowPass4.ar(source,filterfreq.lag(0.0625),0.5);

Pan2.ar(filtered, LFNoise1.kr(tempo,0.25))
//note that if you make the Duty's .ar you'll see a substantial increase in CPU

var source, filter, env;
var trig, freq, freq2;

trig= Impulse.kr(8,[0,0.1]); //stereo here forces stereo throughout the graph,

including generating different notes
//trig= Impulse.kr(8);

//sequencer via Demand UGens

freq= Demand.kr(trig,0,Drand([60,63,60,63,65,63,70,67, 60,62,60,63,65,63,70,67,

//portamento via lag

source= Mix.fill(4,{|i|

//if using Saw instead

//source= Mix.fill(4,{|i|

//envelope is restarted by trigger MouseX.kr(0.25,0.125)

env= EnvGen.ar(Env([0,1,0],[0.01,0.25]),trig);

filter= BLowPass.ar(0.5*source,300+(MouseX.kr(100,20000,'exponential')*env),0.2,


//using InterplEnv
var source, filter;
var freq;


source= Mix.fill(5,{|i| Saw.ar(freq*(0.25*(2**(i))


filter= BLowPass.ar(0.5*source,1000+(2000*EnvGen.ar(Env([0,1,0],

Limiter.ar(GVerb.ar(filter*0.25) + Pan2.ar(filter))

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