Panther Press: EWS AND Otes From THE Rincipal

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Panther Press

Panther Press
July/August, 2011




P R I N C I P A L . ..
Greetings! I hope your summer is going well. It seems like just yesterday that we dismissed for the year, but it is already time to start planning for the fall. 2011/2012 will be the second year 7th and 8th graders will be in our building and we are looking forward to another fantastic year. The staff and student transition to the junior high last year went really well and we think that 7th and 8th graders together is a great fit both academically and socially.

July 5-8 July 6-8 8/15 8/16

7/8th Grade Football Camp 9:30-12:00 p.m. at the Senior High. 7th/8th Grade Volleyball Camp 12:00-3:00 at SH main gym. 7th & 8th Grade Cross Country practice begins Junior High open house 6:00 p.m. in the JH Auditorium. First day of classes for Grades 1-12. 8th Grade Football practice begins 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball practice begins 7th Grade Football practice begins Student Fall Photograph Day at JH.

This newsletter is full of information to help you prepare and plan for a successful year at the Junior High. Information contained in this issue includes schedule pickup and open house dates, morning drop-off and afternoon pick up procedures, activity information, and school district calendar information. Schedule pick-up will be the first full week in August. We are asking that parents / guardians accompany their children to go over student information as well as to check personal census information and contact data. Parents may also purchase activity cards for their students and pay other school fees at this time. The schedule pick up dates are as follows: 7th Grade Student Schedule Pickup: Wednesday, August 3rd 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 3:00 p.m. 8th Grade Student Schedule Pickup: Thursday, August 4th 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 3:00 p.m. All Student Schedule Pickup: Friday, August 5th 7:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

8/18 8/18 8/22

8/22 9/13

Note: You may come other days if the designated day doesnt work for your schedule . ALL students and parents...we hope to see you at the JH Open House, Tuesday, August 16th from 6:00 p.m-7:00 p.m. The building will be open that night for you to find your classrooms and teachers. The open house will give you an opportunity to visit with friends, find your locker, and become familiar with the junior high building and staff. If you have any questions, please call the main office at 644-2516. Our summer hours are listed below:

10/11 Student Fall re-take Photograph day at JH

MondayThursday: 7:00 a.m.4:30 p.m. / Friday: 8:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Beginning August 2nd, the office will return to regular operating hours (7:15 a.m.4:15 p.m.) Note: Our main office will be closed Monday, June 27th Friday, July 22nd. Have a great rest of the summer!Mr. Hart

Panther Press

Excused Absences (the following do not count against the students 10 days per Semester) SUS Outof-School Suspension ISS In-School Suspension OTE Administrative excused LTI Long term absence SAC School activity NUR Nurse GUO Guidance OFF Office MNT Mentor Unexcused Absences (the following do count against the students 10 days per Semester) Ill Called in sick by parent/ guardian ILD Ill-Doctors note FNR Funeral UNV Unverified/Truant APT Appointment OOT Out-of-Town TDX Tardy OUT Other absence (drivers permit, overslept, car problems, etc.) If you have any questions regarding your students absences please call the Attendance Secretary.



Norfolk Junior High Attendance Policy ...


Parents and students need to be aware of the NJH Attendance policy. The policy states, To receive academic credit a student shall not be absent from any class more than 10 days during any semester. These 10 days should be considered a bank and used only when needed. Parents will receive written notification when students reach five (5) days of unexcused absences and again at eight (8) days of unexcused absences. When a student reaches more than 10 unexcused absences in any class, a no credit letter will be issued. The no credit letter indicates that no credit will be issued for those classes unless a credit appeal process form, which is included with the no credit letter, is completed and turned in to the Junior High Office within five Caption describing picture or graphic. (5) days. The attendance of students who fall into this category will be monitored throughout the rest of the semester. At the end of the semester, a committee will convene to determine whether or not credit will be issued. The number one reason why employers terminate workers is due to lack of attendance and tardiness. It is our responsibility as educators and parents to teach our youngsters the importance of being dependable, which includes being present and punctual!

LunchClosed Campus ...

NJH DOES NOT have an open campus policy during the noon hour. Having a closed campus means that your child cannot leave school to go out for lunch or go home for lunch. Students will be permitted to leave campus for lunch only if they are under the direct supervision of a parent. Before leaving campus, the parent must come to the office and sign the student out. For safety reasons, the school will no longer accept written notes to excuse students for lunch.

Guidance Office
The school counselors and guidance department are valuable resources. They are available to help students who are experiencing academic and/or social problems. There are two counselor at the junior high and each grade level has a counselor assigned to it. Students should feel welcome and encouraged to drop in whenever they have free time or make an appointment if no free time is available. The Guidance Office is located in the main office on the 1st floor. The counselors can also be reached by phone at 644-2523.

A complete list of the NJHS Policies and Regulations are listed in the 20112012Agenda/Daily Planner

Panther Press

Students Should Dress for Success ...

Students attending Norfolk Junior High must abide by the Criteria for Student Attire, which can be found in your student handbook. Please take some time and read through this section of your handbook carefully. The following are some highlights from this section of your handbook. Shorts must have at least a 4 inch inseam. Shirts that expose the midriff are not allowed. Tank tops must have a sleeved shirt underneath of them. Shirts must cover the shoulders and armpit areas along with no cleavage showing. Shoes must be worn at all times flip flops, sandals, etc. are ok for class slippers are not. Appropriate shoes must be worn for physical education class. No article of clothing or jewelry should have anything (written or implied) to do with sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gangs, etc. Shorts/pants will be worn on the waistline. Sagging pants/shorts will not be permitted. Hats/caps are not permitted inside the school building. These are just a few highlights of the Criteria for Student Attire. If the clothing you wish to wear to school is questionable, do not wear it to school. All clothing must be modest, appropriate, and cover the body in an acceptable manner. School administration reserves the right to determine whether or not what you are wearing is acceptable. Please remember - what you learn is much more important than

Mandatory 4 inseam

what you wear.

The 2011-12Master Calendar will be posted on the Norfolk Public School website in mid-July and m a y b e f ou n d a t

Students will receive their student handbooks (agendas) the first day of school. Please read the information carefully with your student and sign page one. Have your student hand this page in to the Guidance office by August 22nd. Thank you!

Panther Press

General Information for Students ...

Your locker and lock are the property of the school district. The school board gives students permission to use a locker and lock during the school year. Therefore, students cannot expect their locker to be free from inspection by the school, if the administration considers a search necessary, to maintain the integrity of the school environment and to protect others in the building. Locker inspections will be reasonable and conducted in the presence of at least two staff members. These guidelines also apply to lockers assigned in locker rooms. Locker numbers will be printed on students class schedules. Upon students receiving their lockers, they need to immediately check their lockers for damage and report any damage to the office. Students will be financially responsible for damage to their lockers. Locks will be furnished by the school at no charge. If locks are not returned or are damaged, students will be charged $5.00. Students should follow the locker regulations given below: Use only the locker assigned to you. Never open another student's locker. Keep your locker neat and orderly. Always close the locker door and keep it locked. Do not leave valuables in the locker. Label all personal items. Do not write on the inside or outside of the locker. Memorize your lock combination. Do not share this information with anyone. Pop and candy are not to be stored in lockers. NJH is not responsible for items lost or stolen from lockers.

Suggested School Supplies: 5 to 7 spiral notebooks Loose leaf paper Several pens Several pencils 11 standard/metric ruler 1 basic calculator 1 package of 3 x 5 note-cards Textbook covers Trapper or 3 ring binders Kleenex

Student Rights and Responsibilities I have a right to learn and a responsibility to do my best. I have a right to be myself and a responsibility to accept others differences. I have a right to feel safe and a responsibility to look out for others. I have a right to be heard and a responsibility to listen to others. I have a right to excel and a responsibility to be a good sport. I have a right to use school property and a responsibility to respect it. I have a right to get help and a responsibility to ask for it.

With every right comes a responsibility. By taking responsibility, we make our school, our community, and our world a better place.

Panther Press

Cell Phones at NJH ...

Student success is the number one priority at the NJH. Cell phone use during class time can have a negative impact on this success. However, we understand that cell phones are much more than just a phone. For many students, their cell phones are their personal computer, calendar, and organizer as well as their means of communication. The following is Norfolk Junior Highs cell phone/electronic device policy: Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Policy Cell phones/electronic devices may NOT be used or heard during the school day with the exception of lunch. By allowing students to carry cell phones/ electronic devices into the school building, students and their families are consenting to a search of that phone by school officials when the school officials determine a need to conduct such a search. Instances determining a need for a cell phone/electronic device search may include, but are not limited to: bullying, harassment, academic integrity (cheating), threats, or any other intimidating/inappropriate actions. This policy is in effect during regular school hours and during any on/off site school activities.
Because bringing electronic devices to school is voluntary, NJH and NPS are not responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged personal electronic devices.

Volunteers Needed! We are looking for parent volunteers to help tutor students for a new after-school program this year. If you are interested in helping or just want more information about the program, please contact contact Mr. Hart at 644-2516 .
* Proficiency in math and science is an added bonus.

Students who fail to follow the cell phone policy will be subject to the following consequences: First violation: Cell phone/electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day. Second violation: Cell phone/electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the student upon completion of one after school detention. Third violation: Cell phone/electronic device will be confiscated and returned to the students parent/guardian. Student will serve two after school detentions.

Jake Luhr NJHS Assistant Principal

Panther Press

Nebraska State Law requires that to begin 7th grade, proof of a physical exam, taken after March 2011, to be on file at school. Parents /guardians of non-athletes may sign a waiver indicating that they do not want their student to have a physical. While a waiver can be signed to avoid the physical for non-athletes, the Nebraska State Activities Association requires that to participate in a sport, each 7th & 8th grade student must have a physical from a doctor taken after May 1, 2011. No athlete will be allowed to participate in a practice until the physical is completed and turned in to the school. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PICK UP THEIR SCHEDULE WITHOUT A COMPLETED PHYSICAL OR A PHYSICAL WAIVER ON FILE IN THE NURSES OFFICE . The immunization requirements have recently changed. Immunizations need to be completed prior to schedule pick up days. Please note that 7th graders are required to have a Tdap booster containing the pertussis vaccination. This booster may be received anytime after the age of 10 or 11. All students are required to have 2 doses of the varicella (chicken pox) vaccination or documentation of the disease. These immunizations are required in order to pick up the schedule. 4 doses of DTP, DT, OR TD vaccineone given after their 4th birthday 1 dose of Tdap given after the age of 10 or 11. 3 doses of Polio vaccine. 2 doses of MMR vaccine, given on or after 12 months of age and separated by at least one month. 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine. 2 doses of varicella given on or after 12 months of age. Written documentation (date and year) of varicella disease from parent or guardian will be accepted. The physical form and updated immunizations may be brought in anytime in the late spring to the Middle School or during the summer hours to the Junior High. If you have questions concerning which immunizations your child may need please call the nurses office. August 3rd, 4th and 5th is when we welcome students to come pick up their schedules. Students who have not completed the requirements will not be allowed to pick up their schedules until the appropriate paperwork is completed including immunizations in compliance with the law and a physical completed or a waiver on file. This waiver must be signed by a parent or guardian. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us comply with state law. If you have any questions regarding the requirements of these laws, please call me at 644-2569 or 644-2516. Sincerely, Cindy Fox, RN

Panther Press

Norfolk Public Schools

Physical Examination Form

Name Physician Please complete prior to exam.


______ SEX_____





Do you take any supplements or vitamins to help with weight loss or weight gain? Yes___ No___ What do you think is your ideal weight? ____ Lowest weight last year______ Highest weight______ Are there any medical concerns you would like to discuss with the doctor? ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Physical Examination Height Blood Pressure Urinalysis Orthopedic Exam: Neck Knees Feet Vision Screening: OD With glasses OD OS OS RE LE Upper Extremities Lower Extremities Spine Evidence of Scoliosis Weight Pulse Hemoglobin/HCT __ Heart Lungs Evidence of Hernia Thyroid Abdominal Organs

Mouth __________Dental cavities needing treatment______________ Audiometric Screening Report, if given: 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 ___ ____

Immunizations: ALL students are required to have 2 doses of varicella or the disease. Seventh grade students are required to have a Tdap booster ( unless they have had one around age 10 or 11) Please give dates of vaccinations. TDap _________ Varicella#1__________ #2___________or Date of disease__________ ________

Other immunizations ( These are not required by state law but may be administered per your doctors advice.) HPV_________ Meningococcal_____________ Hep A____________Other ____________

Medical health problems: History of heat stroke/ exhaustion________ Abnormal bleeding________

Heart murmur ____

Seizures_______ High blood pressure______ Diabetes_________ Sickle Cell Disease______ Hepatitis______ History of loss of consciousness/head injury_______

Panther Press





Required medication on a daily or episodic routine:



Physical Activity: Unrestricted _____ Remarks and suggestions

Modifications or Exceptions _____________________ _________

I certify that I have on this date examined this student and that, on the basis of the examination requested by the school authorities and the student's medical history as furnished to me, I have found no reason which would make it medically inadvisable for this student to compete in supervised athletic activities, EXCEPT THOSE CROSSED OUT. FOOTBALL TRACK BASKETBALL VOLLEYBALL CROSS COUNTRY WRESTLING





PRINT NAME___________________________________________

Physical Waiver
Please fill out the section below ONLY if you wish to WAIVER the physical. This must be signed by the parent or guardian. As the Parent/Guardian of __________________________ Birth Date_________________________________ I do not wish that my child have a physical examination.

___________________________________________ Signature

__________________________________ Date

Panther Press

JH Class Schedule
1st Bell 7:55 a.m. Period 1--8:05-8:56 a.m. Period 2--9:00--9:51 a.m. Period 39:55-10:46 a.m. Period 410:50-11:42 a.m. 2nd Bell 8:00 a.m. Period 5--11:46-12:38 p.m. Period 6--12:42-1:34 p.m. Period 71:38-2:29 p.m. Period 82:33-3:25 p.m.


1st Bell 2nd Bell Period 1

Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8

7:55 8:00 8:05-8:45

8:49-9:29 9:33-10:13 10:17-10:59 11:03-11:45 11:49-12:31 12:35-1:15 1:19-2:00


1st Bell
2nd Bell Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8

8:00 8:05-8:27 8:31-8:53 8:57-9:19 9:23-9:45 9:49-10:11 10:15-10:37 10:41-11:03 11:07-11:30

NJHS Volleyball
Welcome to Norfolk Junior High School Volleyball! We are ready and excited to start the season. All 7th and 8th grade players should sign-up and get a volleyball information letter at NJHS during school schedule pick-up August 3rd - 5th. We will have players meet in the main gym Friday, August 19 th immediately after school until 3:45 p.m. Our first practice will be Monday, August 22nd. A parent meeting will be scheduled at a later date. Practice will be held from 3:30 - 5:15 p.m. after school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. We will begin the season practicing at NJHS and later we will also use other area gyms to maximize court time. Players should wear gym clothes and athletic shoes to practice. NJHS volleyball team T-shirts will be ordered after the beginning of the season and can be purchased for approximately $12.00. The players wear their team T-shirts in games, tournaments, and on school spirit days. Players may also want to bring their own knee pads, they are not required, but do provide protection for the knees. Go Panthers! Coach Janine Krohn Coach Meaghen Hendershot

10:00 am LATE START 1st Bell 2nd Bell Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 9:50 9:55 10:00-10:37 10:41-11:18 11:22-11:58 12:02-12:40 12:44-1:22 1:26-2:04 2:08-2:44 2:48-3:25

A bright outlook opens us to a world of possibilities.

Panther Press
NORFOLK JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT EXPENSE FORM 2011-2012 Students Name: _______________________________ Parent (s) Name: ______________________________ Please check the appropriate blank for each expense and sign at the bottom acknowledging the expense total. REQUIRED EXPENSES _____ $ 45.00 - 7th and 8th GRADE ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FEE includes ACTIVITY PASS REQUIRED for all 7th and 8th graders who choose to participate in Jr. High School Cross Country, Volleyball, Football, Track, Wrestling, Basketball, Band, Orchestra & Choir 8th Grade _____ $ 10.00 - 21St. Century Living (semester) _____ $ 10.00 - Art 8 (semester) _____ $ 4 .00- Challenge 8th (consumables semester) _____ $ 3.00 - French Culture and Language 8 (semester) _____ $ 10.00- Industrial Tech 8 (semester) _____ $ 3.00 - Spanish Culture and Language 8 (semester) _____ $ 6.00 - Wellness Workbook (Quarter) 7th Grade _____ $ 5.00 - Art 7 (quarter) _____ $ 2.00 - Challenge 7th (consumables quarter) _____ $ 2.00 - Industrial Tech Lab 7( quarter) _____ $ 3.00 - Tri Culture 7 (quarter) Note: Band and orchestra expenses will be assessed on a per student basis for instrument rental, books/lessons, etc. The cost of the band polo shirt (in lieu of uniforms) is yet to be determined and students will be notified by Mr. Viergutz.

OPTIONAL EXPENSES (These fees cannot be wavied) _____ $ 30 - ACTIVITY PASS Prepaid entry fee to all Norfolk Public Schools sport events, theatrical and music productions. Special tournaments and out of town games not included. _____ $ 10 - Yearbook $_______________________ TOTAL PAYMENT

Attach a check or cash for your total and bring it with you when you pick of your childs schedule. Students who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch are eligible for fee waiving any of the required charges. Fee Waiver paperwork needs to be completed and returned to Central Office by the listed deadlines. Fee Waiver sheets are available in the school office.

Panther Press



Payment and Collection for School Breakfast and Lunch: The school district uses an automated system to record payments for meals. The system works like a checking account, requiring money in the students account in order to provide meals to the student. Parents/guardians are expected to maintain a positive balance in the students lunch account. At the beginning of the school year, families are to send money to their school or pay on-line at the District website to be placed in the students account. A minimum of $12.00 per student is recommended. Larger payments (i.e. one months payment) are encouraged. For families with children attending more than one school, a single check can be sent to any school for all their children. The money will be deposited in the students accounts per parent/guardian instruction. Low and Delinquent Account Balances: Parents may now check their students account balance on-line for quick access to this information. Parents may also make a deposit to their students account on-line. At a parents request, transfers may be made from one student account to another regardless of student location. This request must be documented. When a student account drops below the price of one lunch, lunch staff sends a notice to the parents via the students homeroom teacher. The note indicates the students balance and requests that the parent send funds the following day with their child. If the student account goes negative, the same process as above is followed and the amount is indicated as negative. Students are allowed three (3) charges and the same process is followed after each charge. If, after three (3) charges, the student account is still negative, the child is asked to contact their parent immediately. If a student has maxed out on the three (3) charges, students are given fruit and crackers at no cost. The District will not allow any student to go hungry. High School students are informed when their balance is low. They are told each day following until money is deposited into their account. Negative balances over 30 days old are emailed to parents. If a student has a negative balance, he/she is not able to purchase ala cart. Negative balances are required to be paid in full in order to attend Prom. If a student does not have enough in his/her account to purchase a lunch meal, they are served crackers and fruit. All second meals must be paid in advance, no charges are allowed. Before May 1st of each year, a note is sent home to parents indicating that no further charges will be allowed for lunch. Uncollected Balances at End of School Year: If a student account is inadvertently left negative at the end of the school year, the parent/guardian will be notified. A letter will be sent to the students current address and payment must be remitted immediately by the parent/guardian. All parents/guardians of students with a negative account balance of -$2.00 or greater will receive a collection letter.

Panther Press

Refunds: Immediate Refunds: A district refund form will be given to all students leaving (graduation or moving) the District. This form will indicate the account balance. The parent/guardian has the option of a refund or a transfer of the remaining balance to another student account. Refund checks will not be issued for balances less than $2.00. (The Student Refund form is generated by Infinite Campus.) Balances Over One (1) Year Old: At the end of each year, all accounts will be audited for any remaining student balances over one year old in which the former student or the parent/guardian did not request a refund at the time of departure from the District. Only account balances of $10.00 or greater will be refunded. Returned Checks Occasionally, a check that had been previously deposited is returned by the bank for a variety of reasons. These reasons include improper signature, insufficient funds, or account closed. When a check is returned by the bank, the following procedures shall be followed: A. The Lunch Program Accountant shall immediately notify the maker of the returned check and request that it be redeemed only with cash, a money order or a cashiers check. An insufficient funds check fee of $10 will be assessed to the maker of the check. This insufficient funds check fee cannot be waived. B. Under no circumstances should the returned check be surrendered to the maker except in exchange for cash, a money order or a cashiers check. C. No future checks shall be accepted from a person who has not rectified a previously returned check. D. Copies of all bank memorandums shall be retained in the schools accounting records for audit purposes. E. When the check writer makes payment to the Business Services Department, a receipt and the check are given to the check writer. F. Any uncollected insufficient funds check will be turned over to the County Attorney. Policy date: April, 2011
Students Entering and Exiting the Building ... Entering: Students may enter the building no earlier than 7:40 a.m. Students may be dropped off at the main entrance on the 5th street side or by the Industrial Technology doors on the 6 th street side. Once inside, students are required to sit in the cafeteria or work in the Achievement Center until the first bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Students may not leave the cafeteria without permission from a staff member. Students are required to sit with their legs under the tables to prevent blocking the aisles between tables. Students that wish to stand may do so at the back of the cafeteria. Students will be dismissed in an orderly fashion to prevent overcrowding the hallways. Exiting: Students are required to exit the building as quickly as possible at the end of the school day. Students involved with extra-curricular activities should report to them immediately. Students must be off school grounds by 3:45 p.m. on regular dismissal days and by 11:45 a.m. or 2:15 p.m. on early dismissal days. Parents/guardians that may have a conflict with these times can arrange for their student (s) to stay later by contacting the office at 644-2516. We encourage parents/guardians to have a plan in place for your student (s) for after school time. One of the best plans is to encourage your student (s) to get involved with school activities and organizations.

Panther Press
**Courses that include projects that students may keep upon completion will be required to have project cost projection sheets completed AND signed by the students, parent and instructor, prior to beginning work on the project.

Cafeteria & Main Entrance

Your business tag line here.

Before & After school entrance


Norfolk Public School Vision Statement: It is the vision of the Norfolk Public Schools to actively engage all students in learning through a relevant and comprehensive standards-based curriculum that integrates 21st century skills, tools, context, and assessments. Norfolk Public School Mission Statement: The mission of the Norfolk Public Schools is to prepare students with the skills and knowledge to meet the challenges of a complex, global society.

SAFETY HOTLINE Every student and staff ID has the Safety Hotline number. This number is answered 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. If anything you see or hear or read makes you wonder if a dangerous situation may occur, please call this number and let them know your concerns. All calls are anonymous.

Norfolk Public Schools 510 Pasewalk Ave Norfolk, NE 68701 Phone 402.644-2516 Fax 402.644-2519

For Sports Events & Other Activities,..Visit Us at

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