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lndustrial Estate, Elela, Muzaffarpur-842OO5
Ref. No.- fMuzaffarpur, dated-

(i) Name and address of the Proponent: Sri Akash Kumar, S/o-Sri Shambhu Nath Agrahari,
IM/s Akash Layer Farm, At-Sikandarpur, P.O & P.S-Sadar, Dist-N/uzaffarpur; and
(ii) Online application no. 61 11466, dated 25.05.2022 of the proponent to establish a egg unit
at-Plot No./Khersa No.-323, Khata No.-91, lVauza-Tarma, lVlirzapur, P.S-Ahiyapur, Dist-
N/uzaffarpur; for capacity.- 12000 Per Batch.
(i) The facts stated in their application;
(ii) Bihar State Pollution Control Board's Notification No. 26 dated 08.11.2003;
(iii) Provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; and
(iv) Reply submitted dated: 04.07.2022 and affidavit regarding distance dated: 02.07.2022
submitted by the proponent.

(i) The proponent shall obtain 'Consent-to-Operate' under section 25 & 26 of The Water Act,
1974 and Section 21 of The Air Act, 1981 prior to commissioning of the project from Bihar
State Pollution Control Board;
(i i) They shall comply with provisions (whichever applicable) of The Water Act, 1974, The Air
Act, 1981, The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Rules and notifications issued there
(i ii) The effluent (Domestic or Trade) and emission if any, shall conform to the standard
prescribed under The Rules;
(iv) The poultry shed should be located at least 1m away from the farm boundary wall /fencing
and levelled at least 2m above water table and 0.5 m above ground level;
(v) That, assessing the environmental risk of a site is critical in determining the appropriate
layout, design and management to minimise impacts to surface and groundwater"
Provision of an adequate buffer distance should be provided between the operation of
enterprises (including manure/spent litter utilisation area and free range areas) and nearby
groundwater and surface waters. Buffer distance aim to reduce the risk of nutrient impacts
on surface and groundwater as well as bio-security impacts to water storages.
(vi) Fencing and qreenerv development
a) Ensure that poultry farm should be fenced with barbed wire/linked mesh wire up to
a height 1.5 m for ensuring secured entrance and must have a single point of entry.
Farm should maintain proper vehicle dip and footbath at the main entrance gate
and also at the entrance of all sheds;
b) Ensure that the poultry farm shall raise adequate green belt preferably shrubs (not
big plant/trees in order to maintain bio-security measures) all around the farm;
c) That, vegetation management and shrubs filter dust, odour, noise; reduce
formation of ammonia; reduce surface & groundwater nutrients leaving the farm;
provide windbreaks, shades (natural cooling) and filtering out airborne pathogens;
d) Ensure necessary precautionary measures to prevent wind-borne dispersion of
feathersifibrous materials to the surrounding area.

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(vii) Air emission ( includes qaseo us emission. odour and dust)
Ensure proper ventilation and free flow of alr over manureldropping collection area
particularly in cage system farms to keep it dry"
b) Ensure design, construction, operation and maintenance of waste storage facilities
to contain all manure, litter and washings, so that it does not contaminate
c) Ensure protection of manure from run-off water and cover it to avoid dust and
odours in storage place.
d) Ensure protection of manure from unwanted pests/ insects.
e) Ensure that, if the unit is having 'Feed [Viill', they shall follow with the guideline as
prescribed by BSPCB/CPCB.
(viii) Management of solid wastes (viz.dead birds. manure etc.)
a) That, small amount of egg waste is generated in layer farm Egg waste may be
disposed to an approved land site or disposed of via composting to convert in to
fertiliser. The solid organic wastes/dead birds may be disposed by land fill and
b) Litter and manure (poultry manure) are high in nitrogen and phosphorus and can
contain trace of microbes/antibiotics/pathogens and heavy metals which are
introduced through feed. The isolation of poultry litter/manure from water resources
is an essential requirement of all aspects of poultry farming. These nutrients should
not be allowed to leach into the environment (surface water and groundwater
resource), either directly from sheds or during any storage prior to removal.
c) All poultry litter/manure usually contains at least some water. This is essential to
avoid dust problems, allow for ease of handling, and promote a suitable
environment for beneficial insects and other organisms. ldeally, litter and manure
will be sufficiently dry to be friable (i.e. contain water levels of 30-40o/o). Excessively
wet litter is the most likely source of offensive odour. Excessive odour from
decaying litter and manure usually signals a breakdown in best management
practices or inappropriate feed formulation. Prompt action should be taken to
remedy the situation.
d) Ensure that solid wastes should be properly collected, sorted, treated, transported
and utilized. Submit an action plan as per BSPCB/CPCB guidelines in this regard.
e) Mass bird deaths due to H eat stress. Disease or other causes
Occasionally, large numbers of birds can die from abnormal heat stress. ln this
situation, the dead bird should be transport to an approved offsite disposal facility.
ln the event of mass bird deaths where disease is the likely cause, poultry farmers
should immediately contact local government officials of Animal & Fisheries
Resources Department, Govt. of Bihar and provide available infectious disease
data to them. Farm shall ensure transportation and disposal of diseased dead birds
as guidance provided by local govt. official on disease control and hygiene.

0 That, solid wastes, other than the above and including domestic wastes, shall be
handled and disposed as per the provisions (whichever applicable) of the Solid
Waste N/lanagement Rules, 2016. Separate wet and dry bins must be provided and
segregation of dry waste (in blue bin), wet waste (in green bin) and domestic
hazardous waste (in black bin) must be ensured; wet waste must be composted
inside the premises and dry & domestic hazardous waste shall be handed over to
the local body. Non-biodegradable waste and dry waste like rejected corrugated
cardboard; waste paper etc may be handed over to the recyclers registered with
Bihar State Pollution Control Board;
(ix) Waste water manaqement
a) Egg production farm must have an adequate supply of water for drinking, cooling
and shed cleaning (sanitization).

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b) The waste water generated from the cleaning operation (after each batch removal)
shoUld be collected in appropriate holding tank and put to use in the green belt.
c) Ensure proper drainage/outlet for collection and discharge is to be provided for
storm runoff/discharges from the farm/unit. No obstruction should be created for
any water course within the farm or outside the farm boundary.
d) Ensure installation of vegetative filters, use of hot water or steam in cleaning
activities, reduction in quantities of wash water and implementation of buffer zones
to surface water bodies.
(x) That, they shall make effort to re-use treated effluent (whichever applicable) to minlmize
waste water discharge from the unit and water consumption shall be reduced by adopting
3 R's (reduce, reuse and recycle) concept;
(xi) That, they shall obtain prior permission from CGWA for installation of bore well and
abstraction of groundwater; if groundwater requirement is > 10 KLD;
(xii) That, water meter conforming to ISO standards shall be installed at the inlet point of water
uptake as well as at all necessary points to monitor the daily water consumption;
(xiii) That, use of water efficient devicesifixtures and appliance should be promoted;
(xiv) That, no open burning or indiscriminate dumping of any dead birds/feathers/offal's,
unused materials like litter/empty gunnies/containers etc. should be adopted within or
outside the farm premises. They shall also ensure that the solid waste generated is not
thrown on streets, open public spaces outside the premises or in the drain or any water
(xv) The unit shall minimize use of disposable plastic on its premises and ensure its disposal
through recyclers registered with BSPCB for recycling plastic waste;
(xvi) That, diesel generating sets (DG Sets), if any; as source of backup power should be
provided with an integral acoustic enclosure and the maximum permissible sound
pressure level for new D.G. set shall be 75 dB(A) at 1 meter from the enclosure surface.
The height of exhaust of DG sets should be as: Exhaust Stack Height formula:- (Ht of
Building in meter + 0.2{KVA) m; it should be installed on pucca base with anti vibration
(xvii) That, good housekeeping practices shall be adopted as per guideline of BSPCB/CPCB;
(xviii)That, poultry (egg layer farm) unit will get registered with the Animal & Fisheries
Resources Department, Govt. of Bihar/local bodies;
(xix) That, the Environmental Statement as prescribed in the E (P) Rules, 1986 [see rule 14]
for each financial year ending the 31"1 lVarch, shall be submitted by the month of
September every year;
(xx) That, in compliance of direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and vide Board's HQ ref
no.- 2638, dated 09.07.2A19, they shall make provisions for display of data outside main
factory gate about quantity and quality of water discharge and air emission along with solid
waste generated within the factory premises;
(xxi) That, they shall actively promote a good relationship with neighbors and ensure that there
are no complaints from the surrounding areas due to pollution caused by the unit. Some
complaints from farm neighbors may arise from ignorance of normal farm operations and
fear based on misconceptions. All complaints should be dealt with in a concerned,
professional and sympathetic manner. A visitor and complaints log book should be
(xxii) That, warning signs should be posted at the farm entrance to advise neighbors of possible
undesirable environmental impacts associated with normal operations;
(xxiii)That, notwithstand any thing stated above, the applicant unit shall abide by all the
provisions of the environmental laws including policies and guidelines made there under;
(xxiv)That, this CTE (NOC) is granted subject to the condition that in the event of any
information/documents submitted by the proponent are found false or misleading at any
stage, the NOC granted, shall be revoked at proponent's risk and cost and legal action
shall be initiated.

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1. Bihar State Pollution Control Board reserves the option to revise or add other conditions,
if necessary, for protection of Environment in general and for Pollutron Control in
2" The present NOC should not be construed as an assurance for the grant of Consent-to-
Operate' the proposed project but shall be subject to compliance of all the condltions
indicated above;

(Sain Kumar)
, Reqional Officer
Memo r'ro.:-\526 Muzaffarpur, dated:-2ilA+hi>u
Copy forwarded to: Sri Akash Kumar, S/o-Sri Shambhu Nath Agraharii IVI/s Akash Layer Farm,
At-Sikandarpur, P.O & P.S-Sadar, Dist-[/uzaffarpur for favor of information and necessary

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