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1. Archimedes principal for bouncy is based on:

a) Area
b) Moment of inertia
c) Intensity of water
d) Weight

2. Hydraulic Jump is always :

a) Critical
b) Sub-Critical
c) Super-Critical
d) Depends

3. Based on experiment it is determined that average liner flow velocity of an

aquifer is 1m/day when hydraulic gradient is 0.0004. A sample of aquifer is
tested and found to have porosity of 15%, estimate hydraulic conductivity of
the aquifer.
a) 400 m/day
b) 0.0027 m/day
c) 375 m/day
d) 0.00006 m/day

4. For pipe network; What is velocity in VA

Q (Main)= 10 m3/sec
D (Main) = 1 m
QB (Branch) = 3 m3/sec
DB (Branch) = 0.5 m
DA (Branch) = 0.5 m
VA (Branch) =

a) 36.7 m/sec
b) 34.7 m/sec
c) 35.7 m/sec
d) 38.8 m/sec

5. Find velocity at outflow in the given diagram,
V= 6 m/sec,
D= 5m dia.
DA= 3m dia,
DB= 5m dia,
VB =
a) 4 m/sec
b) 5.28 m/sec
c) 2 m/sec
d) 3.54 c m/sec

6. Assume that the following system is horizontal, what is velocity of the flow of
water is leg B

a) 10 m/sec
b) 5 m/sec
c) 2 m/sec
d) 8 m/sec

7. The formula used in getting Flow in open channels is:

a) Darcy Low
b) Bernoulli Equation
c) Manning Equation
d) None of these

Manning Equation

Q= Discharge
n= Coefficient for channel material

A=Cross sectional area
P=Wetted Perimeter
S= Slope of channel

Flow Rate of WEIR:

Rectangular: Q C b 2g h

Triangular: Q C 2g h tan

Triangular (∅= 90° ): Q C 2g h tan

Where Q = Discharge
b = width (m)
h = head of weir (m)
g =9.81
∅= V-Notch Angle

8. Water Concentration :
a) 61.6 (mol/l)
b) 59.7 (mol/l)
c) 58.8 (mol/l)
d) 55.6 (mol/l)

9. Water Molar Mass :

a) 38 (g/mol)
b) 18 (g/mol)
c) 28 (g/mol)
d) 48 (g/mol)

10. Density of Water is

a)998.9 kg/l
b)1 g/cm3
c)1000 g/m3
d)1 g/l

11. Density of Water is
a)998.9 KN/m3
b) 9.81 KN/m3
c)11 KN/m3
d)12 KN/m3

12. Method ………. Beam

a) Bernoulli-Fouler
b) Filler
c) Other

13. For subcritical flow in an open channel, the control section for gradually
varied flow profiles is:
a) At the downstream
b) At the upstream
c) At both downstream & upstream
d) At any intermediate section

14. A high efficiency pump is required for low discharge, high head and low
maintenance cost. Delivery of water need not be continuous. The pump need not
run at high speed. Which one of the following is the correct choice?
a) Centrifugal pump
b) Reciprocating pump
c) Air lift pump
d) Hydraulic ram

15. The following steps are involved in making a spigot and socket joint of cast
iron pipes used in water supply systems:
1) Tarred gasket or hemp yarn in wrapped around the spigot.
2) The spigot end is centered into the socket end of the preceding pipe.
3) A joining ring end is placed around the barrel and against the face of
the socket.
4) The gasket or hemp yarn in caulked slightly.
5) Molten pig lead is poured and then caulked.

The correct sequence of these steps is
a) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5
b) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
c) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
d) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4

16. To generate 10, 000 hp under a head of 81 m while working at a speed of 500
rpm, the turbine of choice would be:
a) Pelton
b) Kaplan
c) Bulb
d) Francis

17. The given figure shows gradually varied flow in an open channel
with a beak in bed slope. Types of water surface profiles occurring
from left to right are
a) H2 , S3
b) H2 , S2
c) H2 , M2
d) H3 , M2

18. Which of the following assumptions are made in the analysis of jet
impinging normally on a moving plate?
1. Friction between jet and plate is neglected
2. Flow is steady
3. Momentum of jet is unchanged
4. Plate moves at a constant velocity
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below :
a) 1, 2 and 4
b) 1, 2 and 3
c) 2, 3 and 4
d) 1, 3 and 4

19. Which one of the following pairs relating to flumes carrying open channel
flow is correctly matched?

a) N-modular flume....Flow is unaffected by drowning

b) Ventura flume....Standing wave forms at the throat
c) Ventura flume....Flow at the throat is at less than critical velocity
d) Standing wave flume....Hump is not provided at the throat

20. The acceleration components of a fluid particle are denoted as

1. Local tangential acceleration.
2. Convective tangential acceleration.
3. Local normal acceleration.
4. Convective normal acceleration.
In a curved nozzle fitted to the end of straight pipeline carrying water under
Variable head, the acceleration components that are present would include
Select one
a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4
c) 1, 2 and 4
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

21. The reaeration rate (Kr) of a stream that is narrow and deep would be expected
to be:
a) Greater Than
b) Less Than
c) The same as Unrelated to
d) Usually the same but sometime less than

A narrow, deep river will have a much lower (Kr) than a wide, shallow river.

22. Surface tension of water when in contact with air is 0.0737 N/m. The
difference of pressure between the inside and outside of a droplet of rain water
1 mm in diameter is nearly equal to
a) 0.15 kN/m2
b) 0.20 kN/m2
c) 0.25 kN/m2

d) 0.30 kN/m2

23. In the set up shown in the above figure, assuming the specific weight of water
as 10,000 N/m3, the pressure difference between the points A and B will be
a) 10 N/m2
b) -10 N/m2
c) 20 N/m2
d) -20 N/m2

24. Mercury (density = 13600 kg/m3, σ = 0.49N/mm internal diameter open-ended

capillary tube is inserted in the middle of the beaker into the mercury. The
meniscus in the tube will be below the external mercury surface by how much

a) 4.2 mm
b) 5.7 mm
c) 6.8 mm
d) 7.3 mm

σ = 0.49 N/mm = 0.49 ×103 N/m

Density= = 13600 kg/m3=13.6 N/m3
g=9.81 m/sec2
Capillary rise H =
= = 0.73m
. .

25. Consider the figure below (assume γwater = 9810 N/m3 and SMercury = 13.55),
the gage pressure at point A is:

a) 150,700 N/m2
b) 129,700 N/m2
c) 90,700 N/m2
d) 75,700 N/m2

26. Calculate the wetted perimeter length of the channel.

a) 44 ft
b) 48 ft
c) 53 ft
d) 31 ft

27. Calculate the discharge for the channel below, where: channel is 2m wide &
velocity u is given as a functional channel depth (u = y1/3)

a) 2.45 m3/sec
b) 2.05 m3/sec
c) 1.65 m3/sec
d) 1.95 m3/sec

28. rectangular open channel has a rough concrete lining (n = 0.017) and covey a
discharge of 22 m3/sec. if the channel bottom slope is 0.01, then the
hydraulically most efficient cross sectional dimensions, including 0.5m free
board : are

a) 1.5m high and 3.0m wide

b) 2.0m high and 3.5m wide
c) 2.0m high and 3.0m wide
d) 3.0m high and 2.0m wide

29. The concrete line open channel (n=0.013) as shown in figure has stream wise
slope of 0.24 percentage. The discharge (m3/s) in the channel is

a) 100
b) 10
c) 8
d) 5

30. A horizontal confined aquifer is made up of three layers with the following

Hydraulic Conductivity
Layer Thickness (ft)

Upper 30 30

Middle 60 3

Lower 210 0.3

The aquifer transmissivity (ft2/sec) is

a) 680
b) 850
c) 980
d) 1,150

Transmissivity is the rate of flow under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit width of
aquifer of given saturated thickness. The transmissivity of an aquifer is related to its
hydraulic conductivity as follows:

31. For the steady flow of gas in the conduit shown, what is the mean velocity at
section 2?

a) 20 m/sec
b) 40 m/sec
c) 60 m/sec
d) 80 m/sec
32. Water flows from a reservoir through a pipe and then discharges into the
atmosphere as shown. Neglect energy losses in the pipe entrance and exit. The
water elevation is changed such that the 2-ft-diametr pipe is flowing at a velocity
of 5 fps. A 4-in. nozzle is installed on the discharge end of the 2-ft diameter pipe.
The velocity (fps) of the discharge jet is:

a) 180
b) 246
c) 356
d) 301

33. A rectangular channel is undergoing a hydraulic jump. Upstream depth of the

channel is 0.4 ft and velocity of the channel is 7.0 ft/sec. What is the depth
after hydraulic jump?

a) 0.92 ft
b) 1.23 ft
c) 2.84 ft
d) 0.21 ft

34. The discharge per meter width at the foot of a spillway is 10 m3/s at a velocity
of 20 m/s. A perfect free hydraulic jump will occur at the foot of the spillway
when the tail water depth is approximately equal to
a) 4.50 m
b) 5.00 m
c) 5.50 m
d) 6.50 m


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