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7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Structure and Written Expression

Jul 10 at 9:32pm

Quiz Instructions


Directions: Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these
sentences, there

are four words or phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C),
or (D)-that

best completes the sentence. Then fill in the space on your answer sheet that
matches the letter of

the answer that you have selected.


Pepsin ____ an enzyme used

in digestion.

(A) that

(B) is

(C) of
(D) being

Sample Answer

Screenshot (439).png

This sentence should properly read "Pepsin is an enzyme used in digestion." You
should fill in (B)

on your answer sheet.

Example II

____ large natural lakes are found

in the state of South Carolina.

(A) There are no

(B) Not the

(C) It is not

(D) No

Sample Answer

Screenshot (442).png

This sentence should properly read "No large natural lakes are found in the state
of South

Carolina." You should ftll in CD) on your answer sheet.

As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on this part. 1/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 1 1 pts

__________ team sports require cooperation.

(A) Of all

(B) They are all

(C) All

(D) Why are all

Question 2 1 pts

Anyone who has ever pulled weeds from a garden _________ roots firmly anchor
plants to the soil.

(A) is well aware of

(B) is well aware that

(C) well aware

(D) well aware that

Question 3 1 pts

Centuries of erosion have exposed _________ rock surfaces in the Painted

Desert of northern Arizona

(A) in colors of the rainbow

(B) colored like a rainbow

(C) rainbow-colored 2/16
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(D) a rainbow's coloring

Question 4 1 pts

The higher the temperature of a molecule, ________ .

(A) the more energy it has

(B) than it has more energy

(C) more energy has it

(D) it has more energy

Question 5 1 pts

Frontier surgeon Ephraim MacDonald had to perform operations _________


(A) no

(B) not having

(C) without

(D) there wasn't

Question 6 1 pts

_________ young, chimpanzees are easily trained.

(A) When are

(B) When

(C) They are 3/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

(D) When they

Question 7 1 pts

A person of ________ age may suffer from defects of vision.

(A) every

(B) some

(C) certain

(D) any

Question 8 1 pts

_______ have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate
water supply.

(A) Wherever people

(B) There are people who

(C) Whether people

(D) People

Question 9 1 pts

If a bar magnet is ________ , the two pieces form two complete magnets, each
with a north and south pole.

(A) broken

(B) broke 4/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

(C) breaking

(D) break

Question 10 1 pts

The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil
of the pond, _________  , and the pond's location.

(A) what the quality of the water is

(B) how is the water quality

(C) the quality of the water

(D) what is the water quality

Question 11 1 pts

Clifford Holland, _________ civil engineer, was in charge of the construction of the
first tunnel under the Hudson River.

(A) he was a

(B) a

(C) being a

(D) who, as a

Question 12 1 pts

________ parrots are native to tropical

regions is untrue.

(A) That all 5/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

(B) All

(C) Why all

(D) Since all

Question 13 1 pts

A major concern among archaeologists today is the preservation of archaeological

sites, _________ are threatened by development.

(A) of which many

(B) many of them

(C) which many

(D) many of which

Question 14 1 pts

In 1775 Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Trail and made ________ the ftrst
settlements in Kentucky.

(A) possibly it was

(B) as possible

(C) possible

(D) it possible

Question 15 1 pts

Rarely ________ seen far from water. 6/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

(A) spotted turtles

(B) spotted turtles are

(C) have spotted turtles

(D) are spotted turtles

Written Expression

Directions: The items in this part have four underlined words or phrases, (A), (B),
(C), and (D). You must identify the one underlined expression that must be
changed for the sentence to be correct. Then find the number of the question on
your answer sheet and fill in the space corresponding to the letter.

Example I 

Lenses may to have either concave or convex shapes.

                                  A                             B          C                        D

Sample Answer

Screenshot (440).png

This sentence should read "Lenses may have either concave or convex shapes."
You should therefore select answer (A).

Example II

When painting a fresco, an artist is applied paint directly to the damp plaster of a

A                                                                              B                               C             

Sample Answer

Screenshot (444).png

This sentence should read "When painting a fresco, an artist applies paint directly
to the damp plaster of a wall." You should therefore select answer (B). As soon as
you understand the directions, begin work on this section. 7/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 16 1 pts

Ceramics can be harder, light [A],and more resistant [B] to heat [C] than metals

Question 17 1 pts

Not everyone [A] realizes that [B] the most largest [C] organ of the human [D]
body is the skin.

Question 18 1 pts

Mold is extremely [A] destruction [B] to books [C] in a library [D]. 8/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 19 1 pts

Sidney Lanier achieved [A] fame both as a [B] poet or [C] as a symphony
musician [D].

Question 20 1 pts

The horses [A] used play [B] polo are not of any special [C] breed or of any
definite [D] size.

Question 21 1 pts

A tapestry consists of [A] a foundation weave, called the warp, which across [B]
are passed different colored threads [C], called the weft, forming decorative
patterns [D]. 9/16
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Question 22 1 pts

The works [A]of early American woodcarvers had many [B] artistic qualities, but
these craftsmen probably did not [C] think of them [D] as artists.

Question 23 1 pts

Perhaps mankind's first [A] important musical [B] influence were [C] the songs of
birds [D].

Question 24 1 pts

The techniques of science and magic [A] are quite different [B], but their basic
aims - to understand [C] and control nature-they are [D] very similar. 10/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 25 1 pts

It was in a cave near Magdalena, New Mexico, when [A] the oldest [B] known [C]
ears of cultivated corn were discovered [D].

Question 26 1 pts

The fossil remains of much [A] extinct mammals [B] have been found [C] in the
tar pits at Rancho La Brea in [D] Los Angeles.

Question 27 1 pts

Sharks can detect [A] minute electrical [B] discharges coming [C] from its [D]

A 11/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 28 1 pts

A dark nebula consists of a cloud of [A] interstellar dust enough dense [B] to
obscure [C] the stars beyond [D] it.

Question 29 1 pts

Commercially [A] honey is heated and filtered [B] in order to stabilize [C] and
clarify it [D].

Question 30 1 pts

The various [A] parts of the body require so [B] different surgical [C] skills that
many [D] surgical specialties have developed. 12/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 31 1 pts

One reason birds have been [A] so successful is because [B] of their able [C] to
escape from danger quickly [D].

Question 32 1 pts

The wood [A] of the rosewood tree is used [B] to do [C] fine musical [D]

Question 33 1 pts 13/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Chemical engineering is based on [A] the principles [B] of physics, chemists [C],
and mathematics [D].

Question 34 1 pts

Ballet performers must be [A] believable actors [B] and actresses as well [C] as
experts [D] dancers.

Question 35 1 pts

Venus, the second [A] planet from [B]the Sun, is exactly almost [C] the same
size as [D] the Earth. 14/16
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Question 36 1 pts

P T. Barnum opened his own [A] circus in 1871 and become [B] the most
famous [C] showman of his time [D].

Question 37 1 pts

The way a child plays with [A] other children reveals a lots [B] about the child's
[C] emotional development [D].

Question 38 1 pts

Sheep have been [A] domesticated [B] for over [C] 5,000 years ago [D]. 15/16
7/11/22, 11:49 AM Quiz: Structure and Written Expression

Question 39 1 pts

Chemical compounds with [A] barium, cobalt, and strontium are [B] responsible
to [C] many of the vivid colors [D] in fireworks.

Question 40 1 pts

Duke University in North Carolina has [A] an outstanding collecting [B] of

documents concerning [C] Southern history [D].

Quiz saved at 11:48am

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