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New Kent University

Roles & Responsibilities of the Treasurer

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

"Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.

- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,1927

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Rules of the Game

Learning is fun!!! Ask questionsplease! Experience is the best teacher! The instructor knows the exam questions!!

Catching spelling errors on the overheads or correcting the Kent County Treasurers Office result in instructor does not New extra points!Directly Accountable to You

Introduction Functions / Authority Collections Disbursements Accountability Security of Public Deposits Internal Controls Performance Measurement References / Contact Info
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You


We have a responsibility to be the best we can be for:

- You - New Kent County - The Commonwealth of Virginia - OURSELVES!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Its the Power!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Treasurers are (generally) unusually bright individuals.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Treasurers (generally) get it right the first time.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

To the extent some people are dishonest or careless in their dealings with the government, the majority is forced to carry a heavier tax burden. John Kennedy April 20, 1961
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Primary Functions of the Treasurer

Receipt and Collection of Revenue Safekeeping of Revenue Disbursing & Accounting for Revenue

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

The Legal Authority:

- Constitution of Virginia - Code of Virginia - Ordinances & Charters - Opinions of the Attorney General - Court Rulings - Dillon Rule
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Dillon Rule
That local public bodies may exercise only those powers conferred expressly or by necessary implication

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Checks & Balances

Federal State Local



New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Separation is a Good Thing! Locality Sets Tax Rate Assesses

Commissioner Treasurer

Bills & Collects Invests Disburses

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

RULE # 1: The Treasurer is responsible for collecting and accounting for all revenue coming into the locality (58.1-3127)

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

RULE #2: Know and love your Commissioner of the Revenue!!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You


New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Collections and Disbursements

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

First, we try notices, phone calls and gentle persuasion.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

and if that doesnt work, we might try more aggressive tactics...

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Real Estate & Personal Property Tax Timeline

1. Commissioner of the Revenue (CoR) delivers a copy of real estate & personal property book to Treasurer by 1st of Sept. each year 2. Treasurer prepares tax bills o/a 1st of October. Bills mailed between 15th October and 1st November 3. Tax payment due to Treasurer on the 5th December 4. First delinquent notice mailed o/a 15th January 5. 2nd/Final notice mailed 1st February 6. 1st March collection actions commence
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Dates of Assessment
Real Estate Property - January 1 Personal Property - January 1

Localities are permitted to assess on fiscal year basis and to prorate personal property taxes.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Tax Bills
There is no section in Title 58.1 of the Code of VA that tells how to prepare a tax bill. The TREASURER is responsible for the bill form!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Information on Bill
Name & Address Locality Name Payment information & due date Type & amount of taxes due Penalty & interest due Tax rate & assessment value Optional information

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Mailing Tax Bills

Mails bills no later than 14 days prior to due date Bills to be sent by U.S. mail Treasurer MAY not mail bills less than $20.00 R.E. bills may be mailed to mtg co. if certification received

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Due Dates
Treasurer must publicize tax due dates at least 10 days prior to due date Regional cooperation promotes efficiencies

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Applying Payments
Payments credited against most delinquent tax Treasurer to deliver receipts upon request Prepayments allowed Overpayments: applied to next years tax refunded
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Extended hours Off-site collection Drop boxes Credit Cards/ Debit/ATM cards Online payments Direct debit; PC banking Installment plans

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Qualifying vehicles: Passenger car, pickup, panel truck, motorcycle used for non-business purposes weighing less than 7500 lbs.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Credits will be reflected on tax bill prior to mailing: 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 100% 2003 - 2005 2006 2007 12.5% 27.5% 47.5% 70.0% 70.0% 70% 58% ????

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer name Taxpayer address Tax rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to send payment ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR BoS ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR BoS CoR ____________ ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR BoS CoR Code / BoS ____________ ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR BoS CoR Code / BoS CoR ____________

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Who does it???

Taxpayer Name Taxpayer Address Tax Rate Property Description Due Date Tax Amount Due Where to Send Payment CoR CoR BoS CoR Code / BoS CoR Treasurer

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Other Taxes / Fees

State Taxes Dog Licenses Decals Business License Food & Beverage/Meals tax Transient Occupancy/Lodging Tax Amusements/Admissions Tax Recordation Tax Utility Taxes E-911 Tax Ambulance Fees

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

The Treasurer is responsible for the disbursements of local funds. The Treasurer shall pay all legally drawn warrants. Appropriation Proper signature Sufficient funds

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Transporting Funds:
Treasurer takes deposits Use police/sheriff escorts Use armored carriers (Brinks, Dunbar)

Selecting the Bank:

Treasurer has sole discretion! RFP for best banking services
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Investing: - Safety, liquidity, yield! - Identify cash flow needs of locality - Prudence!! - Maintain a current, written investment policy.

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Security for Public Deposits Act

All funds must be deposited in qualified institutions! Administered by Virginias Department of Treasury Qualified institutions have pledged sufficient collateral to cover all public depositsin the event the bank fails! Failure to use approved institutions is a criminal act!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Internal Controls
Safeguard assets Ensure reliable records Protects the integrity of the Office Ultimately, this is the Treasurers responsibility!!!!

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Performance Measurements
Budget Comprehensive Annual Finance Report
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Excellence in Financial Reporting ~ 2005 / 2006 / 2007

Accreditations / Certifications
Accredited by Treasurers Association of Virginia (TAV) Certified ~ Master Government Treasurer

Collection Rates
Real Estate - 99% Personal property - 96%
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

References / Links
Treasurers Association of Virginia (TAV) Government Finance Officers of America (GFOA) Natl Association of County Collectors, Treasurers, and Finance Officers (NACCTFO) Association of Public Treasurers of United States and Canada (APTUS&C)
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Public Confidence and Good Government

The basis of effective government is public confidence, and that confidence is endangered when ethical standards falter, or appear to falter.
--President John F. Kennedy
New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

Keep New Kent Fi$cally Fit! Stay Involved!

Herb Jones 12007 Courthouse Circle POB 109 New Kent, Virginia 23124-0109 Phone: 804/966-9615 Fax: 804/966-8538

New Kent County Treasurers Office

Directly Accountable to You

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