Dec 17 V Sem BA Prog

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This question paper contains 4 printed pages. Your Roll No. ssssssseriavnes SI. No. of Ques. Paper : 5230 H Unique Paper Code _: 235551 Name of Paper : Analysis Name of Course : B.A. Programme Semester 3V Duration :3 hours Maximum Marks 275 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) There are three Sections. Each Section consists of 25. marks. Attempt any two parts from each question in each Section. Marks are indicated againt each question. Secnion I -1. (a) Define a bounded set, its supremum and infimum. Find the supremum and infimum of the following sets: Le earl Be fs Gy [A m=12,3.. (iii) Z, the set of integers. 6 (b) Define open set and prove that the union of an arbitrary family of open sets is an open set. 6 Turn over (©) Give an example of a set which has: (c) Prove that a monotone sequence is convergent iff it is bounded. 6% 4. (@) If Li is a convergent series then show that ii) Infinite number of limit points, 6 2. (a) Show that the function f defined as: limu, = 0. Does the converse of this result hold? Justify your answer. 6 F(x)= oe when x #0 2 ‘when x=0 : (b) State Raabe’s test for convergence of the series 2% is continuous at x = 0. 6% and hence test the convergence of the series: (b) Show that | ()-4 is not uniformly continuous on {0, 1. o (©) Test the absolute convergence of the following series: (©) @ Define neighbourhood. , cy yt os o Soe (ii) Define closed set. mn (iii) Give an example of a set whose derived set is void. © _.. Sysinnx+cosmx Gi) Uae 6% : Section I. soe 3 ae 3. (a) Show that limr”=0 if |r| <1. oo Secnon IT (b) If (a,) and (6,) be two sequences such that: ! ea I al 5. (a) Show that continuous fi f defined on a closed ee ae es i and bounded interval (a, integrable. 6 it ne (b) ‘Test the convergence of the improper intogral: lima, im| Sn |aote "2 lone tin( 3] an i 6% Joe ae 6 sx 2 5230 3 Turn over (c)|Define Gamma function and show that f et denver. } os si 6. (a) Find the Fourier series of the function f defined as follows: p lL. for -n 1. 6% (c) @ Find the radius of convergence of the power series: mds. oa : Gi) Discuss the Riemann integrability of the function fe) = ff on [-1, 1. 6% $230 . 4 100 [This question paper contains 4 printed pages.] Your Roll No... Sr. No. of Question Paper : 391 H Unique Paper Code : 290565 Name of the Paper : CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACE BUILDING -I Name of the Course : B.A. (Prog.) III Year APPLICATION COURSE Semester col: Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Attempt any four questions. 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. wri & fee free 1 Ryet—wa & feet & ser fee ay Reiter ee aT HRA fafeg 1 2. fed ar wet S se Af 3. wit we a sie wT 2 4. RAMA Wa HT Se SAT aT RS ft VER OTF Gite, afar wt vad ar areas ya et eat aeT BRO, 391 2 Define Peace building and suggest this approach for any Contemporary Conflict. wife fafr daca at crear sifee ate feet arene fare 2 fie ww wither welt gery . Discuss Multi Track Diplomacy model. wpniia aaa ater at aa se . Elaborate on the differences between conflict-resolution and conflict transformation. fia wrurteet waftae eae FY sine At aren fg) |. Discuss any two models of conflict using examples from south Asia. ‘afart efter S sere aa ey fae af feet A often we aah aBfare - Critically discuss Johan Galtungs typology of violence. vit arctan Swe A ures afferent ter aAifore 3 . What is the impact of Gandhian philosophy on conflict prevention and peace bu'lding? wih wit at fea awa ste wife fai we ear we a? . What is peace-building? Discuss the model introduced by John Paul Leder: sai Rafer aar 2? ea dar F vit dit Lederach aa ftaret fare aise we ae eT in the way a society perceives iscuss briefly. ‘Culture plays a salie peace and conflict res ‘gh, warm F wit ak wat Boo a we qe ya * far 2) aa ® wef ae Write short notes of any two of the followings : Priefer 4S feet dow afer fecafiat fate () Adam Curle’s conflict progression model fear ar afar 391 4 (ii) Two models of conflict faa a et ufrer (iii) “An Agenda for Peace” by Boutros Boutros-Ghali GRA FAI Ue BRI “An Agenda for Peace” ea @ ? (iv) Structural Violence by Galtung were fia a wet aif (100) this question paper contains 7 printed pages] Roll No. S.No. of Question Paper: 8037 Unique Paper Code 2 62347502 HC _ Name of the Paper : Programming withPython ‘Name of the Course : B.A. Programme : Computer Application : DSE ‘Semester SEY Duration :3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any five of Question Nos. 2 to 8. Parts of a question must be answered together. 1. (@)_ What will be the output of the following code segment 2 2 a=40 0 b Ab me ; print (a,b) : (5) Give the output of the following code segment : 3 total=0 N=10 for i in range(1,N+1): if i %2==0: continue for j in range(1,it1): total dite te ==04/20 0s break print total P.T.O. (©) Give the output in each case = © @ print(1.0 + 2) (i Print (1.0 + float(2)) (i) ‘s = “goodmorning" c = set(s)' print ("After converting string to set: "), print (c) c= list(s) print ("After converting string to list :"), print (c) What will be the output on execution of the following code segment ? @ class test: def init__(self): self.variable = 'héllo' self.Change(self.variable) def Change (self, var): var = ‘namaste’ obj=test () print (obj.variable) x[0] ['name'] x[1] (trate) return id(x) (i) def moo(x): q = ['namée', 'rate'] print (id(q) == moo(q)) 8037 Define a function called minSum, which takes as an argument a list of lists of numbers list1=[[2,3, 2,2], [(1,6,2,4], [4, 4,1, 6]] and calculates the sum of the values in each of the lists and returns the smallest such sum. [For example, if the argument was [[1, 4, 0,2], [2, 5, 1, 3], [3, 6, 2, 4]] the sums would be 9, 13, and 15, so the value returned should be 9.] 8 Gaye 8037 (f) Write a function that finds the sum of the following series for n terms, 3 141/3.0+1/5.0+.. (g) What is the output of the following sequence of statements : - dist je Day. bt, Mendig te: BENT list(1:3] = ['x', 'y'] print list (@_ Write a python function maximum3 (nl, n2, 3) to find maximum of three numbers. 5 (6) Write-a python function to count the number of vowels in a string, 5 (@) Write a python function for sorting a list L1 = (6, 23, 4, 72, 9, 79] using bubble sort. a (4) For each of the following, indicate whether it is a valid python identifier : 3 @ NL @) Na Gi) NL ; (iv) N-1 i (¥) RateOf Increase (vi) 2Good2BeTrue (© Write the output produced by following code segment : 2 x =)3 Beers tee: print ‘First! else : print ‘Second! if 2S x): print 'Third' print ‘Fourth! print ‘Fifth! PTO. 4. (@) (6) GAD Evaluate the following expressions : (i) 15 & 22 Gr 15 | 22 @ii) -15 & 22 (iv) -15 | 22 Cis: (vi) print (4.00/(2.0+2.0)) (vii) X = 2+9*( (3*12)-8) /10 (viii) float (4+int (2.39) %2) (ix) 2** (3*#2) Ge) eee ayer? What is the output of the following code segment ? () class Name: def init (self, \firstName, mi, lastName): self.firstName = firstName self.mi = mi self.lastName = lastName firstName = "Sita" name = Name(firstName, 'F', "Smith") firstName = "Geeta" name.lastName = "Mita" print (name. firstName, name.lastName) (i) What is the value of sum after the following code has been executed ? sum = 0 for i in range{0, 18, 3): if 186 == 0 : sum = sum + 4 print (sum) 8037 @ (6) (©) @ (50) 8037 ‘An outline for a Student class is defined as follows : 5 class Student (object) def init (self, name, regNum, postGrad) = name self.regNum = regNum self.postGrad = postGrad def showStudent (self) You should assume that the name is a string, the registration numbér is an integer and the post Grad attribute is a boolean value indicating whether the student is a post- graduate, Provide a complete body for the method showStudent which should display onoone line the name, registration number and postgraduate status of the student applied as an argument in the following format. Name: Ajay Kumar; Reg Number: 12345; Postgrad: no Give the output for the following code segment : 2 a= (1, 2, 3) b = ali] a print b What will be the output on execution of the following code ? 3 1-0) ' def convert (b): if (b==0) + return 1 dig=bs2 1. append (dig) convert (b//2) convert (6) 1. reverse () for i in 1: print (i), In each case, give the outpiit on execution of the code segment : 4 Oi a sre 31 P.T.O. 6) @ () Ww @ (3) Write def Ora 8037 a= (1, 2} b= [a,3] [:] ald b[1] = 8 print c What is the value of sum afier the following code has been executed 2? 2+4 i=0 sum = 0 while i < if i84 sum is dng print sum Rewrite the code fragment from part (i) using a for loop without using any break statements and without introducing any more variables the output that will be produced on execution of the following code segments : 5 test (i,j): if (i==0): return j else: return test (i-1,i+) print (test (3, 6)) Write the output of the following string functions on the given string : 5 s='abcdefxyyzxyzxzxyy' 1 awn . print (s.islower()) - print (s.count ("xy')) . print (s.replace('xy', 'pq')) . print (s.find('cd')) . print (s.split('x')) 8. 8037 @ () 8037 Illustrate the operation of the sequential search on the following list when the search is made for the number 18. Li:{6, 23, 5, 78, 11,80, 18, 100} Also give linear search algorithm. Rewrite the following segments using while loop. @ total = 0 for count in range(1, 21): total += count print total (i) import math total = 0 for count in range(1, 11, 3): total += math.pow(count, 2) print total 5 600 This question paper contains 4 printed pages] S.No. of Question Paper : 8078 - Unique Paper Code 2 62357502 HC Name of the Paper : Differential Equations Name of the Course: ‘B.A. (Prog.) DSE : Mathematics Semester ae Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (rite your Roll No.-on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Attempt a// questions by selecting any two parts. from each question. L (a) Solve the initial value problem : 6 (vet + 2e" + y?) de + (e+ 2xy) dy = 0; § (0) = Solve : G2 + y? + ade + xydy = 0. 6 () Solve : (x — 2y + S)dv — Qr +y- Day = 0. 6 OY gO GD Seu ga 2. (a) Solve : me ae Bare =eX+x? +x 65 (6) Solve : ro + arf + Sy = x? sin In x. 65 (c) - Consider the differential equation : ay Se 5s y+ ay =0 a y ‘ 65 @ 10) © (a) Cok) 8078, () Show that each of the functions e*, e** and 2e* — 3e** is a sol Also show that e* and 2e* — 3 are linearly independent. (i) Write the general solution. Using the method of variation of parameters, solve : ay C2 + y = sec? x, 6 Gas? 5 Using the method of undetermined coefficients to find the general solution of the differential equation : = at +By = 2xtter4+2net baer.” G5 Given that y = e is a solution of the differential ‘equation dey me ~ex-¥ +(x-Dy=0 65 a linearly independent solution by reducing the order and write the general solution. Solve : o © (@ ® oO RAS 8078 Solve : yey + 2)d + axle + Z)dy + aye + pode <0. 6 Solve : 6 a + axs3y 0 Bee ae fs zeay ne, Find the general solution of the differential equation O+ pte +Wgaxrty 65 Find the complete integral of the differential equation (+ Pe = pz. 65 fy the partial different © Chas | equation as elliptic, Parabolic or hyper ty t+ PP ay = 25 (i) Eliminate the parameters a and 6 from the following equation to find the corresponding partial differential equation : at b+ 2=1 4 PTO. (@ ) © 8078 Find the complete integral of the equation : p+ gat i 6 Eliminate the arbitrary’ function f from the equation . x (2) to find the corresponding partial differential equation. © . 6 Find the general solution of the partial differential equation : 4 yep + maq= x + y. 6 This question paper contains 4 printed pages. FE Your Roll No. ... Sl. No. of Ques. Paper: 5215 Unique Paper Code: 234553 Name of Paper : Internet Technologies — I Name of Course : B.A. (Prog.) Semester Mi Duration : 3 hours Maximum Marks 245 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from Q. Nos. 2 10 6. 1. (a) What are Empty tags in HTML? Name any two. 2 (b) Write HTML code ‘to open a link in a new browser window. 2 (c) What are the uses of “onblur” and “onfocus” events? 2 (d) Which HTML tag is used to specify footer for a document or section? 1 (e) Explain the logical operators in JavaScript with example. 3 (f) Write HTML statement to accept Password from the user. 3 (g) Write HTML code to insert an image in o background. ~ RT 3. sus A (h) Differentiate between Subscript text and ‘Superscript text with example. 2. (a) Write HTML code: Frames Menu Logo Introduction | Target window for menu links Courses Facilities Faculty (b) Create an HTML form: ‘User Input Form Personal Particular Name: Password: Gender: “Male Female Age: <1 year okt ay Eiteva Licic++ Choe Instruction Encer your instruction here... (BEND } COLEAR | sais 3 & (a) Create a table in HTML as given below: 8 x ly Zz A iB Dole i. (b) Explain any two data types in JavaScript. z 4. (a) Give the output of the following: 4 @ Math.max(100, 120, 50, 29, -80, -40); (i) Math.pow(6, 3); Gil) Math.floor(14.9); (iv) var tst="UNIVERSITY OF DELHT", var sin=txt.length; (b) Write a program in JavaScript to find the factorial of anumber. 6 5. Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in ta format given below: Consider the following while writing the HTML code: (i) Title of the page should be “Hospitality Industry” (ii) Background colour of the page should be Link colour should be “Maroon”, visi jour should be “Red”. ‘S215 4 ~ (v) Use the concept of nested lists for creating the list given in the web page with specified bullets. (vi) Pages linked to: Front Office as “front.html” « Food & Beverages as ‘‘food.htm!” Hospitality Industry JOne of the industries which is on the path of rapid lgrowth is the hospitality industry. [Hotels are broadly classified as: Hotels Resorts jusiness Hotels Beach resorts Hill resorts Heritage resorts [Departments in a Hotel 1. Front Office * Reservations * Reception * Guest relations }2. Food and Beverages * Room Service * Coffee Shop + Restaurant For all further enquires : Contact us 6. (a) Differentiate between While and Do While loop in JavaScript. 4 (b) Explain “With” in JavaScript with example. 2 (c) What is external Style Sheet? How to link it with HTML page? 4 100

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