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Production Electrician

Final Package

1. One copy of final lighting plot and section (1/4” scale)
2. Final copies of lighting paperwork [Lightwright OR Excel]
a. Channel hook-up
b. Instrument schedule
c. Color key
d. Magic sheet
e. Practicals
f. DMX address schedule
3. Final budget sheet
4. Shop order
5. Schedules
a. Load in
b. Focus
c. Tech week
6. Reports
a. Performances
b. Personal tech notes
7. Self-evaluation paper

Production Electrician
Final Package
This paper is a concise, but thorough, introspective focusing on the work you have done on the
production. There are no right or wrong answers. You should be articulate, informed, and evaluate
your experience and contribution. It should be approximately 2-4 pages.

Self-reflection paper possible points of discussion:
1. Choices
a. Color
b. Cue timing
c. Angles
d. Concept/approach to your design
e. Mood/energy
f. Visibility/selective visibility

2. Process
a. Working with the director
b. Working with the lighting designer
c. Working with the rest of the design team
d. Hang/focus
e. Cue writing
f. Rehearsal process
g. Changes observed and made
h. Working with the designers, board op, other team members

3. Product
a. Did you accomplish your goals?
b. Are you satisfied with your design? Why? Why not?
c. What worked?
d. What didn’t work?
e. What would you do differently?

Production Electrician
Final Package

A = A complete binder, neatly tabbed and organized. Paperwork correct, complete,

professional, portfolio-worthy. Proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
B = A complete binder with components mostly complete and organized. Good use of
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
C = Design package components not all complete, not well-organized. Fair grammar, spelling,
and punctuation.
D = A lack of effort. More than 50% of design package components missing or incorrect. Poor
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
F = Unsatisfactory. Incomplete. Little to no effort to provide design package components.


A = A well-written and thoughtful discussion that offers critical observations (positive,
negative, or combination) providing insights into the production experience, and your choices,
process, and product. Proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

B = A good effort at writing that offers critical observations providing insights into the
production experience, and your choices, process, and product. Good use of grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.

C = Average writing that does not provide comprehensive observations or reflections
regarding choices, process, and product. Fair grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

D = A lack of effort, sloppy writing that offers no critical observations or reflection regarding
choices, process, and product. Poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

F = Unsatisfactory. Incomplete. Little to no effort to provide observation and self-reflection.

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