Quranic Passages and Hadith Passages Solving

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Quranic Passages

. You should study teachings and how Muslims learn from these teachings from the book in order to
understand wider meaning of the surah

Part A

These things should be present in you’re a part

1- Surah Name
2- Refrence (1-2)
3- Arabic Term
4- Background/Ashab ul Nuzool (If any)
5- Sub themes / Categories
6- Theme (Allah in Himself, Allah’s Relationship with created World and Allah’s relationship with
His Messengers)

I’ll give you a example

1- Surah Name: Surah al Ikhlas

2- Reference : How can He has a son when He has no consort
3- Arabic Term: Ahad – Meaning One and Only
4- Background : Quraish asking questions about Allah
5- sub themes : Discusses : There is no ancestory, lineage or parentage of Allah, Allah has no
gender and lastly surah tells about Allah's appearance/uniqueness (And there is none like unto
6- Theme: Allah In Himself.

Part B

These things should be present in your a part

1- What Muslims Learn from this and how can they implement these teachings in their daily lives

2- Reference (If any)

3- Specialty about the Surah

I’ll give you a example

1-Muslims can learn various things such as believing in one God, Avoiding Shirk etc.

2-Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah, they both would’ve been ruined

3-The surah is declared 1/3 of Quran

All this with ELABORATION

Hadith Passages

Part A

1- Reference
2- What Muslims learn from this

Part B

1- Refrence (if any)

2- How can Muslims implement these teachings in their lives:

. In this you talk about examples from first Islamic community

. Real life examples you can follow

For example Hadith is on charity

. Examples from first islamic community

-> Hazrat Abu bakr gave all his wealth for tabuk expedition

-> Hazrat Umar gave half of his wealth for Tabuk expedition

-> Hazrat Usman bought well of. Romah

. Real life examples you can follow

-> Charity in building mosque

-> Buying a wheelchair

-> charity to run affairs of widow and orphans etc

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