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16 Tenses In English



We use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something

which is happening at the time of speaking.
Example : Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.

We also use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something
which is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly
at the time of speaking.
Example : Silvia is learning English at the moment.

We often use the Present Continuous when we talk about a period around
the present.
Example :You’re working hard today. Yes, I have a lot of to do

We use the present continuous when we talk about the changing situation.
Example : The population without jobs is increasing very fast.


The adverbs of time used in Present Continous tense are “NOW, RIGHT



The patterns of Present continous tense consist of :

1.3.A. Positive Pattern

S + am/is/are + Verb+ing…………………………………………….Now
S + sedang ……………………………………..sekarang

Examples :
1. I am studying English now.
2. We are going to Jakarta tomorrow (akan)
3. You are singing now.
4. He is making a cake now.
5. she is sewing a shirt now.
6. They are playing football in the field now.
7. Tom and Ani are doing their homework tomorrow.
8. The students are doing sport now.

Communicative English Course 1

16 Tenses In English

1.3.b The Negative Pattern

S + am/is/are + Not + Verb+ing…………………………………… Now

S + tidak sedang …………………………………….sekarang
Example :
1. I am not studying now
2. He is not sleeping now
3. My father is not watching television now.
4. we aren’t going to Jakarta Tomorrow.

1.3.c. The Interrogative Pattern

Am/Is/Are + S + Verb+ing……………………………………..Now?
Apakah + S + sedang …………………………sekarang ?
Examples :
1. Are you studying English now ? Yes, I am/ No, I am not
2. Is he eating fried rice now? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t
3. Is your father working in the office now? Yes, He is/No, He isn’t

1.3.d. Qusetion-word Pattern

QW + Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4…………………………………...Now?

QW + yang + S + 4……………………………………..sekarang?
Examples :
1. what are you doing now ? studying
2. Where is he studying English now ? at school

EXERCISE I : Translate these sentences into English.

1. Jack sedang tidur sekarang
2. Mary sedang mengerjakan tugas itu
3. Kami sedang menonton sebuah film di televisi
4. Mereka sedang bermain bola di halaman sekarang
5. Guru itu sedang menerangkan pelajaran itu.
6. Perusahaan itu sedang tumbuh dengan pesat sekarang.
7. Harga saham di bursa Efek Jakarta sedang naik sekarang
8. Pak Adi sedang mengajar bahasa Inggris di kampus sekarang
9. Polisi tersebut sedang mencari Ali sekarang.
10. Ana, Ani, dan Tom sedang berdiskusi sekarang.
EXERCISE 2 : Change the following sentences into (+), (-), and (?)

1. They are speaking English now.

2. We are not reading now.
3. Is your mother frying rice now? No, she isn’t.
4. What is your father looking at now ? a picture.
5. He is watching “Plan to kill” on TV now.
6. The teacher is not explaining tenses to the students now.

Communicative English Course 2

16 Tenses In English

7. Is Maradona playing football in Argentina Now?

EXERCISE 3 : Write questions by using question words based on the

underlined words in the following sentences.

1. John is eating a plate of rice in the dining room now.

2. The cat is eating fried chicken in the kitchen now.
3. Tom and Jerry are quarrelling about food now.
4. My father is teaching Biology at school now.

EXERCISE 4 : Answer the following questions with your own words.

1. Are you studying English now ?

2. Is your father reading a newspaper now?
3. Is your mother sewing a shirt now?
4. Are They singing a song at home now?
5. Is Mr.Adi teaching English at school now?
6. What is your mother doing now?
7. What is your brother doing now?

EXERCISE 5 : Write sentences by using the following verbs

Writing, speaking, sewing, growing, discussing, doing, hunting,eating, drinking,

dancing, singing, making, building, teaching, explaining, talking, watching,
shopping, sleeping, typing, driving, riding, training, working


2.1. The Use of Simple Past Tense

We use the past simple to talk about actions or situations in the past.

2.2. The Adverbs of time used

Communicative English Course 3

16 Tenses In English

The adverbs of time used in this tense are Yesterday, last….., a week ago,
this morning , last night, yesterday morning, yesterweek, yestermonth,
yesteryear, etc.

2.3. The Patterns of Simple Past Tense

2.3.1. The Positive Pattern

S + Verb 2…………………………………………………… Yesterday

S + 2…………………………………………………..
Examples :
1. John saw a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We studied English here last week.
3. They played football in the field yesteryear

2.3.2. The Negative Pattern

S + didn’t + Verb 1…………………………………… ……..Yesterday

S + tidak + 1…………………………………kemarin
Examples :
1. John didn’t see a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We didn’t study here last week.
3. They didn’t play football in the field yesteryear.

2.3.3. The Interrogative Pattern

Did + S + Verb 1……………………………………………..Yesterday?

Apakah + S + 1…………………………………………kemarin?
1. Did John see a crocodile in the river yesterday ? Yes, he did/No, he
2. Did you study here last week ? Yes, we did/ No, we didn’t
3. Did they play football in the field yesteryear? Yes, they did/No, they

2.3.4. The Question-word Pattern

QW + did + S + Verb 1……………………………….………Yesterday?

Qw + yang + S + 1…………………………………….?

1. What did John see in the river yesterday ? a crocodile
2. When did John see a crocodile in the river? yesterday

QW + Verb 2……………………………….………Yesterday? S + did

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16 Tenses In English

QW + 2……………………………..?

Examples :
1. Who saw a crocodile in the river yesterday ? John did
2. What grew in the rice-field last year? A coconut tree did

EXERCISE I : Translate these sentences into English !

1. Kami menjual mobil kami kemarin

2. Apakah kamu pergi ke luar tadi malam ?
3. Dia tidak datang ke pesta itu minggu lalu
4. Apakah kamu tidur nyenyak tadi malam ?
5. Kami menjual rumah kami di Jakarta tahun lalu.
6. Manajer pemasaran tersebut melakukan penelitian minggu lalu.
7. Apakah perusahaan anda menjual kursi tahun lalu ? Ya.
8. Kapan anda menjalankan usaha anda di Jakarta ? tahun lalu
9. Siapa yang membuat kue itu kemarin ? ibu saya.
10. Apa yang jatuh di jalan kemarin ? Tas saya.

EXERCISE II. Change the following sentences into (+), (-), ( ?), Present
Continous Tense.

1. Tom saw the cats having business under the tree yesterday
2. They played cricket at school last week
3. Did the policeman arrest the thief last night ?
4. The teacher did not attend the meeting this morning

Chapter 3

We often use will in this situation:

Offering to do something:
e.g. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help with it.

Agreeing and refusing to do something:

e.g. I’ve asked john to help me but he won’t

Promising to do something.
e.g. I will come to your house tonight. I promise.

Asking someone to do something.

Communicative English Course 5

16 Tenses In English

Will you close the window,please!

A. The positive pattern of Present Future tense is as follows:

S + will/shall + Verb 1…………………………………… Tomorrow

S + akan + 1 …………………….

1. John will run a restaurant in Jakarta Next month.
2. Mrs.Maria Eva will play badminton tomorrow

B. The negative pattern of Present Future tense is as follows:

S + won’t/shan’t + Verb 1…………………… ………… Tomorrow

S + tidak akan + 1 ………………………………..

1. John won’t run a restaurant in Jakarta Next month.
2. Mrs.Maria Eva won’t play badminton tomorrow

C. The Interrogative pattern of Present Future tense is as follows

Will/Shall + S + Verb 1………………………………….. Tomorrow?

Apakah + S + akan + 1…………………………..?

1. will John run a restaurant in Jakarta Next month? Yes, He will/No,he

2. will Mrs.Maria Eva play badminton tomorrow? Yes, She will/No, she

D. The QW pattern of Present Future tense is as follows

QW + will/shall + S + Verb 1…………………….………Tomorrow?

QW + yang + S + akan + 1……………………….?

1. when will John run a restaurant in Jakarta? Next month

2. who will run a restaurant in Jakarta Next month? John will
3. where will John run a restaurant Next month? Next month
4. what will John do in Jakarta Next month? Running a restaurant

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16 Tenses In English

We often use will to be going to when we say what we have already decided to
do, what we intend to do in the future.
e.g. A:There’s a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
B: No, I am too tired. I am going to have an early night.

The pattern :

S + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1……………………………………

S +am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1…………………… …………

Am/is/are + S + going to + Verb 1………………………………….. .?

QW + am/is/are + S + going to + verb 1…………………………… ..?


Present Tense is used to talk about something in general. And it is also used to

talk about something which is happened repeatedly or habituallly activities.

e.g. + The earth goes round the sun

- The earth doesn’t go round the sun

? Does the earth go round the sun ?

+ I get up at 8 o’clock every morning

- I don’t get up at 8 o’clock every morning

? Do you get up at 8 o’clock very morning?

The pattern :

S + Verb 1 (s/es)…………………………………… Everyday/today

S + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1…………………… ……Everyday/today

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16 Tenses In English

Do/Does + S + Verb 1………………………………Everyday/today?

QW + Do/does + S + Verb 1…………………….…Everyday/today?

We use the present simple when wse say how often we do things:

e.g. How often do you go to the dentist ?

Mary doesn’t often drink tea.


We use past continuous Tense to say that someone was in the middle of
doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started
before this time but hadn’t finished:
This time last year I was living in Brazil

We often use the past continuous Tense and the past simple together to say
that something happened in the middle of something else:
When I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.

The pattern :

S + was/were + verb 4………………….When + s + Verb 2…….……

S + was/were + not + Verb 4…………….When + s + Verb 2…………

Was/were + S + verb 4…………………. When + s + Verb 2 ……. ….?

QW + was/were + S + verb 4……………When + s + Verb 2 …………?

e.g. + She was cooking rice when Tom came yesterday

- She wasn’t cooking rice when Tom came yesterday

? Was she cooking rice when Tom came yesterday ?

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16 Tenses In English


We often use the present perfect Tense to give new information or to announce
recent happening:
e.g. Do you know about Mary ? She’s gone to Jakarta.

We can use the Present Perfect Tense with already to say that something has
happened sooner than expected :
e.g. Don’t forget to post this letter, will you? I’ve already posted it.

We can use the Present Perfect Tense with just (= a short time ago)
e.g. Would you like something to eat? ‘No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch’.

We talk about a period of time that continuous up to the present, we use the
present perfect.
e.g. Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora?
Nora: Yes, I have been to 47 different countries.

We often use ever and never with the present perfect:

e.g. have you ever eaten caviar?
We have never had a car.

We have to use present perfect Tense with This is the first time…, It the first
e.g. This is the first time he has driven a car. (not drives)

We often use the present perfect with yet. Yet shows that the speaker is
expecting something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative
sentences: e.g. Has it stopped raining yet ? (not ‘did it stop’).

The pattern:

S + have/has + verb 3……………………….etc

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16 Tenses In English

S + haven’t/hasn’t + Verb 3…………….….etc

Have/has + S + verb 3………………….. ….etc?

QW + have/has + S + verb 3………………..etc?


We use the Past perfect to say that something had already happened before this
time :

Example :

- When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home

- When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had
stolen my fur coat.
- George didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because he had already
seen the film twice.
- It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn’t
flown before.

The pattern:

S + had + verb 3…………when/before S + V2

S + hadn’t + Verb 3……… when/before S + V2

Had + S + verb 3………… when/before S + V2 ?

QW + had + S + verb 3……… when/before S + V2 ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. Rumah itu sangat sunyi ketika saya tiba. Semua orang sudah pergi tidur.
2. Saya merasa sangat lelah ketika saya pulang, jadi saya langsung pergi tidur
3. Saya tidak lapar, saya baru saja makan siang.
4. To tidak bearada di rumah ketika saya tiba. Dia baru saja keluar.

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16 Tenses In English


S + have/has + been + verb 4…………etc

S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + verb 4……etc

Have/has + S + been + verb 4……….etc ?

QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4…etc ?

Example :

- Pelajar pelajar tengah menyanyi sejak pagi ini

+ The students have been singing since this morning

- The students haven’t been singing since this morning
? Have the students been singing since this morning ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. Hari sudah hujan selama dua jam

2. Berapa lama kamu sudah belajar bahasa inggris ?

3. Saya sudah menonton acara TV tersebut sejak dua jam

4. Dia (pr) sudah bermain tenis sejak dia berumur 8 tahun

5. Berapa lama kamu suah merokok ?

6. Mereka sudah bermain PS selama tiga jam

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S + had been + verb 4…………when S + V2

S + hadn’t been + Verb 4……… when S + V2

Had + S + been + verb 4………… when S + V2 ?

QW + had + S + been + verb 4……… when S + V2 ?

Example :
- Mereka tengah mengerjakan PR ketika saya datang kemarin

+ They had been doing the homework when I came yesterday

- They hadn’t been doing the homework when I came yesterday
? Had they been doing the homework when I came yesterday ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. Mereka sudah bermain bola selama satu jam ketika ada petir yang


2. Ken sudah merokok selama 30 tahun ketika akhirnya dia berhenti

3. Orkestra itu sudah bermain selama sepuluh menit ketika seorang laki laki


4. Saya sudah mengetik selama tiga puluh menit ketika listrik itu padam

5. Mereka sudah tidur selama 6 jam ketika kebakaran itu terjadi


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S + will be + Verb 4 + O + at…………..o’clock

S + won’t be + Verb 4 + O + at………..o’clock

Will + S + be + Verb 4 + O + at……….o’clock ?

QW + will + S + be +Verb 4…………o’clock ?

Example :

- Kamu sedang akan pergi ke sekolah pukul 7 besok pagi

+ You will be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

- You won’t be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
? Will you be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. George sedang akan meninggalkan Indonesia pada pukul 9 besok pagi

2. Saya sedang akan menyelesaikan PR itu sore nanti

3. Dia (pr) sedang akan menonton acara di stadion tersebut nanti malam

4. Mereka sedang akan makan malam di restauran itu nanti malam

5. Para karyawan sedang akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu pukul 9 nanti



S + will have + verb 3 + ……….by the end……

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16 Tenses In English

S + won’t have + Verb 3 + ………..by the end….

Will + S + have + Verb 3 + ………by the end…. ?

QW + will + S + have +Verb 3 +…………by the end… ?

Example :

- Kita sudah akan tiba di Jakarta besok sore.

+ We will have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon

- We won’t have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
? Will we have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. John sudah akan selesai mengerjakan pekerjaanya menjelang akhir minggu


2. Menjelang minggu depan saya akan selesai membaca buku ini

3. Menjelang bulan depan dia akan membayar hutangnya

4. Kami sudah akan mendapat rumah baru menjelang akhir tahun ini


S + will have been + verb 4………since……….

S + won’t have been + verb 4…….since……….

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16 Tenses In English

Will + S + have been + verb 4……since……….?

QW + will + S + have been + verb 4….since…..?

Example :

- Mereka tengah akan belajar sejak pagi besok

+ They will have been studying since this morning

- They won’t have been studying since this morning
? Will they have been studying since this morning ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. Menjelang akhir tahun ini kami akan sudah mempelajari bahasa inggris

selama tiga tahun

2. Menjelang hari natal saya akan sudah bekerja di kantor ini selama lima


3. Menjelang liburan sekolah ini saya sudah mengikuti tes selama 5 kali

4. Menjelang hari raya idul fitri saya sudah akan dua kali pulang ke desa


S + would + V1…IF + S + verb 2………….etc

S + wouldn’t + verb 1….+ object…………..etc

Would + S + verb 1 ….+ object ……….…..etc ?

Communicative English Course 15

16 Tenses In English

Example :

1. Saya akan datang ANDAIKATA kamu mengundang saya

I would come if you invited me

2. Tom akan melakukan perjalanan JIKAdia punya uang

Tom would travel if he had more money

Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!

1. Jika saya jadi kamu, saya tidak akan membeli rumah itu

2. Saya akan keluar jika hari tidak hujan

3. Jika saya kaya, saya akan membeli sebuah villa

4. Jika saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris, saya akan pergi keluar negeri

5. Saya tidak akan keberatan tinggal di Amerika jika cuacanya bagus


S + would be + Verb 4……when S + verb 2……….etc

S + wouldn’t + be + verb 4….when S + verb 2………etc

Would + S + be + verb 4 ….. when S + verb 2……etc ?

Example :

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16 Tenses In English

- Sedianya mereka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang

+ They would be going home when we came

- They wouldn’t be going home when we came
? Would they be going home when we came ?

Translate these sentences into English !

1. Saya akan sedang menempuh ujian hari berikutnya pada waktu itu

2. Kami akan sedang membangun rumah itu pada waktu itu

3. Mereka sedang akan bermain babak kedua pada pertandingan sepakbola

waktu itu.


S + would have + verb 3…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….

S + wouldn’t have + verb 3 ……object………..etc

Would + S + have + verb 3 …….object………..etc ?

Example :

- Ia sudah akan menjadi presiden ANDAIKATA partainya menang dalam

pemilihan umum.

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- He would have become a presiden if his party had won in general election

Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!

1. Jika saya telah mengetahui bahwa kamu sakit, saya akan menemuimu

2. Tom tidak akan mengikuti ujian itu jika dia mengetahui bahwa soalnya

akan begitu sulit.

3. Jika saya berjumpa dengan mu, saya akan mengatakan hello

4. Jika saya telah mengumpulakan uang, saya akan menikahi mu

5. Saya akan mengirim surat ini jika kamu telah selesai membuatmya


S + would have + been + verb 4…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….

S + wouldn’t have been + verb 4…….object…………etc

Would + S + have been + verb 4.. …….object………..etc ?

Example :

- Sedianya rapat tengah akan dimulai sejak pagi ANDAIKATA walikota

sudah datang tepat pada waktunya

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- The meeting would have been starting since this morning if Mayor had

come on time.

Exercise : Translate these sentences into English!

1. Sedianya concert itu tengah akan dimulai andaikata artis artis itu datang

pada waktunya.

2. Sedianya saya tengah akan tidur andaikata mereka belum datang

3. Andaikata ayah saya telah selesai berbelanja, ibu saya akan memasak

makanan itu

17. Abbreviation (singkatan)

1. I am = I’m
2. You are = You’re
3. We are = We’re
4. They are = They’re
5. He is = He’s
6. She is = She’s
7. It is = It’s
8. Will not = won’t
9. Would not = Wouldn’t
10. Do not = Don’t
11. Does not = Doesn’t
12. Did not = Didn’t

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16 Tenses In English

13. Is not = Isn’t

14. Are not = Aren’t
15. Was not = Wasn’t
16. Were not = Weren’t
17. Have not = Haven’t
18. Has not = Hasn’t
19. Had not = Hadn’t
20. Can not = Can’t
21. Could not = Couldn’t
22. Must not = Mustn’t
23. Should not = Shouldn’t
24. Might not = Mightn’t
25. May not = Mayn’t


1. Kalimat pasif ialah suatu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai oleh suatu
perbuatan atau yang predikatnya berawalan di…/ ter…
2. Kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitive, yaitu kata kerja
yang bisa diikuti oleh suatu objek atau benda.
3. Rumus kalimat pasif dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebagai berikut:

S + To be + V3…………………………………by…

4. To be berfungsi untuk menentukan Tenses dari suatu kalimat dan untuk

membentuk awalan : di….atau: ter…
5. To be dapat dijabarkan dalam 16 Tenses (lihatlah 16 Tenses pada rumus
kalimat aktif)

Pelajarilah Rumus dibawah ini :

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16 Tenses In English

1. Present Future Tense: S + will be + V3…by…

2. Present Future Continuous Tense: S + will be + being + V3…by…
3. Present Future Perfect Tense: S + will have been + V3
4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + will have been + being +
5. Simple Present Tense: S + am/is/are + V3…
6. Present Continuous Tense: S + am/is/are + being +V3…
7. Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + been + V3
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: S + have been/has been +being +V3…
9. Past Perfect Tense: S + had been +V3…
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: S + had been + being + V3…
11. Simple Past Tense: S + Was/were + V3…
12. Past Continuous Tense: S + was/were + being + V3…
13. Past Future Tense: S + would be + V3…
14. Past Future Continuous Tense: S + would be being +V3…
15. Past Future Perfect Tense: S + would have been + V3…
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + would have been + being +

Penjelasan :
1. Kata kerja yang dipakai dalam kalimat pasif ialah V3 (bukan V1, V2, V4)
2. Tenses dalam kalimat pasifditentukan aleh bentuk To be nya
3. TO BE bisa terdiri dari:
a. Satu kata saja (am/is/are/was/were) lihat nomor 5 dan 11.
b. Dua kata(will be,have been, has been, had been, would be) lihat
nomor1, 7, 9, 13. (am being-is being-are being-was being-were
being) no. 6 dan no. 12.
c. Tiga kata (will be being, will have been, have been being, has been
being, had been being, would be being and would have been) lihat
nomor 2, 3, 8, 10, 14 dan 15.
d. Empat kata (will have been being dan would have been being ) no.
4 dan 16.
4. Being dalam kalimat pasif menunjukan: Continuous.

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16 Tenses In English


1. Present Future Tense

S + Won’t be + V3……….(by him)……… = S tak akan
Example : Engkau tak akan dimarahi olehnya.

2. Present Future Continuous Tense

S + Won’t be + being + V3…(by them)…. = S tidak sedang akan
Example : Rapat tidak sedang akan dimulai oleh mereka pukul 9 besok pagi.

3. Present Future Perfect Tense

S + Won’t have been + V3….(by her) = S belum akan di…………
Example : Nasi belum akan dimasak olehnya sore ini

4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense

S + Won’t have been + V3….(by the Bank)………
Example : Rumah itu belum lagi akan disita oleh Bank pada akhir tahun ini.

5. Simple Present Tense

S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + V3….(by the Judge)

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16 Tenses In English

Example : Pengacau-pengacau itu tidak dikenakan hukuman oleh Hakim.

6. Present Continuous Tense

S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + being + V3… (by……)
Example : Mobil saya tidak sedang direparasi sekarang

7. Present Perfect Tense

S + (hasn’t/haven’t) + been + V3….(by ……..)
Example : Saya belum diajak dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris oleh kawan-
kawan saya.

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

S + (hasn’t/haven’t) + been + being + V3…by…..
Example : Korupsi masih belum diberantas oleh pemerintah sejak bertahun-
tahun yang lalu.

9. Past Perfect Tense

S + hadn’t been + V3…by…..
Example : Tomy belum dituduh sebagai penghianat, sebelum Jaksa Agung

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

S + hadn’t been + being + V3…(by……….)
Example : Buchary masih belum dicalonkan Walikota, ketika otonomi
dilimpahkan ke-propinsi.

11. Simple Past Tense

S + (wasn’t/weren’t) + V3…(by……….)
Example : Tindakan keras tidak dilakukan oleh pemerintah terhadap para

12. Past Continuous Tense

S + (wasn’t/weren’t) + V3…(by……….)

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16 Tenses In English

Example : Pasien tidak sedang dioperasi ketika ia meninggal kemarin.

 No. 13 s/d No. 16, hanya menambahkan kata Not, pada kata bantu yang
Lihat pada 16 Tenses kalimat pasip bentuk berita.

Note : Keterangan pelaku (by me, by us, by him, dst) dan keterangan waktu, bisa
dipakai bila diperlukan. Tergantung kepada : kondisi dan situasi dari tiap
kalimat yang diucapkan.


1. Present Future Tense

Will + S + be + V3…(by..) few years from now ? = Yes/No,………
Example : Apakah Bahasa Inggris akan dipakai di Pontianak ?
When + ……………………………… ? = Few years from now.

2. Present Future Continuous Tense

Will + S + have been + V3…………… ? = Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah rapat sedang akan diadakan pukul 9 besok ?
What time + ………………... ? = At 9 o’clock.

3. Present Future Perfect Tense

Will + S + have been + V3……………? = Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah pekerjaanmu sudah akan diselesaikan sore ini ?
What + …………………….. ? = Your job.

4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Will + S + have been + being + V3………… ? = Yes/No,
Example : Apakah norma-norma hukum tengah akan diberlakukan sesudah
negara bangkrut ?

Communicative English Course 24

16 Tenses In English

Why + …………………………... ? = Because none is hones in


5. Simple Present Tense

(Am /Is/Are) + S + V3……………. ? = Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah saya diminta untuk menemani kamu ?
By whom + …………………………. ? = By our director.

6. Present Continuous Tense

(Am/Is/Are ) + S + being + V3………. ? = Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah penari-penari itu sedang dijemput sekarang ?
Where + ……………………. ? = At the airport.

7. Present Perfect Tense

(Has/Have) + S + been + V3 ………… ? = Yes/No,………………...
Example : Sudahkah tiket-tiket itu dibeli olehmu ?
How many tickets + ……….. ? = 5 tickets

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(Has/Have) + S + been + being + V3………. ? = Yes/No,
Example : Apakah Budi tengah diopname di rumah sakit ?
How long + …………………. ? = For 3 days.

9. Past Perfect Tense

Had + S + been + V3………. ? = Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah perampok-perampok itu sudah tertembak dikakinya
sebelum mereka menyerahkan diri ?
Who + ………………… ? = The robbers.

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Had + S + been + being + V3……………. ?

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16 Tenses In English

= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah ia tengah diperbantukan sebelum kepada Departemen
Pendidikan sebelum ia menjadi Menteri ?
How long + …………………. ? = More than 3 year.

11. Simple Past Tense

(Were/Was) + S + V3 …………. ? = Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah masalah Tomy dibicarakan di DPR ?
What + ………………………. ? = Tomy’s problem.
12. Past Continuous Tense
(Were/Was) + S + being + V3………… ? = Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah proyek perumahan sedang direncanakan di kota ini ketika
saya ada di luar negeri tahun lalu ?
By whom + ………………… ? = By the mayor.

13. Past Future Tense : Hanya mengubah : Will dengan Would dan keterangan
14. Past Future Continuous Tense : sama di atas (kalimat dikarang
15. Past Future Perfect Tense : sama di atas (kalimat dikarang sendri)
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense : sama di atas (kalimat dikarang

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16 Tenses In English


Fungsi : I. Menyuruh sesorang untuk mengerjakan sesuatu.

II. Menyuruh agar sesuatu dikerjakan oleh orang lain.
Bandingkanlah kalimat-kalimat berikut:
1. Tono mengecat rumahnya hari ini.
2. Rumah Tono dicat sendiri olehnya.
3. Tono menyuruh tukang cat mengecatkan rumahnya.
4. Tono mengecatkan rumahnya.

Rumus-Rumus Causative:

A. S + to have + someone + V1 + … etc

Eg: 1. He has a mechanic repair his car today

2. He will have a mechanic repair his car tomorrow
3. He is having a mechanic ………etc now

B. S + to have + something +

Eg: 1. I had my tooth pulled out yesterday

2. Ali has had his hair cut since yesterday

Note : Perubahan Tenses hanya terjadi pada kata kerja to have.

(have (has) – had – had – having)

C. S + to get + someone + to + V1 + … etc

Eg : 1. He will get me to help him tomorrow

2. He doesn’t get me to come to his house today

3. He has get me to bring a dictionary

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16 Tenses In English

D. S + to get + somthing + to + V3 + … etc

Eg : 1. The girl gets her face made up (dihias)

2. I won’t get my hair cut short.
3. Budi is getting his tooth pulled out now
Catatan penting : Something = (sth) = sesuatu benda
Someone = (so) = seseorang (object): me, him, …
One’s (kepunyaan) = my…, your…, her…, our…, their…
Eg = example = contoh. (Eg = example gratia)

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16 Tenses In English


Perhatikan perubahan yang terjadi dari Rumus umum ke – TENSES TERTENTU:


1. S + will + have + S.O + V1 + …

2. S + will + have had + S.O + V1 + …
3. S + have (has) + S.O + V1 + …
4. S + had + S.O + V1 + …
5. S + have + had + S.O + V1 + …
6. S + had + had + S.O + V1 + …
7. S + will be + having + S.O + V1 + …
8. S + will + have been + having + S.O + V1 + …
9. S + (am, is, are) + V4 + S.O + V1 + …
10. S + (was, were) + V4 + S.O + V1 + …
11. S + (have been/has been) + having + S.O + V1 + …
12. S + had been + having + S.O + V1 + …
13. S + would + have + S.O + V1 + …
14. S + would be + having + S.O + V1 + …
15. S + would + have had + S.O + V1 + …
16. S + would + have been + having + S.O + …

1. to have, adalah bentuk : Infinitive (=kata kerja pokok) yang
berubah menurut Tenses tertentu. (dilahat 16 Tenses diatas).

2. S.O = Some One = adalah Object, dan bukan Subjek.

Jadi: S.O, bisa menjadi = me, you, him, her, us, them.
One’s = bisa menjadi : my, your, his, her, our, dsb
S = (Subjek), seperti: I, You, He, She, We They, It, dan benda-benda
lainnya. (T.V, Radio, Weather, the wind).

3. V1, dalam rumus diatas tidak berubah dalam segala bentuk kalimat dan
bentuk Tenses apapun. V1, tetap V1, tidak ada perubahan.

4. V1 V2 V3 V4
have had had having

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16 Tenses In English


TASK : Make free statements according to the PATTERNS (rumus) below:

A. S +1.didin’t have + me + V1 + … etc

Eg : …………………………………………
2. Do +S + have + Us + V1 ………….?

Eg : …………………………………………
3. QW + will + S + have + someone + V1 + … ?
Eg : When …………………………………………..
4. Who + has + someone +V1 + …… ?
Eg : Who has ………………………………
5. Have + someone + V1 + …… ! = suruhlah ……!
Eg : ……………………………………

B. S +1.
won’t have + one’s house + V3 + … etc
Saya tidak akan mengecatkan rumahku.
= …………………………………………
Do +S + have + something + V3 …… today ?
2. Does

Apakah Budi mereparasikan mobilnya hari ini ?

= ………………………………………………... ?
3. QW + did + S + have + something + V3 + … yesterday

Dimana Evi mencabutkan giginya kemarin

= …………………………………………….

4. Who + will have + One’s + sth + V3 + …… ?

Siapa yang akan berpoto ?
= Who will have one’s picture taken ?

Communicative English Course 30

16 Tenses In English

One’s picture = seseorang yang belum diketahui.


Infinitive Past Present

No (Kata Dasar) Past Tense Participle Participle The Meaning in Indonesian:
V1 V2 V3 V4

1 to do did done ~ing mengerjkan, melakukan.

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16 Tenses In English

2 to have had had ~ing mempunyai
3 to tell told told ~ing mengatakan, menceritakan, menyuruh.
4 to own owned owned ~ing memiliki
5 to read read read writing membaca
6 to write wrote written ~ing menulis
7 to listen listened ~ed ~ing mendengarkan
8 to speak spoke spoken ~ing berbicara, pandai berbahasa
9 to say said said ~ing berkata, mengatakan
10 to ask asked ~ed ~ing bertanya, meminta, menyuruh
11 to answer answered ~ed ~ing menjawab
12 to borrow borrowed ~ed ~ing meminjam (dari)
13 to lend lent lent giving meminjamkan (kepada)
14 to give gave given ~ing memberi (kan)
15 to send sent sent ~ing mengirim, menyuruh
16 to repeat repeated ~ed ~ing mengulang
17 to buy bought bought ~ing membeli
18 to sell sold sold ~ing menjual
19 to present presented ~ed ~ing menyajikan (cerita, materi)
20 to wait (for) waited ~ed ~ing menunggu
21 to see saw seen ~ing melihat, bertemu, berkenalan
22 to visit visited ~ed inviting mengunjungi
23 to invite invited ~ed ~ing mengundang, mengajak
24 to reject rejected ~ed refusing menolak
25 to refuse refused ~ed improving menolak (tawaran, ajakan)
26 to inprove improved ~ed ~ing memperbaiki, meningkatkan
27 to avoid avoided ~ed ~ing menghindari (kan)
28 to deny denied denied arranging menyangkal, mambantah
29 to arrange arranged ~ed ~ing menyusun, mengatur, merencanakan
30 to plan planned ~ned making merencanakan
31 to make made made ~ing membuat, menyebabkan
32 to build buit built ~ing membangun, mendirikan
33 to burry burried burried ~ing menguburkan
34 to scold scolded ~ed rebuking memarahi
35 to rebuke rebuked ~d bribing memarahi
36 to bribe bribed ~d ~ing menyuap, menyogok

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37 to attack attacked ~ed ~ing menyerang

38 to defend defended ~ed enforcing mempertahankan
39 to enforce enforced ~d ~ing memaksa, memberlakukan
40 to learn learnt learnt ~ing belajar
41 to study studied studied ~ing mempelajari
42 to copy copied copied composing menyalin
43 to compose composed ~d ~ing menyusun, mengarang
44 to review reviewed ~ed ~ing mengulang kembali
45 to interview intervived ~ed ~ing mewawancarai
46 to repair repaired ~ed ~ing mereparasi
47 to know knew known ~ing mengetahui, tahu, kenal
48 to understand understood understood taking mengerti
49 to take took taken ~ing mengambil, mengantarkan
50 to eat ate eaten ~ing makan
51 to drink drank drunk subtituting minum
52 to substitute ~d ~d ~ing mengganti
53 to succeed ~ed ~d dividing berhasil, menggantikan
54 to devide ~d ~d nominating membagi
55 to nominate ~d ~d ~ing mencalonkan
56 to cook ~ed ~ed receiving memasak
57 to receive ~d ~d believing menerima
58 to believe ~d ~d ~ing percaya
59 to agree ~d ~d ~ing setuju
60 to disagree ~d ~d proposing tidak setuju
61 to propose ~d ~d opposing mengusulkan
62 to oppose ~d ~d ~ing menentang, melawan
63 to predict ~ed ~ed ~ting meramalkan
64 to let ~ed ~ed ~ting membiarkan, mengijinkan
65 to put ~ed ~ed ~ting meletakkan
66 to cut ~ed ~ed ~ing memotong
67 to continue ~d ~d ~ing meneruskan, melanjutkan
68 to draw drew drawn ~ing menggambar, menarik
69 to think thought thought ~ing berpikir, berpendapat
70 to express ~ed ~ed proving menyatakan, mengutarakan
71 to prove ~d ~d ~ing membuktikan
72 to remember ~ed ~ed ~ing ingat

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16 Tenses In English

73 to remind ~ed ~ed ~ing mengingatkan

74 to warn ~ed ~ed memorizing memperingatkan
75 to memorize ~d ~d ~ting mengingat-ingat, menghafal
76 to forget forgot forgotten admiring melupakan
77 to admire ~d ~d praising mengagumi, memuji
78 to praise ~d ~d ~ing memuji
79 to insult ~ed ~ed ~ting menghina
80 to submit ~ted ~ted ~ing menyerahkan
81 to report ~ed ~ed ~ing melaporkan
82 to open ~ed ~ed ~ting membuka
83 to shut ~ed ~ed closing menutup
84 to close ~d ~d ~ing menutup
85 to mark ~ed ~ed ~ing manandai, memberi tanda
86 to weigh ~ed ~ed measuring menimbang
87 to measure ~d ~d evaluating mengukur
88 to evaluate ~d ~d tasting mengevaluasi
89 to taste ~d ~d ~ing mencicipi, merasa (dengan lidah)
90 to hold held held ~ing memegang, mengadakan
91 to touch ~ed ~ed ~ing menyentuh, meraba
92 to teach taught taught ~ing mengajar
93 to return ~ed ~ed ~ing mengembalikan
94 to reply replied replied ~ing menjawab
95 to pay ~ed ~ed calculating membayar
96 to calculate ~d ~d ~ing menghitung
97 to throw threw thrown ~ting melempar
98 to hit ~ed ~ed ~ing memukul
99 to beat ~ed ~ed ~ing memukul
100 to bite bit beaten hiding menggigit
101 to hide hid hid serving bersembunyi
102 to serve ~d ~d ~ing melayani, menghidangkan
103 to explain ~ed ~ed ~ing menerangkan
104 to interpret ~ed ~ed ~ing menafsirkan
105 to predict ~ed ~ed activating meramalkan
106 to activate ~d ~d motivating mengaktifkan, menggiatkan
107 to motivate ~d ~d memotivasi, menggerakan

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16 Tenses In English

Note : tanda ~ (tilde), ialah tanda yang berarti Kata Dasar (Infinitive)
Contoh : to work ……~ ed = worked // ~ ing = working, dst.
“to” pada Infinitive, tidak dipakai sebagai predikat dalam suatu kalimat (Lihat Rumus)

Communicative English Course 35

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