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23/07/2022, 20:22 Read Why programmers work at night | Leanpub

The startup never left my mind. At any given

moment I was either architecting a cool piece
programmers of tech, pouring my misguided ideas into
work at night code, creating business strategies, thinking
Swizec Teller
about what the others were doing, or
learning to be a better entrepreneur.

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It got so bad I was listening to
entrepreneurship podcasts whenever I had
more than 10 minutes of “free” time, just so I
could squeeze that extra bit of productivity
Table of Contents into the day. My standard was 14 to 15 hours.

Everyone spent at least eleven hours a day in

From disgruntled
that dark hackerspace basement. We
developer, to founder, to
occupied a sofa, two tables, and three
Introduction - version 0.4
There was no time for deep thought. We
Keep in touch wanted to work work work. One by one we
Whom Book is for crashed and burned.

What Book contains

The other programmer was the first to go. He
What is not in Book simply stopped coming to the office. He
didn’t answer any of my calls or emails. For a
How finished is Book
few weeks even his friends were asking me if
License I’d seen him.

Do programmers work at I don’t know what happened, but he was a

night? cool guy and I still feel bad for doing that to
him. Last we met he was working for an
It depends
established startup and finishing his studies.
What about other He didn’t seem to hold a grudge.

Statistics He was the first to give up on us, but I was

the first to start burning out. I started taking
Why programmers work at long car rides to nothing. Just sit in the car
night and drive aimlessly around the city listening
to bad music on the radio and looking at the
stars 1/2

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