Read Why Programmers Work at Night-5

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23/07/2022, 20:23 Read Why programmers work at night | Leanpub

If one of your parents is a programmer and

Why they keep making corny jokes like “The two
hard things in computer science are cache
work at night
invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one
Swizec Teller
errors. Ha ha.”. I’ll help you understand that

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What Book contains

I have roughly four sections.

Table of Contents
First I’m going to talk about whether
programmers do in fact work at night or do
From disgruntled they just like to think they do. For some
developer, to founder, to reason they really like bragging about how
burnout little sleep they got last night. Swizec is just
like that!
Introduction - version 0.4

Keep in touch Then I’m going to tell you why they feel night-
time is best time. Some things in the day-
Whom Book is for
time just don’t gel well with those guys,
What Book contains understanding will help you keep them at a
What is not in Book

How finished is Book Lastly, there’s going to be practical stuff.

Both for people around programmers as for
programmers themselves. The very last
Do programmers work at section might be called “Lifestyle tips for top
night? productivity”.

It depends Everything you read here has been tried by

somebody. Either Swizec or some of his close
What about other
friends. None of that writing things that
sound good on paper, but nobody can do.
Statistics Only things that work are allowed.

Why programmers work at

night What is not in Book
I am not hard science Take everything with a 1/2

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