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1 Language & Thought Series «Language ot Thoutht Jeng As oder esac Ita of Teohoony otra Tory of Lange Ais “Thoma Reve, Colwnbiy Uncrate 3. Kat, Manchu nat tite of Yechvigy ad he rate Cover Ciy Uaicray 9} he York tod DB. ernce Langenoen. Pe rata Cote, City Ura of New York. Edo (in preparation) roduction to Ligue Semmes "Charen Filimce, Un of Calta Berkeley (pepsin) ona Scare dy ofthe Conroton of Sentece Meaning to Speech Act ‘eral 1 Kat, Hanson fou) Toomey and The Grau Center, Cay Univrty of ew York i pepo Tet Deas Fer, Univesity of Cnet in preparation) SS iE. LANGUAGE oF THOUGHT. JERRY FODOR Massachusetts Insite of Technolosy {HowAs ¥. CEONELLJCOMPANY NEW YORK) ESTABLISHED 194 Conriht © 1978by Thoma ¥. rowel Cmpny, In. BUR Rent {nay toro by ap te Th gue of thou (Pe Lagan ows ri) owspny Tease Dern by Joes Prte fsouacte ithe Unie Sat ot America Pretace Introduction: Two Kinds of Reductionism {Logical Behaviorism Physiological Reductionism First Approximations Private Language, Public Languages Why There Has To Be a Private Language How There Could Be a Private Language What the Private Language Must Be Like “The Stractur ofthe Internal Code: Some Linguistic Evidence “The Vocabulary of Internal Represetations “The Stucture ofthe ateral Code: ‘Some Peychological Evidence CConcasion: Scope and Limits Bibiiogeaphy Index 9 124 st 197 213 Only connect The wind is changing ‘Much of what appears here emerged from discussions that Ihave bad a odd times (and in, for that matter, o8d places) ith my wife, Janet Dean Fodor. Ths Book it dedeared, With love and grate, to ber coc aaa a ae ae ‘There wed to be a diipline called speculative peycholgy. It wis ute phlosophy becuse it was concerned th empireal theory construc, In-warnt gute psychology because i wasn't an experimental scence. But ‘sed the metas of eth pnlesophy and psychology Because H was ded fated tothe notion that snifc theories Should be both conceptually dis {ipa and empirically consrained. What speculative pycholopts di was this: "Phey thought about sich datas were aalble abou menial proce, spd they though abot sch Ris-rderpaycolopialtheoris as had been ‘ropa 1 account forthe daa. They then ted to eluhae the general, oneepion fhe mind hat was mpc in the data andthe thors. Spec Inve psjehoogy was, by an age, quite 2 good thing: Wim James and John Dewey were speculative pryeologints anda, ceain of his moods Was Clark Hull Bur i's commonly sax that there are any =peculave sycoloissny more Tota ar tr that there are, the fat easy fo expla. For one thing, speculative psychology exibied an inherent hybrid isabliy The diincton between fvsvorder theories and higher ode theories i ary hears in any but formalized scene, so speclave psychology tended tomer wth aight pryeology. The eucdation of general concepts Is ‘ypialplilenptial concer, s0 speculative paycholoy tended to merge ‘th the pilxophy of mind In consequence, speculative psychologists had Trouble deiing what depart they were in nd Were ah embarament vo dens, “There were, moreover, fashionable episemoloycl theoies—theoves shout the proper conduct of scence—wbich supgeted tha no espace inguty coud te parly concepual and party empirical in the way that speclative prycology was suppored tobe. According to such theories, ‘ters of fac are dancin principle trom relations of Seas, and tele ‘aciation ought thus tobe dtint a scenic practice. Philoeophers who Sccepted thie epistemology could acisespeclaive prychologats of py

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