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What is Constitution?

- the constitution is a fundamental law that even the government must follow. A constitution
was adopted that organizes and limits authority. A constitution establishes the boundaries of a
state and the rights of its citizens. The constitution assures that the people will ultimately
control the government in a democratic system.

How will you distinguish Written Constitution and Unwritten Constitution?

- the written constitution is one that has been codified and produced in a logical and ordered
manner. The term unwritten constitution refers to a constitution that is not codified on a single
piece of paper.

Why is constitution called supreme law of the land?

- a constitution is the fundamental and supreme law of a country. It is sometimes called the
mother of all laws because other laws are born from it and must be consistent with it. A
constitution is a framework for governance that defines how the government is formed and

What is the supreme law of the land mean?

- the supreme law of the land is a term best described as the highest form of law a nation can
have. It is the foundation upon which all the other laws are built upon and legally established.

Why is the Constitution the supreme law of the Land Philippines?

- the Constitution (1987) is the fundamental law of the land in the Philippines. It establishes
the structure, policies, roles and duties of the Philippines' government. It contains the Bill of
Rights (article III), and sets out the State's obligations to promote and uphold social justice and
human rights (article XIII).

What is the highest law in the Philippines?

- the Constitution of the Philippines (Filipino: Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas or Konstitusyon ng
Pilipinas, Spanish: Constitución de la República de Filipinas) is the constitution or supreme law
of the Republic of the Philippines.
What are the 4 types of laws?
- law is divided into four broad categories. These types of law are tort law, contract law,
property law and criminal law.

Who wrote the Constitution?

- James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the
document's drafting as well as its ratification. Madison also drafted the first 10 amendments --
the Bill of Rights.

What part of the Constitution Cannot be changed?

- limitation on the amendment power: article five itself cannot be amended so as to create
any new limitations on the amending power.

Can the Constitution be abolished?

- any existing constitutional amendment can be repealed but only by the ratification of
another amendment. Because repealing amendments must be proposed and ratified by one of
the same two methods of regular amendments, they are very rare.

Can the Supreme Court overrule the Constitution?

- when the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its
decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a
new ruling of the Court. However, when the Court interprets a statute, new legislative action
can be taken.

What are the 6 constitutions of the Philippines?

1987 Constitution.
1986 Provisional "Freedom" Constitution.
1973 Constitution.
1943 Constitution. (Constitution During the Japanese Occupation)
1935 Constitution.
1899 Constitution.

What is the importance of constitution in the Philippines?

- the Philippine Constitution is important because it protects our rights. It enables us to have
justice and live a beautiful life. It helps us to know our limitations and the right things we should
do in order for us to become a good citizen. We will know how to protect ourselves from

What is the main purpose of constitution?

- the purpose of the Constitution is to limit the power of the government such that the rights
of the citizens are protected from government abuse.

What is a constitution and why is it important?

- a constitution provides the basis for governance in a country, which is essential to making
sure that everyone's interests and needs are addressed. It determines how laws are made, and
details the process by which the government rules. Imagine a world without corruption!

Is Philippines A state why?

- the Republic of the Philippines is a sovereign state in archipelagic Southeast Asia, with 7,107
islands spanning more than 300,000 square kilometers of territory. It is divided into three island
groups: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

What is the purpose of 1973 Philippine Constitution?

- the 1973 Constitution, composed of a preamble and 17 articles, provides for the shift from
presidential to parliamentary system of government. The Constitution vests the legislative
power in the National Assembly.
Who are the Filipino citizens according to the 1987 Constitution?
- Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having
to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine
citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-born
citizens. Section 3.

Is Filipino hardworking?
- Filipino is hardworking. Even if they feel tired and exhausted they still continue the work that
they started. They work efficiently and Filipino are easy to be with. ... Filipino people have a
heart of willingness to learn, and consistency in terms of working hard.

Why do we need a constitution give 5 reasons?

- (1) basic rules- it’s has the basic rule on which the democracy functions. it guides in
functioning of a democracy. (2) rights- it defines the right of a citizen over state and other
persons. ... (5) citizenship- it determines the various provisions for gaining and losing citizenship
of the country.

What is the Constitution of 1973?

- although enforced in 1973, Pakistan, however, celebrates the adoption of the constitution
on 23 March—when the first set was promulgated in 1956—each and every year as Republic

Who are the citizens of the Philippines under 1973 Constitution?

- those whose fathers and mothers are citizens of the Philippines. Those who elect Philippine
citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of nineteen hundred and thirty-five.
Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

What form of government is 1973 Constitution?


This was ratified and proclaimed by President Marcos on January 17, 1973 amidst widespread
protest and controversy. With the proclamation of a new Constitution, the presidential form of
government was changed to a modified parliamentary form.

Why is it called the Philippines instead of Philippines?

- the Philippines was named after a pasty guy from Spain who never actually set foot in the
Philippines. King Philip II, ruler of the Spanish Empire for much of the 1500s, also regarded the
archipelago's inhabitants as inferior.

Is Philippines a third world country?

- Yes, they are. The country fits the definition by both historical and modern definitions. It is a
developing country with a high infant mortality rate, limited access to health care, and a low
GDP per capita.

Is Philippines is a nation or state?

- the Philippines is a nation. The Philippines are a nation that is made up of a large number of
islands located off the mainland of Asia.

How is a Constitution made?

- constitutions are not produced in isolation. Rather, they draw on the form, texts and
experiences of other constitutional systems of the world. As such, constitution-making is an
application of comparative constitutional law.

What is 1899 Constitution all about?

- on January 21, 1899, Aguinaldo promulgated what is now known as the Malolos
Constitution. The Malolos constitution is the first important Filipino document ever produced
by the people's representatives. It is anchored in democratic traditions that ultimately had their
roots in American soil.

What are the 11 fundamental duties of the Filipino citizen?

- List of Fundamental Duties
Abide by the Constitution and respect national flag & National Anthem.
Follow ideals of the freedom struggle.
Protect sovereignty & integrity of India.
Defend the country and render national services when called upon.
Sprit of common brotherhood.
Preserve composite culture.

Who promulgated the 1973 Constitution?

- President Marcos
The 1973 Constitution: draft presented to President Marcos by the 1971 Constitutional
Convention on December 1, 1972; deemed ratified by Citizens' Assemblies held from January 10
to 15, 1973, proclaimed in force by Proclamation by President Marcos, January 17, 1973.

What is the role of Philippine Congress?

- congress is responsible for making enabling laws to make sure the spirit of the constitution is
upheld in the country and, at times, amend or change the constitution itself. In order to craft
laws, the legislative body comes out with two main documents: bills and resolutions.

What is Filipino attitude?

- Filipinos have been described as friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, nosy,
garrulous, direct, hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy,
generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive and hospitable.

What makes a constitution effective?

- the constitution limits the power by the government by guaranteeing certain fundamental
rights to people, which the government cannot infringe upon or violate. 3. The constitution
guarantees certain basic fundamental rights to its citizens, which protects citizens from
arbitrary exercise of power.

What are the 7 goals of the Constitution?

- the Constitution rests on seven basic principles. They are popular sovereignty, limited
government, separation of powers, federalism, checks and balances, republicanism, and
individual rights.

What is proof of Philippine citizenship?

- any of the following documents showing proof of Filipino citizenship: Philippine birth
certificate; Old or valid Philippine passport; Voter's affidavit or voter's identification card;
Marriage contract indicating the Philippine citizenship of the applicant; or.

What is Philippines old name?

- the Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a
Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain. They
were then called Las Felipinas.
Every what day of every year the Philippine celebrates its Constitution Day?
- February 2, 2021 every country celebrates Constitution Day in its own unique way.
Who wrote the Constitution of the Philippines?
Constitution of the Philippines

Constitution of the Philippines Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas

Commissioned by Revolutionary Government of Corazon Aquino

Author(s) Constitutional Commission of 1986

Signatories 47 of the 48 commissioners

Supersedes Presidential Proclamation No. 3


1.Constitution of Government
- it is a portion of the constitution that establishes the main branches of the government,
defines the power of the government, and assign to them the said main branches.
2. Constitution of Liberty
- it is a portion of constitution which lays down the individual’s basic rights and freedoms,
which are a protective shield against abuses of government.
3. Constitution of Sovereignty
- it is the portion of the constitution which provides the process for the exercise of people’s
sovereign power to approve, amend or revise the constitution.


1. Legislative Branch
- through the power vested in the Philippine Congress, the Legislative branch has the
authority to make, change, and revoke laws. The Senate and the House Representatives are the
two branches of this institution.
2. Executive Branch
- laws are carried out by the Executive branch. The President and Vice President are elected
through popular vote and serve six-year terms. The President is given power to appoint his
Cabinet by the Constitution. These departments make up a significant section of the country’s
3. Judicial Branch
- the judicial branch is in charge of assessing laws. It has the authority to resolve controversies
involving legally demandable and enforceable rights. This branch evaluates whether here has
been a serious abuse of discretion on the side and instrumentality of the government, resulting
in an absence or excess of jurisdiction. It consists of a Supreme Court and several lower courts.

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