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Integration testing:-

- To combine all sub-module & perform the testing on main module

- it is done by Developer.
- Integration Testing is nothing but process to check correctness and
completeness of the flow functionality whenever we integrate two or
more module.

Eashani Vaibhav Rinku

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Remote servar/Branch

Types of integration testing:-

1. Front End Integration
2. Back End Integration

1. Front End Integration:-

- In the front end Integration Developer will connect two
module by using “Called” function.

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2. Back End Integration:-

- In this process back end developer will connect two table by using “JOIN ” query.

Table 1 Table 2

3 Approaches in Integration :-

1.Top Down Appraoch

2. Bottom UP approach
Bidirectional Approach.

1. Top down Approach:-

- In Top down Main module is Ready but sub module is not completed .so this case
dev will create Dummy Sub module to check the functionality of main module.that
dummy program is called as STUB.
- What is STUB?
- Main Module Sub module
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Stub is nothing but dummy program which is created by developer to check the
functionality of main module.
- Stub is in XML format.

2. Bottom Up Approach:-
- In this Approach Sub module is ready but main module in not completed then dev
will create dummy program that dummy is called “driver.”
- Dev will create dummy module to check the functionality of sub module with
respect to main module.
Sub module

Main Module Driver

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- This driver are in XML format.

3. Bidirectional Approach:-
It is combination of TDA and BUP.
- When developer want to check functionality of main module but donit have main
module that time he will go for Bottom up approach.
- When developer want to check functionality of main module and sub is not
completed then he will go for TOP down apparch.
- BOT up
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What is integration testing?

Type of integration testing?
What are the diff approaches?
What is stub?
What is driver?

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