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Lesson Plan

Pupil teacher’s Name: Vanshika, Sejal, Shalvi Topic: Poetry

Nishchal, Diksha, Avantika
Class: 7th Sub topic: The shed
Subject: English Duration: 105 mins

Content Analysis:
1. Introductory Remarks: The poem talks about the shed in the backyard of the poet and
why the poet seems to be afraid to go inside it.
2. Concepts Identified: curiosity, fear, superstitions, rationality
3. Subject Skill/s identified: reading and writing
4. Life Skill/s identified: development of quality of curiosity, courageousness,
imagination skills.
5. Integration with other subject/s: science

Concept Map:
Learning Outcomes:
students will be able to:
1. appreciate the style, beauty and rhyme of the poem.
2. recite the poem with proper rhythm, rhyme, stress and intonation.
3. enrich vocabulary and understanding skills.
4. enable the students to feel the thoughts and imaginative content of the poem.
5. develop a taste for reading and writing poetry.

Content Enrichment:
Students will read the following story related to courage.
source- The Hindu
dated 10 september 2015

Methods/Approaches used: lecture and discussion method, communicative

Teaching Learning Resources used: textbook, blackboard, short story from
newspaper and a video
Miniature of Teacher-Learning Resources:
Miniature of Black board:

Anticipated Problems and Solutions:

Students might face some difficulty in understanding the main theme of the poem. They may
be unable to read in between the lines and articulate the true meaning of the poem.
To tackle this problem, the pupil teacher has planned a series of class activities and a home
task that will help the students to make sense of the poem.

Instructional Process:
Setting the stage for Learning/Pre-teaching Phase/Pre-reading Phase - 15 mins

Exchanging Greetings- Good morning students

Building Readiness- By asking the students a series of fun questions like

● Does anyone believe in ghosts?
● Have you seen an abandoned house in your neighborhood?
● Has anyone ever tried going into an abandoned house and exploring it?

Checking/Linking Prior Knowledge

Discussing anecdotes given by the students about situations where they might have
experienced fear.
Were they able to overcome their fears?
If yes, then how? If not, then why not?

Stimulating Learner’s curiosity

Learners will be shown a series of pictures depicting old, abandoned houses and be asked to
note down the similarities they can observe amongst the pictures.
Then they will answer questions like
● How do they feel after observing the pictures?
● Do they feel curious to know what’s inside the houses?
● Do they feel fear?
● Can they guess what we are going to study for today’s class?
I. Announcement of the Topic:
Today we will be reading the poem The Shed by Frank Flynn.

II. Providing the Experience/While-teaching Phase/While-reading Phase

(Estimated Time)- 60 mins

● At first the pupil teacher will recite the poem herself.

● After that the students will be given some time for silent reading by themselves.
● Then they will be asked to read the poem once again at home.
● The next day one or two students will do a loud reading of the poem in the class.
● Pronunciation of the children will be checked and if need be, the poem will be recited
again by the pupil teacher.
● Next vocabulary enrichment will take place. All the difficult words will be
summarized and explained and children will note them down.
● Synonyms and antonyms of the previously discussed words will be discussed with the
● Then the stanza wise discussion and explanation of the poem will follow.
Explanation of literary devices

Stanza 1 Poetic Devices

There’s a shed at the bottom of our i. Imagery - The poet has given the
garden visual description of the shed
With a spider’s web hanging across throughout the stanza.
the door, ii. Repetition - The word ‘door’ has
The hinges are rusty and creak in the been repeated.
wind. iii. Assonance - 1. The prominent
When I’m in bed I lie and I listen, sound of the vowel ‘i’ - I’m in bed I lie
I’ll open that door one day. and I listen.
2. The prominent sound of the vowel
‘e’ - When I’m in bed I lie and I listen.
3. The prominent sound of the vowel
‘o’ - bottom of our garden.

Stanza 2 Poetic Devices

There’s a dusty old window around at i. Imagery - The poet has given the
the side visual description of the window of the
With three cracked panes of glass, shed in the first two lines.
I often think there’s someone staring ii. Alliteration - It is the repetition of a
at me Each time that I pass, letter at the start of closely placed
I’ll peep through that window one day. words. The repetition of the letter:
​ ‘S’ in someone staring.
​ ‘T’ in think there.
iii. Assonance - The prominent sound
of the vowel ‘o’ - old window around.
iv. Repetition - The word ‘window’ has
been repeated.

Stanza 3 Poetic Devices

My brother says there’s a ghost in the i. Imagery - The poet has given the
shed visual description of the activities of
Who hides under the rotten the ghost in the shed in the first four
floorboards, lines.
And if I ever dare to set foot inside ii. Assonance - 1. The prominent
He’ll jump out and chop off my head, sound of the vowel ‘o’:
But I’ll take a peek one day. ​ Who hides under the rotten
​ out and chop off.
2. The prominent sound of the vowel
‘e’ in 'ever dare to set foot inside'.

Stanza 4 Poetic Devices

I know that there isn’t really a ghost, i. Alliteration - It is the repetition of a
My brother tells lies to keep the shed letter at the start of closely placed
for his den; words. The repetition of the letter ‘t’ in
There isn’t anyone staring or making that there.
strange noises ii. Consonance - Prominent sound of
And the spider has been gone from his the consonance ‘s’ - staring or making
web since I don’t know when, strange noises.
I’ll go into that shed one day soon, But
not just yet……..
Rhyming scheme
There is no set rhyme scheme in The Shed.

III. Recapitulation and Assessment

Recapitulation and assessment of the students’ learning can be done through a worksheet.
Q1.Where is the shed located?
Q2. What does the poet listen to when he is in bed?
Q3. According to the poet's brother, who lives in the shed?
Q4. Where does the ghost hide himself?
Q5. How does the poet describe the shed?
Q6. Comment on the theme of the poem.
Value based question
Q. The speaker was hesitant initially yet grew confident by the end of the poem. Comment.

IV. Providing opportunities for Extended Application and

Learning/Post–reading Phase/Post–teaching Phase (Estimated Time)- 30mins

Students will be tasked to draw a picture of a shed and write 100 words describing
it. (writing skill)

V. Extension of Learning Experience/Home task:

Making a mind map:

Students will be tasked to make a mind map of the poem.

Post Lesson Reflection and Comments:

Supervisor’s Remarks and Comments:

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